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Alright so if Brave died this is how it would happen:

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If Brave died and Kaito and I happened to be the closest ones to his body and house, this is most likely how it would happen. Also don't allow me to plan a funeral because all I will do is dig a hole, throw the person in there, and pour cement on it against zombies. I will also spread dirt everywhere cuz I fail at digging! :D

(23:04:48) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave Soul !

(23:04:58) [sU]Miku Hatsune: 1. Why aren't you in SU? o.o

(23:05:03) [sU]Miku Hatsune: 2. We haz to Skullgirls soon D:

(23:05:15) +[sU]Kaito: He hasn't spoken since he got back. ^^;

(23:05:59) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave Soul

(23:06:00) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave Soul

(23:06:04) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave Soul

(23:06:09) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Bravery Mclawrance Solonious

(23:06:13) [sU]Miku Hatsune: RJ

(23:06:16) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave-Senpai

(23:06:20) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Grey Thomas

(23:06:21) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave Soul

(23:06:24) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Brave

(23:06:28) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Errr....

(23:06:32) [sU]Miku Hatsune: What other names does he go by?

(23:06:36) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Rayan Johnson

(23:06:37) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Rayan

(23:06:47) +[sU]Kaito: Rayan Jean-Francois

(23:06:50) [sU]Miku Hatsune: .... I haz no idea what else to call him....

(23:06:55) +[sU]Kaito: ... I think he's dead Soph.

(23:07:07) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Oh well

(23:07:08) +[sU]Kaito: Should we prepare a funeral? ._.

(23:07:19) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune grabs Brave's shovel and starts digging a hole ***

(23:07:34) +[sU]Kaito: Brave Soul, we hardly knew ye. T.T

(23:07:39) +[sU]Kaito: We will all miss you.

(23:07:44) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Amen!

(23:07:48) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune throws Brave in ***

(23:08:08) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune starts throwing dirt on Brave's dead body ***

(23:08:14) +[sU]Kaito: Welp, he's buried. Wanna go out for some drinks Soph? xD

(23:08:26) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Nah

(23:08:37) [sU]Miku Hatsune: We don't need to go out.

(23:08:43) [sU]Miku Hatsune: I stole his wine! 8D

(23:08:49) +[sU]Kaito: ... Woo hoo!

(23:09:29) +[sU]Kaito: Then we drink till we drop! :D

(23:09:45) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Oooooooorrrrrr....

(23:10:18) +[sU]Kaito: Or?

(23:10:41) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune runs around Kaito with the wine dripping making a ring of alcahol around him, drops a lighter on the wine lighting a ring of fire around Kaito and runs as fast as possible towards Brave's house ***

(23:10:49) [sU]Miku Hatsune: I CALL DIBS ON HIS STUFF!

(23:10:59) +[sU]Kaito: OH HELL NAW YOU DON'T!

(23:11:22) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune takes Brave's PS3, Persona 3, PSP, 3DS; all of his video games, and his computer ***

(23:11:26) [sU]Miku Hatsune: You may keep the rest!

(23:11:31) [sU]Miku Hatsune: It haz no value to meh

(23:11:39) +[sU]Kaito: He doesn't have a PSP. xD

(23:11:56) +[sU]Kaito: And how about I get the PS3 and you get the rest of his stuff? You already have a PS3. xD

(23:12:04) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Ebay Kaito.

(23:12:15) *** [sU]Kaito tackles Miku ***

(23:12:21) +[sU]Kaito: No way! PS3 is mine! >:D

(23:12:31) [sU]Miku Hatsune: LOOK!

(23:12:34) [sU]Miku Hatsune: http://files.myopera.com/iwillfixit/albums/427946/1947%20Chrysler%20Saratoga%20Zippo%20Lighter%20Car%20Black%20Frt%20Qtr.jpg <-- FANCY CAR!

(23:12:44) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune runs off while Kaito looks at the picture ***

(23:12:53) +[sU]Kaito: That is a fancy ca- Hey wait a minute!

(23:12:56) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Muhahahahahahahaha!~

(23:13:09) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune Miku Kicks herself to Japan ***

(23:13:34) *** [sU]Kaito uses magic to teleport to Japan and tackles Miku to the ground for the PS3 ***

(23:13:40) +[sU]Kaito: Noh! D:<

(23:13:45) +[sU]Kaito: Also. He left. o.o

(23:13:49) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune smacks Kaito with a leek over and over again ***

(23:13:50) [sU]Miku Hatsune: GET OFF DD

(23:13:52) [sU]Miku Hatsune: *DX

(23:14:04) +[sU]Kaito: NOT UNTIL I GET THE PS3! XD

(23:14:06) [sU]Miku Hatsune: And of course. His body despawned.

(23:14:11) [sU]Miku Hatsune: YOU WANT THE PS3!?

(23:14:16) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune smashes it on Kaito's head ***

(23:14:31) +[sU]Kaito: ... D:

(23:14:32) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune Miku Kicks herself back to.... Wherever Reborn is located ***

(23:14:44) +[sU]Kaito: California?

(23:14:49) [sU]Miku Hatsune: I don't know...

(23:14:55) +[sU]Kaito: I think it's in Cali. xD

(23:14:58) [sU]Miku Hatsune: If this was RFTA it would be Victory Achipelago

(23:15:07) [sU]Miku Hatsune: But Reborn is totally more like Antartica

(23:15:21) +[sU]Kaito: Why Antartica? xD

(23:15:34) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune shrugs ***

(23:16:52) +[sU]Kaito: Reborn would totally be Australia.

(23:18:18) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Candice is Ausies

(23:18:20) [sU]Miku Hatsune: *Ausie

(23:18:25) [sU]Miku Hatsune: She only recently moved here

(23:18:28) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Your point is invalid

(23:18:34) +[sU]Kaito: Touche. xD

(23:18:40) +[sU]Kaito: Uhh... South America? xD

(23:18:50) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Maybe XD

(23:18:52) +[sU]Kaito: Also. * Aussie

(23:19:00) [sU]Miku Hatsune: And I am totally putting this on the fo- WHATEVER D:<

(23:19:03) +[sU]Kaito: I could totally see Reborn as South America. xD

(23:19:04) *** [sU]Miku Hatsune throws a leek at Kaito ***

(23:19:09) *** [sU]Kaito gets hit by a leek ***

(23:19:17) [sU]Miku Hatsune: I don't wantz to be Betaed all the time DX

So yeah. In the end this is how it could play out. If other people knew of his death and the free stuff, it would be worse... But meh! :D

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