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[IC] TotMV:G2: Val Habar and the Terrible Tigrex


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Andre discovers that, this being a medieval - albeit magically enhanced - kitchen that has been abandoned for what might have been centuries, there are no popsicles or anything even remotely resembling one. 


Masaru nods. "Good. Now, I'm off to track down a room for myself around here. Man's gotta know where he's gonna be resting his head." With that, he picks his sword back up, and heads off in no particular direction. He's looking for the nobles' bedrooms, but having just been unceremoniously dumped into the castle not too long ago, he's not familiar with where they are located at this time.


The sun outside is starting to descend, and with it the buzz of the market is slowly fading. The rays cast from it scatter dappled shadows across the still-vibrant colors of Val Habar as Mar approaches the Wycoon. "You're back again, I see. Was there something further you needed?"

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"I think it was rude, when I heard that it would take a long time for my goods to come, That I didn't ask if there was anything I could do to help make it faster for the both of us."




Mar Pauses, and gives a small bow of respect to the Wycoon, preparing mentally to make his proposition.


"So now I've said it, and I only speak with respect, but might there be something I could do to help speed that process up?"


"I can travel fast, I have fair strength, and my mind for problems is sharp, despite my age, if such a trial existed."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"I don't believe it was rude at all, friend Hunter! These sorts of things take time, you know. I do appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid there isn't very much you can do, unless you wanted to become some sort of messenger boy; this takes time because of negotiations being slow over great distances." The Wycoon pauses, a pensive expression on his face. "Do speak to me next time you are in Val Habar, however. There are no business opportunities held up by monsters right now, but they crop up all the time. If you helped me resolve one of those quickly, I'd ensure it was worth your time and struggles."

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"Absolutely, the best cure for impatience is hard work."


"I wish you well."


Mar browses the Bazaar one last time before returning.


He checks what sort of plants are available, things which are hardy, things which have odd properties, and most importantly, the seeds to grow them.


He starts with Maize, Rice, Bamboo and Walnuts, and seeks more exotic goods afterwards.


He also purchases anything that looks particularly interesting, odd trinkets or strange organic things.  This world seems to have those in spades.


Finally, he looks around! there might be something that inspires him among the slowly slowing people and things milling about.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Mar finds a number of things, mundane or otherwise. He obtains his desired crops - not all of which are native to the area, but Val Habar's role as a trade hub offers some perks - before tracking down a few of this world's more unique offerings. 

Dragonfell Berry

A berry infused with Dragon Element, whose unknown properties are anathema to the very dragons that use it. Inflicts Silence for 2 turns on consumption.  

Might Seed

An energizing seed often used in draughts said to make Hunters more powerful. Increases damage dealt by 3 for 3 turns, or cures a debuff on an attacking stat, when consumed.

Adamant Seed

A hardy seed used to create drugs to enhance one's toughness. Increases RES by 3 for 3 turns, or cures a RES debuff, when consumed. 

Flame Sac 

An organ filled with a powder prone to igniting on contact with air.

Cryo Sac

An organ filled with a fluid that expands and freezes on contact with the air.

Screamer Sac

A bladder filled with air that produces a loud screeching sound when ruptured.

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Mar gets a Dragonberry, Might Seed, Adamant Seed, Flame Sac, and Cryo Sac.


He also requests permission to take a small sample of the Screamer Sac, but not the entire thing.


He then returns home with his loot, having spent however much of the 3600 Zenni he has at his disposal.

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Mar returns home.  He has plans in his head, to improve the castle in many ways.


He looks clearly cheerful with his squinted eyes, and arm behind his back, using the Glaive as a walking stick.


Mar tops the Glaive's Blade with a large sphere of carved sandstone, both to protect the blade, and to disguise it's purpose.


The sphere is covered in the Stonerist Symbol, A lightning bolt, held inside a pentagon.


With luck, it makes the weapon look like an eccentric staff, fit for someone who is not very fit at all.



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Andre, finding no popcicles sighs and heads back to Artithia's room. He pauses as he considers how to go about this. He's fairly certain that garlic wouldn't help with this... Coffee isn't an option since he doesn't have any. He hasn't seen anyone about that looked like a white mage type... Alright, looks like a job for a potion.

Andre applies a potion to the knocked out woman. That sounds weird.

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Liliya-Servants' Quarters


Liliya had followed Andre after he had dispatched the woman. She was unnerved by the brutality of this so-called spar, and while not keen to admit it, a little worried about the woman. Arthita?

Andre seemed to be interested in reviving her, but when Liliya entered the room, she saw him administering a strange draft to him.

"...what the hell are you giving her!?"

Edited by Strider
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Liliya-Servants' Quarters


"So, some sort of magic drink. That's good I guess." Liliya stepped into the room, and made her way over to Artitha. She leaned over her, trying to get a good look at the damage that this man had caused.

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Andre helpfully points out places where it was possible for the girl to have been injured in the spar.

"Let's see, I decked her in the face so she's likely got a broken nose and an concussion... Probably some abrasions from the tackle onto the sand... Oh, very unlikely but I might have cracked a rib. But most likely not, I wasn't trying to hurt her... Only other problems would mostly be any energy drain from that freaky shit she nearly killed me with. Over all I'd say that was a pretty light spar."

Andre nods with a smile as he finishes his assessment.

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Liliya-Servants' Quarters


"What would a heavy spar be like? And who would want one? Sounds more like a real brawl with possible casualties." Wouldn't one of this man's heavy spars be detrimental to their supposed mission? It sounded as though they could cause serious enough injury to prevent a person from being able to contribute. "How much pain can those potions fix, do you know?"

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"I mean, a heavy spar would require more than one strike from either side in my opinion. I mean, it's meant to be a learning experience using actual techniques in practice so... yeah. Anyways, she shouldn't be in much pain when she wakes up as long as the potions do their job. Pain is just your body's way of saying that shit's fucked ya know? So if the shit gets unfucked then the pain goes away."

That's a fairly obvious thing to explain, but Andre seems to be the type that regularly gets his shit fucked. Probably messes with his head. At least it's not in an apparently bad way given he's very gentle in his work with Artithia. One of those Gentle Giant types in a way.

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Mar, Passing the group at some point, and carrying extremely odd things, sacks of seeds, and sacks of fire and ice?


"Any who consider themselves druids or masters of nature should follow me, if you have such talents, you may be able to help me to help us all."


His load seems heavy, but his heart seems light as he slips away into the forge, then later, to an unmarked bedroom in the servant's quarters.

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Grand Hall, Rafters>Servant's Quarters


Aurora stared blankly at the sheet of black silk in her hands. The power she had felt briefly surge through her, as it had done once already and nearly again when the fire fleshbag had appeared, was already beginning to recede. She still heard the faint echoes of the voices in her skull, nothing more than sweet nothings whispered on the wind now that their corrupted energies had been mixed, expelled, and sealed within the fabric in her hands. One in particular had struck her as odder than the other two, as it'd attempted to gode her to it's bidding... sounded rather pathetic, he did, going on and on about his Mother and something or someone called a "Cetra", honestly, compared to the other two forces, that one had simply refused to shut the fuck up... The other two were actually bland in comparison though. One had simply encouraged her to embrace the darkness; there had been one slight issue however. Aurora truly had no idea what the difference between light and dark even was anymore, and the spider could not give into something she knew not even existed. The last voice had been a stereotypical demand to do it's bidding- it had been the easiest to ignore, ironically enough. No food, no favors, that was her policy and she hadn't been about to change it just because of some disembodied force of evil. 

     As peculiar as the whole experience was however, it didn't last very long. In due time, that same Dead Part of her that had been lurking saw fit to surface again, just for a few moments... but unlike the last time it had, when she argued with the adventurer, here it had brought with it a power the likes of which Aurora had felt few times before. And with that raw power, that fierce, unbridled spark that burned like an ethereal flame and carried such impact as heavenly thunder, the dead part of her had in one fell swoop silenced all three voices.


And Before Aurora's conscious mind even realized it, her hands had gone to work spinning the shining sheet of ungodly darkness before her.


"Cold..." the spider whispered. She poked at it once more with a single finger. Cold indeed... but not like the chill brought by ice. No, for this cold was like the encroaching abyss of death. The bone chilling despair of imminent destruction, hopeless endeavors, broken dreams and lost causes.


This cold was the sensation of having died without ever truly living to begin with.


Aurora withdrew her hand. The feeling was unpleasant, to say the least, probably even worse for her than it would be for most other beings, given those predatory senses paired with the inherently superior magic sense that came with Godsparks.... so unpleasant in fact, she didn't want to spend another moment with this Hellish fabric in her possession. Gathering it up, she could hear the Orc's announcement as he passed through the hall, and eventually into the Servant's Quarters.


Without hesitation, she followed after him, holding the folded sheet of darkness at arms length as she called out to Mar "Orc, take it... Fabric feels like death, Aurora don't want it...bad fabric, makes Aurora feel like... nothing matters."

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The silk falls into his hands, and with it, he flinches as if struck, falling backwards, the silk flutters to the ground, acting so innocent in it's slow descent, despite what it is.


Mar makes an awkward grin, and picks it up with the end of his staff, slipping it into his Gummi Pouch, and stuffing it in.


What enhanced senses bring into clarity, age and mortality bring into abyssal murkiness.  Oh Mar had felt it all right, but the only reasons he could tell it came from the silk were Aurora's words and his own contextual knowledge.  If he did not know exactly what this was, he would have sworn the feeling was simply all-encompassing from all directions, a horrific aura it is, one which seems to come from within.


Mar can't stop bad memories from floating up on the pitch black waters that his mind had seemed to dip a toe into upon touching the cloth.


Memories of death come unbidden of course, but even worse, the memories were dominated by the feeling of inevitability, and a clarity he tries to ignore with booze, what youth no longer dulled with adrenaline on tap and heat from within, the idea that not only is one's own death a swiftly approaching thing, but that the deaths of others are all to likely to appear before oneself, time and time again.


The Young, The Old, the Great, and the Small.  Oh the small ones, he thinks.  So many of his bretheren he has seen wrapped in cloth twice in their lives.


A tiny one, no older than 3 weeks and walking already.  15 Years of life could never dull a memory with such a cutting edge.


A young one, coming into their youth at the tender age of 3, already toying with sticks and rocks, with scraps of hide painted with silly faces.  how could 12 years dull what 15 could not?


A strong one, full of piss and vinegar at 10, brought into the Lodge of Stonerist Chi, cracking boulders, cracking pillars!  Pride was very nearly taken for granted, such quantities of it were abound.


It becomes harder with age, as one's heart hardens, so much harder, and more painful, to open wounds in tough hide.


Four Years, it seems, are not enough to forget such a cruel death as one's own son.


He continues his walk, looking so much older, so much older than he wishes he was.  So many years he wishes he had not been gifted with.


He'll shake it off later with lukewarm booze.  He longs for the traditional sorrow wine of home, Wine which he doubts he will ever taste again.  The ingredients so alien to these places, how could he expect a luxury like that.  It's childish, he has already imbibed of it anyway, when the son of an Elder dies, the Sorrow Wine flows like an entire village worth of tears.  like the entire village's very tears, which were shed that day.


"Hunting Elder, please! restrain yourself, you'll be dead of a melted stomach if you don't stop!"


"Then I'll make do! I'll just make do, now get out!"


*Crash*  Something clattering to the ground, split in two, so fine that fire spouted from the edge as it split.  A small urn, the rope on it cut as well, small toys clatter out, trinkets.  They are cut as well.  A Little rock with two dimples and a crescent, a smiling face, carved by an eager, but inexperienced individual.  the two halves of it fall apart.  A mirror like sheen showing two faces in their reflections.  One of them is concerned, a grassy green visage, their hair braided to one side.  In the other, a dark green face blushed greener, their eyes are foggy, milky white, their face wracked with pure and simple grief. 


He'll just make do.  It is what a hunter does, when they have so few things that they wish they had.


Mar has obtained the Cerement Fabric.


--Servant's Quarters--


Mar exits a room, and cracks "Garden" into the area above the door, after having seeded it and treated them all with plant mana to promote health in them.


He probably runs into someone along the way.

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Masaru rounds a corner and nearly collides with a particular orc upon doing so. "Ho there, Mar. Sorry about that, this place has got tight corners. What have you been up to, anyway?" The orc looked. . . oddly tired. Not the good kind of tired that came from a day's work or a hard-fought battle, but a tiredness of the heart. He deigned not to comment on it for the moment, however; he'd only just met the other man, after all, and it didn't do well to pry into personal affairs that quickly.

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"Hail Masaru, I've been quite busy, if you check the Smithy, you will find a number of things I have deigned to purchase, and if you go down the hall, you will find a farm I have started in a re-purposed bedroom."


"I am also thinking I will attempt to enhance the offensive and defensive power of the castle itself.  My idea is statues, wielding blades and attached to rails and chains hidden in the floor, or explosive pistons tied to unarmed pinholes in the ground, which can be armed with a panel with an attached pin."


"It has been a busy day, but the duties of preparing us and ours for the future is a good one."

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"I'll have to look at those once I've got a better idea of how this place is laid out. As for any improvements you want to make, let me know if you need any heavy lifting done. I was never much of an engineer, but I'd like to help fortify this place however I can; any enemy a trap takes out means one less that puts our people at risk." He hefts his blade a bit at the comment about heavy lifting; it looks like it weighs as much as Mar does, at least. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to know if this place has a separate place for the nobles to reside, would you? Been looking for a room with a little more space."

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Mar points out the noble quarters.


"The fine rooms are down thataway.  I may take you up on that offer later.  Being able to strike a boulder into a sword is simpler than lifting the boulder, for me that is."




Thaum>Crimglass: (17, 15) This mana type is highly reactive to willpower and intentions, especialy those of it's creator.


Thaum>Preserved Aptonoth Brain: (9, 9) A basic Psychic Mana, it is weak, and easily manipulated, Thoughts can be infused into it with willpower, carrying those thoughts with it.


Thaum>Preserved Aptonoth Eye: (6, 10) A weak Liquid Sensory Mana, which savors and contains rough images of light passing through it.


Thaum>Preserved Aptonoth Lung: (17, 9) A Liquid Mana which other mana types can become trapped in. It gradually accumulates Ambient Mana until saturated.


Thaum>Iron: (19, 2) This Mana type is a Ray of Kinetic Energy, strong and directed, it is pure Force.



Mar combines these mana types into a small red incorporeal lizard, it's body is made of Crimglass mana, it has a single V shaped eye of Eye Mana, and filling it's body is Brain Mana, It also has a small blip of Lung mana in it's mouth, and Iron Mana in it's limbs to allow them to move.


While creating it, he attempts to give it the command to have it go into a bedroom, then come back.  It would have to see the room, last long enough to reach the room, and be smart enough to do all of that and navigate it's way back, if it were to work.

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Liliya-Servants' Quarters

((OOC: I presume that Masaru is in the servants' quarters, but being directed towards the noble quarters))


Turning to Andre, Liliya stated flatly, "You seem like you have this under control. Don't hit her when she wakes up, okay? Excuse me." With that, the woman left the room, and set off down the halls. She passed through them without much thought; her curiosity could be sated later. There were other people in the same boat as me, and maybe I can talk to Mar. She shuddered involuntarily. To someone from a world distinctly lacking in creatures like Mar, he was in fact slightly frightening. However, he seemed sane and intelligent. More than can be said of some people. Liliya rounded a corner, and caught sight of Mar and another man whom she had briefly seen earlier.


"Hi Mar. And...?" Liliya then gestured awkwardly at the man in conversation with Mar. "I'm Liliya, by the way." She had decided that learning the names of the people she was expected to fight with might not be a poor idea. "You a vet? Or did you just get roped into this mess today?"

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Noble Quarters

Vora, sleepy, walked from the Entrance Hall to the Noble quarters, found a empty room, and fell asleep. 

<skipping back to current time>

Vora awoke and stretched. though she had not gotten much sleep, it was enough for the moment.

"Wonder if there is a shower in this pace... probably not based on its old-style design. haven't seen anything designed like this since visiting the ruins on Dangioa when I was little." Vora thought out loud as she picked herself up and left the room in search of a shower that probably didn't exist.

Nobel Quarters -> (anywhere someone wants to talk to me)

Edited by Astrorious
just to have her headed toward something... she is wondering about the castle, so if you just state you run into her, I can interact
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