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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Emmanuel sighed and decided to re-intervene. The Sableye hadn't eaten the P-AZ Mechamon, so clearly it found its value greater than just food.

He took out the Gabite Mechamon from the bag and waved it gently before the Sableye, and said lightly, "let's trade." He walked slowly toward it and knelt down with the Mechamon in his right hand. He made sure that it was in clear sight.

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Radovan quietly whispered the words

 "Emmanuel...you do know that Gabite doesn't have a trade evolution right?" into Emmanuel's ear just before he did what anyone else would do in the situation and kept his eyes trained on the Sableye while his hands were poised to both pull Emmanuel away from the Sableye and throw his Larvitar at the problem if things turned pear shaped....up until he heard the extremely audible sound of a pebble clattering through the floor an uncomfortably close distance away from him coming from the left. This caused him to slowly but surely turn around to somehow face what seemed to be a new threat without alerting the Sableye too much, and as his right hand prepared to throw his Larvitar at the problem he suddenly realized that he was in fact staring at that Cat girl from earlier. And he offered her a simple shrug before he quietly took out his A-Comm and rapidly typed in the words "Emmanuel is trading a mechamom with a Sableye please back us up by using your onyz or somethint if things go qrong". He did not bother to spell check his message before he sent it and turned back to face the Sableye.

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Cathode got triggered for a moment by listening about a Sableye again, but she caught up, and wrote in her A-Comm,  

"Suzie is knocked out for now. Clarence here might be able to take out the Sableye in one shot though. The mechas seem to have value, and might be connected with Terry. We can't afford to lose a single one.

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2 minutes ago, DemICE said:

Cathode got triggered for a moment by listening about a Sableye again, but she caught up, and wrote in her A-Comm,  

"Suzie is knocked out for now. Clarence here might be able to take out the Sableye in one shot though. The mechas seem to have value, and might be connected with Terry. We can't afford to lose a single one.

Radovan would furiously type out the words "Then it seems that violence might be the only answer as I don't think that the tgree of us would be ble to trick a Sableye, also when push comes to shove I actually want to try catching the Sableye,so if itt is possible for Clarence to not instantly knock it out that would be great." after he received and read the message that Cat had sent him, and he pressed the send button without checking for grammatical errors once more.

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Cathode nodded. And turned to whisper to Clarence while un-jamming her repel bottle using a long pin she brought for that purpose.
"When he gives the signal,  we go for another Sing plus Sleep Powder combo on the target that is around the corner.  We can't possibly be as unlucky as the last time."

She then quickly typed in her A-Comm 

"Ready when u are"


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*+ Zeta and Clarence*


"I collect them because Father asked me to." Zeta replies with a smile, moving behind Cathode, following her pace. "Are they important to you too like they're important to Father?" She asks curiously as the two girls reach Emmanuel and Radovan.


The Sableye looks at Emmanuel and the Gabite Mechamon in his hand. It extends its free claw towards the Mechamon in Emm's hand, keeping the P-AZ Mechamon behind its back. Grinning, it gestures with the outstreched claw as if taunting the boy.


Clarence looks at Cathode with a serious expression. The girl can't determine if she sees pure annoyance in the glisten of the Clafairy's eye or something else entirely. He nods but gestures with his hands towards his mouth, then in an 'X' shape, then clenches one tiny paw into a fist and smashes it into his other, joining the two and twisting them in a representation of what he'll do to the Sableye if their plan doesn't work.


[The water restores Clarence's HP to full]

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Radovan had sent a message earlier to Cathode that simply said "Do whatever you can do to help when I release my Larvitar from it's Aetherball." before the Sableye reacted to Emmanuel's offer, and he smiled widely when he saw it seemingly ask the little boy to trust that it wouldn't trick them by simply taking both of the Mechamon at once. This is why Radovan decided that the time for sitting around and negotiating with barely sapient creatures was over, and his right hand swiftly threw the Aetherball that contained his Larvitar before he pointed at the Sableye and shouted out "LARVITAR! USE BITE ON THE SABLEYE! ALSO GO CATHODE!".

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Cathode, and probably Clarence too,  didn't need to be  told more than once. 


She swiftly turned around the corner, and dived sideways (giving space for Clarence's sing and larvitar's attack) , after locking on to her target.  She sprayed him in the face. Or at least tried to.

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Kalva held his breath above the water as their combined strike hit Wailord, flinching as if the hit had hit him in place of her. With Wailord’s last roar, Kalva’s barely kept composure broke, and slowly, like a waterfall after storm, tears fell from his face. With a silent wail he wept for the death of the Wailord, all the Pokémon he had held in his arms in their death before, and the Pokémon he will have to sit by their death afterward too. He felt so helpless, every time he had to stay by their side during their passing. But neither could he leave their side; it was the least he could ever do. Kalva was trapped between mourning and leaving, and he had always chosen to mourn the death of all Pokemon as if they were his own friend. But the world did not give him any more time to mourn now. Barely moments later he felt the whirlpool suck him under. He desperately tried to hold onto something, but swiped at empty current, only being able to give a pointless flail before the waters completely consumed him.


Kalva gasped as they fell through into the crystal chamber, staggering a little as he tried to shake away his disorientation. As soon as he regained his bearings he looked around for Quina, who had thankfully landed close to him, shaken but unharmed. They shared a quick hug of relief before Quina sat back in his hoodie, resting from the battle with Wailord.

You’re safe, you’re safe… I’m alright, Quina, you’re safe…


Kalva still hiccupped from his crying, eyes swollen a little, but he forced a smile. Quina was safe. Though the weight of their actions had cut deep, Kalva felt a little solace when he saw Taylor take Wailord’s egg. Taylor would keep the egg safe, and Wailord’s light would live on. He’ll just have to help Taylor protect the egg until they could find somewhere safe for the egg.

Kalva spent a moment or two calming down before trying to look around him. Trying to, anyway; the crystals were too bright, nauseating him simply from their radiance. He half-closed his eyes to filter some of the brightness out, managing to see Terry pick up the shard of the micro-nexus. He had read about the shards before; but never really managed to observe one for himself. After all – they were very dangerous to carry; they could expand any moment when the Shard is charged once more, and when they do, they’ll expand explosively.


He only could ponder for a moment before Sena’s Supersonic rang out, stunning him from the amplified sound. Kalva blocked his ears and ducked down, dizzy from everything being so loud and bright. Terry was trying to tell him something, but with no avail. Kalva couldn’t even try to lip-read from the bright light, and it was as if the world’s volume had been turned mute.

I can’t even write anything with the brightness…we need to get out of here, quickly.

He stood looking around, trying to find a way to get out of this chamber that had assaulted so many of his senses.


Kalva noticed Taylor being unfazed by the noise that had deafened everyone else. Taylor was rather mysterious, Kalva had come to note, but most definitely capable. Taylor had asked Morelull to move before they had descended, rather than trying to force their way through, and even gained the trust of one of the members. Unlike Kalva, Taylor was calm in the tragic struggle against Wailord. If he was to trust anyone with Wailord’s egg, it would be Taylor.


Kalva followed Taylor’s line of sight and noticed the small hole in the chamber’s wall. He looked back to check if they hadn’t missed anything or left anything behind, and walked quickly through the chamber’s exit.

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Emmanuel's friendly smile quickly turned to a frown after seeing that the Sableye actually think that it could take the Mechamon first before completing the rest of the deal. He may be kind to Pokemon, but he wasn't kind at all to scammers.


"I see." He said, with an abnormal amount of coldness. In just a snap, he retracted his arm and swiftly dunked the Mechamon into his bag, all while rolling sideways to evade the loudly-telegraphed Bite. 

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*




The Sableye looks at Emmanuel with confusion.


roll: 55,8

The Sableye focused on Emmanuel, not noticing Radovan and the others in time. They manage to jump it...more specifically, Larvitar, shooting a hateful glance back at Radovan, throws itself at the Sableye, slamming its maxilla into its head.


Larvitar's Action: Bite (90 PWR)

flinch (30): 11,0

/Sableye flinched!/

crit (6,25): 57,2 no crit

/Sableye took 50 damage!/


Stunned by the attack, the Sableye bobs in place, dropping the P-AZ Mechamon. Cathode and Clarence tag team each from one side, Clarence jumping over Emmanuel. Clarence starts chirping what sounds like a tune while Cathode sprays her Sleep Powder at Sableye. However, Larvitar is also there...


Clarence's Action: Sing

Larvitar (55): 15,7

/Larvitar has fallen asleep!/

Sableye (55): 63,9 miss


Cathode's Action: Sleep Powder

Sableye (75): 27,2

/Sableye has fallen asleep!/


Both Pokemon fall to the ground, snoring.

This might be your time to try and catch Sableye, as your A-Comm shows an almost disgustingly high catch rate for a Sableye: 38,6%...take that as you will, but Sableye are hard to catch...



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Sableye -> Radovan (Larvitar) -> Clarence -> Cathode


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (150/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (60/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: Asleep

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: ---

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Shelly tossed the shard to Betani. "You know, just because you didn't want to keep it, doesn't mean you didn't want it." She knelt down near Uno on the ground, and cradled her head. "Why'd you take that, Uno? It made the whole place unstable."

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Radovan did what anyone else would do in this situation and he threw an Aetherball at the sleeping Sableye to try and catch it while he said. "Emmanuel this is a great time for you to take the Mechamon from the Sableye before it wakes up". he turned slightly to try and address everyone in the room after the Aetherball had hit the sleeping Sableye, but just before anyone would know if it was caught. "And if any one of you has a way to damage the Sableye some more without knocking it out then that would be great!".

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Cathode, having no pokemon to assist with, dragged (too heavy to pick up) larvitars sleeping form a bit further than the sleeping sableye.


"Can you use aromatherapy on him, please, Clarence?"


Taking a better look at him, she noticed that the previously battered clefairy was revitalized. And there was this mysterious water they were treading on. Maybe...


She tossed Suzies ball a bit further from them yet still into the water, releasing her unconscious form, and hoping for the best.

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Emmanuel swiped the P-AZ Mechamon from the sleeping Sableye. "Got it!" He then quickly put the Mechamon into his bag.

"A way to chip its health... Nicaea, use Absorb on the Sableye!" 


Action: Nicaea uses Absorb (70 Attack Power) on the Sableye.

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“Thanks!" The girl gave a wave to her friend before turning towards the little dragon by her feet. "Alright, Axew.” Kai pointed towards the tree, being very direct for a person attempting to control someone else’s Pokémon. “Scratch off a piece of the trunk and see if we can take a few shreds with us.” The Axew approached the tree bark, preparing its claws before she took a Scratch at the tree. After a few shreds, a sizable piece of bark fell to the ground for Kai to pick up. “Thanks, friend. You can go back to Shelly.”


Kai turned around as Betani brought the news to her ears. “Ah, oh well.” Despite the rather sad news, she seemed unfazed by it in the slightest. “I’m sure it’ll reappear somewhere it’ll find more fun.” Kai stepped closer to Betani, hoping to get a glimpse of whatever advanced technique she could know to stabilize it. “So why do we need to give it to you? You know how to stabilize it here?" An innocent question that would probably come out rude to others.

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"no need to apologize Mr. Terry, our action is kind of stupid after all." He laugh it off before Verna's amplified supersonic, deafening him... worst mistake he ever made. My ears!!! uuugh note to self, never fire off a supersonic in a cave filled with these crystal...


with him being deaf for awhile he can't listen to what Terry wanted to say, all he can do is making an apologetic gesture to Terry and everybody else, Verna on the other hand only gave him a disapproving stare, and making some gesture telling Sena to be more careful with supersonic next time.


Sena then continue look around and saw that Taylor found an exit. He decide to go there with everybody if they want to.

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*



Betani seems content when Shelly tosses the Shard to her.

"Now you're just acting dumb." She turns to Kai. "If that Wurmple ceases to exist here, that's that. All that's left of it is the potential for an emerge of another Wurmple if the Micro Nexus re-emerges." She says, holding the Shard out in front of herself as if looking at it. "Yeah I mean the crystals around us are draining it of energy. It was embedded in that tree and draining its own energy back. When she-" She glances at Uno. "-thoughtlessly pulled it out, endangering us all, it was cut from its own energy supply. Most I can do with it now is put it back where it belongs."


Betani walks over to the tree. There's a hole in its bark where she places the Shard. The tree's shrinking slows down. "See? Soon it should stabilize for now. I doubt it'll hold for much afterwards, though. Shards are fickle. You can never trust them. Same as some people." Betani adds.


[Betani placed the Insect Shard back]


Meanwhile, Uno wakes up to see Shelly. "I-I thought it was the Tree of Life." She responds.






*+ Terry*


Kalva finds nothing of interest in the room.



Confusedly and a bit worried, Terry follows the group who trailed off towards the exit from the chamber. 

The exit is but a small crack between two crystals. Through the crack, you see an even brighter light shining. However...the crack appears to be too small for Terry to go through... The man looks at you worriedly, then looks back at the room and the Shard he's holding.




He says something but only Taylor hears it. "-" He adds. Again, only Taylor can hear it.

Kalva's earlier search yielded no results. Therefore, it is unlikely that there's any other ways out. You probably don't want to try breaking the crystals considering what happened with Verna's Supersonic.


[Exit the room and leave Terry?]





*+ Zeta and Clarence*





roll: 41,9

Radovan throws the Aether Ball at Sableye but when it bounces off to the ground, it quickly shatters.


Meanwhile, Nicaea attempts to drain Sableye's energy in order to weaken it.


Nicaea's Action: Absorb (70)

crit: 96,8 no crit

/Sableye took 40 damage!/


Clarence looks at Cathode and nods unwillingly. He walks over to Larvitar and stands next to him. Afterwards, the Clefairy raises his arm to release the smell from his armpit over at Larvitar, promptly waking the Pokemon up in shock.


Clarence's Action: Aromatherapy

/Larvitar woke up!/


Suzie is still motionless.


The chance for catching the Sableye is now 49,1%.


The Sableye is fast asleep.



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Sableye -> Radovan (Larvitar) -> Clarence -> Cathode


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (150/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (60/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: Asleep

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: ---

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RADOVAN (& by extension, the rest of the gang)


roll: 0,45

/Sableye has been caught!/

/Radovan earned 10 EP for catching a Pokemon/


/everyone earned 40 Exp/

/everyone earned 5 EP/



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Radovan rather swiftly ran towards the Aetherball that contained his Sableye after it had been captured, and he almost immediately picked the damned thing up and placed it exactly where it belonged before anymore Sableyes could suddenly pop up and turn all of this into an exercise in futility. He then walked back to where Emmanuel and the rest of the group was standing before he tried vainly to hug two different people who were definitely not standing anywhere near each other at the same time, he eventually settled for hugging the two of them separately before he said "Good job by the way" to each of them. 

He put his Larvitar back in it's Aetherball soon afterwards, and he gestured at Cathode's currently unconcious Onix before he said "Okay so since your Pokemon are all unconcious do you want to borrow one of mine until we can get to the surface?".

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"Hey, hey. It's no problem," Emmanuel responded to the hug. He turned to the source of the Sing, and finally saw Cathode. "Oh, there you are, Cathode! How has things been on your side of things? For us, Nicaea here has been a great help in tearing down the annoying crystal walls blocking our way. Radovan also caught a Woobat. Unfortunately, we still haven't found the way up. Though, I suspect that it may very well be around this corridor."

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Cathode was so busy being happy with the success of the whole thing that she had not registered that someone had just hugged her, which meant being in uncomfortably close contact with her, until after it was over.

She made to scream, but thought that would be pointlessly stupid and held it in anyway.  Didn't stop her from being shaken.  Emmanuel asked her a question.  She tried to answer without giving away. Emphasis on "tried".


"E-e-eeheheh, h-hello there  I see you guys got more friends. G-good job on catching that meanie by the way!" She put on a pouting expression, her annoyance on the matter overthrowing her uncomfort "He tricked us into following him for the exit, but he ended up ambushing us and stealing the mechamon you are holding. Not the Gabite, the other one.  We then ran into him again, but we  were unlucky with sleep attacks and failed to catch him.

Suzie... S-Suzie got taken out by the crystal energy contained in one of the passage blockades exploding. I told her to stop but she apparently found the crystal as a good target to vent her frustration from the Sableye fight on. I swear she is so stubborn sometimes."

She sadly looked back at the unconscious snake.

"I figured this water would have healing properties, but apparently its not enough to revive a fainted one... maybe you guys have any idea? If no, then I would be g-grateful if you borrowed me one of your pokemon. Maybe I can try make the meanie to be less of a jerk. Oh, also... we should try to call Mr. Terry,  according to Clarence he knows about the mechamons. Thanks for the help, by the way, Clarence!"


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Radovan shrugged in response when Cathode asked if the group could think of anything they could use to revive her Onyx, and he pointed at the fainted Onyx before he quickly moved to point at the luxuryball she was holding as he said "First of all you should put your Onyx back into it's ball, I honestly don't think that we will be reviving them anytime soon...especially since we have yet to find a way to get back to our camp.". As he said those words he would take his Sableye's Aetherball out of storage before he handed it over to Cathode. "So yeah I think I'll just loan you the little troublemaker until we get back to the surface".

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"Mm, we won't be able to revive it unless we find a more potent variation of the water," Emmanuel swiped his A-Comm into the water, collecting about 300 mL of it. "I do have a theory, though, but we won't be able to test it by just standing here. Let's go down the corridor, and maybe if we meet another one of those crystal walls, we can test it out."

He took the lead walked down the corridor.

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