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The laughing man well....laughs before saying "If that place is just an armory, then I am just an old geezer; there are a whole lot of destructive and highly magical weapons that I am not giving or showing to you in there, mostly because I don't think that you will need any of it".


Lexiel succeeds in fitting a prophetic prism on the laser gun itself, although it seems that the blue mana infusion was the only thing that made a difference to the weapon's performance, and the entire thing smells like a romantic moonlit trip to the beach, and for some odd reason Lexiel can hear a content sigh in the distance immediately after handling the weapon.

Lexiel's experiment on the vest was less of a success, while she did manage to infuse the vest with the fiery and chaotic red mana, the white mana she attempted to infuse into the weapon was instead repelled by the vest's spirit, creating a blinding flash of light that causes Izumi's bottle of cold scotch to spontaneously turn into a much less disorderly bottle of iced tea, without any sugar, lemon or honey inside of it. Izumi herself would find herself sober, and for some odd reason thinking about whatever book of law she would have in her home world.

A crack in the form of a dagger's blade forms on the armor itself, and while it is swiftly covered by a tide of red mana empowered lasers; anyone donning the vest would constantly feel the wound, the blood dripping slowly out of their body, the dagger's blade jammed directly into their body by a mournful hand, although for some odd reason the pain and discomfort caused by this is negligible, unless the wielder is in a rather stressful situation.


Lexiel's speaker is somehow integrated into the axe's systems, causing it to make the sounds you would expect a lightsaber to make so seamlessly, that one would find themselves thinking that it had always been a feature, a feature with no off and on switch.

Her infusion of red mana leaves much to be desired as the axe expels somehow convection free lava onto Lexiel's hand from the projected laser edge, after a while it becomes obvious that the axe itself is unharmed by this, and that the lava is generated using the wielder's magical potential as a sort of battery, although it is quite hard to find the wisdom in causing a melee weapon to expel and drip lava onto pretty much everything.


After infusing the weird mana into gun Lexiel would feel that up to this point in life everyone has mistreated this sniper rifle, and yes it was in fact a sniper rifle, sure it has an inscription calling it a "Remington Roomsweeper Sawn off shotgun", and sure it had no scope, a barrel that was too short to fire anything accurately that was also not rifled, and yes it does fire several hundred tiny needles as opposed to a more reasonable slug, but by [insert deity of choice or ideal here]! It was a sniper rifle, and by [insert deity of choice or ideal here]! It was going to be treated and used as one.


Craft changes: SC-MON: (9v9) 2d4+INT to 2d6+INT, Star Crossed is now changed to (7 INT) and the formula is 2d6+INT+SYN, Star Crossed EX is now pushed back to (15 Syn) and the formula is 2d12+INT+SYN

SC-CAP: (17v10) adds the special quality: Let your passions flare: Every time the user attacks with the SC-MON weapon, the damage they deal is increased by 2, but the damage they take from enemy attacks is increased by the same amount, this special quality activates everytime the user attacks with the basic weapon, and it stacks with itself, effect wears off after the battle ends.

SC-CAP: (10v17) Flaw Mortal wound: The armor now deals character level in pure damage every round

Centurion Laser Axe: (17v10) This weapon now makes stock light saber sounds whenever it is swung

Centurion Laser Axe: (10v17) adds special quality Lava Storm: This weapon sometimes emits superheated lava when activated, the weapon has a 50% chance to deal an extra SYN damage to the enemy, and deals SYN/2 damage to the wielder

Remington Roomsweeper: 12v7: the weapon now deals 2d4+STR damage, adds the special quality: (6 SYN) Weird: The sniper rifle now fires it's pellets with the range and accuracy of an average sniper rifle; the enemy's res is no longer treated as being multiplied by 1.5. (8 SYN) Weird EX: The sniper rifle now ignores the effects of specific resistances, the attack it makes is always treated as being a type that isn't affected by the specific resistance (17 SYN) Weird Perfecta: Attacks made by this weapon are always treated as attacking specific vulnerabilities

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Halley was left in shock with two of the three weapons looking outright hazardous to hold. Luckily, she wasn't planning on using any of the three. "A-At least, the shotgun's safe to touch, right?" She said. She could feel some otherworldly force slapping her mentally when she uttered the word 'shotgun'.


"Anyway, I think you guys can use them better. They, uh, don't suit me." She awkwardly gave an excuse before hopping back into the van and getting seated.

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Visrii gave Lexiel the look of, "you done?".

"If I had to rely on other realms' weapons to survive, I'd be dead by now." He said to the driver and walked off.

On his way to the van, his armor smoldered and reshaped into the dark leather infiltration clothes, dimming all light sources around him. It wasn't exactly a part of a Watcher's repertoire, the whole light dimming enchantment. In fact, it was frowned upon, for darkness was what followed the light, not the other way around. Disturbing the order, as they repeated over the course of training, was antithesis to their oaths. But sooner or later, Visrii found out that not having a way to conceal movements was epitome to death, especially if he was to master over the Crownbreakers. He was once found with the armor set, and for 5 months he was thrown into a den of dragonlings. Of course, they intended to find him dead, but instead they found he escaped with using the exact armor set they set out to punish. Eventually, they gave up and let him keep the armor set, for they respected Visrii's pure survivalist ability. That, perhaps, was the one time he was allowed to bend the rules. The other, well... that was a story for another time.

Visrii took out his porcelain mask and fitted it on his face. After a few steps, his gait started to change from a brisk steady stride to a slow calculated walk. His shoulders dropped down from its confident stand to a careful hang, slightly unbalanced to one side, like a man with a shoulder injury. Within a few moments, the astute posture of a warrior turned into a silent form of a precarious assassin. Visrii figured, if the Eyes wanted to catch him based on his appearance, they'll have to work for it.

He sat on the van opposite to Halley, looking down and already calculating tactics. These people were tough, to say the least. He'll have to pin down weaknesses and exploit it, like he had always done.


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The laughing man stares at Visrii for a moment, before finally saying "Dude, are you trying to stand out right now? You look like a fucking assassin, which is fine until another person looks at you and realizes that you look like a fucking assassin, the light dimming trick is nice but unless you want to Solid Snake this and hide underneath a cardboard box you aren't going to find any shadows to hide in where we are going." he then paces about a bit before finally managing to see what Lexiel has done to the various weapons and armor, and with an annoyed look on his face he says "Holy shit is that lava how in the fuck did you do that turn it off now please this is a new van".

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Visrii looked slightly back and addressed the laughing man. Though he did his best not to admit it to himself, the man's constant unhelpful remarks ticked him off. Hell, he was just like Solomon in that way. His voice was audibly deeper, perhaps part of his new facade. "As far as the enemy's concerned, I suspect that they've already targeted me, you and everyone else here, and if they've got half a brain, they've most likely got images of us from the Eyes they have all over the city. If you want to risk dying in a mission to stop a war because the enemy can see you coming 3 ticks away, go right on ahead. I'll take every advantage I get, no matter how small."


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After a while the man walks back towards the van and fishes out a rather nice looking conductor's hat from the glovebox, he then dons the dark blue and white hat on his hat before saying "As you know we are here to pick up guns for an extremely dangerous run, and since the two of you" the man waggles his fingers disapprovingly at both Visrii and Halley "Pissed away your chances of having a plan more subtle than setting fire to the building and hoping that you won't get shot to death before doing so, and since it's not like you have anything better to do and we are just 40 minutes away from the accursed pyramid itself". The man adjusts his hat while making a movement that suggests a choo choo sound "You may call me the conductor, because if all of this is just a sick game some douchebag is running, then I am the idiot who only exists to railroad everyone onto the story he has planned, so get in the fucking van, and get yourselves ready for WAR!".

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Visrii looked sideways towards the man disapprovingly, as if to say, "'Right, then give me a weapon I can fucking scale with, not just giving a bunch shit that either offends their religion or people are weirded out by." But he said nothing in return, for the absurdity of the conversation would really transverse realms if it was to continue.

"Angel, Bullet. Get off your feet. Time to proceed with the mission." Visrii said to the two team members who were pandering on their feet, and then got in the van.

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The van sped off into the distance, and while it was moving at an extremely rapid pace, it was no longer violating the laws of physics.

After a while the van the group was in stopped at a small squarish building that had apparently been left to the elements, it seemed rather out of place in what is otherwise a high end and well taken care of neighborhood.

The man driving the van simply pointed firmly at a distant building.

The building was made out of some black material with a red outline, it was illuminated by several floodlights and it's imposing form dominated the skyline.

It was almost night and the murals on the walls were being turned on again, and while up close and from a higher position it would have proudly displayed several ancient Aztec heroes and Gods, from down here, and from what you think is a position that is a mile away from the building itself, they looked like snarling demons.

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"Are we still going to sneak into that place?" Halley asked, "The councillor may have given Aztechnology the information on us, after all. The SIN might be useless by now." 

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"I'll be damned if he didn't." Visrii growled under his mask. "Walking in directly seems to be suicidal - but the SIN could still be useful. Stealth's still on the line."

Considering how poorly performed in the last fight with the minor assassin character, he was still pissed about his lack of discipline. But this was no time to be worried, as there was a mission to do.

I will not fail again.

"Let's move. The book's not gonna burn itself."

With that, Visrii moved out through the darkened streets, the white porcelain mask making a ghost of his visage.

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"No!  Wai-  And he's gone," Lexiel sighs.  "With that ID chip in him, they'll tag him the moment he steps through the door.  And we're wanted for attempted murder, because Halley got trigger-happy, so we'll be easily recognized.  Stealth is not an option anymore!  Well, give me a sec and I'll summon something we can use to breach.  We can grab him on the way.  He can't have gone far."


Lexiel gathers mana, and summons Hypersonic Dragon!  She then jumps onto its back.  "So, who wants to ride a rocket-powered dragon over and through their defenses instead of getting arrested at the front door?"


Hypersonic Dragon

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"Huh, nice dragon. I'm all for a grand entrance." Halley answered. She hopped onto the dragon's back. "What can it do, though? Breathe fire?" She asked, looking at the defenses of the building. She called the map data which she had obtained earlier and checked each floor over and over.

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Edmond smiled. "Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer."

He settled back into the leather seat as the car sped off, watching the quiet streets go by, enjoying a brief moment of peace before the upcoming disaster. "To the Arcology then, I suppose." 


In DM updates: Edmond was taken in the car with the policewoman, and told that he wasn't really under arrest. They had simple needed to make it look like they were taking Edmond in. So Edmond was taken to the councilors house where he said something along the lines of "Hey, thanks for not trying to murder me. I kind of like you kid, and since you're trying to take down Aztech, here's a gun. Try to get Halley out of here soon, and keep her from randomly murdering people. It'd be a nice favor" So Edmond got taken back, and just before this post, the policewoman offered to let Edmond store his many weapons in her car trunk until after the assault.


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As Visrii skulked down the brightly lit nighttime streets of Seattle he would notice two things.

One that he can't see any of his teammates anymore.

And two that a group of rifle toting cyber men are in front of him, and that they had not only noticed his approach, but that they have already started aiming their guns towards him.

A man in what can only be described as the unholy spawn of an astronaut's helmet and a stolen prop from a Power Ranger's movie makes his presence a long distance away from Visrii known by firing two shots near Visrii's feet.

The man then speaks in an otherworldy voice "Was that supposed to be stealthy or something?".

Visrii would notice several now dark alleyways he could potentially use to escape somewhere east of him.


The laughing man does not comment on the party's usage of something that he would usually stab to death immediately, mostly because he had driven off somewhere with Solomon in tow.

Halley would find exactly the same unhelpful and vague information inside of the tablet, and while it says very little about any actual security measures the building itself has, and even though it now says "Fucked if we know" to describe the underground floors. She would be able to tell that the security is weakest in the south side of the arcology, where the Stuffer Shack is located.


While the car is driving the woman asks Edmond some rather basic questions about who he is, what he does, what he aspires to be, and in general she seems to just dislike driving silently, although after a while she yawns and says "Hey, do you want to get some coffee? I know a good place near the Arcology, and I don't think that you would need to get there that quickly anyway, and I mean real piping hot coffee, not that soykaf shit".

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Izumi slowly circles the dragon, looking at it, though having not the care to see much at all. "By my reckoning, the civilians will flee if we give them the chance. As everyone else..." She comes to a stop "I sure hope this can take a hit. AzTech's a triple-A, it answers only to itself and the Corporate Court, a Court it has a representative in I should add. Point is, we're basically declaring war on something equal to a nation, probably greater even, one with barely anything to answer to. I've a feeling even if we crash this as far deep as we can, they won't even flinch. So shock and awe, if any, won't last." She climbs onto the dragon, gripping it but not too tight as a dove appears beside her. "By the way, magic's their specialty, so don't grip too tight, we'll probably have to dismount real quick. Oh and, just as an FYI, dragons are bad news here, so we'll be expecting... just about everything they've got the minute they even see us. No pressure."

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Pathetic. I couldn't even approach its defenses.

Visrii looked back, and hearing the distant sound of a summoning and a dragon, finally realised what was happening.

"This is what happens if you try and figure things out yourself, Visrii!" He heard a small Wyvis' voice jutting him from the corner of his mind.

"Yes." Visrii's mouth stretched into a crooked line. "But it seems that my team have other ideas."

Visrii ducked east into the alleyways, discarding his mask and turning his armor back into the Watcher armor. He took out his knives, floats strings and rope, and started to swiftly climb the buildings to the rooftop. using the fire escapes to his advantage.

Once he is on top of the rooftop, he looks to the origin of the dragon sounds, waiting for the time to clear the building and join the team as soon as possible.

His cloth seethed with lightning as he charged a teleport spell to teleport on top of a coming dragon. 

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"Lexiel, their security is weaker in the south front of the building. Let's approach from there!" Halley pointed south. "Say, how many holes can this baby blast open? If we make a lot of holes at once, it'll give them an impression of a massive raid." She suggested. "Their forces will probably be dispersed and distracted by the exterior commotion, giving us room to infiltrate." 


"I'll take a bit of time to upload a little something to Aztech's computers later on. It's a part of the deal to get the cameras off us. Don't worry about me, alright?"

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Edmond answered the woman's questions, with complete honesty. He knew that he'd probably eitehr be dead or gone within a week, so if this was some elaborate attempt to gain info for malevolent purposes, which he sincerely doubted, it wouldn't really matter.


"Coffee? That'd be great. I do have some qualms though...how close to the Arcology will this be?"

Edmond was not unconcerned about his friends, and they had blundered enough no that he felt he needed the target at least within hearing distance, if not within sight. Coffee did sound good though. Of course normally he would have preferred tea, but real coffee was a luxury, and he would accept it gratefully.

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The supersonic dragon tore it's way through the night sky as swiftly and accurately as the bullets fired from the rifles of the many mercenaries tore through Visrii's body, and while he did manage to get himself on top of the dragon, he was rather rapidly bleeding out.


The woman simply continued driving as she responded with "Not very far, if any major shit goes down there it's a ten minute drive, well four minutes if I drive like a man, so what do you think?".

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"I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think I can. Knowing them, 'major shit' will go down, and ten minutes would be too long." Edmond fidgeted. He'd have preferred to go for coffee, but it would be entirely wrong to ignore the people he knew were going to get themselves killed in order for himself to enjoy a moment of peace.


"Perhaps if I'm still alive and not wanted when this is over? Unlikely, given the company, but this is my duty." One part that Edmond did not mention was a specific concern about Lexiel. Back at the club, there had been that unnerving moment when her appearance drastically shifted. He had felt exceedingly unnerved, but had consigned it to another shift in her costume. There was something else though...

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Visrii grit his teeth, got out his remaining bandage and patched himself up. He wasn't going to bleed out, but it was going to affect him in combat.

Fuck. Something's off recently. Some bloody god's losing his dice.

Visrii held tightly unto the dragon scales, resisting the urge to instantly stab the beast to death.

He had one encounter with real, life-sized dragons. He had to spend 12 hours fighting one with a fucking wooden sword before he could finally bring it down. 

Though he never showed it on the outside, he would not want to do that again.

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Lexiel provides covering fire with her Lightning Helix spell, which has the convenient side effect of topping off her injured backup by electrocuting them.  She then directs the Hypersonic Dragon toward a particularly weak-looking section of pyramid wall, and urges the great beast forward at the greatest speed the party is likely to survive.  And there's only one battle cry suitable for a moment like this.  "Hahahahaha!  Let's do this!  Leeeeeeerooooooooy Jenkins!"

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The Bullet had hopped onto the Dragon reluctantly, confused at it's lack of artillery. He hung on tight, as it flew off. 


Looking around him, he sees Visrii injured, yet sustained. 


Oh. What a bother.


However, as the dragon is beginning to rush, there is no time to even bother looking at his wounds. He would have to get someone to do it later. For now, he held on tight with all his strength, yet loose enough to still fire himself.

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With a maniacal cry of "LEEROY JENKINS", the supersonic dragon charged towards a load of misinformation and rubbish. Maybe the words "least secure" does not mean "structurally not sound", but either way the dragon charged into concrete, steel rebar, and pretty much everything you expect from a sturdy building meant to withstand explosions from the inside and outside at the exact same time. While The Bullet's quick action allowed him to avoid getting smushed up to pieces of the wall like the rest of the group, it still meant that he fired himself through the exact same wall at faster than the already supersonic speed he had been moving at, and into a poor office worker named Juarez, who had simply wanted to feed his children who are still back in Aztlan. Rather unfortunately Aztech does not have or offer insurance to cover getting squished by supersonic sentient bullet that has been flying on a supersonic dragon to members of it's non executive staff.


The rest weren't as lucky as the slightly more deformed Bullet, as Izumi was almost shot by a rather unlucky-or perhaps not skilled enough member of the leopard guard during her escape. She did however manage to crash land on exactly the same floor as everyone else who chose to remain on the now deceased dragon, except unlike everyone else she was completely and utterly unharmed physically.

Lexiel would find herself covered by the rather messy blood and general chunky salsa that was emitted by the formerly living dragon, and she would also find a piece of sharp and metallic rubble right in front of the place she landed. I suppose if she had went just a little bit faster she may have ended up being....you know what.

Visrii was much luckier than Lexiel as nothing hit him as they entered what now appears to be a young woman's apartment. She hadn't been changing her clothes or anything you gutter minded reader, but she was in the process off doing something very important and relaxing called "Not having a fucking dead dragon breaking through her wall with several Shadowrunners on top of it". By the time the disoriented group had stood up and dusted themselves off the woman had already shot Visrii once with a personal defense pistol and ran off somewhere.

Halley would find that a crash helmet would do very little to protect against a bomb proof concrete wall that she was heading to at supersonic speeds.


The studio apartment they were in was rather small, but it was quite obvious that the one who had lived here had made an effort at making the house a rather snug and comfortable home. Up until someone got dragon all over the rather nice green walls and the stainless black carpet. Nothing inside of the room was not covered by any part of the dragon, and yes that included the dresser, the plain white bed, and the various arcane symbols and the quite possibly decorative sacrificial knife collection. There was also several cute cat dolls but you should probably ignore them.


The cubicle The Bullet was in was rather noticeably professional, and there was in fact nothing to eat or drink inside of it other than the remains of it's previous occupant, and the cactus plant that somebody had just gotten permission to keep underneath a UV lamp. In addition there was several pictures of the man's children, and his rather lovely wife. The computer on the desk had just performed a video call, although it was rather conveniently cut off by the system when it detected an explosive sound nearby.



The woman nodded to Edmond's statement, it was a rather professional and often practiced nod, and the van sped off towards the arcology itself, after a while she finally asked "So how are you going to actually get in there anyway?".


Theodore and Katsuo

The man in the terminator 2 outfit had arrived at the nightclub once more, and he brought with him another tankard full of beer. After several awkward moments of silence as the obviously heavily armed (Seriously, have you looked at the man's muscles?) man broke the ice by speaking in a rather calm voice "So what was the fight like man?" to whoever was left hanging inside of the nightclub.



Solomon had to begrudgingly hand the laughing man his credstick as they sat in a small coffee shop that was only ten short minutes away from the arcology. With an exasperated look on his face he said "I didn't know that they were that daft" before hanging his head in mock shame, the laughing man took the 5000 nuyen that he was owed from the credstick and responded with a pleased "If there is one thing you learn from living as long as I have, is that sometimes people are just that crazy.". A few moments later they made the Turkish coffee they had ordered an Irish one, and Solomon made a mental note to bludgeon the Serbian street artist who had chosen to use an accordion today, especially with those pointy ears of his, I mean what was that guy? An Elf poser or something?.



Smell of the day: Expectation

??????: 0.93

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"O-Okay, that was a lot more damage than what I had anticipated in the beginning." Halley crawled up from the smashed remains of the dragon, holding her left arm with her right. "Hey, Lexiel, can you... do the healing thing you did yesterday? Preferably on the move, because... we won't have much time until the guards catch up to us."


"Useless map... " She thought as she realized how loose the map was. She decided to count on the elevator location being accurate, as, after all, it was the most important facility for a pyramid this tall.


She opened the door, leaning against it. "We're going to take a shortcut. Are you all comfortable with sliding along an elevator shaft?" She peeked out of the door, checking if the security had already caught up.

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