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[IC] TotMV:G2: Val Habar and the Terrible Tigrex


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The blacksmith thinks for a moment. "Fist weapons? Not a standard design for a Hunter, but I have seen dual blade designs that might be called 'fist weapons.'" He reached back behind himself for a moment, and drew out a sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal. Soot-stained hands working deftly, he quickly produced a drawing. "Something like these?"

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The butcher nods, taking the money and quickly providing the requested goods to Mar, the various bits of offal thrown together in a battered-looking sack. 


"It's not much effort. Really, the dual blades are wielded in such a way that they are more one weapon than two," the blacksmith tells Andre. "Still, did you have any particulars in mind?"

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"Well, Don't know if you guys have this kind of technique here, but pretty much every weapon where I come from has an element attached to it. Well, I've got this maw from the tigrex, and while I was out there I found this jewel that looks like it's susceptible to taking on magical properties. Do you think there's anyway you could incorporate it in?"

Andre helpfully holds up the maw and Aquaglow jewel he found.

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Mar returns to the ship, claiming a room in the servant's quarters, he strips anything out of the room that might get stained, and sets to work, making glass Jars and filling them with the Liquid Death Mana, plopping organs in each one.


Intended Result: "Jars of Preserved Organs: Like something out of a Mad Science Laboratory, These Jars each contain a specimen of some kind, preserved with magic.  A few of them seem to twitch from time to time..."

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Mar successfully preserves his various organs and such, getting a couple odd looks as he walks to the ship for carrying a bag of offal around. None linger too long though; improvisation and innovation were familiar things to the people who came to Val Habar. 


The blacksmith frowns. "Well, Tigrex parts are not normally too suited to taking on elemental properties. I have heard of a rare Tigrex breed that produces explosive powders, but the typical one simply lends itself to sharp and tough weapons. However," he says, gesturing to a bright purple-colored stall/cart across the road, manned by a wizened gnome-like person with long ears, "the Wycoon may be able to offer you a trade for some other monster parts that may take to elements better. That Aquaglow jewel there is used in decorations, not set straight into weapons; they can enhance your gear, but won't provide an element by themselves."

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Andre nods.

"Ah, thank you. To tell the truth normally I just upgrade weapons so I'm happy to get help with this."

Andre gives the blacksmith a quick bow before walking over to the Wycoon and offering a polite greeting.

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Seeing the other two walk their separate ways, one to a smithy and the other back towards the fort, Aurora turned her attention on the lone figure they'd briefly met with. Just like their's, her scent held some distinguishable quality, compared to natives. All that could be seen of the Spider were two glowing beads of silver in the shadows of a few buildings, directly across the way from the other Outworlder. She was fully aware that the woman could likely detect her presence, but she didn't really feel a need to conceal herself from her anyway. None of the other Outworlders had seemed that panicked by her, and the only reason she'd stuck to stealth during her escapades here were because she'd learned well enough from the last time she'd let herself be seen by natives...

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Satisfied with his work thus far Mar sets the jars in the Smithy on a shelf nearby, then, Mar finds a chair of some kind, Mar sits down and meditates, he summons up mana, testing how many tiny blobs of Kinetic Iron Mana he can manipulate at the same time.  Each one, he tries to force into the shape of a playing card sized rectangle.  The kinetic force emitted from them giving them the illusion of solidity.  He uses his breathing exercises to clear his mind and enhance his focus as he tries to manage the small magical objects, sustaining them with magic to keep the temporary constructs solid and stable as long as possible.


Put quite simply, Mar both Trains and Tests his limits in the Spiritual and Mental Arts.




Intelligence: 4+4(8)
Synergy: 4+4(8)


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Andre walks over to the Wycoon's cart. Normally, a huge man like him might get stares wandering around town, but given that this was a world in which "guy that wrestles and kills gigantic monsters and makes them into hats" is a reasonably common profession, he wasn't that odd. Not that he still didn't dwarf passerby, but he didn't draw stares the way he might have normally. The Wycoon offers up a short spiel about how useful his services are to Hunters; a spiel which Andre probably finds quite boring. The important part is that he informs Andre that he can offer him parts from monsters not normally found around here in exchange for good specimens of local ones. 


Marisa stares curiously into the shadows, meeting Aurora's gaze. She muttered an incantation or two, and briefly glowed; Aurora might have recognized them, if she recalled encounters with mages with any clarity, as defensive enchantments. "I can see you over there," the demonologist says, cautiously. She couldn't quite make out the detail, but the form of a drider was something she'd seen before; Aurora was different from those, but still worth treating with caution.


[21, 17] Mar quite adeptly practices his channeling, managing to keep the constructs active for a relatively long time.



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Aurora's expression remained unchanged in the darkness, though she cocked her head at the incantations. As varied as the evocations and beseeches of her home plane could get, the exact words and syntax of the spell meant nothing to her; it was the intent behind the words that always mattered more anyway, the chants themselves were often mere ceremony to be used as a mnemonic focus medium. The energy she sensed around the woman however, was nigh unmistakable in its nature.


Burning orbs of silver still unmoving in the darkness, something nonetheless came out of the shadows, flying through the air briefly before hitting the stones and skidding to a stop just a foot or two before the woman's feet. Luckily for the beef jerky inside, the homemade packaging had protected it from the dirt and dust of the ground, the meat still as pristine as ever. She wasn't one for sharing food often, not with strangers at least, but after the field day she'd had sampling this market, she really wouldn't miss a single pack of jerky stolen from a butcher on another world all that much... and sacrificing or splitting one's food for another was honestly the most profound form of 'peace offering' her kind officially regarded, considering the careful rationing and distribution logistics that living underground with only a select portion of the populace actively hunting game or nurturing other forms of sustenance required.

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"I'd like to see about trading these Tigrex parts I have. I'm looking for anything that may take on elemental qaulities better."

If this guy is going to keep expounding basic knowledge on me I'm gonna... accept it with a smile since this is my first time doing this kind of thing. But I'll be annoyed about it later if it's repeated.

Andre offers up his claw, maw, and pelt for inspection.

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Mar returns to town, and heads to the Blacksmith's forge, seeking uses for his Tigrex Loot.


"Hail.  I come with an abundance of Material Wealth and a lack of Practical Kit.  Is there anything you can devise that is Lightweight and Mobile from the various things I have here  And are any of the parts I have obtained from the Tigrex particularly suited to certain things?  I am looking into something like a Glider or Board or something similar in use to improve my mobility."


Mar demonstrates that he DOES have money, and he has more materials than most possible things could require.

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The Wycoon looks at the parts for a moment, then squints into a thick ledger for a few moments, flipping the parchment back and forth a bit. Finally, he provides an answer: "The main buyer for Tigrex parts of this quality is offering Lavasioth scales and teeth in return at the moment. Does that sound like a good deal to you?"


The blacksmith thinks for a moment. "Most Hunters come by for weapons and armor, though there are armors that are said to increase the mobility of the wearer. Jumping Jewels and Nargacuga armors are particularly known for this, though you would need to speak to the Wycoon in order to obtain the parts for the latter; that beast isn't commonly seen in the region. I could attempt to make a glider for you, though I am not sure what kind of board you mean; though may I recommend an Insect Glaive to you? I have seen many a Hunter use one to vault onto the back of a fighting monster."

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"An Insect Glaive Sounds fantastic, as for the board, it is common where I come from to have something hard, lightweight, small, and smooth on one side, and with a grip on the other, It's crucial for recovering from attacks in the air, where blocking an attack simply puts you where your opponent wishes you to be, and sliding along attacks and deflecting is much more important."


"I used to own a board in my youth, it was made from the wickerstone tree of my homeland, where rockslides were common enough that encountering one was eventually viewed as a hindrance.  You simply grab a board with one hand and crouch atop it, bouncing off of and sliding along the cascading stones.  It differed from a shield and bladed shield in that it was made of a very brittle and hard substance, such that it could deflect damage, but was poor at blocking it."


"Outsiders apparently saw it as something akin to riding on water, though I've never seen such a thing."


"I'm Rambling.  How much would you require for me to obtain an Insect Glaive, and do you have Metal Powders?"

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Andre gets a set of Lavasioth parts that should be enough to get him a neat weapon or part of a suit of armor. The Wycoon makes a note of the trade in his book, and thanks Andre for his business. 


"I see. Your native land sounds intriguing, Hunter." He draws another picture for Mar. "Both the blade and the blunt end of the weapon can be used to deliver blows. Traditionally, the blunt end also contains a device to apply pheromones that one's Kinsect can use as a guide to your commands - the style of fighting with both blade and bug, I'm told, is quite old, and there is a breeder in town that can supply you with one. Does this sound acceptable?"


Marisa slowly picked up the package that the mysterious drider had tossed her. It was. . . jerky? She sniffed it, and cast a small divination on it just to be sure - it seemed to be, well, just regular jerky. There was the small possibility it was bait, to lull her into a sense of security so that she could be taken as prey safely out of sight, but the curiosity about the strange individual was overwhelming. She cautiously walked toward the alleyway where the spider lurked, with a hesitant "Hello?"


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"If it is all the same, I would prefer the device be replaced with an empty Gem setting, would you happen to know where I can obtain Deep Blue Spinel Gemstones?"


"I have a method at my disposal that renders the idea of a pheromone guided creature to be quite redundant."





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The spider opened her mouth, as if to respond, but paused and shook her head. She'd been literally burned enough times to know better of conversation, even now she could feel the curse beginning to flare pre-emptively. Instead, all she did as the woman walked closer was point a single jet black leg out of the shadows and used it to gesture towards the Fortress in the distance, then back at herself.

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The blacksmith collects Andre's materials after he presumably presents them for inspection and usage. He then turns back to Mar: "Deep blue spinel? I am not certain; you may want to check with the Wycoon for that one as well. His specialty is trades in raw monster parts, but I believe he may know something about gemstones." He gestures toward the cart that he'd previously directed Andre to. "In the meantime, I will begin work on your requests. I will accept pay when I'm finished; it should not take long." True to his word, he sets about his forge, ensuring everything is heated up properly, tools are prepared for use, miscellaneous pieces pulled out of wherever they may be stashed, that sort of thing.


Marisa watches the leg carefully. Understanding quickly dawned in her eyes. "So you're with the rest of these people, then? I wouldn't have expected it, but then again, things like 'expectations' aren't really applicable to something like your group." She frowns for a moment. The drider's upper half appeared human - maybe drider was the wrong term, but it was the best she had - which meant that she should be able to speak, or at least vocalize. "Can you talk?"

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Andre nods. After a second of thought he leaves to wander about the port. Maybe there would be some things to acquire, or games. Or something would try fighting him. Hopefully a lot of somethings. Admittedly he did stick around for the last time the group back home were doing some Danmaku but he really liked it, let him practice skills normal fights didn't need as much...

Hm, usually someone would have yelled at me about public decency by now. This place is great!

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Aurora shakes her head, grasping at her throat and motioning as if someone was trying to tear it out, a slight growl of frustration accompanying the demonstration. Oddly enough, it seemed the curse didn't care much for silencing her baser noises- none of the chirping or purring, snarls  or hisses or roars. Even odder, it'd been obvious to her, somewhere in the back of her mind, that there was some Linguistic value to it all in the end, some type of primal tongue that she clearly knew, yet none of the others she'd encountered seemed to. At this point, she saw no real point in even trying it anymore... the woman would likely see no more of an intelligible meaning in the sounds than any of the others had.

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"I see." So she'd been rendered mute somehow. An actual physical mutilation, or was the gesture just trying to convey the general idea? For that matter, who would have been capable of doing so that wouldn't have outright killed the drider? They weren't particularly well-loved outside of drow circles, having a nasty habit of hunting and eating sentients, and this one probably wasn't entirely welcome even among them. However, they were still terrifyingly powerful and cunning opponents, which meant whoever was responsible was likely not only equally so, but had a cruel streak to boot. . . "Do you mind if I touch you? I have a spell that could allow us to speak telepathically, and it's much easier to cast it if I can physically contact the person I'm forming the telepathic bond with."

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