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[IC] TotMV:G2: Val Habar and the Terrible Tigrex


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Andre punches the Tigrex for [10] damage!


The wyvern inhales to roar. A cloud of shrapnel bursts over its head, and down its gullet the shards go, cutting its throat. This deals [13] damage, but it also seems to upset the beast further than it already was. It leaps backward, roaring again, this time hard enough to knock Andre and Mar off of their feet for [1] damage. After they recover, they can see a change in the beast: veins bulging, and the eyes, previously a bright blue, now a sinister and nearly glowing red to match the lines traced across and around its body now.



Andre: 41/42 HP, Healthy

Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy

Tigrex: Wounded, Healthy, ENRAGED

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Mar Infuses the ground in front of him with Pig Iron Mana, Beating his Chest at the Tigrex as he stands up.



Thaum>Pigiron: (20, 13) This Mana type is a Liquid Mana which emits kinetic force on impact, in the direction of the lesser mass.


In the competition between the planet and the Tigrex, Mar assumes that the Pig Iron Mana will fire it's pulse in the Tigrex's Direction when it stomps on the Pad of Blue Liquid, throwing it off balance.

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Andre attempts to suplex the Tigrex again! [17 vs 31] Somewhat unsurprisingly, he is unable to suplex something that is the biological equivalent of an extremely angry freight train. He does deal [5] damage, though. 


The Tigrex leaps at Andre through the air, crashing down atop him for [23] damage! [24 vs 18] He's knocked to the ground, winded and stunned. However, it quickly pops back into the air in an uncontrolled tumble, crashing to the ground unpleasantly and taking [18] damage. It lays on the ground, dazed but still enraged. 



Andre: 18/42 HP, Stunned

Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy

Tigrex: Bloodied, Tripped, ENRAGED

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Mar Leaps on it's back and starts Sawing at it's Head Junk with his Possessed Obsidian Saw, Wrapping the Chain of Little Sneak around it's Neck so he can stay on it.



Damage: 3d4+STR = 3d4+3+1

Bonus 1d4 Pure Damage from Obsidian Biface Bonus

Final Calc: 3d4+4 Normal Damage, 1d4 Pure Damage


Edited by Hal Henderics
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Mar leaps onto the Tigrex's back and begins to apply his weapon to where he assumes the beast's jugular must be for [7+1]. 


Mounting Attack Initiated!


The Tigrex suddenly rears up, preparing to slam Mar against the ground! What does he do?


Andre recovers from stun.

Andre: 18/42 HP, Recovering from stun
Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy, Mounting Tigrex
Tigrex: Bloodied, Mounted, ENRAGED 

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[28 vs 16] Mar successfully holds onto the Tigrex! It falls down toward Andre, seemingly tired for a moment; this may be a good chance to inflict further wounds on the beast.


[18 vs 17] Andre punches the Tigrex; however, generally, being directly underneath a falling wyvern has ill effects on one's health. He deals [7] damage, but is smooshed for [5].



Andre: 13/42 HP, Recovering from stun
Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy, Mounting Tigrex
Tigrex: Bloodied, Mounted, ENRAGED  

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Mar's efforts succeed, toppling the Tigrex! It falls over, and struggles, not being able to regain its feet.


Andre attempts to tear off the scales. [19 vs 17] He succeeds, obtaining one Tigrex Scale! This process inflicts [2] damage, but reduces the Tigrex's RES by 1.




Andre: 13/42 HP, Healthy
Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy

Tigrex: Badly Bloodied, Toppled, Exhausted


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Mar Now Channels Osmose Elemental Mana, Pelting the Tigrex with the Energy Stealing mana type.



Thaum>Deep Blue Spinel: (5, 13) This Mana Type forms spikes all over it's surface, when it contacts an object, it drains it's energy in a sharp jolt, before becoming an inert spiked mass of it's pilfered energy, blue in color.


"Attack it's Arms, If your attacks are not bringing it down, we need to disable it as much as possible!"

Mar shouts at Andre.

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A piece of the fourth wall falls on Andre and deals 3 damage.


Andre attempts to rip off more scales. [17 vs 12] He succeeds again, further reducing the beast's resistance to punishment and dealing [5] damage.


Mar channels exhaustive mana into the Tigrex; it seems to be getting more tired, but doesn't stop fighting. 


The Tigrex finally manages to throw Mar off - though he lands harmlessly - and stands up, growling at the two before preparing to charge again. 



Andre: 10/42 HP, Healthy

Mar: 39/40 HP, Healthy

Tigrex: Badly Bloodied, Tired, RES-2, Normal

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Mar hacks at the Tigrex's forelimb with his saw, inflicting [16] damage. He catches one of its claws with it, and takes a chunk out; however, the implement is still just as sharp and deadly as it was before.


Andre punches the Tigrex in the face! He deals [22] damage, and a sickening crunch sounds as fractures run through the small crests on the beast's head before they shatter, along with a fist-shaped depression on the thing's nose. This stops the thing dead in its tracks, and it cries out in pain before turning red again and leaping back. 


The Tigrex lets out an earsplitting roar, dealing 1 damage to Andre and Mar.





Andre: 9/42 HP, Healthy

Mar: 38/40 HP, Healthy, +1 STR/CON, -1 DEX/INT

Tigrex: Near Death, RES-2, ENRAGED


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Andre shakes himself out before jumping forward at the beast. He is quite angered at this point himself so he forgoes the usual stunning nature of his suplexs and launches both himself and the beast into the air before bringing them both down on it's neck like a dragon and a large angry man. As they fall he casually takes a selfie, making sure to give a winning smile despite being bloodied in the fight.

(basic attack)

Andre crosses out that last action.

"I forgot about these potions! I hope they're healing pots."

Andre downs a potion.

Edited by kj1225
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[21 straight] Mar succeeds admirably in his attempt, launching a perfectly formed spike of mana at the Tigrex. [18 vs 17] The spike drives itself into the Tigrex's right arm and then some, tearing through the wing and seriously hampering its ability to run. As it buries itself in the wyvern, the shock breaks the claw on that limb with another crunching sound. This whole process inflicts [8] damage.


Andre chugs a potion, recovering 10 HP. 


The Tigrex charges, though it's weak and staggering from the bolt of mana lodged in it. It bowls over Andre and Mar for [5] and [7] damage, respectively, before stopping and turning slowly, with a limp, to face them again, eyes still scarlet with rage. 



Mar: 31/40 HP, +2 STR/CON, -2 (-1) INT/DEX

Andre: 14/42 HP, Healthy

Tigrex: Near Death, Hobbled, Claw Broken, Enraged

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Andre shakes himself out before jumping forward at the beast. He is quite angered at this point himself so he forgoes the usual stunning nature of his suplexs and launches both himself and the beast into the air before bringing them both down on it's neck like a dragon and a large angry manbear. As they fall he casually takes a selfie, making sure to give a winning smile despite being bloodied in the fight.

(basic attack)

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Mar infuses Andre with Jet Mana, turning what might have been a badass finishing sequence into a chipmunk like blooper reel of high speed beat-downing.



Thaum>Jet: (6, 1) This Mana type Heals and Speeds up People and Objects made of Carbon or Calcium Containing Materials.


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