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Redemption Weekly - Week Fifteen




Welcome back to another edition of Redemption Weekly! You all must have heard that Season 2 must be closing soon... but do not worry! Season 3 will be approaching (hopefully) in the future, and Redemption will return with a furnished look (and new rules and guidelines etc.). We encourage you to keep trying your best until the very end!


Win Rates are as follows:




91W, 62L

59.5% (▲0.3%)


89W, 92L

49.2% (▼0.2%)


138W, 79L

63.6% (▲0.4%)


78W, 55L

58.6% (▲0.3%)


112W, 59L

65.5% (▼0.2%)


65W, 40L

61.9% (▲2.3%)


68W, 31L

68.7% (-)


70W, 48L

59.3% (▲0.9%)


25W, 6L

80.6% (▲0.6%)


33W, 17L

66.0% (▲1.6%)


68W, 23L

74.7% (-)


95W, 27L

77.9% (▲0.7%)


31W, 16L

67.3% (▼4.1%)


46W, 19L

70.8% (▲0.3%)


63W, 10L

86.3% (▲1.9%)


86W, 11L

88.7% (▲1.1%)


32W, 6L

84.2% (▼0.2%)


18W, 4L

81.8% (▲2.9%)



Featured Battles


Bracket 1http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88127 (Olivia vs GoldenChimchar)

When a dancing pineapple meets an Assault Vest


Bracket 2http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-88158 (Ariel vs DeeEmZee)

Bullet Punch Awayyy~


Bracket 3http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88121 (Helen vs Tommy Wiseau)

Mountain Man was jealous that Butter Lord stole his original spotlight!


Bracket 4http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88144 (Lucifer vs Champion CoolGirl)

A-N-C-H-O-R S-H-O-T (feat. Erwin)


Bracket 5http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-88051 (Emilia vs Intsys)

Countering the horror that is Triples Tailwind Sun


Bracket 6http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88125 (Elliot vs TheMoltenGuy)

Elliot, stop dodging Focus Blasts :(



The HOT Seat


In this week's HOT Seat, we have the freshman Leader himself, Jasper! A lot of challengers, and most Leaders seem to be very interested in the new guy, so let us discover more about the popular idol!


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X: Hmm... so Jasper should be here any min- oh there he is. Hey Jasp-


Fans: OHHHH MYYY GODDDD!!! JASPERRR JASPERRR JASPERR!!! EEEEEK!! OHHH MYY GODDD HE LOOOKS SO GORGEOUS OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!! Eww, move out of the way, potato-head!! You're blocking the view!!! 


X: Huh?? W-wait, I'm just trying to- argh!




The fans purposefully accidentally knock over Xiri, and stampede over him!


Moments later


J: Hey! Are you okay?


X: ...mrgrgrgr... oww my head. Oh, hey Jasper. am I glad to see you.


J: Hello! And err sorry about what happened... My fans can be a little err... energetic at times. I didn't expect them to follow me to the interview place though!


X: Well, I hope they aren't here anymore


J: I held a mini fan-sign event, and they all went home quite happily! They promised they wouldn't disturb us! I usually hold 2 hour fan-signing events, but this one was only on for about an hour or so, so that was fine with me!


X: (I passed out for an hour? Wow...) Anyway, let's get started. Could you say your opening words to our readers?


J: Hello, readers of Redemption Weekly! It's Jasper, and I'm really excited to be here! I hope all of you enjoy reading my interview, and I really appreciate all of your support!


X: Thank you. It's been almost a month since you joined us. How are you finding the Redemption League so far?


J: It's a very fun experience! The idol life can be very stressful so battling is a nice way to unwind and meet people I might not have met through my performances. ^^


X: I see. Who would you say is the most memorable challenger?


J: Hmm... Honestly I'd have to pick Azery for my most memorable challenger~ I believe him and Rise have become very good friends ^.^! As for a particular battle... probably the one where Azery's Icicle Crash missed Rise allowing it to recover its HP! xD


X: Rise, if I'm not mistaken, is your Solrock, right?


J: Yes! I'm really happy that a lower tier Pokemon has a chance to shine in Redemption! It's been a star in my battle with Azery! xD


X: I agree! Lower tier mons definitely can shine in Redemption! Do you have any tips for the challengers that are facing difficulty with you?


J: Honestly I'm not too different from the previous Psychic leader, Edgar xD. Powerful dark types are very difficult to deal with, haha. I try to focus on a more offensive playstyle so the best way to defeat me would be to outplay and overpower me! ^^


X: Outplaying and overpowering you, huh. You're a pretty potent battler, so that might be a little difficult for some challengers


J: I'm not really xD! There are Leaders who are way better at battling than me, for example Oliver!


X: Ooh, speaking of Oliver, I heard that you announced that you had a crush on Oliver? What's up with that, if you don't mind me asking?


J: I figured this would come up eventually xD! Right now it's nothing more than a crush! I definitely feel there's more to Oliver than he shows publicly.


X: What do you mean by that?


J: I once spotted him caring for an injured bird. It was the sweetest thing! My partner Carly is also very adept in judging character, as most Gardevoir are. She definitely feels as though he's a good person! Plus, Oliver is just really cute! ^^


X: I didn't know Oliver had such a caring heart. Guess you learn something new every day.


J: You should get close to him! ^^ Oh, but please don't date him or anything like that xD


X: ...I won't haha. Anyway, I think that wraps about everything up. Thank you for your time, Jasper!


J: It was nothing! Oh, and here is a gift - its my debut album CD! xD


X: Oh neat! I was actually wondering what your music sounded like, since it didn't seem to be available online for some reason.


J: You'll like it, I'm sure! Oh, but make sure you avoid the fans that are waiting outside! They might steal that CD off you if you're not careful xD


X: ...

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Redemption Weekly - Week Sixteen




Things have been proceeding rather smoothly in Redemption! We now have 2 challengers that are aiming for the fifth Hall of Fame position - and we have about 5 challengers that only have one or two badges to obtain before they receive the opportunity to fight Oliver. With 3 weeks remaining before the finale, will they all be able to record their names on the Hall of Fame? Now accepting bets


The win-rates are as follows:




91W, 63L

59.1% (0.4%)


91W, 93L

49.5% (0.3%)


141W, 79L

64.1% (▲0.5%)


79W, 56L

58.5% (▼0.1%)


112W, 59L

65.5% (-)


65W, 40L

61.9% (-)


72W, 31L

69.9% (▲1.2%)


70W, 49L

58.8% (▼0.5%)


25W, 6L

80.6% (-)


36W, 20L

64.3% (▼1.7%)


71W, 24L

74.7% (-)


107W, 29L

78.7% (▲0.8%)


34W, 17L

66.7% (▼0.6%)


52W, 20L

72.2% (▲1.4%)


70W, 12L

85.4% (▼0.9%)


93W, 13L

87.7% (▼1.0%)


36W, 6L

85.7% (▲1.5%)


21W, 4L

84.0% (▲2.2%)



Featured Battles


Bracket 1http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88633 (Olivia vs Siddhanta)

Mini-Ditto in Action!


Bracket 2http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-88561 (Ariel vs TheMosmero)

Literally the only Bracket 2 battle this week


Bracket 3http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88719 (Duncan vs DemIce)

Duncan vs Triple Weather Team!


Bracket 4http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-88524 (Leonidas vs RBRN Azery)

Who could have thought Triples Trick Room Fighting can be so menacing


Bracket 5http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88682 (Erwin vs Champion CoolGirl)

Shedinja Hype!


Bracket 6http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-88536 (Elliot vs TheMoltenGuy)

Elliot, stop dodging Focus Blasts :( 2



The HOT Seat


Our fourth Leader to appear on the Hot Seat, is none other than the tranquil, carefree girl herself, the Grass Gym Leader, Olivia! Olivia has recently been put in the spotlight, for her 'crush' towards the new Psychic Leader, Jasper, and she seems to have gone through quite a bit lately. Originally, she wasn't the next Leader to be interviewed but...


 cradily.gif abomasnow.gifferrothorn.gif 23a64bbb501a4b14a0c9a19eb9296ca5.png whimsicott.gif  venusaur.giftangrowth.gif



X: Good lord. Those demons will do ANYTHING to get their hands on this CD urgh. Now that I lost track of Jasper's annoying fans, I can go back ho- oof!


O: Ouch! Excuse me! Please look at where you're going! I don't want to break another leg, you know!


X: Oww... sorry. Oh hey, Olivia. Fancy meeting you here.


O: Oh, hello. Didn't expect to see you here. How are you?


X: I'm alright I guess. Where are you off to?


O: Hehe... I'm on my way to Jasper's fan-sign event! I can't wait to see him up close again! Maybe if he sees me eye-to-eye, he'll realize that I'm a charming girl too (giggles)


X: Err... didn't the fan-sign event happen 2 hours ago?


O: Nope! It says it's at 2- OH MY GOD! (suddenly grabs Xiri by the collar) I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THE 1 IN FRONT OF THE 2!! I MISSED IT!! I MISSED HIM!! I... I.. HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID???


X: (!#@$!$@%#!) C..could you - cough cough cough - at least let g- HELP!!


O: (Drops Xiri suddenly, and he falls with a thud) Oh! I... I'm sorry. I got a little carried away... but I can't help feeling sad... s-stupid tears, why are they appearing... sobs


X: (I would rather feel sad than getting nearly choked to death) Err... cough cough tell you what, Olivia. Why don't I interview you then, if that helps you feel better?


O: (snivels) Oh, is it my turn already?


X: Well... no, but wouldn't it make you feel a little bit better if you talked about what is going on inside your head? cough cough


O: Oh... (sob) I suppose. I guess we can go to my garden and have the interview there. By the way (snivel), are you alright? You seem to be coughing a lot


X: ...


In Olivia's Garden


X: Wow... this is amazing! Pretty impressive garden, Olivia! Did you plant all these flowers yourself?


O: Of course! Seeing these lovely flowers bloom makes my confidence boost up a little, and.. I quite need that self-confidence at times like these..


X: We'll.. talk more about that a bit later. For now though, could you give your opening words to our readers? Let's get started


O: Opening words? Um... hello Redemption Weekly readers! I hope that all of you can learn a lot about me and have learned a lot about others, and are having a good time participating in the league, whether they're challenging or not! Good luck to everyone out there, and don't forget to appreciate the plants and Grass-types in your life~


X: Thank you! Now, Season 2 is coming to a close sadly. How are you finding Season 2 overall, and do you think its a bit different to Season 1?


O: There's definitely a lot more happening than last season... which isn't really a good thing, considering what has happened. Edgar taking Helen under his wing, the murders, and... I can't really call my current situation great. Jasper being here is really nice though! Even though that has brought its own troubles...


X: So, you're saying it has been quite dramatic?


O: I guess you can say it like that. But battling challengers was still fun - possibly even better than last season.


X: Speaking of challengers, who would be your most memorable challenger?

O: I can't really point one sole challenger out, but there was a challenger that kind of disappeared who had an Arcanine and an Alolan Marowak... It feels good to get past your weaknesses, you know?


X: Yes of course. You are performing the best out of the three Bracket 1 Leaders, after all. Do you mind sharing some of your battle tactics?


O: I did get to Bracket 2 at one point too! Although... it didn't last too long. Anyway, currently my favorite strategies are hazard stack singles and doubles sun, so watch out if you don't have hazard removal or weather control~ I still use Trick Room Triples from time to time, but a certain item can render that strategy moot.


X: Ah yes, that black ball thing. Every Leader who uses Trick Room seems to despise that item, although it could backfire since it makes Flying types and Levitate users lose their immunity to Ground type attacks.


O: I'm well aware... now if only he could drop like those birds with Iron Balls


X: Y'know... I always wondered about that. Why are you and Oliver so hostile to each other? 


O: He started it first!! He has everything he could ever want! He has great battling skills, fame, heck he was even Champion once!! Everyone thinks he's some super cool chill guy but he's so lazy!! Have you ever tried to make dinner only for your brother to not help you at all???


X: Oh, uhm-




X: Err... calm down a bit, Olivia. But I'm sure there will be at least one good memo-




X: Err.. I don't live with him so I wouldn't know...


O: ... Who am I kidding? There... there is one memory, and it's kind of recent, too. On our birthday, he decided to take me out on a plane ride. I... was a little confused at first. I thought it was some kind of trick, but, we ended up going anyway. Honestly, I kind of enjoyed it... the scenery was beautiful and... we weren't fighting each other for once. *sighs* I wish things could be like that again...


X: Perhaps you guys are finally warming up to each other?


O: Maybe... but I doubt it. He made fun of my broken leg yesterday too. He told me I deserved having a broken leg since I couldn't handle myself well! What sort of person can be this inhumane??


X: (Quickly tries to change the topic since Olivia was about to grab Xiri's collar again) Ahem- how is your leg by the way? I heard you had quite an accident


O: It's um, getting better, just a little slowly... It hurts less to walk on anyway. I'm not sure if that's because of Jasper's Gardevoir's Heal Pulse, which was incredibly nice of him, but ever since then there's been a little less pain!


X: Oh, that was pretty sweet of him.


O: I know right! But... I just don't want to have to rely on my crutches or other people anymore, especially since it was my stupid self that caused this... Sorry, I didn't mean to make this depressing.


X: Let's... try and talk about a cheerful topic then! Jasper-


O: Eek!


X: ...yeah. I'll be direct - why did you fall for our popular superstar?


O: He's really cute and really nice to me and offer's so many opportunities for me to be with him~! His voice is fantastic, and I absolutely LOVE his song "Pick Me Up"!! He once even removed his shirt at one point and that was super hot!!


X: ...wow. I wouldn't have known that


O: W-wait, did I just say that? Heehee...


X: (This is awkward) Unfortunately though... you know about his feelings to... Oliver right?


O: Yes... I know.. I'm... honestly mostly confused... and angry... and depressed... it's hard to even parse. How could he even have this over me... at least if it was any other boy I could- a-actually, let's not go there...


X: (This turned depressing again) Are there any other Leaders you want to get more friendly with, then?


O: Well, lately I've been on good terms with Erwin. He's been helping me, um, deal with my feelings... feelings about many things... And we went berry picking together! We even found some super rare Eggant berries. He seems to really be in tune with nature too, so maybe... maybe I could teach him about gardening, and we can work together... Oh in fact, he should be here any minute now. I forgot we were going to meet today. Uhm sorry Xiri, but do you mind if we finish here for today? I think I answered quite well...


X: Oh, of course! I was about to finish soon too. Thank you for your time!


O: It's nothing. Oh, and thank you for trying to cheer me up. I really appreciate it. Be careful on the way out. My Tangrowth might be taking a nap there.


X: You mean Mr. Vine Bon-?


Olivia glares at Xiri


X: S-sorry. See you around Olivia!


Xiri notices the next day that his gift CD from Jasper is missing!

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8 hours ago, Monsieur Divergent said:

So, Jasper likes Oliver, while Olivia likes Jasper. Is the next interview gonna reveal that Oliver secretly likes Olivia, and just pretends to dislike her and stuff, but actually he's just trying to get her attention?

Incest is Wincest...

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Redemption Weekly - Week Seventeen




One more challenger has successfully reached the Hall of Fame, and hence 5 Hall of Famers are now intact for Season 2. 2 more weeks are remaining before the finale, and many challengers are now in Bracket 6 - where they must face the final gauntlet before facing Oliver. Best of luck to those that will be challenging this week, as always!


The win-rates are as follows:




97W, 66L

59.5% (0.4%)


93W, 95L

49.5% (-)


143W, 79L

64.4% (▲0.3%)


82W, 56L

59.4% (▲0.9%)


112W, 60L

65.1% (▼0.4%)


66W, 40L

62.3% (▲0.4%)


72W, 34L

67.9% (▼2.0%)


71W, 49L

59.2% (▲0.4%)


28W, 7L

80.0% (▼0.6%)


39W, 21L

65.0% (▲0.7%)


72W, 24L

75.0% (▲0.3%)


113W, 31L

78.5% (▼0.2%)


38W, 17L

69.1% (▲2.4%)


55W, 22L

71.4% (▼0.8%)


80W, 12L

87.0% (▲1.6%)


95W, 13L

88.0% (▲0.3%)


41W, 6L

87.2% (▲1.5%)


26W, 5L

83.9% (▼0.1%)


The following promotions/demotions were agreed upon by the Staff - based on the Leaders' performances for the last 3 weeks!




Olivia was promoted to Bracket 2

Lucifer was promoted to Bracket 5



Ariel was demoted to Bracket 1

Emilia was demoted to Bracket 4



Featured Battles


Bracket 1http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-89283 (Haley vs Intsys)

Haley returns to her S1 Singles Tactics!


Bracket 2http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-89285 (Ariel vs RBRN Azery)

Choice Scarf


Bracket 3http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-89257 (HELEN vs DashingStorm)

The Butter Lord never dies


Bracket 4http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-89244 (Lucifer vs Trevore)

Just keep trying~ just keep trying


Bracket 5http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptiontrip-89117 (Emilia vs Cyanna Cyril)

Emilia stepping things up again


Bracket 6http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7xleaguesingles-89241 (Oliver vs Quinn)

Gliscor is a troll



The HOT Seat


Since we are currently short on time, it was decided that I'll be hosting dual interviews for the remaining interviews (New interviews will be released even though Season 2 finishes!). This week, I have invited the two powerful Bracket 6 Leaders, Elliot and Oliver to the seat!


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aerodactyl.gifmantine.gif miUjOui.png      gliscor.gif         zapdos.gif


X: ...I thought Elliot was practicing for a concert, not a-


Magician Missy the Blissey suddenly appears in front of Xiri!


X: *cough cough* HOLY SH- *cough* uh what? What is th-


Missy suddenly hands Xiri a card, which suddenly bursts in flames!




E: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it there, Missy. That's no way to treat our guest here! Clean it up!


Missy calms the flames down, and takes the card away from Xiri, looking disappointed


E: Sorry, Xiri. Little Missy here probably just wanted to show you a magic trick. 


X: Well... *cough cough* I hope she doesn't do that again without warning... that scared the living crap out of me...


E: Ehehe... well she is the magician of the show, after all! She always likes to show off new tricks to strangers! Please forgive her.


X: Oh about that, I thought you were preparing for a concert, not a circus, Elliot


E: It started off as a concert! But some of my Pokemon had talents in circus acts instead of performing music. I couldn't just let them sit in the sidelines and observe the band members perform every single time! They also wanted to perform on stage too! So I thought, why not just make a circus where everyone can have a chance to perform? Isn't it a brilliant idea?


X: Uh... I gu-


E: Oh, I almost forgot. I should call him down too. Hey Oliver! Xiri is here for our interview, so we can take a little break! Could you come down?


X: Huh? Oliver is here too? Why-


Oliver gently swoops down from above on his Staraptor


O: About time you got here.


X: I was only one minute late-


O: Time is money. Can't you see we're a bit busy here?


E: Hey hey Oli, come on man! Don't be like that! Chill a little!


O: Whatever. I still don't like how I don't get an interview by myself when my sister got one.


X: ...I explained this before on the phone. We're short on-


O: (shrugs) I still don't like it


X: ......


E: Hehe... well, Xiri! Should we get started?? I can't wait to be asked questions!


O: You can, surely


E: Oli, please...! Let's not create any fights here...


X: Alright, alright. We can start then. Could both of you please give your opening words to the Readers?


E: Hello friends! It's Elliot, and I'm really excited to be here! It almost feels like I'm famous! I hope all of you reading can also enjoy this interview as much as I do!


O: Sup. The name is Oliver. Favorite pastime is beating up scrubs.


X: Okay. So, Season 2 is unfortunately coming to a close. How did both of you find this season so far?


E: It's been really great! I had a lot of fun battles, and although I had a couple of moments when things got a little uh.. out of hand? but overall, it was a great experience!


O: Having the Champ position was pretty cool. Beating up regular scrubs are boring, but this season, only having to battle 'tougher' scrubs was fun.


X: (Arrogant much) Do you both have any memorable challengers?


E: It would definitely have to be TheMoltenGuy! He tried so hard but my Tony just dodged Focus Blasts left and right... I actually felt pretty bad after the battles I had with him.


O: Eh, I delete memories of battles after I'm done with them, but I guess Anstane is memorable since he haxed his way to win. Sigh~


X: Isn't hax part of the game though?


O: You try getting flinched every single game then, and tell me how you feel about it


E: I'll have to agree... no offense to Anstane of course, but flinches are annoying! But nevertheless he fought well in my battles! A brave, young challenger indeed!


X: (I wish I can just smash those cheap sunglasses right now. Who the hell wears them indoors anyway) Fair enough then. Any tips for the challengers that are awaiting to face you both?


E: Expect a lot of walls! Bella (Miltank), Tony (Snorlax), L.J (Porygon2) are usually my primary walls of defense, so a strong Fighting type attack - preferably a STAB will do a huge chunk of damage! But I do have Doris (Dodrio), Deandre (Staraptor) and Irene (Pidgeot) around to handle some Fighting type Pokemon, so don't think you'll get an auto-win with a Fighting type Pokemon alone!


O: Copy and paste from what Elliot just said. Except Fighting types won't save you against me. Tips? Just outplay me. It's hard but thats the only way.


X: Well, 5 people did manage to beat you so you're not impossible to defeat! But I have to admit, you both are demonstrating some nice battles - so good job on that


E: Thank you!


O: You expect something different?


X: (Ignores Oliver) That's enough about battles I think. Elliot, could you explain this circus a little more?


E: It was always my dream to have some sort of performance with my Pokemon! Originally, as I said before, I was planning a band! But some of my Pokemon didn't have the musical talent they deserved! So to make things fair, I decided that holding a circus with some live music performance would be a splendid idea! Both visual and auditory entertainment! Isn't that just thrilling?


X: (A little dramatic, more like) Well, where does Oliver fit into this?


O: I give acrobatic lessons. I'm not the Flying type Leader for nothing y'know.


X: Wait, you used to be an acrobat?


O: Sorta. My birds also help Elliot's Pokemon with some aerial acts too. I don't do much, so its pretty worth it


X: In...teresting... when is the opening night?


E: I would say, in about 3 months or so! We need everything to be in a perfect state, after all, and I think 3 months will be a decent amount of time to polish up everything!


X: Are you going to invite any other Leaders to the circus?


O: Duh. Isn't it obvious who he is going to invite?


E: H-hey! W-what are you thinking? I'm going to invite everyone, y'know! It'll be a mini Redemption gathering!


O: Uh-huh suuuure. She'll probably get the first invite. How are things going between you and her, anyway?


E: Huh? F-fine. W-wait! Nothing! We're only getting to know each other now... nothing special about it!


O: You're acting suspicious. C'mon, I'm sure the readers would like to know more about you two. She already had her interview, so this is your only chance to talk about it.


X: (I thought I was the interviewer here)


E: There really isn't... o-oh! U-u-uh by the w-way Oliver! How are things between you and Olivia going? Have you heard she got promoted to Bracket 2?


X: (Okay. Just ignore me)


O: Good for her. I don't want to admit it, but she does have potential. She just needs to step it up a bit. If only she gained some confidence...


E: So you do care for her after all!


O: Eh, I kinda have to. She is my sister, after all. 


X: Do you want to say a few words to a sister then? Can you make it as emotional as possible?


Oliver glares at Xiri


X: (Yeah, they are siblings. They glare the exact same way). Well I guess we can wrap it up for the day. Thank you for your time, both of you!


O: That was short


X: I think it was long enough


E: I'm a little bit sad that it's over... but I had fun. It's okay!


O: Whatever. I'll be going back up.


X: You will invite me too to the opening night, right?


E: Of course!


O: No


X: What? Why?


O: Because you're a loser


X: ...

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I agree. This interview was really enjoyable. I feel that Oliver is a potential tsundere guy while Elliot is kinda protagonist-esque. I wonder who will be featured on the last week.


And I missed most of this current week's sessions. The 3 Bracket 6 leaders are totally playing no joke...

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Redemption Weekly - Final Week




It's another League day!


Just joking (sadly). Season 2 has finally came to a close, and what a ride it has been! On the last day, another brave challenger managed to defeat Oliver and took the glory of being our sixth Hall of Famer. Another big round of applause to ShinyrioHycroxPyrrhonPersonthingAnstane and Quinn for reaching the Season 2 Hall of Fame. 


On behalf of all the Redemption staff, I would like to thank all our Leaders and challengers for participating and dedicating their time to this League. We hope that you all had a wonderful time and we hope that we will see all of you again in future events.


The final win-rates are as follows:




88W, 60L



100W, 67L



102W, 102L



114W, 60L



145W, 84L



69W, 41L



72W, 34L



71W, 50L



28W, 8L



43W, 20L



45W, 21L



74W, 26L



62W, 22L



117W, 31L



96W, 13L



103W, 13L



64W, 7L



38W, 6L



Replay of the week goes to: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-89745 (Azery vs HELEN)

No more explanations needed


To wrap the season up, our Leaders left their final words on the Season:





Ariel: "While it may have been unfortunate to end this early, certain people have left me to believe that a long break from this League will be in order. However, I do enjoy the new company I have made with some Leaders and challengers, and that has made for some memories over this season. In any case, I have a mystery to solve.

Regards Ariel.

Bernard sends his regards too."


Haley:"Well, I guess it wasn't too bad... Goodbye, I guess"


Nick: "I suppose now that it's over, I can finally get back to my research on a private subject that I shall not divulge any info about to anyone"






Mira: "Awwwww, no more games for Mira and Mimi... Mimi says she wants to play more soon!"


Olivia: "I'm kinda sad that this is over... So much has happened and I really want to talk to everyone and keep challenging again! I have a sweet, cutie boyfriend now so it can't all be bad, right~? See you all later, my flower petals <3

P.S Oliver will most likely call you all scrubs or something, but he probably misses you too...! Keyword being probably..."


Penelope: "Now that this is taken care of, I can return to fully focusing on my museum. Take care, I suppose."






Duncan: "Heya mates, it's ya old pal Duncan 'ere. I 'ad a lotta good blues with all of ya and I gotta give my thanks for that!

Duncan, out!"





Jasper: "It was a lot of fun battling everyone! I was nervous at first, but I feel as though I ended up doing well ^^! I hope everyone else had fun too! I'm not sure what the staff has planned, but hopefully I can battle and chat with you all agin sometime ^^;! Thanks for the memories!"






EmiliaEmilia bows and wishes you all well!


Festus: "...Farewell..."


Leo: "WAHAHAHAHA! Farewell pipsqueaks, it was fun!"






Erwin: "This season has definitely been a great experience for me! I had a great time getting to know you guys and having great battles!

I hope we can meet again someday!"


Lucifer: "Curtain call was days ago folks, what are you still doing here? Sigh... whatever. Have fun, kids."


Venus: "Goodbye my lovelyz~ it was really nice seeing all you cutie and sexy people again! It's goodbye for now, but we will probably see each other soon in the future~ just look in your bedroom closet for example ;) <3

My pole dancing classes are still open~"






Elliot: "Hello folks! It was really awesome seeing all of you cool people again!

Good news though! Me and Lilly are officially in a relationship! I heard a lot of you guys supported us, so I give you my utmost thanks!

Please visit me and my gang when our circus tour kicks off! Will miss all of you, my buddies!"


Lilly: "I think I left too abruptly at the end of the early session on the last day. Apologies for my behavior. I hope everybody enjoyed their time in Redemption this season as much as I did. It was a really pleasant experience for me, and I regret not getting to know you people more.

I wish you the best, and let the calm waters be with you for the rest of your lives"


Oliver: "Later scrubs. Catch me in the skies if you miss me" 



And thats all folks! Thank you for showing your support for Redemption Weekly until the last edition! It's your editor, Xiri, signing off. 

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh well it was an intresting experience if i do say so myself, even though some leaders like HELEN and Haley had to fight for staying  i hope we can have a S3 soon, oh and Venus stay sexy ^^

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