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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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The TV flickered to life. Or, more precisely, the two holographic projectors on the sides of the translutent screen flared to life and the form of a tanned woman they wouldn't recognize appeared before the crew, standing at a general human's height. She looked around at the crew in confusion before placing a fist to her mouth and clearing her throat.





"Hello, everyone, my name is Ray and I'm the main dispatcher and PR officer for the Space Aether Foudnation." The woman began in a chirpy voice that was hard to miss, and those who've heard it before would now recognize it as the voice of the woman that had helped them out when they were stranded in #08. "Of course, this is merely an automated message, but they used my likeness so...haha, it's like I'm here anyways." She moved much like a regular human would in the situation and even chuckled awkwarldy, fidgetting around in place. "O-of course I'm here to welcome you all to your new home and to teach you more about your A-Comm's functions. You must've spoken of them at your respective Academies already, but this will finally be the real deal! Are you ready?"

The hologram waited a moment before nodding and continuing. She extended her hand and an A-Comm appeared in it. "This is my Aether Communicator. It is a Space Aether Employee's most important tool and companion, and I keep it on myself wherever I go so that I can connect to the respective Nexus's Net service and receive all the important news, work information and more! It is also my main storage, and it can store nearly unlimited amounts of data using the Core technology and compressing a miniscule Nexus within itself. You are all Cadets, so you will also use your Communicators for managing your Pokemon and reading important battle data through its interface. Managing your Pokemon is exactly what we'll be talking about today, and I'll be teaching you about Effort Points!"


"Effort Points are a data value you gather through your adventure whether by defeating other Pokemon or meeting mission requirements. You can use them to enchance your Pokemon's abilities by downloading them into their Aether Chips, which will further allow them to grow and become stronger partners for you! Don't worry, because it doesn't hurt the Pokemon. It merely helps unlock their already existing natural potential. You can access the function by entering your Pokemon menu and choosing the Pokemon you would like to enchance. After that you need to choose a statistic from your offered ones to strengthen. You can choose from HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Each is equally important but remember to think about your strategies to maximise your work potential!" As she explained, Ray's holographic projection also did the actions she described on her own A-Comm, its screen being projected behind her large enough for all of you too see it clearly. She used an example Whismur and added some Effort Points towards its Special Attack. As she did so, the displayed statistic rose a couple of points, signifying that the Pokemon had been strengthened.


"Are there any questions?" She asked at the end, waiting eagerly as she put away the A-Comm.




>the Pokemon menu screen is basically identical to what you'd see in a Pokemon game like in your party;

>everyone can now add Effort Points to their Pokemon's stats if they so wish by contacting me via Discord and specifying the amount of EP used and which stat it's being used on;

>my next post will further the plot towards the next day and the next mission

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Ever since Cathode realized the Aether balls had been unlocked and that there was a spacious yard for them to use as they pleased, she immediately released Suzie and watched warmly as the gigantic snake stretched, and did a quick survey of the surroundings  before turning her attention towards her trainer, obviously expecting an explanation.


"Hee~ Nice isn't it? This is most likely going to be our new home for a while. And it's got enough space outside! Yard's yours Suzie!" 


Suzie did some wandering about before settling in the most sun-bathed spot she could find,  curling up and basking in the sun. 


The whole process must have taken more time than it felt like, resulting in her coming back to reality when she heard a woman's voice coming from inside the house. 

After running in and managing to not miss anything more than the beginning she was actually excited to have more thing explained about the one device she would be most probably be using the most for the foreseeable future. The more she knew about it, the more comfortable her everyday life would be, and also the closer she would be to find out how to tinker with Mason's modifications without him noticing... because she hated feeling like she is being watched.


She decided to try out the EP system.  She looked back at the serene sight of her sunbathing friend, and imagining the multitude of battles they would have to go through in their career, she figured a defensive approach would let her emerge victorious in a less than expected bad shape...

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"All right, then." Ray's hologram said as the woman placed her hands on her hips and energetically nodded. "Some of you have already met the real me, at least by voice, so I hope you'll work well together. How do I know that? Your A-Comms have already been connected to the house's system. This way the Space Aether Foundation will be able to monitor you and all your states, providing help when necessary."


Holo Ray nods and phases out of existence as the TV shuts itself down.


You all start feeling drowzy after the busy day...not only have you had your first unforseen adventure together already but you also met so many new people it was really exhausting. After a bit of mingling in the evening and deciding on your rooms, you all move to bed as the skies above you are drawn with a darkened hue. The barrier was being darkened to provide a nightly atmosphere, shifting from the highest point above the Space Aether HQ and washing over the entirety of the city within minutes. It was a beautiful sight in its own right, the world around you now seeming more akin to a technological version of #08 than the #00 you experienced today. In the distance, the bustling city centre still shone a multicolored neon hue, and you gave it one last glance through the window as you lay down.

Beforehand, you made sure there was food stocked up in the fridge for you for breakfast and Kalva found a children's tent he could use to sleep outside if he so wished. Kai moved to the spacious basement while the others went upstairs and arranged the rooms. Shelly still had the keys. Everyone was delivered their belongings, including a magnificent slick piano for Radovan. Cathode could leave Suzie outside if she wished as she had a nice overlook of the backyard from her room's windows.


Your rooms automatically locked as you decided to call it a night...




...and ever as swift, the morning arrives as your A-Comm's buzz to signal it is time to wakey wakey [time being shown as 7 AM], along with a doorbell echoing throughout the house. Kalva would probably be the first to arrive since he was already on the main floor level, having slept the night outside, whereas Radovan and Frederick, with their rooms overlooking the driveway, would be able to see first that Mason was in front of the door, holding a small girl's hand-girl who you recognized as Zeta.


*ding dong* The bell rang again as Mason pressed it. Zeta meanwhile fiddled in spot, clearly barely holding herself back from busting the door open and entering herself. She seemed excited beyond belief and was carrying in her arms what appeared to be white robes or clothes of some kind. Mason was carrying a teal backpack.

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At the sudden sound of the simultaneous doorbell and alarms, Shelly pulled herself out of bed, and made her way at a leisurely pace down the stairs. If the people at the door were important, they'd have to blame the academy for automatically setting their alarm clocks so late. And of course, some of the blame would fall on the visitor for choosing this time of morning to come visit. Shelly arrived at the bottom of the stairs, and made her way over to the front door. If somebody has already opened it, Shelly will greet them (Kai), and peer out the door to see who was there. If there's no one there, Shelly would check through the peephole before unlocking and opening the door.

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“Hoo!” Kai walked up the stairs leading from the basement, woken up by the sound of her A-Comm blaring away. She was already changed into a new set of clothes, albeit exactly the same as her previous attire, before heading towards the door. “Howdy, Shelly!” The blonde girl took a quicker skip forward as she greeted her fellow Cadet. “I’ll get the door, don’t mind me.” She jumped up, spinning sideways and landing just in front of the door before pulling it open without regard for checking who it was.


When she saw the familiar shade of green, she pulled faster. With that out of the way, she picked up the small girl and attempted to lift her into the air, a bright smile on her face. “Zeta, you’re back! Shelly, get over here, Zeta’s here!”

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Cathode was awoken from her maelstrom of dreams by more sounds than she would have liked. It looks like they had a visitor. The sound of footstep outside told her that someone else was faster than her in reacting to the new development. 


She checked herself. She had gone to sleep with her clothes on, and the bed was still  almost as she found it last night.  She would have mentally commented that she must have been very tired last night but she would be lying to herself. She did this often regardless of fatigue.


Might as well go check whoever it is this early in the morning. Most probably someone important for something important. Still associating with new people was not her forte so it was good that someone else had gone ahead. Heading downstairs she realized the one whose footsteps she had heard was Shelly (she had finally learned all their names indirectly), and that Kai whose room was closer to the door was already greeting the guests that Cathode could not see yet.


"Morning..."  She sleepily mumbled in their general direction as she approached them. 


As she was coming closer to the door she could see the silhouette of that strange girl that Mason had taken with him back in the office ...and Mason himself. Sigh. This was gonna be fun

She approached the girl, hoping she would have not been subjected to some form of abuse, which was unlikely seeing how happy she was.


"So your name is Zeta?" She broke the ice with a shy smile. She then extended the hand for a shake. "Cathode. Nice to meet you.  Also good morning Mr. Mason" She said in a natural way. After all he did say that whatever had happened between them had to stay between them, and seeing as Kai was pretty casual around him, this should be the norm.

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Radovan was still stuck in his room as he decided that this would be a perfect time to get Red's attention by playing a moody little tune on the electric piano his parents had given him. 
After playing that song he decided to lighten up the mood a bit by playing a recording of someone's evil laugh just as loud before he shouted out the words "GOOD MORNING RED! AND YES THIS WILL BE A REGULAR THING".

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Emmanuel heard the scrambling occurring over the hallways, and figured that the others must have ran to meet the visitors. He looked back to his A-Comm, realizing that he had forgotten to set the alarm himself. With a slight sigh of disappointment at himself, he fiddled with the settings and set it to six in the morning instead.

He turned to the other side, waking up Poochy. She woofed back, leaping into his embrace as he rolled around the bed, playing with her. "Gooood morning, Poochy!" Solosis, on the other hand, quickly detached herself from his chest to avoid getting caught up in the chaos. After a minute, the fun was ruined by a particularly ominous song. "Hm... Seems to be from downstairs. It could be Radovan or Frederick. The rich sure has weird morning rituals," he put Poochy down and put on his lab coat. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Solosis! We still have things to do." He walked downstairs, with Poochy following him behind his back, and Solosis reattaching herself to him.

He took a glimpse at the doorway, recognizing Zeta within Kai's arms. "That's settled, then," he said to himself. The boy made his way to the fridge and opened it, reviewing its contents and thinking about what kind of breakfast to make with the materials available.

First, he picked out two dozens of eggs, a lot of bacon strips, a bottle of olive oil, and two lettuces. He cracked the eggs over one frying pan, and poured some of the olive oil over another pan. Then, he put the bacon strips on the pan with olive oil. After that, he tended to the eggs by scrambling them. He took care of both pans for awhile, and once they were ready, he cut the scrambled eggs into small pieces, and turned the stove off.

He tore a total of eighteen lettuce leaves and used them to wrap the bacon strips and the scrambled eggs. The lettuce wraps were split into nine different plates, each with two wraps. The wonderful smell spread throughout the first floor.

"Breakfast's ready!" He announced loudly.

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Sena has been not paying attetion to anything yet again as he was thinking about the Gyarados Incident. Whe he arrived to the House he ran to his room he let Verna out and both of them went to sleep.

(Flashback ended)

Morning comes and he still asleep... the little bat pokemon who just woke up is not amused by her partner still sleeping soundly. She then decide to dive bomb to Sena's stomach to wake him up, which it did albeit painful for him


"Ouch... Verna, it's still early..." as he gone back to sleep, which promp the little bat to dive bomb to his stomach, succesfully waking him up, "alright alright yeesh I'm awake." he sighes.


As he was just getting up from his bed,the door bell rang, "visitor...? This early...?" he then go downstair and sees the other already open the door for Rob and Zeta, "ahhh hi Zeta... and Rob, what're guys doing here?"

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Mason watched the door unyieldingly as Zeta tapped in place, happily holding the man's hand in expectation. As soon as the door started opening, the young girl's face lit up with glee and she threw herself into Kai's arms to be held up.


"Kai!!!" She exclaimed happily, head on the other's shoulder while her feet flailed in the air. Mason sighed a bit but remained still for now as the greetings played out before him. Zeta noticed Shelly in the background and waved to her too, as well as Cathode. "Mhm!" The girl nodded, still looking over Kai's shoulder, and extended a hand over it to shake Cathode's. "Nice to meet you too!"

Mason remained indifferent to Cathode's greeting.


He had to react to Sena, though, and with a raised brow, slight annoyance visible on his face. "Rob? You mean the technician? I'm not Rob. How would you even mix us up?" The man glared Sena down with a deathly stare which threatened to burn through the boy's skull and boil his brains out from the heated intensity and hatred contained within it.


"Something smells weird, you guys!" Zeta sniffed the food coming from the inside. Considering she only learned about food yesterday... "Like that ice cream but also nothing like it! What is it? What're you doing there?"

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"You're right..."

Cathode only just noticed that something else was going on just some paces away.


She cautiously went and entered the kitchen, to find Emmanuel, with his two 'mons  actually having nearly prepared enough breakfast for everyone, and not the bland kind.

She only just realized she was hungry as she was gazing the spectacle.  She had to force her mouth shut almost immediately to stop the vast amounts of produced saliva from running down her chin. 


She could wait for everyone so they can eat together.  

Or she could sneak a bite...


"T-this looks delicious Em... c-an I...?  Can I..... ?"


This was not so sneaky....


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"ehehe... s-sorry, it's still pretty early and I just woke up so it's still kinda blurry," as he sighed at his own mistake. Sena hears Emmanuel calling them for breakfast.


this might be a good way to change the topic.


"errr anyway what're you doing this early? and why not join us for breakfast?" He ask Mason... who he did accindentally call him Rob.

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"Breakfast, I'm guessing. Who made it though. . ." Shelly said this to cover her reaction to remembering Zeta's odd situation with regards to food. Something wasn't right, though hopefully it would reveal itself if she payed careful attention, and did some digging.

"Mr. Mason? Do you want breakfast, then?" She wasn't sure who had made breakfast, but if whoever had didn't want to share, she was sure she could make something up herself.

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"Sure! Help yourself, alright?" Emmanuel answered. There were still extra bacon strips and eggs in the pans for around six more wraps, but he decided to leave them alone for now. Next up was food for Poochy and Solosis.

He opened the fridge again, recounting the berry taste chart that he had memorized for one of the many tests in the academy. By connecting the taste to the nature, he was able to pick out the ideal berries - Pamtre and Apicot for Solosis, and Salac and Belue for Poochy.

He grind the Pamtre Berries into mush and diced the Apicot Berries, leaving their seeds aside. He poured the diced Apicot into the Pamtre mush and mixed them together, and finally giving them to Solosis. The dry and bitter-less recipe catered to her tastes. She dived into the bowl - a perfect fit - and slowly consumed the food.

Then, he peeled and cut the Salac and Belue Berries into many slices, lining them in a circle, presented on a plate. He put the plate on the counter and lifted Poochy up there, letting her eat it. The sour and wet berries certainly enticed Poochy, as she ate the berries with great appetite.

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Kalva woke up in the rickety old tent that he set up last night, the morning sun flicked on in the sky like a giant lamp. His eyes squinted open, the sun shining directly into his eyes through the tent fabric. He never really got used to the sun being flicked on and off suddenly like so.

He felt a soft warmth beside him shaking his arm, and knew that Quina was awake already. Quina usually slept in a separate bed because of Kalva's terrible sleeping habits, and usually woke later than Kalva. Kalva guessed she might have had trouble sleeping last night.

Good morning Quina...

He hugged her briefly before sitting upright and putting on his running shoes, gathering things for the day. Would they have another outing? He didn't know, but in any case, his A-comm was not be missed.

He checked the time. It WAS morning, and quite far into it at that; he must have been rather tired after the adventure, he normally woke up rather early. Or perhaps it was the new surroundings?

Quina gave him a quizzical look, a somewhat concerned gaze.

It was fine Quina, it was a quiet night. I slept like a komala. Nothing to worry about!

Kalva reassured her with a smile, and though Quina returned the gesture, her concern didn't quite subside.

Oh, you worry too much Quina! It really was fine.

With Quina in his hoodie, he stepped back into the house.


Kalva noticed many of the other humans active already, including the girl Kalva met in the mysterious nexus and the vice president accompanying her.

Hmm. He really should have woken up earlier.

Kalva gave Zeta a wave from afar, and turned to a smell wafting through the air. 

It was bacon and eggs, but also a sweet smell of berries somewhere there as well. He skipped past the eggs and bacon (though he made sure to thank Emmanuel in any case; it was certainly kind of him to cook breakfast for them!) and opened the fridge, digging through the assortment of food.

He put a handful of berries in a large bowl and added a bunch of vegetables to it, though he made sure to not include any spicy fruits in (last time Quina tasted an Enigma berry... well, she couldn't focus for hours!). Then he popped open a juice box and poured it into the bowl like milk to cereal, putting some more chilled lum berries to preserve the chilliness. At last - a berry salad! Well, it wasn't terribly complicated, but this was one of the limited recipes Kalva knew. Kalva placed the bowl on the kitchen counter next to Emmanuel's bacon rolls in case other people wanted to have some.


He turned back to their guests, and waved them forward in an inviting gesture. 


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Permission to engage: Granted.

Initiate energy resupply protocol: Consume at will.


The next time Cathode was conscious of her surroundings, the room was a bit more crowded than before,  her plate was empty with a creepy shine as i someone had even cleaned it, and the sight of the pokemon around her also eating, reminded her of her own.  


She scurried towards the fridge hoping to get the ingredients she needed.  Fortunately it seems Aether Foundation were pretty thorough in their food supply variety.

She quickly found the ingredients she wanted:  two petayas,  eight hondews,  and three more tamatos. Any special preparation would be pointless. Suzie would consume them all in one gulp anyway, but they would be enough to give her the energy and nutriends she needed. The rest, she would find herself deep into the ground. 

Once she was done she went outside to find (not really a hard endeavor) the big rock snake.


As normally she was sleeping on the most sunlit spot of the yard. She found a rather flat stone big enough for the job and assorted the berries on it as mixed as posible in order to achieve the closest to perfect balance between spicy and dry. Rocks were a part of her diet and it would not be practical for her to eat them from the plate.  She placed it next to her sleeping form without much noise and returned back to the others.




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After presumably terrifying Red enough to wake up them up, he would play a couple of loud and discordant notes before he yelled out "I'll see you at breakfast then!" at the ridiculous man living upstairs and rushed down to meet Mason and Zeta.
After he made his way downstairs he would give Mason a curt bow and an equally quick "Good morning Mr. Mason" before he moved on to stare at the opulent display of food that Emmanuel had prepared for him earlier. He then walked over to the cute little chef and ruffled his hair a bit before he said "Thank you for the meal~". He sat down to grab a bite to eat almost immediately afterwards, only stopping to let his Larvitar out and excitedly wave at Zeta. "You should eat something as well Zeta!".

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Kai let out a giggle as she heard Zeta’s attempt to describe the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. “C’mon, we got some new treats for you.” The girl put Zeta back on the floor, taking Zeta’s left hand in her right as she pulled the girl towards the kitchen table, grabbing onto a set of utensils for the two of them.


She took her seat before lifting the small girl onto her lap, cutting about a third into the wrap. “This is for me.” Kai took the lettuce off the smaller piece, not interested in the bland leaf wrapping the delicious breakfast. “And the rest is for you.” Kai stabbed into her eggs, taking a bite out of the breakfast. “Ah, amazing!” Her pleased face would tell anyone how much she enjoyed the homecooked food. “Zeta, don’t forget to eat your veggies, or you’re gonna be short forever.”


Meanwhile, Anté had walked up the stairs after waking up, walking towards the kitchen table by Kai. The girl slipped her lettuce down for him to nibble on until she found something else once she’s done.

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Frederick expected to wake up joyfully - the bright sunshine entering warmly into his comfortable room, bird Pokemon chirping sweet songs outside merrily, an inviting silence welcoming him .... except he didn't experience any of those. Instead, he was forced to wake up by none other than the mischievous Radovan who apparently liked to tease him. 

The first thing he heard in the morning was the loud, discordant playing of the piano. Despite not actually seeing the person playing it, he was 100% sure that Radovan was responsible for it, and he wasn't really comfortable hearing such off-beat, misplaced, annoying, chaotic, whatever-negative-adjective-you-could-describe-it-with tunes. He preferred hearing classical tunes or at the very least, jazz tunes to make the day brighter. But, no! Radovan just had to annoy him. Frederick was greatly annoyed, but he decided to put up with it. It was not like he could actually make the boy stop. Perhaps if he just ignored it, the boy would be bored and stop with it.

So, he decided to descend down the dining hall, and greet the others. "A pleasant Good Morning to all of you," he announced as he flashed a pleasant smile to all of them. "What is up for breakfast, if I may ask?"

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Mason's face somehow curled inwards at the prospect of the kids offering him breakfast and he gestured with his hand to cut the idea short before all of them started bothering him about it at the same time.

"I already ate. Some of us wake up before the break of dawn in accordance to our duties. You shall learn not to waste time in the morning sleeping." He said, following the children and ignoring Sena. "And besides, I'm here in regards to Cadet business, and not to exchange pleasantries." In accordance with that, the man's stomach growled and a slight blush washed over his face.


Zeta, as a polar opposite, held her stuff in her hands and walked with Kai, sitting in her lap as a whole bunch of smelly stuff was presented to them. She watched Kai intently as the girl cut the food. ""What're veggies? I don't wanna be short. I wanna be tall like my sisters."" She pouted, picking the food she was being offered in her hand and biting into it. Her eyes widened as she tasted something new! "It's nothing like the ice cream! How are those two the same thing!?" Wonder was apparent in her eyes as she chewed and looked up at Kai.


"We've discovered an unknown compound, found in #08's crystalline structures, within Zeta's body that nourished it, therefore she had no need to eat. It has faded when she was brought out of the Nexus, so please do not forget to feed her." In the meantime, apparently while no one was paying attention, Mason had sat at the table as well and pulled a plate that Kalva had left up in front of himself. There was only one roll on it left, and Mason was wiping his face with a handkercheif. "She is perfectly human, though. And also the first human to be discovered in a newly born Nexus. This family of her's is also a mystery. All in all, Lady Haether decided to grant temporary custody over the girl to...uhh...Gina, who then said to bring her over to your group. So from this day forward, Zeta will be staying in this house. Don't forget that she is still under Space Aether's surveillance and we'll be running ocassional tests on and with her." The second roll was gone by now as well and Mason's plate licked clean. He placed it aside, eyes closed, and joined his hands together. "Additionally, we'll be needing her help in further investigation of Nexus #08, so you'll all be dispatched there again later today. Our scans have discovered an array of underground tunnels within the Nexus's dungeon. We've not yet located any entrances, so we'll be placing our hope in Zeta. She insisted she would only leave on a mission with you, so...yes." It was clear from his tone and the way his eyes shifted every once in a while that he wasn't happy with sending new recruits out again. He probably wanted to send some other team to investigate, his plans ruined by a mere child.

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“Hehe!” Kai patted the girl on her head as she looked her in the eye, wonderstruck by the rather mundane breakfast. “That’s just how food is, Zeta. You’ll get it someday.”


Kai continued eating her slice of eggs while she listened to the large man speak. “Thash should be e-she, shen.” Her speech was disturbed by the eggs she was chewing as she looked over her shoulder towards Mason. She swallowed the mush in her mouth before speaking again, with her words much easier to understand now. “I’ll go with Zeta back to the Nexus. I’m sure she’d feel best with me around if she gets scared.” Kai finished the last pieces of breakfast left on her side of the plate, waiting for Zeta to finish before she could jump off the chair and injure her. “You guys goin’ with me? Bet there’s some cool stuff still in there. Oh, I can’t wait!”

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"Lettuce wraps. Help yourself if you want some." Emmanuel answered Frederick's question.


"Of course. It's not like we have a choice now, do we? I'd like to collect more samples this time around." He turned to Kai, and then turning back to take Solosis and Poochy's empty bowls. "Oh right, Mr. Mason, when will we be going?" 

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Radovan would nod at the rather scary looking man after he finally realized that stuffing even more food on his place would presumably eat too much into other people's portions. It took a while for him to finally finish everything on his plate, but rather fortunately he had finished just in time to look at Zeta and Kai before he said "Sure, it should be fun~, and I really want to catch myself a Sableye or something else that is coooool".

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Mason looked at Kai and then Emmanuel. "The boy is right-it's not a matter of choice. You'll all be going, and are to be dispatched immediately. I have no intention of letting you dawdle while our mission fails to progress, and in order to keep an eye on you, I've appointed a senior officer to join you in the mission. They're waiting at the HQ."

The man got up from his seat. "And I'll be waiting in the car. You finish up eating, quick, and we'll go." He said before exiting the house.


Zeta meanwhile giggled in Kai's lap. "So food's not just one thing!" The girl swung her little feet around in the air. "Thank you for going with me. OH, but I gotta show you something!" The girl picked up the white cloth she'd brought along and revealed that it was in fact a uniform. After being informed not to take all her clothes off in front of everyone, she proceeded to go change in the bathroom and when she emerged, her face was slightly blushed, seemingly uncertain how exactly it fit her.



"H-how does it look?" The girl shifted in spot, her hands joined in front of her, fingers fiddling nervously. "Mr. Mason and the lady with the funny hair told me I should wear this...a-and they said they would need to give me one of those things you all have, but later!"




Once finished eating and preparing for the day, the group would exit the house as well, A-Comms in tow, uniforms on. Mason would be waiting for them, leaned against the car, tapping his foot.

"I told you to be quick about it." He coldly informed the crew before opening the front door of the same large vehicle that brought them there, sitting at the driver's seat. "Get in."

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Kalva gave Zeta a thumbs up and a reassuring smile. It really did fit her well - if they hadn't met her in 08, then Kalva would never have known that this mysterious girl had been born of the Nexus and was not in fact, a cadet. He wrote up a sign,

"It's called a uniform, it's like what everyone wears so people know what group you are from. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to it."


Quina, after correcting Kalva's mistakes on the notebook, mulled over the reasons why they were sending cadets, newly graduated cadets, into what could be thought of as the frontier of exploration. Yes, it was out of a mishap, and Zeta would ultimately feel more comfortable going with the first people she had met...but it was still a curiosity.

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