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Fresh Start


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Hello folks it's been a while since I last touched Pokemon Reborn. As so I decided that I am going to restart for the 5th time? With that in mind, I don't know what starter to choose. Normally I would automatically choose Chimchar as the Infernape is my favorite of the starter evolution lines. However, I plan on forgoing that decision as I would prefer to choose a starter that can have the biggest impact overall through the game. What I mean is the starter that will help carry me through this game with the most ease of any of the other starters. Along with that, I understand there are some new Pokemon available to the players in the new update so my old selection may be lacking in some taste. I learned through my last playthrough that Pokemon are rotated quite often. But, any suggestions for Pokemon worth my attention is always welcomed in my eyes. I appreciate the upcoming responses guys and gals.

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The planned in game team you have looks good, but avoid noibat/noivern until your in game level limit is at 50. Prior to actually evolving noibat, it is useless. In addition, you can catch decent level noibats by that point in the game so there isn't as much grinding as you'd expect to get a noivern.

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I don't like the available starters, but having to suggest one I too would say Fennekin... it's very useful for the first gyms, in addition to its typing being a direct counter to all of the three rivals (Fire is great vs Fern's Grass, and Psychic is great against Victoria's Fighting and Cain's Poison).

Edited by Waynolt
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Protean Greninja isnt that great until very late due to lack of TMs, but still useful, I got him for my last playthrough. Charmander with his dragon rage makes early PULSEs and leaders totally effortless, 1-2HKO everything, but later his flying-typing is more of a disadvantage. Fennekin truly is suprisingly good all the way in Reborn which I liked, reliable and versatile starter, you may want to try it if you are bored with Fire/Fighting starters. That`s from my experience. Don`t forget we`ve got quick access to Growlithe, it can easily compensate picking non-fire starter.

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