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4th department store sticker - Removed in EP16?



I've looked in the forum but there seems to be no answer to this so here's my question:


Was the missing guy in the underground railnet removed in the episode 16? Because I'm currently trying to have all the department store stickers but the guy is not where he's supposed to be and his girlfriend is still in that pokemon center waiting for him. Is it too late in ep16 for this quest?

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:07 PM, AdrieReborn said:

I've looked in the forum but there seems to be no answer to this so here's my question:


Was the missing guy in the underground railnet removed in the episode 16? Because I'm currently trying to have all the department store stickers but the guy is not where he's supposed to be and his girlfriend is still in that pokemon center waiting for him. Is it too late in ep16 for this quest?


No, he's still there.

There's a gate at the left side which needs to be opened.

I don't think you can find him after the Rainlet is restored tho.

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:14 PM, AdrieReborn said:

I know where he's supposed to be, I've litteraly been exactly on the spot where he's supposed to be but no sign of him. Maybe I'm too far in the game and the guy has been removed.

Strange I found him when I was playing...

Which part of the game are you in?

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