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Need your help to fulfil my quest


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hey, reborn community


I don't remember exactly why, but I had this idea to catch every available pokemon in the game! Sadly, while i was doing my quest I realize that earlier in the game, I stupidly KO'd some event and unique pokemon, or that i have no longer access to some events.


Among the currently available pokemon I need those: 





I also miss this 3 mystery egg pokemon and 2 limited events:





I literaly have ALL other pokemon/lines currently available, so I can breed you anything (larvesta, axew, shroomish, marill, slowpoke,...)


I absolutly don't care about IV or nature, but the pokemons i offer won't have perfect IV neither (although if you want they can be not-too-bad)


So well, just answer here or PM me as you want :)




Edited by Razkar
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I cannot trade right now, but iirc Gulpin, Tropius, Drifloon, Spoink, Staryu and Pinsir (and their respective evolutions) are now avaiable in the wild:


Gulpin - WTC (Fishing or Surfing)
Tropius - Rhodocrine Jungle
Drifloon - North Beryl Ward grass (Beryl Cemetery)
Spoink - Coral Ward

Staryu - Super rod on Coral Ward (one of many locations)
Pinsir - Azurine Island if you have restored Azurine Nature Center, otherwise is not obtainable in the wild

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Just now, HUEnd said:

I cannot trade right now, but iirc Gulpin, Tropius, Drifloon, Spoink, Staryu and Pinsir (and their respective evolutions) are now avaiable in the wild:


Gulpin - WTC (Fishing or Surfing)
Tropius - Rhodocrine Jungle
Drifloon - North Beryl Ward grass (Beryl Cemetery)
Spoink - Coral Ward

Staryu - Super rod on Coral Ward (one of many locations)
Pinsir - Azurine Island if you have restored Azurine Nature Center, otherwise is not obtainable in the wild


Pinsir can also be found in North/South Aventurine forest by putting Honey on a tree and coming back in about 200 steps.

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