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BlackWhite Teams


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Black team
Cobalion - Metal Coat - Justified - Sacred Sword, Iron Head, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave
Weavile - Ice Gem - Pressure - Ice Shard, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Brick Break
Salamence - Fire Gem - Intimidate - Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Toxic
Tornadus - Sitrus Berry - Prankster - Hurricane, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Substitute
Raichu - Shuca Berry - Static - Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, Substitute, Nasty Plot
Galvantula - Big Root - Compoundeyes - Thunder, Giga DrIn, Bug Buzz, Volt Switch

Black 2 - shit gets real since prices went down on items and I found a friend that can breed whatever
N's Zoroark - Life Orb - Illusion - Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, U-turn
Salamence - Focus Sash - Moxie - Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fire Blast
Sigilyph - Flame Orb - Magic Guard - Calm Mind, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Roost
Wash Rotom - Leftovers - Levitate - Hydro Pump, Discharge, Pain Split, Will-O-Wisp
N's Conkeldurr - Dark Gem - Drain Punch, Payback, Bulk Up, Ice Punch
Toxicroak - Black Sludge - Dry Skin - Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Substitute
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the feral persephone of nimbasa challnged me at the base of the ferris wheel. she sends out her one liepard. who is then greeted by my stoutland. how's that for a first encounter. =p

current b2 team:

Terri- lvl 57 stoutland
Septus- 53 serperior
48 genesect
tassadar- 55 lucario
Vesuvius- 59 torkoal
Bowser- 56 blastoise
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  • 2 months later...

Finally got around to beating the E4 for the first time on B2. All I really needed was Genesect and Lucario (both of whom started the E4 as my lowest level pokemon). Only Iris's Haxorus gave me any trouble, and even then, Stoutland took an EQ boosted by 2x DD and finished it off.


E4 clear team:


Genesect- Lucky Incense, 59

Lucario- Expert Belt, 58

Torkoal- Leftovers, 63

Stoutland- Rocky Helmet, 60

Blastoise- King's Rock, 64

Serperior- Lucky Egg, 59



I'll probably restart White, but I think I won't use the starter and I wanna try using completely different pokemon than I normally do... Any suggestions?

I'm thinking so far... magby/growlithe, aron, exeggcute, scyther, skarmory...

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Gengar lvl 100 - Life Orb

Dewgong lvl 100 - Leftovers

Gliscor lvl 100 - Poison Orb

Tyranitar lvl 100 - Leftovers

Scizor lvl 100 - Expert Belt

Drilburr lvl 25 - Exp Share


Gotta love transferring Pokemon from GBA all the way up.

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Just looked at the save file from what used to be my pokemon black version and it had the very first team I beat the game with.

I'm legit surprised my little bro didn't save over the file.



Serperior - lvl 66 - Coil, Wring Out, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm

Haxorus - lvl 68 - Dragon Dance, Outrage, X-Scissor, Giga Impact

Bisharp - lvl 66 - Swords Dance, Iron Head, Night Slash, Brick Break

Bouffalant - lvl 66 - Head Charge, Megahorn, Earthquake, Wild Charge

Vanilluxe - lvl 66 - Hail, Blizzard, Flash Cannon, Mirror Coat

Accelgor - lvl 66 - Spikes(yeah i actually did some breeding), Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, U-turn


loving these competitive movesets <69



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wow that is a unique team... and genosect... really?

**face palms**



Yeah, I'm tired of using the same old badasses that I bred and hatched. And genesect I got at like lvl 15 which was just the right level since I got it at the start of the game. I just wanna use stuff I've never used personally and whose guts I don't hate.

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