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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Emmanuel took a look at the unscathed crystal, and concluded that it seemed to radiate some sort of shield against energy attacks. "These crystals radiate an energy shield. Maybe if we use a powerful attack, we'll be able to tear through the shield." 

"Alright, Nicaea. Use Growth six times, and then unleash Acid on the crystal!"

Action: Nicaea uses Growth x6 and then uses Acid on the wall.

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Emmanuel & Radovan

Nicaea powers up and produces a helluwalot more and stronger acid this time. She spews it all over the wall and, for a moment, nothing happens, before a sizzling sound starts emanating from the crystals and warmth fills the corridor. The sizzling grows louder as multicolored lights begin flashing from where Nicaea spewed acid onto. Emmanuel and Radovan's visions fade into the lights entirely.

A large explosion suddenly bursts from within the crystals Nicaea attacked, sending both Emmanuel and Radovan tumbling down, as well as their Pokemon. It feels as if they're drenched in a heavy, warm liquid, even though they know they're relatively dry...

The weight presses upon them as the lights fade. Opening his eyes, Emmanuel sees that the acid had burned a rather large portion of the crystal surface off, but what's more interesting is that the crystals have lost their shine. The entire wall is devoid of the energy. It seemed to have been released into that big burst of light and warmth.

Practically speaking...maybe the wall'll be more brittle now?
Oh, and you don't feel any different from normal now. The temperature of the corridor is still a bit higher than normal but nothing too odd.
For now.
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Cathode was shocked by the development, but upon seeing the sableye, she pouted, and was a mixture of annoyed and scared.


"Y-you meanie!  Give it back! It wasn't yours to begin with!" She knew enough about sableyes to know he would need more than just words to give up a prank, or whatever it was.

"S-Suzie! This jerk stole something important and we need it back!She said while clumsily throwing her luxury ball on the ground.  Her style needed some work to say the least.


Her trusted partner had heard clearly. And her apparent dislike for petty thieves (or anyone who would make Cathode sad) made her stare the sableye with apparent loathing. She couldn't wait to give him a piece of her mind.

"He seems strong, but you are tough! This might take a while, so Curse up and be on guard! We need to size him up! 
I want to try and see if i can get him in an Aether Ball. Can you refrain from using any possible fairy moves on him please, Clarence?"


Suzie, keeping a death stare on the Sableye, started glowing in an eerie red aura.


[Activated Defender Lv.1]  +1 Defense 

[Suzie used Curse] +1 Attack ,  +1 Defense (+2 Total), -1 Speed



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Radovan almost immediately walked up to the now dull and lifeless crystal wall after Emmanuel's oddish did its dirty work, and he gingerly tapped a section of the wall that wasn't covered by any remaining acid before he walked back to the rest of the group and patted the little boy's head. "Good work Emmanuel". He then pointed his finger at the crystal wall once more before he shouted out "Woobat! Use Confusion to lift up Larvitar and throw him at the Crystal Wall as hard as you can!, and Larvitar! Use your...Bite attack to try and gnaw some chunks off of it or something once you've hit it?...Also Woobat! You should throw some rocks or crystals at the wall with your Confusion attack once you have thrown Larvitar!".

This caused his Woobat to throw the Larvitar that had bit two of his into unconsciousness at the crystal wall with a slightly perverse amount of glee, and it would presumably lead to a decent enough dent on the crystal wall that his Larvitar could presumably gnaw at or something.

Woobat Action: Woobat uses Confusion to throw Larvitar at the Crystal Wall before it starts to idly throw some rocks at the Larv-the Crystal wall with the help of its Confusion attack once more
Larvitar Action: Larvitar bites into the crystal wall, for obvious reasons.

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Emmanuel recovered from the blow, surprised by the explosion generated by the attack. He took a look at the others, seeming to be relatively unscathed. "Alright!" He jumped up in excitement. Though, what Radovan was about to do next completely stunned him.

"W-What are you doing?!" It seemed to be working, but it just felt all so reckless to the boy.

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Frederick looked at his fellow cadets. Both of them seemed to be wondering if he would have wanted the Wurmple for himself. Karla seemed to be alright with the Wurmple being there, but Shelly seemed to not be quite such a big fan of it. Frederick thought for a bit. He was not that big of a fan of Bug types either, though he was not afraid of them. After all, he was used to exploration and the like. Frederick replied to the two's looks. "I do not wish to catch Wurmple. As much as I would have an addition to my team, I would prefer to have a stronger looking Pokemon or a Pokemon that would bode well with my intended team. "

His response seemed cold, but that was partly what he felt about it all. That was not the only the reason he did not want the Wurmple though. He did not want to tell the group that he would prefer to have more cute Pokemon in his team, like his Stufful. He had always been a fan of cuddly and cute things. Just like how he never got attached to strange Pokemon he saw in picture books or bizarre Pokemon his father made him see after he had travels. He was nkt eager to tell people he was not too close about this part of him though as he was quite sure he might think of him weirdly if he did. In time, maybe he would talk more about himself.

"Let us go to the other more expansive corridor, shall we? If no one objects, that is." He asked the group.

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“Aw, but it’s so cute!” Kai shuffled the Wurmple onto her left arm, grabbing onto her A-Comm to check around for another Aether Ball. The sphere materialized and fell to the ground before Kai freed her hand by putting her A-Comm back. “Oh well, another friend for me.” The girl followed behind Frederick as she prepared her throw, mumbling to herself. “Capture event initiated.” She threw the Ball a small distance into the air as it fell towards the Wurmple on her arm.

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Taylor orders Jet to step in front of himself and Kenshiro the Morelull and himself, then use Detect to block the incoming attack!  Hopefully, this will cause the Wailord's attack to be wasted, allowing an easy counterattack.  He then asks Kenshiro to ready a Mega Drain, to fire the moment the Wailord returns from its dive.

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Sena feels a depressed upon hearig and watching the Wailord's situation, but he knows that strategy has to be done, ending Wailord's suffering is their current motive and this is the fastest route to do it. damn... please just wait a little longer, we will let you get some rest after this...


He saw the Wailord want to use Noble Roar like before, lowering Verna's already low attack stats is never a good thing and he doesn't want it to happen twice. What would he do?


oh maybe!


"Verna please can you land over here!" Sena called, Verna who has been flying around, now flying closer to Sena before landing on the ground beside him. "good, when the Wailord roared, use Supersonic on the roar." Verna nodded knowing full well Sena is up to something. Sena looked at Jet already going for Detect and Quina doesn't really have any protection. "Kalva can you ask Quina to teleport behind Verna?"


Action: Verna use Supersonic on Noble Roar

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Kalva covered his eyes with his arms as the wave splashed over him, tiny fragments of crystal cutting into his clothes. As he wiped the water off his face, he saw 3 stone nails sticking out of Wailord's back, blood streaming out like a crimson geyser. They had succeeded in dropping the stalactites, but Kalva nearly lurched from what he and Quina had just done - they were killing Wailord. Wailord's scream sounded like a sickening prose that nailed this fact to him. Kalva grabbed his head, forcing himself to focus on the battle. After what Quina was risking herself in, he couldn't afford to break down again.


Reciting numbers over and over, he once again pointed the A-Comm upwards to illuminate the cavern a little and located Verna for Quina.


Quina heard what Sena had asked Kalva, and following Kalva's hand signals, swiftly located Verna and Teleported behind Verna. She wasn't sure if this was protection enough - Wailord could very easily cover them both with its Dive...but perhaps Sena was thinking of trying to get her out of the range of Supersonic.

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


The Wurmple stays motionless as Kai throws the Aether Ball on it and it's absorbed within it.

The Aether Ball falls back into Kai's hand and starts shaking.


roll: 60,9

It starts shaking more violently before breaking apart as the Wurmple jumps back out, seemingly unfazed at all by what's happened. It then climbs back on Kai.






*+ Terry; Morelull*




Quina teleports behind Verna and Verna's Supersonic clashes with the Noble Roar. Thanks to the interference, the Roar's effect is lost on the two Pokemon.

Meanwhile, Jet protects himself and Morelull from the Noble Roar using Detect. Afterwards, the Detect fades.


There is a moment of silence as the roar slowly stops echoing through the chamber. Just as the sound finally settles, the party feels a sudden tremor and the hairs on the backs of their necks stand on end. The Wailord forcefully smashes its tail through the rocks right beneath the party, sending everyone flying in an almost 90 degree arc into the water. Even Verna is shot upwards by the rocks. As the party is still in mid-air, the Wailord flips over to target them with its gaping mouth, releasing a forceful blast of water blindly flailing in hopes to hit someone.


Wailord Action: Hydro Pump (235 power)


target roll (Jet/Morelull/Verna/Quina): 2 Morelull

[note: Hydro Pump clashes through Mega Drain]

miss (48): 84,1 miss

It's not very effective!

/Morelull took 38 damage/


Wailord's attack hits Morelull, but only scathes him from above, shooting him downwards towards the water more quickly than the rest of the party. As the Wailord continues trashing in place and pain, the party plops into the water.



Music: Something Primeval

Turn Order: Wailord -> Taylor (Jet) -> Sena (Verna) -> Kalva (Quina) -> Morelull


Morelull (♂), Lv: 15

HP (48/86): ####################

ATK: 36 -> (23)

DEF: 63

SP.ATK: 82 -> (54)

SP.DEF: 86

SPE: 17

Nature: Modest

Status: Atk (-1), SpA (-1)

Ability: Effect Spore

Moves: Astonish, Flash, Moonlight, Mega Drain




Wailord (♀), Lv: 40

HP (0/0): ####################

ATK: 133

DEF: 69


SP.DEF: 63

SPE: -

Nature: Bold (+Def/-Atk)

Status: HP drain, Acc (-1)

Ability: Pressure; Fountain of Life

Moves: Noble Roar, Dive (180), Bounce (145), Hydro Pump (235)







Woobat seems content with throwing Larvitar around.

/Woobat's friendship with Radovan went up/

/Larvitar's went down though/


Through their effort though, they manage to create a hole in the wall large enough to crawl through.


[the duo can proceed onwards down Corridor 9]






*+ Zeta and Clarence*




Clarence holds a finger up at Cathode's request. He doesn't seem to be content with following through with it for now, at least. Their enemy was strong. If he were to hold back, it might put them in danger.

Sableye chuckles and places a claw to his face. Before your very eyes, its body seems to melt into the darkness surrounding you. You don't know where it'll strike next, and Clarence seems caught off guard for a moment as a droplet of sweat rolls by his widened eyes. He hesitates to use Disarming Voice that would surely hit the Sableye in order to follow Cathode's favor...

What that decision will bring is a question on its own.


Sableye Action: Shadow Sneak... (100 Power)



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (150/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), ---

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Cathode looked around, but she expected a ghost type move anyway, so she was not surprised.  She saw Clarence's worried and doubtful expression, and she figured it would be unfair if he were to pay his favor by getting severely damaged.

"Do not worry Clarence, Zeta! Come with me,  lets get on Suzie.   Suzie,  please cover us! And after that, use rock tomb around us !  The sableye is hiding in the shadows somewhere, its bound to get hit.  He will surely be forced to come out and attack you while he is at it, but it will barely be a scratch for you!"


Cathode jumped on Suzie, hoping for Clarence and Zeta do do the same. When they would follow the plan, Suzie would curl up around them, protecting them from every angle, and then Rock Tomb the surrounding area for 130 power.



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Kai gave out an exaggerated grumble as she saw the Wurmple escape from the Aether Ball. “I thought you wanted to come with us.” The girl didn’t stop the worm as it climbed back onto her, seemingly happy with its place on her person. “Guess I’ll leave ya there for now. Maybe one of the others wants a new friend.” Kai continued marching alongside the others down the corridor, unfazed by the small weight hanging off of her.

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*




As Suzie curls up around Clarence, Zeta and Cathode, a shadow slips underneath her, snatching Clarence before the rock snake Pokemon can react and slashing at him with the claws that seemed to extend out from the shadows cast by Suzie's massive, coiling form.

Sableye Action: Shadow Sneak on Clarence

crit: 71,1 no crit

/Clarence took 70 damage/


The Sableye jumps from the shadows, using the momentum of the Shadow Sneak to evade Suzie from possibly trying to coil around it too, dropping Clarence mid-air to fall back from where it picked him up. As it lands into the area of the corridor where Suzie is dropping rocks all over the place, it snaps its fingers, forming a tangible barrier around itself.


Sableye Action: Detect

/Sableye protected itself/



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (80/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), Detect, ---

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Cathode watched in horror as the cunning sableye was too fast for clarence's small form trying to climb on Suzie.  At least he fell into Suzie's lap. She immediately tried to tend to him, while at the same time instructing Suzie nervously.


"Oh m-  S-Suzie, don't let the meanie get away with it!  He won't be able to protect himself for ever! Keep Rock Tombing until you hit him once!
I-I'm so sorry Clarence, I can't do anything about your injury,  but I" she closed and averted her eyes sideways, a bit more determined "promise that I will at least not fail in succeeding in my plan." 

She took out her Sporespray.  

"After Suzie hits him once, i'm spraying him. It is not completely accurate though, so if you are able, it would be good if you add a Sing in combo with me."


[Suzie keeps using Rock Tomb for 130 power]

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*




Sableye stares at Suzie's coiled-up body, as if sizing her up. As she starts tossing rocks around again, the Sableye grins and extends a claw. Dark energy starts flowing through it, enveloping it and the Sableye. The claw grows through the darkness and the Sableye uses it to slice apart any rocks that come crashing its way, cackling almost maniacally.


Sableye Action: Feint Attack (130 power); clashes with Suzie's Rock Tomb


Meanwhile, the somewhat battered Clarence gets back up onto his feet without much fuss and looks at Cathode, waiting for her to let him know when to strike with the Sing.



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (80/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), Detect, Feint Attack (130), ---

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Peeking through the gaps between Suzie's rocks, Cathode sees, to her disappointment that the sableye had actually found a way to counter the barrage.  And it would probably do so again  and again. However... would it be able to do the same against an even more forceful Rock Tomb?


"Humph" Cathode pouted "You are a smart meanie, I'll give you that... But you will return the mecha,  and join my team too. Maybe will help you be less of a jerk. "
"Another Curse Suzie! Let's give him something he won't be able to come out of unscathed!"


[Suzie uses Curse] +1 Attack (+2 total) +1 Defense (+3 total) -1 Speed (-2 Total)



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*+ Zeta and Clarence*




As Suzie used curse again, the Sableye's grin faded for the first time. As his body twitched, his leering teeth were an angry grimace for a moment before he dissolved into the shadows again...

The Sableye might be trying to escape.


Sableye Action: Shadow Sneak (100)



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (80/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), Detect, Feint Attack (130), ---





Emmanuel & Radovan


Emmanuel makes his way through the crystals. The path Nicaea had forged seems to lead into a small chamber which seems to fork into three different paths.


[The map has been updated]


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Shelly shrugged as they left the wurmple behind. It didn't seem intent on joining them, which further solidified Shelly's certainty that she hadn't made a mistake in passing it up. She hurried off ahead of Kai, down Corridor 11. That was the direction she'd seen Uno last go down, and the woman seemed exceptionally frail. It wouldn't be good to let her wander around on her own. She might fall and be unable to get up, or get stuck behind a ledge.

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Seeing the Sableye realize he is in for a tough ride and disappear into the shadows again, Cathode realized she had no time to spare.  Whether he was planning to attack or to flee, he had to use the shadows to do it. The shadows of the surrounding cave's walls. The source of Suzie's attack.


"Fast Suzie! Rock Tomb!" If he was going to attack, he would probably do a negligible damage to Suzie before getting tombed.  If he was going to run away, she hoped her command was fast enough for the rocks to stop him in his tracks  long enough for her and Clarence to sleep him.


[Suzie uses Rock Tomb for 140 damage]

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"alright it work! time to fi--" Before Sena could finish his word he was flung to the water along with Verna.


"crap. Verna come here!" as he grab the panicked bat pokemon on water putting her on the head. "You okay?' as she shake her body to dry herself, Verna nodded telling Sena that she's fine. Sena then looked to the Wailord. Time to end this madness...


"Verna, we're going to finish this. Please, use Tackle! Hit that Wailord as hard as you can!" Verna nodded before started flying again, trying to hit the Wailord with a Tackle.

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Radovan decided that this would in fact be a great time to not make up any excuses or explanations for why he decided to tell his Woobat to use his Larvitar as a sledgehammer, mostly because it didn't really seem to be important enough for him to put in the time and effort he needed to come up with a reasonable way to say that he did that to give the Woobat a bit of petty vengeance on the one that had hurt the other members of species. And he simply returned his Larvitar back to where it belonged before he walked towards the 19th corridor with his Woobat following closely behind him.

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