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"No, I didn't intent to get a drink. I went up for information, and I got some, in addition to the unexpected drink. Basically the bartender knows a little about the laughing man, that guy we met on the street. When I asked, he directed me over here. I'm guessing the man will be here soon then? And I also found out what this is."


He held out the credstick for Halley to inspect, turning it over to reveal all sides of the mundane plastic implement. "It contains the currency. Called Nuyen? Anyway, we have about eleven hundred on here.  I'm still not entirely sure what that will buy, but it seems pretty decent."


Edmond noticed Solomon flipping though his book.

"Solomon, you have access to pretty much any book, right? So could you conjure up a book that would give me a decent background on this world? Also, could you get a copy of the Edwin & Sell Physical Science Primer? It would help someone I know understand my world a bit better."

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Round Two

Policemen ????? A seems to be talking to Policemen ????? C
Policemen ????? B Punches Lexiel repeatedly for 11 damage

Visrii demonstrates the usefulness of his phallic object on Policemen ????? A's armor, dealing 14 damage

Policemen ????? C nods at Policemen ????? A, and they charge out of cover and open fire on the two Vigilantes, dealing 8 damage to Lexiel, and dealing 7 damage to Visrii

Policemen ????? D continues hitting Lexiel with his nightstick again, dealing 5 damage

The Lightkeeper heals itself by 6 points, yet it remains stunned until the next round

Lexiel summons two barbeque sauce soaked goblins to die for her defence

The Horned man groans something that sounds vaguely like "2....minutes"

Init order

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Policemen ????? A: 20
Policemen ????? B: 19
Visrii: 19 
Policemen ????? C: 17
Policemen ????? D: 15
Lexiel: 11 




Visrii: 24/33
Lexiel: 11/40
Lightkeeper of Emeria: 17/20
Policemen ????? A: At death's door
Policemen ????? B: Barely wounded
Policemen ????? C: Barely wounded
Policemen ????? D: Barely wounded


Psymund (No Song for now)

"How reliable are those glocks? I have had run ins with various men and women who claim to have a perfectly undetectable gun, only for said gun to explode after one use", Jane reads the contact information written on the business card "Interesting, I have never heard of our little smuggling operation, which may be a good sign of course" she hands him a business card of her own, which plainly states "Plain Jane's mobile gun shop", a set of phone numbers are written in the back...


Solomon stares at the certified credstick that Edmond has, and he says "It depends entirely on what you want to buy with that money, you would be able to buy a decent gun, and a whole lot of ammo with that sort of money, I am sort of jealous" he takes out a single, identical looking pen like object "Mine only has 500".

Upon hearing Edmond's request, Solomon simply hands him a magazine with the words "Neo-Anarchist's guide to real life".

he then coughs a bit, and says "So...since it doesn't seem like the rest of the group will be here anytime soon, and since the smiling bandit isn't here yet...would you like to know why you are here? Or should I continue being vague and unhelpful?".




Smell of the day: The color grey

Things of interest: (Psymund) Jane's mobile gun shop, and her duffel bag, (Halley, Edmond, Katsuo) a bottle of vodka, the reading rainbow theme played on repeat

??????: 0.04

??????: 1 ?????? type credstick containing 1100 Nuyens


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"Please tell. It would be nice to know what we're here for...preferably with some more detail than the laughing man gave. His explanation was quite inadequate..."

Edmond took the proffered magazine with a shrug.

I'll take a look later.

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Theo takes a swig of his beer, and runs up onto the stage. He doesn't bother using the microphone set up on the stage, he just broadcast his voice with his headphones. 

"Yo, what up people? I'm Theo-Green, and tonight I will be your DJ, or as I call it, Party-Master. I will be taking requests later on, but for now, let's get this party STARTEEEEEEEEEEEEED!" 

The room is then blasted with dubstep, the bass of which can probably be felt several blocks away. Theo doesn't bother staying on the stage, and dives into the crowd. 


((Theo-Green is his stage name. Also, can't provide links to music right now, so :( ))

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"How reliable are those glocks? I have had run ins with various men and women who claim to have a perfectly undetectable gun, only for said gun to explode after one use", Jane reads the contact information written on the business card "Interesting, I have never heard of our little smuggling operation, which may be a good sign of course" she hands him a business card of her own, which plainly states "Plain Jane's mobile gun shop", a set of phone numbers are written in the back...


Psymund Shrugs.


"Like I said, the takeaway is quantity over quality.  I won't try to convince you that I have the next big thing, simply that I sell them as cheap as they come while remaining usable and functional.  competitors are often complacent in that my consumer base prefers quantity over quality, or they simply have the means by which to improve the quality of their guns."

"As for the exploding problem, I can assure you that my weapons meet the bare minimum standards of Functionality.  They will never have catastrophic failures, so long as they are treated as guns should be."


Psymund pockets the card.

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The Lightkeeper of Emeria shines her healing light on Lexiel, restoring 8 HP, and strikes the guy she ambushed for 1d6 + 6 damage.


Lexiel fires another Lightning Helix at Policeman B, also healing herself.

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Visrii spots the 'Angel' getting hit heavily the blows. Hurry the fuck up, will you? He breathed at the horned man.

He'd need to finish this fight fast.

Visrii quickly throws a thunder charge at the wounded policeman.


Rolling Thunder against Policeman A (SYN damage, +SYN% damage increase next attack.)

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Round Three or something (Fuck Thou Police)

Policemen ????? A discharges their weapon repeatedly at Visrii, dealing 5 damage

Policemen ????? B serves up some knuckle sandwiches to Visrii, dealing 11 damage

Visrii deals 5 damage to Policemen ????? A

Policemen ????? C Fires at the lightkeeper, dealing 9 damage

Policemen ????? D Fires at Lexiel, succeeding in taking out one of the dragon fodder, and taking 5 damage

The Lightkeeper heals Lexiel for 8 damage, and hitting Policemen ????? D for 8 damage

Lexiel fires a lightning bolt at Policemen ????? B, dealing 2 damage and healing herself for 6 points

The Horned man makes gurgling sounds

Init order




Policemen ????? A: 20
Policemen ????? B: 19
Visrii: 19 
Policemen ????? C: 17
Policemen ????? D: 15
Lexiel: 11 





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Visrii: 8/33
Lexiel: 25/40 1 Dragon fodder left
Lightkeeper of Emeria: 8/20
Policemen ????? A: At death's door
Policemen ????? B: Wounded
Policemen ????? C: Barely wounded
Policemen ????? D: Hurt



Jane moves slowly towards her duffel bag "So, I am assuming that you are here to do business? Now that you have told me what you have in stock, would you like to know what I have to offer?".


Theodore & Izumi

Theodore Right now

The crowd throws Theodore back onto the stage, it appears that the crowd is particularly tough today...
Loo laughs as the sight "Kid, you've got a lot to learn about Seattle crowds".

Round 1

Init Order






The Club








Theodore: 33/33


The Club: Perfectly Fine



There is a bar in front of Izumi right now, and yes, it has whisky.


Solomon pours more vodka into his glass "First things first, how much do you know about Aztechnology? And on a scale of a finger to your life, what are you willing to give to stop the end of the world?".

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"I know absolutely nothing about aztechnology. Why would I? And secondly, if there were something I could do that could save many people, yes, I would give my life. I'm here, aren't I? That must count for something...also, could you tell me a bit about this? How much it's worth, what sort of gun it goes to, that type of thing?"

He held out the clip of bullets he had found earlier.


Edmond scowled at the sudden surge of music from out in the club. It was Theo who fights with music, right? Edmond stood up and made his was over to the door, and opened it to take a look.


Edmond shows clip of bullets to Solomon, and opens the door back to the club.

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The Lightkeeper of Emeria continues beating her assigned target.  She shines her healing light on Visrii, restoring 10 HP.


Lexiel debates summoning her best minion, but instead casts Comet Storm, striking Policemen B and C with meteorites for 6d4-2 damage each.


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Fuck thou police

Round 4

As the group of Policemen prepare to finish off the group, what can only be described as a large Armored personnel vehicle blaring out what sounds like an ambulance's sirens, and charging towards the assembled group of 'policemen'.

It fires its pintle mounted machine guns at them, riddling Policemen ????? A and C with bullet holes.

Policemen ????? D is unceremoniously dispatched by the light keeper.

Policemen ????? B runs away from the fight using their ninja like speeds.


The vehicle stops in front of the group, and a man in a doctor's uniform runs out of the vehicle with an attache case while shouting "Docwagon High threat response team! Which one of you is Mr. Schimdt?".

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Visrii finishes his potion, and chucks it away, his wounds healing slightly.

Too close again. The Flame is still way too far.

He straightened up, leaning slightly on his staff, still covered in blood, his and the guards'.


"Don't have a Schmidt here. Unless you're looking for that man over there." Visrii gestured towards the horned man.

He stooped down and picked up the baton and the strange metal weapon they were using.

Don't know what the fuck this is... but I'm pretty sure I can sell it. Or, at least, melt it and give the scrap to Edmond.


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Lexiel curiously examines the gun Visrii looted, and any others the officers might have dropped.  She also checks their pockets for coins and other identifiable valuables.  She also dismisses her remaining summons.  "He's the one with the phone, so I'd say he's definitely Schmidt, Doctor."

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Fuck thou police

Lexiel notices a distinct lack of any coins, but she discovers several black pen like objects inside of the pockets of the policeman that the lightkeeper had attacked.

The armor that the policemen wore are too damaged to use properly, although there are two pair of surprisingly undamaged pistols.

A woman in an armored black uniform steps out, and she has a rather plastic smile "Docwagon thanks you for your efforts with protecting our client", she stares at the screen of a tablet for a moment "Wait seriously? His name is Jonathan Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?".

The man in the doctors uniform tends to the horned man.


15 Minuters

Round 1

Theodore plays some music for the club, dealing 2 damage

One of the club's more unruly customers throw a bottle at Theodore! dealing 3 damage

An unruly customer is thrown out by the bouncer, dealing 10 damage to the crowd

Mr. Loo says "Tough crowd, but a true partymaster would keep on going".

Init Order




The Club





Theodore: 30/33

The Club: Not yet in a partying mood


"This? It's a standard 12 round clip for a pistol, Ares make these you know? They are pretty nice for a bunch of corporate pigs, at the very least they are the least likely to put a bullet in your head after everything's said and done".

Edmond would find a despondent looking crowd, and Theodore trying desperately to cheer them up.


Backroom dealings in the backroom

Jane opens the duffel bag and takes out an inconspicuous seeming briefcase "This briefcase contains one of the most useful, and less than legal weapons available in the black market, it is worth 2,200 Nuyen, but it is extremely useful".



Smell of the day: Good old Al, Al-cohol that is.

Things of interest for the 15 minuters: The nightclub's crowd, a fully stocked bar.

Things of interest for "Fuck Thou Police": a group of heavily armed...doctors, an ammo clip, several pistols requiring its owner's fingerprints.


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Psymund pulls out an esoteric device.


"This is an Energy Monofoil Rapier, a tool which combines the best parts of Sharper than Monowire Substances, Hard Light Technology, and Pulsar Imitative Technology.  It is, by definition, capable of cutting through and piercing anything made of matter, and can be adapted to fire a projectile of equivalent quality with the right technical knowhow.  I am willing to trade this for That weapon and 1450 Nuyen."


Psymund pulls out another device.


"This contains roughly a ton of Tungsten Carbide, which goes for 28,000 Nuyen as scrap.  I am willing to give you twice your buying price in Nuyen for inconvenience, amounting to 4,400 Nuyen worth of Tungsten Carbide Scrap, or about 315 Pounds."


He excretes a matter chit, able to dispense the scrap with a button press, and lays the Monofoil on the table.


"I know you are a busy person, so I won't deliberate to myself, and instead, leave the choice up to you."

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17 v 13

Jane appears to be rather interested in the monofoil rapier, and she responds with "The tungsten carbide sounds like you are trying to sell me a rather large, static, yet easily identifiable clock called The Big Ben, but the Monofoil sounds nice, the thing is, I have no real proof that it actually works".

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Psymund nods, spawns the tungsten carbide in a single pillar off to the side, then cleanly bisects it with the monofoil, flourishing it in the traditional technique.


"You can provide a test of your own, but substances which are self adhering might not show visible damage for obvious reasons unrelated to it's quality of edge."


"As you can see, the tungsten carbide and monofoil are to be believed."

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Turning back to Solomon, Halley, and Katsuo, Edmond spoke.

"Well, it appears that Theo has gotten himself into a slight bit of trouble...do you think we should help him? The audience looks rather rough..."

With a slight hint of exasperation, he sighed.

"If not, Solomon, could you please explain everything you know?"

"About why we're here that is," he clarified.

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"Well that is rather unfortunate, it makes one wonder what sort of merchant would leave home without his credstick, but I am afraid that the deal will not happen until you get one, call me whenever you decide that you want a swiss army weapon" Jane picks up her bag and leaves the room.


15 Minuters

Round Two

Theodore plays some more music for the crowd, that would have dealt 6 damage.

If the sound of the crowd booing hadn't drowned out the song

Some members of the crowd seems to be appreciating the choice of music though, dealing 10 damage to the crowd.


Init order


The Club


Theodore: 30/33

The Club: Sort of enjoying the music


The group formerly known as Fuck thou police.

"Thank you for keeping our client alive ma'am, we are very sorry for any evening plans that have been distrupted by this course of action, and I am afraid that all I can offer is this brochure explaining what medical services we can offer, and a friendly reminder that your previous activities counts as the usage of a blunt weapon against Lone Star personnel, which comes with a 1100 nuyen fine, and a month inside of prison" She turns to face the man wearing a doctor's uniform, and yells "Hey Sonny! Do we have an ID on the Lone Star personnel yet?".


"This place has heavily armed bouncers, at worst the crowd would bruise his ego." Solomon stops to consider Edmond's question for a moment "The man wasn't lying, we are technically here to infiltrate the lands of a sovereign nation state with territory all around the world to steal a book, it seems ridiculous, because quite frankly it is. You'd have to be either insane or untraceable to try and tangle with the Azzies and stay alive, but you know, if it helps prevent the world from ending...".

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