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Jaggi's Ground Monotype Run [Amaria down - see you again in Ep18!]

Gentleman Jaggi

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23 hours ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

At one point Mamoswine, who has higher Base Atk than Hariyama, got two "WEAK" in a row. What's that thing's idea of a "high" Attack stat?

I think it is not relied as heavily on the attack stat itself. Ability also matters. Hariyama has Guts, which grants it a higher chance than normal to get "Powerful" or "over 9000" (idd, i hate this meme too).


Great job as always by the way! Keep going! And stay strong!


Edit: Indeed, the Field effect notes say that, in Big Top arena "Pokemon with the abilities Sheer Force, Huge Power, Pure Power and Guts will always hit high rolls on High Striker attacks."

Edited by Jess
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I knew about the ability thing, but still you'd expect a Pokémon with a good Attack stat like Mamoswine to at least not get terrible rolls, wouldn't you agree?

RNG screwing people over isn't new in Pokémon, but it's still annoying when it happens at a crucial moment.

Hmm, maybe on my next run I should make sure to have something with one of those abilities to test it out.


Thanks for the words of encouragement!

The Ametrine Mountain Arc is getting closer and I'm really anticipating the battle against Blake. In general, I'd say that some of the most interesting fights are still coming up. (For me, anyway - the records here will likely end up being pretty straightforward, if my plans work out.)

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I read again the field notes and, apart from what I sent you earlier, it also says this "A Pokemon's Attack stage impacts the probability of High Striker rolls". So, the amount of Attack doesn't matter, but the number of attack boosts the pokemon has gained. So, your Mamoswine had the normal chance for high striker to give something good. It was unlucky indeed though that you got a WEAK twice... :( 


6 minutes ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

You're welcome! I've figured it is more about how well-prepared you go to a fight and how well-planned your strategy is. I had about 3-4 plan B's for Charlotte in my Bug Mono in case first didn't work! I'm sure Blake won't give you such a hard time! ;)


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12 minutes ago, Jess said:

I read again the field notes and, apart from what I sent you earlier, it also says this "A Pokemon's Attack stage impacts the probability of High Striker rolls". So, the amount of Attack doesn't matter, but the number of attack boosts the pokemon has gained.

Oh? I was absolutely sure that a high Attack stat also plays into it. Need to look that up once I get to it.


12 minutes ago, Jess said:

You're welcome! I've figured it is more about how well-prepared you go to a fight and how well-planned your strategy is. I had about 3-4 plan B's for Charlotte in my Bug Mono in case first didn't work! I'm sure Blake won't give you such a hard time! ;)

Preparation can make or break a battle, definitely. Preparation is the entire reason I've got Claydol around, in fact. xD

I've got a good feeling about all the upcoming battles. There's no shortage of options at this point, and I know what's still in store for me. I'm well prepared, I'd dare say.

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On 24.4.2017 at 0:49 AM, Jess said:

You're down to earth I may as well add... xD 

Oh, you!



Small progress was made.


Chapter X: On The Road To Ametrine City


We went to Amaria's and Titania's house to go grab Surf, but accidentally got dragged into a relationship drama by not reading Titania's diary and then getting chewed out for it.

Turns out Titania was only together with Amaria because the latter is suicidally depressed. And now she knows. Which is, of course, totally our fault.

So now Amaria jumped down the waterfall and Titania right after her, demanding that we go find some way to drag them both up again.

We did get Surf though, so onwards to Calcenon City!




I actually never noticed this guy sitting up on the rocks, only the ones that call attention to themselves. Now I wonder if I missed any more Absol just observing how events unfold.



The way through the mountains has a whole lot of ice and water. Also absolutely no way to tell where you have to go, so that's nice.

Along the way we run into a shiny Phanpy!




After wandering around for some time we eventually run into Aya, Cain and Hardy, all staring at a giant pyramid of ice that's blocking the way to Ametrine City. Great. We ask about Waterfall and Hardy informs us that that one's in Ametrine as well. Double Great.

The pyramid withstands all attempts to destroy it, so we decide to head on to Calcenon for now. The exit to Route 3 is only a short bit ahead and there's an entry into the city just a few steps further.

Said entrance gets bombarded right in front of us; Cain almost dies. That explosion was courtesy of a PULSE Clawitzer pelting the city with its attacks and Saphira rather has her hands full protecting the city. Poor Cain nearly turned into collateral damage. With the entrance here destroyed we have to go around to the eastern entrance instead.

Route 3 is supposedly no big deal to get through, except all the bridges turned into collateral damage, so now it is a big deal. Our grip gets split up and we're left to go the long way through the caves teamed up with Aya while Cain and Hardy go ahead. Said caves, naturally, are also Meteor infested.

After battling our way through the caves on Route 3 we find out that we've sort of accidentally infiltrated the base where Team Meteor controls the PULSE Clawitzer from. Success? Aster and Eclipse are here, apparentally in charge. He wants to battle, she not so much but gets dragged along anyway. Cue Battle.

VS Meteor Knight Aster and Meteor Dame Eclipse




Nope, still no VS Sprites



This game made me loathe Solrok and Lunatone.

Solrok bulldozes the area, turning the Factory Field into a Short Circuit Field and Lunatone uses Blizzard. Swampert dodges the latter and doesn't take much damage from Bulldoze, but Dragalge gets put into critical HP. Swampert's Field-Boosted Surf then OHKO's both enemies.



Dragalge gets KO'd by Magmortar's Hidden Power and Golurk uses Rock Slide on Swampert. It crits, but still doesn't do much damage. Swampert's Surf then puts Magmortar into critical HP, but Golurk remains unaffected due to the Field.



Nidoqueen takes Dragalge's spot. Magmortar gets healed with a Hyper Potion, and then Earth Power'd by Nidoqueen. Golurk pulls out another weak Rock Slide and Swampert KO's Magmortar with Surf.



Milotic is dangerous and I still don't have any counters for it on hand. Swampert gets switched out for Nidoking while Nidoqueen takes Milotic's Scald. Nidoqueen's Sludge bomb doesn't do much to Golurk, who confuses Nidoking with Dynamic Punch.



I heal Swampert back to max and Nidoqueen gets switched out for Venusaur, who immediately gets burned by Scald. Golurk goes for Phantom Force.



Nidoking uses Earth Power on Milotic right before he gets KO'd by Scald. Venusaur goes for Leech Seed on Milotic and then gets KO'd by Phantom Force. Damnit.



Nidoqueen gets KO'd by Scald, Golurk goes for another Phantom Force and Claydol sets up a Trick Room.



Drapion gets hit by both Phantom Force and Scald, the latter leaving it Burned right before it could Crunch Milotic. Claydol chips at Milotic with Extrasensory.

Next turn Golurk uses Phantom Force yet again and Milotic KO's Drapion with Scald.



Claydol gets OHKO'd by Phantom Force. Gengar takes a Scald and retaliates with a Field-Boosted Shadow Ball. Milotic survives, only to then fall to Leech Seed damage.



Trick Room is still up, Camerupt won't get a better opportunity. The enemies send in Vileplume, which fits perfectly. Camerupt's Eruption leaves a decent dent in Golurk and puts Vileplume into critical HP. Gengar just barely survives a Petal Dance and Golurk goes for yet another Phantom Force, which causes Gengar's Shadow Ball to miss. Trick Room fades.



Gengar's Shadow Ball KO's Vileplume before it gets taken out by Phantom Force. Golurk gets KO'd by a crit Eruption.



Tentacruel's Muddy Water does nothing to Rhyperior and barely anything to Aromatisse before it gets taken out by a crit Rock Wrecker. Camerupt crit Earth Powers Aromatisse down to ~1/3 HP. Aromatisse's Thunder misses.



All of Aya's Pokémon are now down. Rhyperior recharges and gets Earth Powered while Aromatisse uses Wish.

Rhyperior uses Bulldoze, nearly knocking out Aromatisse and dealing a bit more than 1/2 HP damage to Camerupt. (Thanks, Solid Rock) Camerupt's Earth Power puts Rhyperior into critical HP as well before she gets KO'd by Aromatisse's Field-Boosted Dazzling Gleam. Aromatisse than gets healed by Wish.



This is the moment I've been waiting for.

Or not. Rhyperior gets healed and takes surprisingly low damage from Earthquake. Aromatisse manages to survive as well and then knocks out Krookodile with Dazzling Gleam. Damnit.



Swampert's Earthquake deals some more rather low damage to Rhyperior and KO's Aromatisse, finally eliminating on of our enemies. Rhyperior's Megahorn does about half HP damage to Swampert.



Rhyperior gets switched out for Vespiquen and Swampert's Earthquake fails.



A Field-Boosted Surf nicely OHKO's Vespiquen.



Rhyperior is back and gets taken out by a crit Earthquake.



Electivire is last and it's a huge pain. From experience I know this thing will likely outspeed the rest of my team. I decide to use one of my two precious Max Revives on Claydol - You all know where I'm going with this. Swampert then gets KO'd with Cross Chop.



Claydol easily takes a Fire Punch (it's holding a Yache Berry, so I guess that's why no Ice Punch) and sets up Trick Room.

Earth Power puts Electivire into critical HP. Another Fire Punch. Another Earth Power. (I totally expected Mamoswine to have to clean up.)



Well, just look at me; obviously you tw-





This battle is so goddamn long, there's just so much opportunity for something to go horribly wrong and their teams are filled with some of the most pesky things I have encountered in this game, dear me. x.x

Nevertheless, I might've actually managed this on the first try if I had taken away Claydol's Amplified Rock. Or if I had gotten/taken a better opportunity to start a Moxie Sweep.



Eclipse declares that she's done - not with this fight, but with Team Meteor outright - and turns off the PULSE Clawitzer; we weren't here for that, but still cool. Our aimless wandering achieved something!

Eclipse gets into an argument with Aster and reveals that she turned off the PULSE because her father lives in Calcenon. We just kind of awkwardly stand by with Aya.

Our newly reformed enemy offers up some information about Team Meteor; that, while Solaris was still their leader, they were strictly using non-violent means to try to get people out of Reborn City and that Lin is the one who's responsible for their current course of action. All the while Sirius calmly marches in and, without saying anything beforehand, has his Chandelure burn away Eclipse's soul. Alas, denied a chance at redemption for your deeds.

Maybe we shouldn't have been standing around talking so much.

Sirius tries to sic his Chandelure at us next, but Aya gets in the way and he promptly decides to keep her as a hostage. With our team in a pretty bad shape we can't do anything but to let him leave. Aster leaves as well, taking Eclipse's body with him.


We are left to make the remaining way to Calcenon City on our own.



That's it for today, I really need to go sleep. That battle took way too long.

Until next time, See ya!

Edited by Gentleman Jaggi
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After the episode in the PULSE control center we're left to walk the rest of the way to Calcenon alone.

Up at the waterfall on route 4 we spend three days some time trying to get a Life Orb from the Absol Event. For the record: two Shinys showed up before I finally got an Absol holding a Life Orb. That's gonna be a nice boost to Nidoking's attacks.


Hardy is waiting for us inside Calcenon City's eastern gate house and tells us that Cain went to go visit some friends in the city, i.e. Shelly and co. When we tell him about Aya's kidnapping he just goes "u wot m8" and walks out on us.

We find him again near the barrier cutting Calcenon off from Labradora, alongside Saphira. Upon talking to him he headbutts the barrier for a bit, when Fern shows up on the other site. Yup, he joined Team Meteor and thus graduated from Jerkass to proper Bad Guy. He riles up Hardy for a bit and then leaves. We leave Hardy be and go visit Cain and the others. Shelly wants to go look for Heather in Ametrine City, but there's still the matter of that giant ice pyramid. Anna announces that we'll just have to go under it; we've already got Dive so the only thing missing for that is Charlotte's Badge. It's amazing how all these Badges just happen to fall into the plot.

Upon entering Calcenon's Gym we run into Laura fretting over having her position in the Elite 4 revoked. She runs out, and Charlotte goes after her. We go back to Saphira and Hardy right when Sirius shows up with Aya on the other side of the barrier. He demands the Ruby Ring in exchange for Aya. Saphira says to keep it while Hardy demands we hand it over, until Charlotte shows up and snathces the Ring away from us as part of a ruse. We meet up with Charlotte in the eastern gate house, get back the Ruby Ring and then agree to challenge her in the gym. Cue Gym Battle

VS Firebug Charlotte





Typhlosion is faster than everything I have and Eruption kills just about everything that doesn't resist, so that's a pain. Mamoswine's Berry and Swampert's double weakness goad it into using Solar Beam while Darmanitan uses Hammer Arm on Mamoswine, but I switch out for Sandslash and Hippowdon.



Sandslash goes for Earthquake, which OHKO's Darmanitan, but Typhlosion manages to just barely survive. Hippowdon is unaffected due to her Air Ballon, but quickly loses that one and half her HP to Solar Beam.



Typhlosion gets healed back to max and Sandslash unleashes another Earthquake, this time KO'ing Typhlosion with a crit, dealing a little damage to Hippowdon and a bit less than 1/2 HP to Volcarona, who then KO's Hippowdon with Giga Drain.



Sandslash takes about half of Volcarona's HP again but then gets OHKO'd by Giga Drain. Claydol takes about half HP damage from Rotom's Overheat and crit Earth Powers Volcarona into critical HP.



Volcarona gets healed back up, Rotom loses half HP and some Defense to Crunch. Claydol sets up Trick Room and then looses another 1/4 HP to Overheat.

Next turn, Claydol deals some damage to Volcarona with Extrasensory and gets tickled by Rotom's Hidden Power. Krookodile's Earthquake puts Volcarona into critical HP before Heat Wave nearly KO's him and, KO's Claydol and sets the Field on Fire.



I temporarily forget about Rotom being there and wath it finish off Krookodile with Hidden Power. Immediately after Mamoswine uses Ancient Power to KO Volcarona, but doesn't get a buff.



We're down to two Pokémon, Charlotte still has three. Swampert's Rock Slide gets dodged by Delphox, but does KO Rotom (thanks Crunch) and Mamoswine KOs Delphox with Earthquake, while Swampert is unaffected due to Air Balloon.



We got this one in the bag. Trick Room is still up, so Swampert's Earthquake takes care of Ninetales before it gets to do anything. It also KO's Mamoswine, so Swampert ends up hogging all the exp for himself.


I forgot to screencap her defeat quote, damnit. Anyway, who's "not up to rank" now huh?


This was actually the first time I battled her without just using Rock Slide and/or Earthquake on a fast Pokémon to destroy most of her team. Also the first time more than one of my team got KO'd. Now I finally really understand the trouble people have been having with her. Her team is overall pretty fast, with at least four of them being faster than everything I have; maybe five, not sure about Darmanitan vs Krookodile.

Getting momentum with Trick Roomright at the start didn't work due to Doubles format, so I had to circumvent their Speed with Sand Rush. Once I got a headstart I was in a much better position than previously, but made som stupid mistakes... As far as I know Rotom knows Reflect - the fact it didn't use that absolutely saved me.

This Bait-And-Switch tactic wasn't perfect either; I had to try a bunch of times because Typhlosion would randomly choose between Eruption, Heat Wave and Solar Beam. I also wanted to set a Sword Dance with Sandslash before starting the attack, to better get rid of Volcarona, but that just resulted in Darmanitan Flare Blitzing him into oblivion, so it had to work without.

It'sfunny how my Type advantage meant absolutely nothing here...


This victory earns us the cinder Badge, raising the Level Cap to 75 and allowing us to use Dive. Charlotte also gives us the TM Flamethrower, so we can "make [Team Meteor] pretty" for her. I.e., burn them. Nidoking and Camerupt learn it.


That's it for today. Tomorrow we'll finally head for Ametrine City, getting ever closer to that anticipated battle with Blake.

Until then, see ya!

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@Jess I remember Anorith's Rock Slide from my Flying Run. Nasty thing.


@Neco I did use Compound Eyes, but only after some time. Afaik there aren't any Pokémon with Compound Eyes available while you're stuck past Agate City and I didn't have any in the PC, so I had a friend trade one over to me. Otherwise I probablywould've half a dozen more shinies before finally getting that Life Orb. Didn't use Frisk, just had my Pokémon get attacked.



It's time to go deeper into freezing, hostile territories. After diving through Ametrine Mountain for a bit we reach the inside of that pyramind of ice, where a PULSE Avalugg is revelealed as the creator of the obstruction. Cue Battle.

VS Pokémon Redoubt




This thing is ridiculously tanky.



Case in point: That's how much damage a crit Earhquake from Krookodile did. It also terminated the Icy Field, making my other Pokémon's Fire attacks more effective. Avalugg's Rock Slide missed and likely wouldn't have done much anyway since the Field was already destroyed.

Another Earthquake, then Krookodile gets frozen by Freeze-Dry, in addition to his now critical HP. He goes down after another Freeze-Dry.



Camerupt actually manages to outspeed something and deals nearly half HP damage with Eruption. Freeze-Dry deals less than half HP to her. After two more Flamethrowers Avalugg goes down.





Avalugg lets out a last roar and disappears along with the pyramid, leaving only the PULSE-02 machine.

Shelly is here and wonders about the machine's placement before going ahead towards Ametrine City.


The exit to Ametrine Mountain is only a few minutes ahead. Upon arriving we search the entire cirty, talking to literally everybody, and find out about some mysterious "guardian angel" that's been supplying everyone with food for some time now. Gee, wonder who that might be. We also find a "suspicious" house and, in the process of searching it, learn about the origins of PULSE and how ZEL came to be three people. And then Nunya B. Snes shows up and shoos us out.

Outside Shelly squeezes some information about Heather and that guardian angel out of a random kid, who shows us where to find her and that Blake guy. Surprisingly, he looks a lot like that Nunya guy earlier. Blake cuts straight to business and demands us to go get him the Ruby Ring in exchange for Heather. When we don't immediately bite he also offers the HM Waterfall on top. Shelly ends up revealing that we already have the Ring in our possession, so Blake changes his mind and just plain mugs us. That's, what, the third time now? We run out after Blake, but only find Cal. He has a little reunion chat with Shelly, talking about his new look on life and his new old hair colour. He also tells us that he heard Blake call in reinforcements from Team Meteor, so we have to hurry. He tells us about a secret passage in Blake's apartment that will likely lead us to Heather while he himself goes after Blake.

One googled puzzle solution and a bit of walking later we find ourselves in front of the shack Heather is stuck in. Apparentally that door somehow managed to keep in her Salamence. We listen to her reflecting on her actions after Corey's death and then her and Shelly work together to bust open that door with Salamence and Yanmega.

After Shelly's and Heather's heartfelt reunion they both fly towards the mountain peak to help Cal stop Blake. We follow after them. On foot, of course...

We run into Cal talking to Blake and end up in a double battle against two Meteor Aces with him. After a second double battle Heather shows up on her Salamence and recruits Cal so he can help her make an aerial attack on Team Meteor's helicopters, one of which has Solaris on it. A bit further on we run into Shelly and team up with her for some more double battles. All the while Blake regularly waits for us to catch up so he can (ineffectively) taunt us.

Eventually we reach a little cave that leads up to the very top of the mountain. Shelly goes on ahead, but we're held up by Aster insisting we fight him and baiting us with Waterfall. Cue Battle

VS Meteor Ace Aster ...




That just sounds wrong.



Solrok gets OHKO'd by Megahorn. Nice work, Nidoking.


I forgot to screencap it, but next up is Milotic.

Ugh, Milotic. I'll have to go get Torterra asap so pure Water Types will be less of a pain. For now, Swampert hast to go up against it, since he's my only Mon not weak to Water.

Milotic goes for a Field-boosted Ice Beam, but it only deals about 1/3 HP of damage. Swampert's Earthquake break the Field and puts Milotic down to a third of HP after Leftovers.

Aster uses a Hyper Potion and Milotic gets Earthquaked again, this time for a bit less damage.

Next turn Milotic goes for Scald, putting Swampert down to ~1/3 of HP, before it gets KO'd by another Earthquake.



I'd use Krookodile here, if I was sure he could get a OHKO with Crunch and/or if Golurk didn't have No Guard-dynamic Punch. Swampert's Surf is a OHKO anyway.



This thing is all set up to tank as much as it can, but Surf OHKO's it anyway. Swampert's on a roll!



That leaves Magmortar and Electivire. They're both faster than they look, so Claydol takes a Heat Wave - just barely - and sets up a Trick Room.

Earth Power deals some heavy damage and then Claydol goes down to another Heat Wave.



Aster uses a Hyper Potion, but Magmortar gets OHKO'd by Earth Power anyway. The power of Sheer Force+Life Orb!




Electivire gets destroyed as well.



Fighting you just isn't the same without Eclipse. And I mean that aside from the obvious double/single battle...


This battle went pretty smoothly, although I had to reset a few times because Milotic status-haxed its way through Swampert's HP and I refused to accept that.


Aster holds true to his word and presents us with the HM Waterfall.

"I thought if I could beat you- maybe once, if I used all my strength, and Eclipse's too-- Maybe I could be the one to fix everything.

But it looks like that's your job."

With that, he resigns from Team Meteor, wishes us good luck and tells us that he'll see us around.

You've got a new start going there, now make it matter.


We move on to the peak and find Shelly already having been defeated by Blake. Not much talking, cue Battle.

VS Agent Blake



I forgot another screencap; the battle starts with Claydol and Krookodile up against Jynx and Fridge-Rotom on the Snowy Mountain Field.

Krookodile's Crunch puts Rotom to half HP, then Jynx uses Blizzard. Claydol tanks it with help from a Yache Berry while Krookodile gets critKO'd. Claydol then just barely tanks a Shadow Ball from Rotom before it finally gets to set up Trick Room.



Guess what happens now. Camerupt's Eruption, despite being weakened by the Field, KO's Rotom and OHKO's Jynx, leaving nothing to do for Claydol, and melts the snow, turning the Field into a Mountain Field.



I'll guess Weavile is gonna use Ice Shard.

It doesn't and Camerupt's Eruption even gets strengthened by the field, OHKO'ing both enemies. Claydol gets switched out for Mamoswine to spread exp a bit.



Mamoswine gets switched out for Nidoking this time and Eruption KO's Froslass. Walrein managed to delay fate by a turn by using Protect. Unfortunately Frosslass's Cursed Body disabled Eruption, how rude!



Camerupt's Rock Slide, even when strengthened by the Field, does only a little under half HP damage, but Walrein flinches. Nidokings Earth Power puts it into critical HP. Trick Room fades.

Next turn Walrein gets healed with a Hyper Potion, but KO'd by a crit Earth Power from Nidoking and another Earth Power from Camerupt.



git gud


And that was the long-awaited battle against Blake! My tactic went pretty much flawlessly here, although I expected Claydol to be faster than Rotom. This was the second try, the first had Claydol holding an Amplified Rock which resulted in a OHKO courtesy of Jynx's Blizzard.


Blake refuses to give back the Ring anyway and since we're too nice to sic Swampert to crush his head or something we just watch a Meteor helicopter come closer. Blake gets ready to board it, but gets pummeled by Heather and Cal riding Salamence and Charizard respectively, the latter snatching the Ruby Ring back. Cal goes for another charge against Blake, who decides to get the hell out. Shelly manages to make him spit up that he doesn't know anything about Agate's sleeping signal being broadcasted from Ametrine and that somebody must have fooled us pretty good. That somebody was Terra, of course.

Team Meteor leaves and we all just watch; so much for Heather crashing Blake's face in the ground as she wanted to.

Heather and Shelly decide to return to Calcenon. Cal tells us that, as far as he's aware from his time in Meteor, there's no base up on the mountain that could broadcast a strong enough signal and that he knows Terra is a member of Team Meteor. Should have maaayybeee notified the authorities of that one, don't ya think?

Cal gives us a lift back to Ametrine City and we start our long trek back to Agate Circus, so we can tie up some loose ends with Terra.


Thanks to the shortcut we prepared way in advance the trek back actually isn't that long. We enter the Big Top's back room and, to our dismay, discover that Terra isn't around to receive her scheduled asskicking. Turns out she's been disapperaing for days at a time for quite a while now. Despite that Ciel findd the idea that Terra is a Meteor to be absolutely ridiculous, Samson seems to think it's possible, but Terra loudly crashes the party before he gets to articulate his thoughts. He confronts her with the Meteor deal which she tries to dodge for all of three seconds before just admitting that she's a member. Probably because she likes the attention from everyone that immediately earns her.

She tries to sell us Batman's backstory as her reason for joining, but that falls flat. She then just disappears into her computer.

Ciel: "I... beg your pardon?"

The computer is waiting for a "Player 2" - that's us. Samson uploads us into Generation I so we can chase down Terra.

We make our way through Glitch World, along the way possibly getting a glimpse of Reborn's Victory Road?




At least I don't remember a room with giant gears like this in any of the canon Victory Roads.



Quickly afterwards we reach Glitch Cerulean Cave where we are challenged by, naturally, Mewtwo. Cue Battle






Claydol takes a Field-boosted Psystrike and then, of course, sets up Trick Room.

Crit Earth Power takes about 1/4 of Mewtwo's HP, Claydol then manages to just barely survive an Ice Beam thanks to ihe Yache Berry it's holding.

Another Earth Power, another Psystrike and Claydol is down.



Nidoking finishes it off with Megahorn. That was easy.



What? Assaulting random trainers and losing?


Nothing to say here, moving on.


Terra positioned herself in the Indigo League's Champion's room, of course. She tells us that she joined Team Meteor because she was bored.

It's time to establish who's the better Ground Type Master, Cue Battle!

VS M3G4 Terror T3RR4





The Glitch Field turns all of Krookodile's attacks except Earthquake into Special-based attacks. Fortunately, Earthquake is just about all he's gonna use in this battle.

Nidoking gets OHKO'd and Krookodile collects a Moxie Boost.



Quagsire tanks another Earthquake surprisingly well, about a third of HP before Leftovers, and takes more than half of Krookodile's HP with Scald. I switch out for Swampert.



Two Surfs take out Quagsire, but Swampert gets burned by Scald between those.



I'd use Mamoswine here, but Icicle Crash is now a Special attack...

swampert ends up getting outsped and KO'd with Psychic.



I'd use Krookodile, but Crunch is now a Normal Type attack. Megahorn puts Claydol into critical HP and bulldoze takes half of Nidoking's HP.

A Hyper Potion and another Megahorn, then Claydol KO's Nidoking with another Bulldoze.



And Mamoswine still ends up going up against this thing. Terra uses another Hyper Potion and Icicle Crash only takes about 1/4 of Claydol's HP. Next turn Terra switches Claydol out for Hippowdon.


[I forgot a whole bunch of screenshots and only noticed after saving, dammit.]

Hippowdon doesn't take Icicle Crash nearly as well as Claydol, losing half its HP. A second one finishes it off, but Sandstorm's already up which means...


Next up is Excadrill, of course. I don't think it actually has any Steel Moves, so Mamoswine stays. He just barely survives an Earthquake with 2HP and then OHKO's Excadrill with his own Earthquake.


She sends out Claydol again. I use a Cotton Candy on Nidoking so I can Megahorn this thing again, but it stupidly uses Explosion. gg, I'm laughing my ass off.



This guy's an asshole. The Glitch Field removes all its weaknesses except Ice and that one's a Special Type while Mamoswine is a physical attacker. Not to mention the fact it's holding an Assault Vest which, as a result of the Field, allows it to spam Draco Meteor. It's also pretty fast.

Claydol tanks a crit Flamethrower and then sets up Trick Room.

Earth Power doesn't deal much damage and Claydol gets KO'd by another crit Flamethrower...



Krookodile's Earthquake puts it down to below half HP, than he gets KO'd by Flamethrower.



Nidoking's Earth Power finishes it off with the awesome power of Sheer Force+Life Orb.



Just cough up that Badge.


Victory on the first try, though it was a bit off a weird battle. "Oh geez, that Mamoswine has two HP left, better nuke him!"

Aside from Garchomp her team isn't really threatening.


This victory earned us the Gravity Badge which doesn't do anything to the Level Cap but does allow us to use Waterfall. We also get the TM Bulldoze. That would've been useful about ten Badges ago. Terra says a bunch of stuff, but I skip her dialogue because UUUGGGH...

She then runs off deeper into Glitch World with no way to follow, so we head back to the Big Top. Once we're out, Samson pulls the plug. Wow dude, you just straight up deleted her. That's savage.


I'm not actually that optimistic. She's gonna show up again...


Samson and Ciel promise to try and get some intel out of Terra, if she's still alright in there, so we're left to pursue our next objective.


Next chapter: We're gonna save Amaria! And deal with Titania...

Until then: See ya!

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Chapter XI: Treading Murky Waters


Now that we can use Waterfall it's time go down Celestinince Cascade to save Amaria.

Down at the waterfall's end is Reborn's Watter Treatment Center where we're greeted by Titania:

"Do you have any fucking idea how long I've been down here?"

Maybe, next time, don't jump down a waterfall with no way back up? Amaria's nowhere to be seen, apparentally Team Meteor immediately grabbed her and then just locked Titania out.

Two Meteors come in and inform us that some new commanding officer has ordered to give us access to the WTC. As thanks, Titania murderizes them.

She also informs us that we're going to have to do the heavy lifting, because she only has one Pokémon with her and has been down here too long. I thought every self-respecting trainer would carry their Pokémon around everwhere?

In accordance to Reborn Dungeon Rules, the WTC is a maze of switches and variable water level. We also can't Surf, because the water here is all gross like in Azurine Lake. Evidently this place hasn't done a particularly good job a treating water recently.

Fun Fact: This is the first time I've been down here without having to carry along an HM Slave for Surf and Waterfall. Poor Buizel.

There's a bunch of Meteor Grunts and New World Cultists to deal with here. Taka shows up as well, repeatedly stranding Titania on isolated platforms and not so subtly insinuating that he really wants us to wreck their operation down here. And in general.

After much meandering about we eventually run into the reason why this facility hasn't been functioning: a PULSE Swalot is clogging the system. Cue Battle

VS Pokémon Stopple




This thing is Poison/Water Type, but the Murkwater Surface Field makes Ground attacks fail.

I prepared for this by having Mamoswine relearn Blizzard at Agate Circus; it deals little damage, but freezes the Field. Swalot goes for Sludge Wave, but without the Field Boost it only deals a third of HP damage.



So now we're on an Icy Field. I could use Earthquake now, but that would turn the Field back into a Murkwater Surface and I don't want to deal with the recovery and boosted Sludge Wave Swalot has on that one. Mamoswine throws out some Icicle Crashes until he goes down.



Claydol's Earth Power can be used without destroying the Field, but it doesn't deal that much damage either. Still, Claydol can tank Sludge Wave rather well and defeats PULSE Swalot after a few turns.





Not much to say about this battle, moving on.


With the Swalot gone the facility can now finally clean up the water again. We sspend some time going around everywhere, flushing out the icky water and then return to Titania.

After freeing Titania out of hwhere she's been stuck this time we proceed towards the Control Room with her, where Taka is with Amaria. He readily hands over the Saphire Bracelets, but Amaria is still unconcious. Taka also informs us that Solaris is on his way to take the Bracelets, so Titania goes over to pick up Amaria.

Titania: "Give my regards to the man who treated her."

Taka: "I would, but you kinda already killed them."

Titania: "...Right. Well... Tough."

She asks him if he's really going to just let us walk out here with the Bracelets and Amaria. He affirms, but asks for one favour: Since he's been helping us get through the facility he wants us to beat him in a battle so he doesn't lose face with Team Meteor. Titania rejects that idea, stating that it will only enable him to keep going on with his indecisive deal. Usually I agree and just walk out, but since I'm with a full-powered team this time and might as well showcase all major fights... Cue Battle

VS Meteor Admin Trash Taka





Klefki gets OHKO'd by Earthquake before it gets to do anything.



Cradily takes one Megahorn, taking 3/4 HP damage and deals about 1/4 with Seed Bomb. It then gets switched out for Aerodactyl, negating Nidoking's Earth Power.



Nidoking doesn't have anything to use against this thing, but I don't want to switch anything in on it, so he goes down to Earthquake.



Aerodactyl sets up Stealth Rock and then gets OHKO'd by a Field-boosted, double effective Surf. RIP.



Cradily again. Krookodile KO's it with Earthquake and gets a Moxie Boost.



This thing likes to Baton Pass Shell Smashes, but this time it just goes for an Aqua Tail and misses. Mamoswine 2HKO's it with Earthquake.



Rage Bird. Heat Wave deals about half HP damage to Mamoswine thanks to Thick Fat and Mamoswine destroys it with crit Icicle Crash.



That leaves only Gliscor. Another crit Icicle Crash changes that.




F12 |3


Pretty easy battle.


Take buggers off and we make our way back to Clestinine Cascade. Right at the exit Shade jumpscares us and tells us that, from the four death visions we had seen in his gym, only two would actually happen. Uhh, yeah, totally hadn't forgotten about that one by now.

We find Titania already sitting on Amaria's Lapras, and the three ride up the Waterfall without us. We follow on Swampert...


That's it for today. Next part will probably come tomorrow.

Until then, see ya!

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As we're riding back up Celestinine Cascade we're spotted by Julia and Florinia, who then somehow make it to our position on route 2 in a matter of seconds. Julia also expresses her amazement at how many high-level Gym Leaders we manage to challenge, what with most of them hiding out in caves and somesuch. Florinia presents us with the HM Fly, so once we get our next Badge we'll finally be able to Fly around and get back to Reborn City.

Our little chat gets (loudly and obnoxiously) interrupted by Team Meteor on a helicopter, headed for Amaria's and Titania's home. We all decide to go wreck whatever operation they've got planned this time.

As we enter the house we're treated to a small cutscene of Solaris, Sirius, Fern and Blake preparing for assault. The latter two hit it off immediately with each other. Their goal here are the Saphire Bracelets, naturally.

Inside Julia informs Titania of the situation. Amaria is still unconscious, so we decide to defend the building and Florinia formulates the battle plan. Us and her are going to do the heavy duty at the front, Julia will guard the back and Titania will stay with Amaria as a last line of defense.

Right then, Solaris comes in and offers a peaceful resolution if we just hand over the Saphire. Naturally, we decline which promts Meteor Grunts to burst through the windows. A pair of them comes up to us and we quickly swat them aside with help from Florinia. Solaris then comes in and plays a little hostage act with Fern; it would probably be more believable if Fern hadn't tried to boast at us in Calcenon already. Julia investigates a crashing sound in the back room.

Florinia remains unimpressed by Sirius's attempts at extortion, causing Fern to chew her out a little. Blake then shows up out of the back room and seals Julia in it with a wall of ice. Cue Battle

VS Swag Jockey Fern and Agent Blake





Blake has a Type Advantage against both Florinia and us, so he needs to go first. His team also has the higher overall level. Florinia and Fern on the other hand are a few levels below us.

Haxorus sets up a Dragon Dance and Walrein uses Blizzard. Claydol survives it with critical HP while Hippowdon dodges. It is then made drowsy by Hippowdon's Yawn and Claydol, finally, sets up Trick Room.

Next turn Hippowdon uses Yawn on Haxorus as well and Walrein somehow manages to use Blizzard before Claydol gets to act again. Luckily, Claydol dodges it and Hippowdon survives with critical HP. Claydol deals more than half HP damage to Haxorus with Earth Power and then gets KO'd by Outrage. Just as planned. Walrein falls asleep.



You all knew this was coming up. Camerupt's Eruption deals some damage to Walrein and KO's Haxorus. Hippowdon uses Crunch on Walrein who keeps sleeping.



It'd be nice if Florinia had a Grass Type out instead of Hippowdon; I'm a bit worried about Rhyperior showing up.

Another Eruption puts Walrein to critical HP and Krookodile to half. Hippowdon's Rock Slide KO's Walrein and deals little damage to Krookodile. It then gets KO'd by Krookodile's Brick Break. Perfect!



Now this thing can get really rolling. Camerupt's Eruption KO's both enemies, leaving nothing to do for Torterra.



Rhyperior misses a Megahorn and Eruption OHKO's Weavile while also dealing some sizable damage to Rhyperior. Torterra's Superpower puts in into critical HP. You were supposed to use Wood Hammer, dammit! For a smart person you sure don't know a thing about strategy.



Rhyperior gets switched out for Scizor and Torterry for Ferrothorn. Camerupt's Eruption simply OHKO's both enemies.



I'm out of Eruptions, shit. Ferrothorn knocks Roserade into critical HP with Gyro Ball, followed by Camerupt KO'ing it with Flamethrower. Rotom's Blizzard deals some damage to Camerupt and Ferrothorn.

Trick Room fades.



Both enemies are down to two Pokémon now while we only have lost one each. Blake switches Rotom out for Froslass who then immediately gets KO'd by Camerupt's Flamethrower. Haha! Rhyperior's Earthquake then KO's Camerupt, but Ferrothorn manages to survive and defeats Rhyperior with Power Whip.



They're down to one Pokémon each, but Serperior might become an issue with its Speed. Ferrothorn just barely manages to survive one Leaf Storm and idoking's Sludge Wave deals some damage to Rotom and puts Serperior into critical HP. Rotom's Blizzard then KO's Ferrothorn and puts Nidoking into critical HP as well.



Serperios KO's Nidoking with Giga Drain, I expected as much. Torterra also gets OHKO'd by Blizzard.



Mamoswine finishes off Serperior with Icicle Shard and Rotom deals another OHKO to Tropius.



Mamoswine doesn't really have anything strong against Rotom, but Icicle Crash puts it into critical HP anyway. Rotom goes for another Blizzard, OHKO'ing Breloom as well. This is getting ridiculous.



Florinia is down to her last 'Mon, incredible. Another Icicle Crash from Mamoswine finishes off Rotom, probably saving Cradily's life in the process.



You too, buddy.



You've been telling me stuff like that for months now and I'm still not feeling any repercussions.


Victory on the first try; These guys don't particularly like Fire.


Fern rages at Florinia for a bit and then bails out. Solaris steps up, announcing that he will deal with us personally. Our old friend Orderly John assists him. Cue Battle

VS Meteor Leader Solaris and New World Orderly John




Finally our rematch against Solaris!

Also John, that guy's here too. It's hilarious how that random shmuck manages to find his way into a climactic Boss Battle. Naturally, he's overall less threatening than Solaris. He does have two Water Type, but I'd expect Florinia's Grass Types to take care of those.



Funnily enough Claydol is the fastest thing on the field right now. Earth Power deals some damage to Scizor and lowers its Sp.Def., but it U-Turns out right away and Gyarados takes its place. Whiscash uses Dragon Dance and Hippowdon uses Yawn on Gyarados.



Whiscash KO's Claydol with Waterfall and Hippowdon takes half HP damage from Gyarados's Waterfall. Hippowdon's Rock Slide doesn't do much.



I don't like the fact that there are two Water Types on the opposing side of the Field. Solaris withdraws Gyarados for Scizor and Hippowdon gets KO'd by Whiscash's Waterfall. Swampert's Surf deals about a third of HP damage to both enemies.



Swampert tanks a Zen Headbutt and retaliates with Surf. Whiscash's damage gets immediately reset by its Sitrus Berry, but Scizor goes down. Torterra also takes about 1/4 HP damage. It then finishes off Whiscash with Wood Hammer.



Gyarados is still asleep, Swampert's Rock Slide does some damage to both enemies, also flinching Slowbro and Torterra's Wood Hammer deals heavy damage to it.

Next turn Gyarados is still sleeping, Swampert uses another Rock Slide and Torterra finishes off Slowbro with Wood Hammer. That leaves Gyarados as the only Water Type left to deal with.


Seems like I forgot a screenshot here. Eelektross takes the fainted Slowbro's place.

Gyarados sleeps yet another turn and then gets finished off by Swampert's Rock Slide, yes! Eelektross only took little damage from it, but flinches and takes a powerful Wood Hammer.



Swampert survives Excadrill's Earthquake with critical HP while Torterra gets knocked out. Surf then KO's both enemies, dealing a crit to Excadrill.



Lol, Kecleon. It ends up Sucker Punching Swampert before he can use Surf, finishing him off. Breloom's Drain Punch OHKO's Tyranitar.



Camerupt barely survives a Sucker Punch and Foul Play-combo before Breloom OHKO's Kecleon with Drain Punch. Camerupt's Rock Slide deals some damage to Mandibuzz.



Another Foul Play from Mandibuzz finishes off Camerupt and Breloom's Spore puts Magnezone to sleep.



Krookodile goes for Outrage, but I forgot you can't choose a target with that move, so he ends up hitting Magnezone for little damage. Mandibuzz uses Toxic, but misses and Breloom's Drain Punch puts Magnezone into critical HP while it keep sleeping.

Next turn Krookodile finishes off Magnezone with Outrage and gets a Moxie Boost, so I guess that worked out fine. Mandibuzz deals little damage to Krookodile with Fould Play and takes about the same from Breloom's Drain Punch.

John has somehow been eliminated while I was flailing around. Krookodile's crit Outrage KO's Mandibuzz, getting another Moxie Boost, but also confusing him.



Down to the last Pokémon. Krookodile deals some heavy damage to himself due to confusion and then gets KO'd by Dragon Rush. Breloom's Spore puts Garchomp to sleep.



Garchomp is still sleeping and gets OHKO'd by Mamoswine's Icicle Crash.






I never thought about what precisely my purpose here is. Kicking your ass sounds like a pretty good one tho.


Won this one on the first try as well, though it was rather weird... I was kind of scared of Gyarados, but it just ended up sleeping while getting its HP whittled down. Breloom did some pretty nice work too, I'm legit impressed. Overall this fight felt like a huge luck fest.


Julia breaks though her makeshift cell and proceeds to flip Blake over a railing. I approve. She also apparentally destroyed the helicopter. Titania shows up because nothing happened on her post and she wanted to check what was going on.

Solaris declares that they won't be able to break through our defense and orders Sirius to have Chandelure set the house on fire. He also notes that that's the second time he burned down a house to get at the Saphire Bracelets. Hoo, boy, what a twist.

Titania's having none of that plan and lets her Excadrill destroy Amaria's gym to flood most of the floor with water.


Solaris orders a full-scale retreat.

Team Meteor has experienced a complete defeat.


Julia does a little victory cheer when Amaria shows up, asking about all the commotion. She likes the new decor. She also apparentally forgot who we are, as well as everything from the last [hoewever long ago Chapter II was]. Titania dashes out of the room. Florinia declares that Amaria has Amnesia. Having forgotten a bunch of important events and most importantly makes Amaria feel rather bad and she announces that she'll take some more rest.

Our group is getting smaller and Florinia announces that she'll be leaving for Calcenon City to fight Team Meteor there and hopefully find Fern to deal with him. Julia will stay here and watch after Amaria, but sends us out to check on Titania. We find her standing right outside the front door, venting her frustrations on some poor boulder. She doesn't want to deal with Amaria right now and decides to take the Saphire bracelets as far away as possible before flying away on her Skarmory.

Back inside the house Julia tells us that Titania most likely went to her gym in the desert and that we'll have to go through Reborn City to get there. That means going back to Agate Circus and beating Ciel so we can use Fly.


That's it for today. Next part some time this week, most likely.

Until then, see ya!

Edited by Gentleman Jaggi
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Ah, good job @Gentleman Jaggi! I see you have reached the two close Garchomp fights, Terra and Solaris. I hated Garchomp with a passion since before I knew Reborn existed (I think design is really stupid, a landshark that flies, ffs), but now I truly loathe it so much more! Every time I have to face it, my answer is "Nope, I'm not doing this shit, I'll just Destiny Bond/Counter/Curse/Toxic stall it" (aka defeat it cheaply, like such a stupid pokemon deserves) xD. 

Edited by Jess
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@Jess I don't have any strong feelings about Garchomp in general, but Terra's Garchomp has a really mean setup on that Field. On the other hand, changing the field will give it a considerable nerf since its tactic is mostly based on it. So far I haven't really had any trouble with it; it helps that the rest of her team isn't particularly threatening. Even with no counters on my team I could just wear it down.

Edited by Gentleman Jaggi
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I @Jess Ice attacks easily destroy it. On the glitch field it can handle those attacks relatively easy from physical attackers, but otherwise the fourtime weakness utterly devastates this dragon.

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2 minutes ago, Neco said:

I @Jess Ice attacks easily destroy it. On the glitch field it can handle those attacks relatively easy from physical attackers, but otherwise the fourtime weakness utterly devastates this dragon.

Only Ice destroys it... I am doing a bug mono and the only Ice type attack I could get was Icy Wind (weak AF) only on my Masquerain. Which is slow as hell and frail as hell. You can see why I hate this thing.

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After Team Meteor's defeat at Fiore Mansion it's now time for us to go get another Badge, so we can finally use Fly and get back to Reborn City.


We check up on Samson, who stil hasn't had any luck locating Terra. Cie shows up as well and, after some banter, arranges for the arena to be prepared. Cue Battle.

VS Skydancer Ciel




Forgot the first screenshot; it's Steelix vs Togekiss.

Steelix has been waiting for this moment for quite some time. She tanks an Air Slash and sets up Stealth Rock on the first turn. With that her duty in this battle is done, but she manages to survive an Aura Sphere thanks to her Chople Berry and deals some heavy damage with Gyro Ball.

Ciel uses a Hyper Potion and Steelix another Gyro Ball. This repeats once and then Togekiss KO's Steelix with another Aura Sphere.



Ciel uses another Hyper Potion, her last one, and Nidoking knocks Togekiss's HP back down with Sludge Wave. He gets flinched by an Air Slash, barely survives a second one and then KO's Togekiss with another Sludge Wave.



Seems like my tactic is working out. Ice Shard knocks Archeops down into critical HP and Mamoswine barely survives Acrobatics. Another Ice Shard finishes it off.



Nidoking takes a hit while I heal Mamoswine back up.



Mamoswine takes a Heat Wave and then KO's Noivern with a "POWERFUL" Icicle Crash.



Talonflame loses half HP to Stealth Rock. Camerupt doesn't survive an Acrobatics, should've expected that.



Swampert takes a crit Flare Blitz, losing a bit under half HP and then KO's Talonflame with Surf.



Unfortunately he doesn't survive an Acrobatics.



Mamoswine manages to KO his foe with a crit Ice Shard, nice!



That leaves only her ace, Altaria.

I'm not sure how fast that thing is so I play it safe with Ice Shard. It deals some decent damage, about a third of HP, then Mamoswine gets KO'd by Hyper Voice.



Krookodile finishes the fight with a "NICE" Earthquake.



With that team, I wouldn't say I ever even left the Ground.


I was pretty much still trying out here but somehow managed to get through anyway. Togekiss managed to annoy by flinchspamming Nidoking quite a number of times. Since I needed to keep Mamoswine around for Archeops, Noivern and maybe Gliscor, I needed Nidoking to defeat Togekiss. Turned out to be a lot more of a hassle then you would expect.

Giving an Ice Gem to Mamoswine would have KO'd Archeops outright, but then Noivern's Boomburst would have OHKO'd Mamoswine, so he needed the Berry that weakens Normal attacks. I hoped Camerupt could survive one round against Talonflame to Rock Slide it, but that didn't work out. There are a lot of things I could have tried outm including Trick Room, but it's fine like this.


This victory earns us the Suspension Badge, increasing the Level Cap to 80 and allowing us to use Fly to return to Reborn City. We also get the TM Acrobatics. Unsurprisingly, nobody in our team can learn it.


That's it for today. There's not that much more to do before we're through with the current content.

Until next time, see ya!

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Now that we can Fly it's time to check up on Reborn City; Julia and Florinia did mention there was some restoration process going on. This leads us to:


Chapter XII: A City, Reborn


The difference is immediately notable upon landing. The city's atmosphere is completely different, everything has been prettied up and there's a lot less roughhousing going on in the streets. After looking around for a bit (and buying various items to get away from the money cap) we enter the Grand Hall to go check up on Ame. She's there with some other official dudes discussing Laura's supposed resignation from the E4 and Bennett being accepted into them.

She's pretty happy to see us and already wants to send us on another errand. First she sends us to go find Victoria, Arclight and Adrienn somewhere in the city and send them back to her, then she'll tell us the details of what she's planning for all of us.

We easily find Arc and Adrienn in front of their nightclub and Gym respectively. Victoria on the other hand is up in the Beryl graveyard and evidently hasn't gotten over Kiki's death by now.

We return to Ame and, along with Adrienn and ictoria, are informed about the current issue: There's still a Meteor Base somewhere in the city, specifically in the supposed Devon Co. building. Apparentally Lin is there as well; with our recent victory over Solaris she's the only remaining major threat right now. While Ame and Adrienn distract the storefront Victoria, Arclight and us will infiltrate their basement via the Railnet. As we head over to our meeting point we run into an Absol...

As we charge into the basement we're immediately greeted by some New World Orderlies. Of course they knew we were coming.

Up on the ground floor the only sign from Ame and Adrienn is their abandoned Radio Transceiver lying around. We proceed higher up and run into an electrified floor panel puzzle. The only way to manipulate the floor panels seems to be here on this floor, so Arc stays here while we go on with Victoria. Of course, we could just tell him that our team of entirely Ground types doesn't care about the electric floor, but that would be too easy.

We proceed up some floors until we run into the classical "the walls come closer" trapped room. Victoria prevents us from getting crushed by having her Emboar block the walls, but now we're left to continue alone. Another floor up we get a call from Arc that Team Meteor found him. The connection cuts off.

A bit ahead there's another electrified floor trap, but this one just plain knocks us out.

We awaken in a small room with a healing machine and PC. The only exit leads right into a cage at one end of an arena with Victoria in the same situation on the other side. Lin shows up on a screen and informs us that we'll have to fight our friends if we want to get out. The winner gets to go ahead, the loser will suffer a penalty. Cue Battle

VS Apprentice Victoria





It's been some time. Mamoswine just barely survives a High Jump Kick thanks to his Chople Berry and retaliates with Earthquake. It's a OHKO and breaks the Field.



Scrafty can take Swampert's field-boosted Surfs rather well. After three turns of trading blows Scrafty goes down, having brought Swampert down to critical HP.



Krookodile's Earthquake puts Gallade into critical HP and activates its Sallac Berry, raising Speed. Krookodile then gets OHKO'd by Close Combat.



I expect Gallade to get healed but instead it uses Zen Headbutt. Luckily, it misses and Swampert KO's it with Surf.



That ain't no Fighting Type. I totally forgot she does that. It sets up a Nasty Plot and then just barely survives Nidoking's Sludge Wave. Nidoking in turn barely survives an Air Slash and KO's Togekiss with another Sludge Wave.



Camerupt takes an Aura Sphere and puts Lucario into critical HP with Flamethrower. Lucario then finishes her off with Shadow Ball.



Ice Shard finishes it off.



It's Ace vs Ace Time, once again. Swampert's Field- and Torrent-boosted Surf OHKO's Emboar as expected.


I forgot the defeat quote, whoops.


I still have kinda bad coverage against Fighting Types... There's Claydol, but it would most likely just get Sucker Punched.


Victoria seems rather distraught about the loss, but her monologue gets cut short by her getting eletrocuted.

Our cage door opens and Victoria shoos us out, insisting that she'll be fine. The conveyor belt puzzle on the next floor would be a lot harder if we weren't immune to electricity. Yet another floor higher we end up in another cage, this time with Arclight on the other side. He reveals that Adrienn refused to fight him and so he was pushed to the next round. Cue Battle

VS DJ Arclight





Mamoswine's Atk gets lowered by Intimidate, rude. Earthquake is a OHKO anyway.



Swampert's field-boosted Surf deals more than half HP damage, but a lot of that gets instantly healed by Exploud's Sitrus Berry. Its Ice Beam doesn't hurt much.

Next turn another Surf takes it out.



Mamoswine survives a Hurricane and proceeds to OHKO Noivern with Icicle Crash.



Raichu hits Nidoking with a super effecite Hidden Power, but it doesn't even deal half HP damage. Nidoking's Earth Power on the other hand is a OHKO.



I've got a feeling Jolteon would nail Claydol with a Field-boosted Shadow Ball, so Krookodile is up instead. He manages to survive Signal Beam and OHKO's Jolteon with Earthquake, picking up a Moxie boost.



Krookodile is faster than Ampharos and OHKO's it with another, crit Earthquake.





Easy battle. Most of his Pokémon are Electric and none of them is Rotom. None of them's bulky either, so they didn't have much to stop me from Earthquaking them all.


Arc has just enough time to give us some encouraging words before he plummets into a hole that opened beneath him. With a rather cartoony sound at that.

Our cage door opens and we move on, towards more conveyor belt puzzles! The floor after we find us behind bars once again, but this time there's alreay a battle going on on the other side.

Lin is currently destroying Ame's Icetails with her Hydreigon and follows it up by having it bite off her head.

Lin: "Today the heart of Reborn falls. Hor marvelous." She gives us a short look, then turns around and heads for the next floor. One the bars in front of us disappear we hurry after her, but only run into more conveyor belt puzzles. Nothing better to snuff out righteous fury than lenghty puzzles.


Another floor up we run into ZEL arguing about some issues with their network's security. We managa to pick up about some "PULSE2" and "Arc-PULSE" projects. Well now, which plot-important Pokémon do we know that has a name starting with "Arc-"?

They go an a bit more about how PULSE-Magnezone seems to be malfunctioning and that it's the worst possible time for that with a "hero-brigade" running rampant through the building. Then they finally notice us standing there. They ask us if we're here to destroy everything and decide that we're the one who hacked thir system. They also drop that Lin specifically wanted us to not be harmed; that can't be good. We end up fighting them anyway. Cue Battle

VS Meteor Admin ZEL





Aurorus has a Focus Sash and Mamoswine is the only thing I have that resists Ice. Earthquake uses up Aurorus's Focus Sash and breaks the field. Mamoswine then tanks an Ice Beam.

Aurorus gets healed with a Hyper Potion and then KO'd by another Earthquake.



Swampert's Field-boosted Surf does some good damage to Glaceon and he barely manages to survive a Blizzard+Hail damage. Next turn Glaceon gets healed back to max HP and then brought down to critical with another Surf, but Swampert falls to Hail damage.



Krookodile finishes it off with Earthquake and the hail stops.



Krookodile survives a Field-boosted Dazzling Gleam thanks to his Roseli Berry and OHKO's Espeon with a crit Crunch, picking up another Moxie Boost.



I'll be damned if Alakazam doesn't pack Dazzling Gleam as well, so Krookodile has to switch out, losing his boosts from Moxie.

Alakazam is faster than everything I have so Claydol sets up a Trick Room after surviving a Field-Boosted Shadow Ball. After dealing some damage with earth Power it goes down to another Shadow Ball.



Krookodile finishes it off with Crunch.



Trick Room is up, so might as well. Unfortunately Eruption barely deals any damage and a crit Fould Play nearly OHKO's Camerupt. Camerupt attacks once more with Earth Power and then goes down to another Foul Play.



Nidoking trades a few Earth Powers and Foul Plays with Umbreon until Trick Room fades. I heal him once with a Hyper Potion and then he finishes Umbreon off with another Earth Power.



That leaves only Magnezone. Since it has Levitate I can't abuse all my Ground STABs against it. Nidoking deals about a third of HP damage with Flamethrower instead before getting knocked out by a super effective Hidden Power.



Krookodile deals some more damage before he too gets knocked out by Hidden Power.



Mamoswine doesn't have anything to use against Magnezone so I spend his turn to use a Revival Herb on Nidoking. Magnezone attempts to use Magnet Bomb on Mamoswine, but the Field makes it pick up Electric Type.

Three turns later Mamoswine chipped Magnezone to death with Icicle Crash without having taking a scratch himself. Okay.


I forgot to screencap ZEL's defeat quote too...


ZEL's Alakazam and Espeon would have been much less of a threat if I had something faster or more coverage moves against them. Magnezone is super tanky, but can be worn down.


There's an explosion. Afterwards the whole room is wrecked, including the PULSE machine, and Magnezone is gone.

Zel gets up again and notices the destroyed PULSE, followed by the lack of other minds in their head. After distressing for a bit Zero announces he has to get to Agate and hurries out of the room.

We head out after him and come across a closed off exit. A computer panel next to it opens the barricade as well as some parts of the wall, where Victoria, Adrienn and Arclight drop out of. The first two seem more or less fine, but Arclight is out cold and missing an eye. Victoria starts having a breakdown about Kiki's death again, but Adrienn calms her down with a passionate speech about moving on from past mistakes and giving all your effort for a better future.

They declare that now, with Ame dead, the four of us will have to lead the city instead.

We all leave the Meteor base and discuss our next course of action. The now-abandoned base needs to be scoured for information and Arclight given medical care. Adrienn asks us to come by their Gym in a bit, then our group disperses.


We Fly down towards the Coral Ward to meet up with Adrienn, who has a request for us: to battle them and to become the new champion of Reborn. With Ame dead the league's status is unclear and it needs a new champion that can stand up to Lin.

Before that however Adrienn has another favor to ask of us. They're rather swamped with organising several projects short on workers and so asks us to go around finding volunteers.


Before returning to the Gym we spend some time breeding and training this bad boy:



I wanted to teach him Iron Head, but can't do that before beating Adrienn it seems...

Going with Mold Breaker for now since I don't always have Hippowdon with me. Besides, I set this guy up to have as much Speed as possible, meaning he's now the fastest thing on my team.

Camerupt gets benched but will likely return whenever Eruption-spam will be useful again.

As well as grinding the whole team up a few levels.

Now we're ready for our next Badge. We go back to Adrienn and collect our reward for collecting those volunteers. Then, cue Battle

VS Visionary Adrienn





Physical attackers have to stay back due to Granbull's Intimidate and Nidoking due to Gardevoir's presence, so it's up to these two guys to start the battle.

Swampert takes a Psychic from Gardevoir and retaliates with Sludge Wave. Unfortunately it doesn't do a whole lot of damage. Claydol follows it up with an Earth Power on Gardevoir and Granbull ends the turn by bringing Swampert into critical HP with Brick Break.

Next turn I spend Claydol's action on healing Swampert. Gardevoir attacks with a Field-boosted Dazzling Gleam, dealing decent damage to both Swampert and Claydol and Swampert again retaliates with Sludge Wave. Granbull follows up with a crit Play Rough, KO'ing Swampert.



Nidoking takes his spot, Claydol switches out for Excadrill. Nidoking is the first to act and finishes off Gardevoir with Sludge Wave, also putting Granbull into critical HP. Granbull deals about a third of HP damage to Excadrill with Play Rough.



Another frikken Togekiss. Granbull gets healed with a Hyper potion and Excadrill uses Rock Slide, dealing some damage to both enemies. Nidoking follows up with Sludge Wave and KO's Granbull, but Togekiss weakens the attack with its Berry and KO's Excadrill with Aura Sphere.



Mawile's Intimidate lowers Atk.



It then Mega evolves.

Togekiss gets healed back to max HP and Mawile nails Nidoking with a Sucker Punch, which he barely survives. His Earth Power puts Mawile into critical HP while Mamoswine OHKO's Togekiss with a crit Icicle Crash.



Mawile gets healed back to max and Whimsicott, of course, uses Tailwind, changing from the Misty Field to the Fairy Tail Field. Nidoking throws out another Earth Power at Mawile, this time OHKO'ing with a crit while Mamoswine OHKO's Whimsicott with Icicle Crash.



Only Florges left now, 4vs1. Due to tailwind Florges goes first and KO's Nidoking with Hidden Power. I expected that; he'd been sitting at those low HP for some turns now. Mamoswine deals some good damage with Icicle Crash.



I heal Claydol back up to max HP and Florges uses a Field-boosted Dazzling Gleam. Claydol takes it fairly well, losing a bit less than half HP, while Mamoswine just barely manages to hang on. He follows up with another Icicle Crash.



Mamoswine squeezes in another hit with Ice Shard before he gets KO'd by Hidden Power. Claydol then ends the battle with Earth Power.



Ya know, it feels pretty good to have people in a Pokémon game appreciate your skill for once.


Victory on the first try - this went surprisingly well. I planned to keep Claydol back so it can counter Tailwind with Trick Room, but Mawile went down pretty quickly. I got rather lucky here.



This victory earns us the Amaranth Badge, raising the level cap to 85 and boosting Sp.Def a bit, as well as the TM Dazzling Gleam.


Adrienn informs us that, with Victoria and themself running the city, we're going to have to be the one battling Team Meteor out there. Also, the train station has reopened, that means we can go out into the desert to chase down Titania. Free of charge, even.


...Or we could, if this wasn't the current end of the game.

There are a few sidequests still left to do, but none of them are really notable enough to receive mention here. This means there won't be any more updates on this until episode 17 rolls around. Thank you to everyone that's been sticking around throughout this!


If I was an artist I'd close this up with a picture of the whole gang cheering; unfortunately I'm not, so have a line-up instead!




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14 minutes ago, Sceptilespy said:

How long would you say it takes for EV training?

Not actually the original poster, but I'd say that with a Power item for the EV you want to train for and an easily exploitable point like the woobat points underneath the railway system I would say that it takes around 10 minutes for one stat if you are fast enough and the speed up button is used. It will take considerably longer if you do not have a power item or an easily exploitable spot.

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I never really looked at the time, but I'd say when using vitamins, Power Items and x3 speed training sweepers only takes me about 10-15 minutes against Lv.5 Woobats.

For tankier things (Claydol, Hippowdon,...) I fished for Grimer in the warehouse with Amaria's boat. (I only fished there because it's the only spot with water where I can actually toggle x3 speed without the game actually slowing down on this laptop. Any other spot with poisonous water should work as well.)

Whenever I EV train multiple Pokémon in the same stat I also make sure to give the exp.share to the next one, so it can already pick up some EV as well.

The best thing about the Woobat spots is that they're just Lv.5, meaning even newly hatched Pokémon can deal with them pretty quickly.

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  • 7 months later...

Heyho, hello, it's been quite some time, huh? Episode 17 is out, meaning I'm now able to continue this run. That also means there are unmarked spoilers ahead, so do not continue reading if you haven't played through it yet and want to experience the content for yourself.


Before we dive right into the plot I've got a new friend to introduce:




I was lucky enough to get a Turtwig with Grassy Field from a Sliding Puzzle in the Circus last episode. With this I finally have something that can properly take on Water Types - at least as long as Trick Room is up, since Torterra is slow and just about every Water Type ever is packing Ice moves.


With that out of the way let's get back into the plot. Last episode Adrienn arranged for us to get a free train ride into the Tourmaline Desert so wen can track down Titania and her Gym. Both because we need her Badge and because she has the Saphire Bracelet with her, meaning that Team Meteor is after her.


Chapter XIII: Steel and Rust


Once we step out of our train into the desert we are immediately greeted by Taka. Since we didn't battle him back in the WTC he now lost face within Team Meteor, meaning he has to attack us before the other Meteors decide they don't need him anymore. He also notes that "she" is likely already watching from somewhere. (Honestly I don't think Lin is who he has to worry about - at least not more than everyone else - she doesn't exactly seem to mind us meddling with her plans. Solaris and Sirius on the other hand...)

VS Meteor Admin Taka




As always, he starts with Klefki, while I send out my team meber with the strongest offense to hopefully oneshot it. Sure enough, Earthquake is an OHKO and Klefki didn't get to do anything.



A crit Icicle Crash handily takes care of Gliscor.



If there's a pattern or theme to Taka's team I'm not seeing it. Unless it's "annoying 'mons". This thing feels rather random though.

Anyhow, Swampert puts it into critical HP with Hammer Arm before getting clobbered with Wood Hammer himself - did not expect that. Komala goes down to recoil.



I forgot his lineup in this battle, so I just throw out Krookoshine hoping for the best. Taka sends out Minior - not the best matchup.

Crunch puts Minior below half HP. It uses Shell Smash to boost itself, restoring its Defenses with a White Herb. On the next turn Taka uses an Ultra Potion to heal it back up again, but Crunch puts it back to where it was. Afterwards Krookoshine gets taken out with Acrobatics.



After Shell Smash this thing is pretty fast, so Mamoswine finishes it off with Ice Shard.



I forgot he has this thing, lol.  It carries a Telluric Seed, bosting its Atk, Def and Speed, but also apllying Sand Tomb.

Nidoking goes first and puts it into critical HP with Sludge Wave, then takes an Earthquake pretty well. Memedragon also manages to just barely survive the Sand Tomb DoT, only to get knocked out by the sandstorm.



Claydol probably has the best shot out of my current team to survive a Breakneck Blitz. It does just damn barely, despite Chatot landing a crit, and sets up Trick Room. Because that's what Claydol does best.

Next turn Earth Power takes more than half of Chatot's HP before Claydol gets taken out by Boomburst.

Chatot gets healed to max, but Ice Shard OHKO's it anyway. Wow, this bird sure has fallen in threat level over time.



Not with that attitude!


Pretty easy battle, although I think that's likely intentional.


After the battle he's rather dejected. He feels he can't betray Team Meteor, but he also can't win. He does some thinking about his situation and notes that we've always been fighting Team Meteor, always pulling through. Now it's too dangerous for him to even go back after yet another failure, but he also seems to realize that he's never truly tried not going back. So he asks us if he can come with us.

I decline, mostly because I don't want to have to deal with the constant "buffeted by the sandstorm" his team is going to cause. ;p

Sorry Taka fans, I promise I'll let him tag along next time.


And now we've got an entire desert to cross...





Eventually we reach some sort of train graveyard. In the middle of the desert. Okay.

Some of the trains here are still functional, allowing us to clear a path through by crashing them into each other until they break down. Past the graveyard we find "train town", which is basically just a bunch of people that now live here because they had to leave Reborn City for some reason or another. Here we run into the nefarious thief Corin Rogue. Since we don't need Magikarp and there's so far no other reward for beating him he just gets ignored.


So far we've just been exploring basically at random, but past train town actually lies...

"Once Upon A Somewhere"


...It's probably best not to question these things.

Here, in this pink sky of floating islands and rainbow bridges, we quickly find a castle and inside one of those telecom things the Gyms use. Adrienn helpfully informs us that we've reached Titania's Gym.  It's technically in the desert, I guess?

After making our way through the first part of the "Castle at Wit's End" we are welcomed by none other than Lin. She notes that we'll be seeing her a lot more often from now on, becasue apparentally we both want to get the same thing from Titania.

Never would've thought that Lin collects Gym Badges.

We continue making our way through the castle, fighting "Knight" class trainers all the while. After we step away from the last of them, Knight Rhylin who used an Alolan Ninetales, said Knight suddenly teleports behind us.



We wake up again in Tower Corybantia. After running up and endless number of floors we're quickly able to step into the tower's outside area, titled "Once Upon a Waste of Time". We climb up some vines growing on the tower's walls and reach another one of those rainbow bridges. Halfway across we run into Titania standing on a floating island. She's apparentally already run into Lin as well, and has a plan, but asks if we trust. Now, I think Titania is a wholy unpleasant person, but when it's about fighting Team Meteor she's still an ally. She seems rather surprised that we'd still trust her and, astonishingly enough, actually thanks us.

She hands us the Saphire Bracelets and then leaves, not saying anything more about that plan of hers. We're left to continue on our rainbow bridge, at the end of which lies "The Belly of the Beast". There, a very special enemy waits to challenge us.

VS The Legendary Dragon




Excadrill takes one Earth Power with critical HP remaining and retaliates with a strong Earthquake. It's not enough to outright defeat a foe like this however and he goes down to another Earth Power the next turn.



Nidoking takes an Earth Power as well and strikes with one of his own, taking out Zekrom.



You're not all that tough while using Special-based attacks, eh?

It probably would've been more of a threat if it just spammed Outrage instead of going for the Ground weakness.


We continue on through the Dragon's Den and once more run into Lin in her knightly armor. She threatens us to hand over the Saphire Bracelets, then gets stabbed in the back by Titania. With her Aegislash no less. Lin falls over and Titania slashes at her head a bunch of times, just to make sure she's dead. "That's all it took, huh? Somebody should've done that a long time ago."
Yup, Lin's totally dead, plot is over, we can all go home now. Hail the great hero Titania andIthinkI'mgonnapuke-
To celebrate Titania want to have a Gym battle with us, so we follow her into the next and final area. Titled "Never After" this is where her battlefield is set up. Cue Battle

VS Guardian Princess Titania




This battle takes place on a Fairy Tale Field and during constant hail which, as far as I can tell, serves solely to activate her A-Sandslash's Slush Rush.

Mamoswine takes a Field-boosted Iron Head thanks to his Babiri Berry and retaliates with Earthquake. Unfortunately it only puts Snowslash into critical HP rather then KO'ing it outright.

The next turn Titania attempts to heal with an Ultra Potion, but it's not enough to get back to max and another Eartquake takes out Sandslash.



Excadrill here is holding a Magical Shield, meaning it gets a free King's shield on switch-in. And an attack buff. Pretty broken, if you ask me.

Since I forgot to prepare with my own Magical Seed I just let Mamoswine go down against it. Sorry big guy.



My own Excadrill has as much Speed as he can, so he outspeeds and OHKO's the enemy.



Next up is Mega Scizor. Bullet Punch hurts quite a bit before Nidoking retaliates with Flamethrower. It does surprisingly little damage despite still being super effective - a little under half its HP.

Hail damage puts Scizor below half HP, and Nidoking into critical. Next turn Nidoking goes down to another Bullet Punch.



Excadrill tanks a Bullet Punch and then finishes off this enemy with Earthquake.



Since he already did well against Taka's Klefki he gets to stay in against this one as well, but this time Earthquake only puts it into critical HP. A Field-boosted Draining Kiss then puts Excadrill into critical HP as well.

Titania attempts to heal, but a crit Earthquake OHKO'n the freshly-healed Klefki.



Swampert gets to go up against his fellow Water Starter. Scald deals a little under half of Swampert's HP damage while Earthquake puts Empoleon to a sliver of health. Its Berry triggers, bolstering Sp.Atk., then it goes down to hail damage. Ha.



After allt hat buildup and the whole "Shining Armor"-deal I kinda expected her getup to be more... impressive. But she's just got a tank top+denim pants combo and one randoly armored arm.

It's Ace vs Ace time! Unfortunately I forgot that Aegislash gets a free turn of King's Shield from its Magical Seed. Swampert's Earthquake fails to achieve anything and he gets knocked out with Sacred Sword. Dammit.



Aegislash delays one turn by using King's Shield, then takes an Earthquake while still in Shield Form before striking back Sacred Sword and OHKO'ing Krookodile.



Claydol takes a Shadow Sneak thanks to its Berry and retaliates with Earth Power, taking out Aegislash. Good thing too, because otherwise I'd been out of healthy Pokémon.



Yeahyeah, just pretend like you didn't grandly announce that you'd beat right before.

Quite a back and forth battle, Excadrill did great work. Magical Seeds are annoying. Overall I would've liked to defeat her a lot cleaner, but that probably would've required more Items than I feel like. I could've avoided sacrificing Pokémon by using my own Magical Seeds to counter hers, but I don't exactly have a lot of those... It'll do, a second try victory because I got overconfident at the tail end of the first try.


Titania tells us to not feel special for beating her before handing us the Alloy Badge, which raises our level capto 90, as well as the TM Flash Cannon. I don't think I've got any use for that...


Then Lin shows up and declares that our battle bored her. Yeah, she's not dead. Who would've thought. Evidently swords can't kill her and she feels it's necessary to point that out. She says that she wants us to leave with the Saphire Bracelets, insinuates that we're working with her and then threatens to kill Amaria if we don't keep the Bracelets. She then leaves.

All in all her appearance here felt somewhat... pointless? All she really did was get Titania riled up and drop some cryptic hints. Well, and that whole "you can't kill me" thing.


Titania leaves to go look after Amaria and tells us to come as well. She also warns us that, if we ever betray them, she will kill us. Not like I'd expect anything else from her.


That's it for today, The remainder of Episode 17's content will follow next time. Until then, see ya!

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Interesting! So, denying to fight Taka in the WTC can end up in Zekrom route, if you don't agree to him following you in the Desert!

Having played both routes now, I have to say that I much prefer the Zekrom route. Not so much for Taka's survival, but because (having fought and occasionally still fighting depression myself), seeing Amaria like that in Reshiram path felt like getting stabbed.

Plus, I'm adamant in my opinion that, truth is indeed the best thing, but only if it is revealed when the timing is correct. e.g. man and wife have participated in a car crash. Wife wakes up in hospital after a surgery, but her husband has passed away. If the doctors tell her the truth when she's still fragile, her heart might fail and she dies too. So, they tell her he is recovering too. A lie, till she is ready mentally and physically to accept the truth.

In general, if a lie is preserved in order to save lives until less "dangerous" circumstances for the revelation of truth are created, then this is what should be the way to follow. In a way, truth is morally right, but diplomacy will get you further. And may have better outcome than you'd have by just spitting out truths anywhere and anytime without thinking of the consequences.

This is just my subjective opinion though.

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  • Veterans

I feel pretty sure that reason most people prefer the Reshiram route is because there's just -as of now- objectively more and better content to play through. Not a big fan of how the split was handled.


Nice Titania fight by the way, by far my favourite boss in the game now.

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I haven't played the other route yet so I'll withhold on any judgement about which situation is the better or the right one.

Crossing the desert by your lonesome definitely does get rather monotonous though. With three places of interest (four if you count Mirage Tower) and no real direction of where you're expected to head it can take quite some time. Hope you didn't forget about Titania, because her being the Steel Type leader is your only hint on where to go.

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