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Hardest Gymleaders


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Well, as the title suggests, I was wondering which gymleaders are the most difficult ones. In my opinion, the ranking should be something like this:


1. Noel

2. Charlotte

3. Corey

4. Shade

5. Ciel

6. Aya

7. Samson

8. Radomus

9. Terra

10. Shelly

11. Florinia

12. Kiki

13. Serra

14. Luna

15. Julia

16. Adrienn


Do you have any ideas, suggestions, improvements, ...?

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  On 2/5/2017 at 11:26 AM, HongaarseBeer97 said:

For me, Charlotte was the most difficult one, but Ciel is a close second. The rest was quite alright


both of those I had little trouble with, charlotte got Gyaradossed and teh same with Ciel, even if that damned altaria can just fly to the heavens and stay there

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  On 2/5/2017 at 11:29 AM, Wolfox Glace said:

both of those I had little trouble with, charlotte got Gyaradossed and teh same with Ciel, even if that damned altaria can just fly to the heavens and stay there


Man, Charlotte... I don't usually use water Pokemon, so I had to train some especially for her. Even then, I had a very hard time. Also because I had some very slow Pokemon at that time, so she constantly outsped me :(


And ground-types... Never had those before ep. 16 either

Edited by HongaarseBeer97
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For me, it was Shelly (where I didn't know a way to counter Rain Dance to bring in fire and had no decent flying type---didn't consider Rock at the time) and Charlotee (who finally made me EV-retrain my main team because her first two outsped most of my team---then I outsped her).  I didn't really find Noel hard at all, but I did have two fighting types and a poison (since in-game Ame mentioned the Clefable).


Ceil would have been higher if I didn't get spoiled about Mega Altaria ahead of time.  Corey took a few times since two of my team was fighting type at the time.

Edited by seki108
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So far, Aya has been the most consistently troublesome to me, since her Field covers her team's Ground weakness very well and the battle being Doubles can make it hard to keep a type advantage. A lot of just taking turns to knock out Pokémon.

Shade was pure hell on my Flying Type Run.


Interestingly enough I never had any trouble with Charltte and Noel, despite how a lot of people seem to think they're super difficult. I can see Charlotte being a pain, but I was always able to use a fast Earthquake/Rock Slide-user plus a Mirror Move-user to take out both her Pokémon at the same time. Ninetales was the only potential threat, because it's so fast.

Noel... On my main run, Sceptile's Leaf Storm did a real number on him. Being boosted by the field, even his Clefable only barely managed to survive that.

On my Flying Type Run, I had Butterfree sweep his entire team. Admittedly, Quiver Dance is way too good, but still... Butterfree.

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For now Ciel is the only Gym Leader that took me more than 2 tries due to Meteor Mash and Dual Chop getting low damage rolls (ugh Big Top Arena y u do dis) in pinch situations. 


For Charlotte I managed to pull off a Rain Dance with my Greninja and pretty much start a sweep with a Shell Smash Omastar so it's a direct victory. Energy Ball Charizard was quite a shock but thank god I have that Light Ball Pikachu.

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The two gym leaders I've always had trouble with every time I've played through Reborn are Shelly and Charlotte. 


But I'm really terrible at double battles, so any gym leader where there is a double battle is hard for me.

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Imho the top 3 are:

1. Noel

2. Charlotte

3. Ciel


This though is a very personal scale since who's the hardest gym leader depends a lot on what pokemons do you tend to like to get in your team... for example, someone who tends to fill the team with Dark types will obviously find Shade much easier than someone who tends to favor Psychic types.

This matter is then compounded with the lack of options for early gyms: for example, there are very few Ground types/mons immune to electricity/mons with HP high enough to survive more than 2 SonicBooms before fighting Julia, while you can have all the Steel and Poison types you might want for the fight vs Adrienn.

Edited by Waynolt
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tbh i found most gym leaders except the first one fairly challenging, first one was easy with turtwig and pachirisu, but most of the others made me specially train a certain pokemon just to beat them, Magnemtie for the poison gym, Walrein for the fire gym etc. the fairy gym was hard as hell too even WITH magnezone (mainly because if it died, so did my chances of victory) and the dark gym was tough too till i boxed pachirisu (Sorry zappy, maybe i'll need you again sometime) and caught Galvantula which swept pretty easily.


tbh with the right pokes and moves none of them are ridiculously hard, but figuring out the strat and raising the right pokemon for the job, that's the tricky bit

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There's honestly no reason why anyone should be struggling with Charlotte considering the area right before Calcenon is a cave system crawling with high leveled Rhydon, Rhyhorn, Boldore, and Druddigon. Hell, you even get access to a Protector well before this area (Iola Valley if you really snoop around there) so it's perfectly plausible to be able to obtain a Solid Rock Rhyperior on the fly should one of your current party members be dead weight against her. If you really want to go overkill though you also have access to Kingdra (Horsea fished from Ametrine Mountain have a chance to carry the evolution item) and depending on which Gang questline you did you could have the Rain Dance TM by now to go along with it, as well as with any other Swift Swimmers that you've had access to like Seismitoad, Carracosta, and Omastar. And speaking of fossils, Archeops also runs a train over her. So yeah unless you play like shofu, aka you do zero exploring and you only have a set party of 6 that you're stubborn about using all the time and nothing else, then Charlotte is basically a freebie.


Noel also isn't too tough I find since his field effect often works more in your favor than his, especially if you have a good Fire type (you've had access to several, including Pyroar, Camerupt,  Arcanine, and Houndoom, not to mention the best Starter in the game Blaziken which basically 6-0s Noel). Magneton pretty much stomps most of Noel's team and invalidates imo his most dangerous two Pokemon, Swellow and Clefable. As for the rest of his mons, you've gotten access to SEVERAL good non-Starter exclusive Fighting types to deal with them and pretty early too (Pancham, MAKUHITA, Mankey, Meditite, Sawk/Throh, Croagunk, Tepig all come to mind) and chances are especially on your first run of Reborn you should have gotten one of the first three if you didn't have an appropriate starter already to deal with Florinia's Cradily, so it's pretty likely that players at this point have a Fighting type trained up and ready to go. If all else fails its not a long trip back to the Underground Railnet to catch a Klink, train it until it evolves into Klinklang and learns Shift Gear then proceed to set up on Wigglytuff and sweep his entire team with one Pokemon. 


Shade I find is much more consistently difficult than either of the aforementioned because a lot of the Dark types you get access to until now are either complete shite (Mightyena and Liepard) or don't get a good or appropriate Dark STAB until after Shade's level cap (looking at you Skuntank, Zoroark, Houndoom, and Pangoro). Shade also comes much earlier than the aforementioned two and is the first Gym Leader with a Pokemon with over 120 in an attacking stat, Chandelure, and having high powered STABs in that stat to go along with it.  There's also the fact that Ghost is by far the best attacking type compared to all the gym types you've encountered so far and Shade has a very diverse team, making it extremely difficult to wall or tank him, including a couple of Pokemon that will most certainly outspeed your entire team. Because of this I find that Shade is among one of the, if not the most difficult Gym Leader in Reborn. 


Samson and Adrienn also get slept on a lot I feel like and they definitely deserve more credit for how difficult they can be.

Edited by LordWallace
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During my last run, the hardest Gym Leaders for me are both Charlotte and Ciel. Of course Corey with his Crobat's Venoshock abuse, Shelly and her Masquerain's  Rain boosted Hydro Pump and Aya's Field plus Gengar make it quite hassle to deal with. But Charlotte's roster is quite broken for me. My hope during the battle against her are my Rhyperior and Empoleon (from the 7th street, I have Infernape as a starter).


Of course, that Rhyperior is used to handle Charlotte's Volt Switch Rotom against Empoleon, which I succeed to do. Yet, even with solid rock, to tank Sunny Day and Drought boosted Solar Beam as well as Volcarona's Giga Drain is quite impossible for it. I have both Infernape and Emboar to fight fire with fire after Rotom's fall but fell short to Delphox's Psychic.

It takes me 4 times against Charlotte alone.


For Ciel, I have my Emolga with Discharge to deal with her flying types such Togekiss and Talonflame, Empoleon and Elekid to deal with Ciel's dang fast Archeops, Gardevoir to tackle Hawlucha and Noivern, and finally Drapion for M-Altaria. It takes my 3 tries to finally win against Ciel since her Altaria and Archeops both knows EQ (they usually get high roll as well).


For my Dark Monotype run, I don't have to explain which Leaders don't I Kiki and Samson? I am yet to beat Adrienn but I can expect losing many times.

Edited by Nagisa_Hideyoshi
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I found all gym leaders moderate with the exception of Shelly, Noel and Corey

Shelly because of her Rain Dance set up. I think I repeated my battle with her like 30 times until I was able to defeat her (By luck)

Corey mainly because of his field and his REALLY fast Crobat

Noel is just devilish with his Cinccino and Porygon-Z but if you have Magneton with you, he's really easy.

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My Dark team are seriously bad against Lucario, which is used by Kiki, Victoria and Samson. It's decent stat on both offensive and defensive also access to Justified and Aura Sphere makes most my team wiped out by Aura Sphere alone. My regular strategy against it is too Sucker Punch it as much as I could and finally throw out Water Shuriken while hoping it would strike 5 times. Not forgotten, Togekiss with Serene Grace boosted Air Slash wiped my team with Air Slash alone and Gallade with his Close Combat is a serious matter if I have no more Sucker Punch (I mostly managed to outspeed it and lay crit Play Rough/ Brave Bird).


Of course, mons like Spiritomb, Malamar and Sableye are important for their typing defense and immunity but I made a bad decision of not getting them when I can...

Edited by Nagisa_Hideyoshi
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  On 2/6/2017 at 8:09 AM, GS BALL said:

And winning with pretty much mediocre canon-game pokemon, such as Arbok and Ratticate!!!


Flame Orb Guts Facade Raticate. :P


  On 2/6/2017 at 8:05 AM, Nagisa_Hideyoshi said:

My Dark team are seriously bad against Lucario, which is used by Kiki, Victoria and Samson.


Mmm... have you tried with Krookodile or Houndoom, which both outspeed Lucario and have supereffective high-power STAB moves supported by high offensive stats?

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  On 2/6/2017 at 9:49 AM, Waynolt said:

Flame Orb Guts Facade Raticate. :P


Mmm... have you tried with Krookodile or Houndoom, which both outspeed Lucario and have supereffective high-power STAB moves supported by high offensive stats?


I have my Houndoom ready, but Kiki's Lucario is still outspeed my Houndoom. The reason I win against her is that I bring Escavalier with Drill Run to tank and deal damage to that Lucario (and believe me, Escavalier's HP hanging by a thin thread after taking that buffed Aura Sphere). Luckily, my Greninja has Water Shuriken with it and managed to land 4 hit on her Lucario to defeat it (She ran out of Ultra Potions healing her poisoned Manchamp, I would still lose if she healed that Lucario).

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To be honest, I dont see point in making such rankings, since difficulty depends mostly on your team - for me, I`ve never had a problem with Charlottle (fight fire with fire), Aya, or Shelly, Noel`s Machincinogun troubled me once, but Ciel was always pain to fight, while a lot of people usually 6-0 her. Shade`s team is very versatile, but still moderate in difficulty at best. I`m glad to see Serra being reworked. Adrienn was simply weak.


On the other hand, Titania on fairy field seems like a possible monster. Basing on what we saw during story, Amaria also gonna be troublemaker.

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Shade used to be the hardest early leader but he's moderate at most now.

Shelly I feel is the hardest early leader now as you can't reliably set her field ablaze anymore, unless you use like fake out and a rock move to one shot it. She had the most notable jump in difficulty between episodes 15 and 16 so far.

Charlotte is still pretty tough. Sometimes I've done well against her but last night she took me an hour to beat :/ I still say she's the hardest

Noel is either moderate or pretty challenging, but I wouldn't say hardest. It comes down mainly to how well you deal with Cinccino , Fable and PZ.



Julia, Flobot, Radomus and kiki are probably the easiest leaders.



  On 2/5/2017 at 3:16 PM, hope4896 said:

For now Ciel is the only Gym Leader that took me more than 2 tries due to Meteor Mash and Dual Chop getting low damage rolls (ugh Big Top Arena y u do dis) in pinch situations. 


For Charlotte I managed to pull off a Rain Dance with my Greninja and pretty much start a sweep with a Shell Smash Omastar so it's a direct victory. Energy Ball Charizard was quite a shock but thank god I have that Light Ball Pikachu.


Wait what? Charlotte doesn't use Charizard...

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