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Biskit's Ghost Mono Playthrough


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Wassup fellas, Biskit is back here with something or another.

Well after some careful deliberation, I did ultimately decide not to go with ice or steel, but instead ghost (I just wanted to start with a honedge).

So instead of waiting for someone to modify my savefile for me like a normal person, I decided to do some sketchy tradings to start off, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Without further ado, welcome to the world of reborn.



I arrived in this world as a dude, and as a dude I stay



So I marched straight off to the grand hall to pick my lovely starter honedge. (Screenshots were taken after battling up a bit so yeah)






Looks like all the important stuff is here. A nice SD honedge makes things fairly easy, especially considering most mons at this point really only know tackle more or less.

Again this is the first chapter of the playthrough, just to make sure everything works properly.

Any feedback is appreciated. Next chapter will be when the game really kicks off, I just wanted to sort out formatting and make sure everything works fine before we dive in too deep.


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Well the true adventure finally begins.

Chapter 1: I hate disobedience


The journey began by thrashing some fools on the opal bridge who thought the were hot stuff. Honedge's typing means that its resistant or immune to most attacks thrown at it, so that's always good.

We moved onto the Peridot Ward, where after beating up on some poor children (I wish they would realize that they don't stand a chance against me) we reach our first real battle: Swag Jockey Fern.

vs Swag Jockey Fern

vs Fern.PNG



Lotad has laughable offensive prescence, and either way all it takes is a nice fury cutter to send it packing.



Again his Snivy gets laid to rest by a quick fury cutter. Fortunately I have the level advantage so I manage to outspeed it.



Would you believe me if I told you that his budew also got fury cuttered. Well it did. I think maybe it got off an absorb but again resistances, I love you.



So after putting Fern in his place with the greatest of ease, he makes up some bs excuses and just dips. But before he does so, he calls me a loser for not having a gym badge.

Well the no gym badge part can be easily rectified. Not so sure about the loser part unfortunately.


Either way now's as good of a time as any to head over yonder to the gym. Time to get ready for a gym battle. How do I do that? By talking to Julia who tells us we have to meet her and "friends" at the Mosswater Factory.

Like who do you think you're fooling Julia. I wouldn't call an old abandoned factory an ideal first date location, but hey we're not even a day in here, and already the chicks are hitting on me. So who I am to say no?



So we show up at the Mosswater Factory at 7 P.M. on the dot. And lo and behold, Julia is there as expected. But the plot thickens when two "friends" show up. I didn't realize this was going to be a double date.

But I'm all for an adventure so away we go.





As luck would have it, this was NOT the double date I was expecting. (To be fair I was expecting some one-on-one time anyways).

But instead of spending some quality time with the pyromaniac Julia, we get to spend our evening with everyone's favorite asshole, Fern.

Of course what would be a factory tour without some grunts to fight. So while I dispatch of the grunts, Fern spends his time coming up with snide comments. Ya know maybe you could help out? Just maybe?

Either way we coast through two floors of grunts with the only noteworthy event being this:



Finally. Some STAB, some priority. Honedge just went from really good to possibly overpowered.


After stealing some dynamite which we did not get to use , we finally made it to the control room. Which means of course...


vs Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse




So surprisingly enough, this fight took a couple of tries. I kept getting double targeted and dying first turn while shadow sneak did only ~ 50%

Eventually I manage to live the 1st turn and 2HKO the Elekid.


Swag Jockey Fern proves that he's not totally useless by taking down Magby using his 3 grass types. What a joy.


Team Meteor takes their leave, and then Julia, being the pyromaniac she is, decides to blow up the factory as we exit. Because why not?

So after some more sass from Fern, Julia says she'll be waiting for us at her gym.



At this point she's sending so many mixed messages that I'm not sure what to think. Are you trying to ask me out? If so, be more explicit? If not, why do you keep asking me to meet you in private places?

Trying to figure this out just makes my head hurt, so maybe just gym battle instead.


vs Cheer Captain Julia



And this ladies and gentlemen is the reason why it took me so long to get this part out.



As you can tell, my Honedge is already very close to level 21 which means it will start disobeying. Unfortunately I had already used my common candy, and didn't want to waste exp, so I had to suffer.



I set up one SD on the helioptile, and I managed to set up one on the blitzle as well. At +4 Shadow Sneak will OHKO everything, assuming that my honedge will actually listen to me for once.


vs Julia emolga.PNG

And then this is where the troubles began. Usually I could take out Emolga without taking any extra damage, but occasionally I would have to take a charge beam.



I got undeniably lucky with her voltorb going for rollout which meant that even with Honedge ignoring a couple of times, I was able to potion up most of the way, and knock it out.


vsJulia voltorb 2.PNG

Second voltorb managed to get a hit in. This is where the aftermath became problematic. I would just not have enough HP to be able to potion up safely against Electrode, and my Honedge absolutely refused to go for Shadow Sneak against that thing the first turn it was out.



So after many ragequits, and a clutch super potion. I got my Honedge to beat the Electrode. It must have taken 100 tries. I had to speed up the game at that point, and this is a story spanning multiple IRL days. Fuck the level cap system.

(Like I understand it, but I hate it. Realistically speaking I think the part where your mon can hit itself in confusion in disobedience like wtf. Yeah I'm not gonna listen to you, so let me just hit myself a bit. I think the better mechanic would be for it to randomly select moves but whatever).





After coming very close to nuking my save file and starting back from the beginning (which in fairness wouldn't have taken that long), I finally managed to overcome stupid game mechanics and secure the win.

For our clutch victory, we get the very valuable TM of Charge Beam (literally useless until we get Mag, but we'll keep it for now).

More importantly we raised the level cap to 25 so that ordeal is finally over until I have to fight Florinia at least.


Upon exiting the gym, we run into Victoria...



So at this point it means that the next chapter will begin in Obsidia Ward.

Unfortunately the next ghost type isn't available until after we beat Florinia, so we're stuck with the one man band for a bit longer.



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Chapter II: It's not hentai, is it?

When we left off, we had finally gotten our gym badge, and Victoria told us that some mad shit was going down in Obsidia.


We head back to Opal Bridge, where we're once again confronted by the police officers who say we're not allowed to go through.

No problem though, considering Florinia is kind enough to get us inside the ward.


We find that weird tentacly-vines have sprung up all over the city. Fortunately it seems that they haven't attacked people.

As if the vines weren't enough, there are gaping holes in the city. If you've ever wondered what's beneath a city, this game will NOT give you answers.

I can only assume that the cracked streets are inter-dimensional portals that will lead into oblivion. So let's just stay away for now.


In Obsidia, we get access to the most important thing we need: Holy Water Common Candies.




Let's buy 10 for now and hope it tides us over.

The only other interesting thing that happens is a small run in with NOT THE DAYCARE COUPLE




They turn out to be members of Team Meteor and we quickly send them packing. Unfortunately the real daycare couple are nowhere to be found.


That means time to continue on with the story. We want to make it to the park, but the streets are conveniently destroyed, so we have no choice but to go through the slums.

Lo and behold, before we can enter the slums, Victoria says she won't let us, because it's too dangerous.

As if she could stop us anyways.


vs Apprentice Victoria




Easiest Swords Dance of my Life. Disarming Voice does pitiful damage, and the Ralts gets picked off by a Sneak.



Gets outsped and dies to an Aerial Ace. No issues so far.



Another Aerial Ace kill. Is this battle supposed to be challenging in any way? Because Victoria is not really testing my skills. If you're this weak, no wonder you got attacked in the slums.

Perhaps you should let me do my job, and you just go do whatever you do. (How did she even get here? Flobot certainly didn't let her in, and she ain't a gym leader)


After showing Victoria who's really the weak one, she let's us pass and we can make it through the slums.

For the most part Honedge just sweeps through the trainers taking no damage. A couple of the guys on the second floor cause me to have to use one of the restorative stars.

We end up chasing a mysteriously living box, only for it to turn out to be a Scraggy in the end. And what would this game be without boss fights?



A bunch of Scraggy, and one Scrafty. Fortunately being part fighting type means I can take them down with Aerial Ace pretty easily, but the STAB Dark attacks hurt a bit.



We take some damage, but keeping the weakest Scraggy alive means I take the least damage. Level Cap lost me this fight a couple of times, but not too bad overall.


Only noteworthy thing is:



Going past the level cap. The theme of this episode. Those common candies are worth their weight in gold. The fight took a couple tries because Honedge kept refusing to listen.


Moving on past the slums, some police officers are blocking the way into Obsidia, meaning that the only way to keep going is South, into Coral Ward.

Aside from the several locked warehouses, a field readout, and a Skitty, the city is rather barren.

That means the only place left to go is the pier. On it we find...





...a mystery woman. Turns out Amaria is one of the gym leaders, and she's trying to save an Oshawott stuck by the lighthouse. Makes sense considering she's the hottest gym leader water gym leader.

Anyways Cain shows up, and manages to perfectly articulate what I wish I was doing




Either way being the gentleman he is, he saves the Oshawott, and then proceeds to battle us.


vs Pretty Boy Cain




First up is Grimer. The steel typing here is glorious as none of his mons can actually touch me.



While this thing probably had an attack to hit me with, it just dies to a +2 Sneak



More cannon fodder?



For an ace, this thing has a terrible movepool. To be fair steel/ghost typing totally destroys him, but hey I deserve an easy fight once in a while. Time for another Common Candy


Cain leaves after we beat him, saying he's off to go meet his sister.

Amaria engages in some not-so-subtle hint dropping tells us to meet her and Florinia by the Obsidia Park, so that's our next move.




We meet up at the park which is blocked off by a tree. Fortunately for me the Budew I picked up by accident last chapter is a perfect cut slave.

The police officers are definitely helping out here by assuring people that the situation is under control in a manner of speaking, and watching anyone who thinks they can cross the bottomless pit.


Ironically enough, Amaria tells me to take the lead, only to have her and Florinia run ahead and get captured as soon as I cut down the tree. Logic.




That means it's up to us as usual. This time with higher stakes as who knows exactly what the PULSE machine, which the Tangrowth is hooked up to, does.

Alongside saving the two, we get the added benefit of meeting one (or is it 3?) of the Team Meteor admins, ZEL, and the nefarious PULSE machine.


vs Meteor Admin ZEL





Well that thing looks nice and friendly... NOT. It is a beast of a monster, fortunately steel typing will save the day again.

It's only offensive moves are Mega Drain and Vine Whip, both of which do negligible damage. Unfortunately, even at +6, Aerial Ace is barely a 2HKO, so this thing is a defensive monster on the physical side.



Once again trying to optimize my common candy usage almost came back to bite me in the ass. Fortunately, Honedge pulls through this time.


Honestly out of all the possible ghost starters, unless you picked this or ghastly, or something similar, this fight can be a real struggle. Once again my common candy usage is beginning to fly through the roof.


ZEL talks for a bit and then disappears. Did I mention he took the entire PULSE machine with him? Like the entire freaking machine? We don't talk about the Tangrowth that used to be part of it.

Amaria makes some genius points and then departs for the Grand Hall, while Florinia tells us to come challenge her at her gym in Onyx Ward



Not when I'm done with you ;). Also how long can you hold your breath girl?




There's also some good deeds I did to help out the fair city:



The key in this building will unlock the warehouses...


Allowing us to free the daycare couple


In addition we reunited a boy with his mother, got the department store card, and some other menial tasks


It's time for me to move onward now. Time to take down Florinia.

Unfortunately Fern thinks that he hasn't proven to me yet how much of an asshole he is, so he tries to lock us out of the gym under the name of honor.

Kindly fuck off, Fern.


His goons provide some entertainment, and some unwanted experience. I'm just running through common candies like hot fire now, to the point where I had to go buy some more.

As entertaining as educating myself in the school was, I wasn't going to be satisfied until I crushed Fern's soul. And sure enough, he's patiently waiting for me outside the gym.


vs Swag Jockey Fern





Remember when this thing used to deal damage? Because I don't. It absorbs for pitiful damage, and lets me set up on it. Fun day



Realistically speaking, what is his servine going to do to a Honedge? It lives the first sneak and gets off a leech seed, but that's about all it's able to do.



The final one to rise and fall is Roselia. The level cap almost had me worried, but Honedge pulled through. Steel typing allows me to run through him with the greatest of ease.


So after putting Fern in his place again (though he never seems to accept he is just an inferior trainer), we FINALLY get to challenge Florinia.

I remember an hour ago when she told us to meet her at the gym.


vs Head Instructor Florinia




Fortunately her Maractus does shit for damage, allowing me to comfortably set up to +6. I'll need the power for her Cradily. Potion up a few times and we're good to go.



Drops to a Shadow Sneak. (Ignore the level, I didn't grab a screenshot on the final run, this is from an earlier one where I lost.)



Aerial Ace ftw? Iron barbs is a mild annoyance, but not much more than that.



Supposed to be a threat, or is it just a sac? I may never learn the answer.



Unfortunately due to prankster, it's able to get off a nice leech seed on me. It's annoying as it gives her Cradily too much health back.



Ahhh. The big ace. I remember how problematic it was in my original playthrough. This time though, it takes around 70% from Sneak, and i'm actually losing more health from the leech seed than from the attacks.



A couple of turns of not listening almost gives it enough recovery to beat me. Once again the level cap is a bitch, but Honedge pulls through with the clutch victory.



While this battle wasn't nearly as painful to complete as the one against Julia, it still probably took me a good 20 tries. I was getting so much exp to the point that I had to use TWO common candies and start the battle at level 24. Still ended at level 27 too.

All the losses happened because the cottonee kept on getting off a Sand Tomb while Honedge wasn't listening to me. Sand Tomb + Leech Seed + Cradily's attacks are a beat down.

I could go on a huge rant about the level cap, but I'll try and keep it to a minimum. Needless to say, bullshit mechanic. What do you mean "Honedge decided to take a nap"?


Sigh. Either way, for beating Florinia we get the canopy badge and the TM for secret power. Probably not gonna use it because it simply relies too much on the field, which I don't control usually.

More importantly the level cap is now 35, meaning that by the time we reach the next gym battle, I'll have used up another 20 common candies.

She sends us off on our way towards Jasper and Beryl which are "the same as Obsidia but worse." Whatever that means.



It's been a painful road thus far. I somehow doubt it'll get easier. My biggest enemy so far has not been the battles themselves, but the fucking level caps. Why can my pokemon attack itself and put itself to sleep? WHY??????????????????????

Fortunately, once we get to Beryl, we FINALLY get our next pokemon. Although we still have to go through basically the whole Jasper and Beryl arcs before that.

I'm tempted to record myself just to get the parts with me raging at the level cap. I'm normally calm, but when that happens, I'm ready to murder somebody.




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