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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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"Thanks, I appreciate it!" Cathode recalled Suzie back. She then answers to Emm.

"T-thats promising! Only one way to find out, then! But I suggest we first check the corridor that on the other side of the room I came from, because it obviously leads to a room we haven't visited. W-what do you think?" She held up the minimap-showing A-Comm for everyone to see, pointing at corridor 20. 



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Emmanuel halted on his tracks. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to check that one first," he nodded and started making his way to Corridor 20. He tried not to pay attention to Cathode's nervousness, because somehow he felt that mentioning it would make her break down like Suzie over there. He also tried his hardest not to give her a second look, afraid that it would give his mild concern away.

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Radovan would show the both of them another thumbs up before he moved to the back of the group to try and greet Zeta by gesturing at Zeta and Cathode and saying "So what have the two of you been doing anyway?".

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Upon hearing the question, Cathode realised she had practically done nothing much. She slumped and replied not so enthusiastically,

"...we tried to explore the caves, we ended up finding the mechamon, then a sableye that tricked us and stole it, and then all we did was wandering about, having the prankster ambush us and then escape again, only to find oursves here. At least now he is caught. Speaking of which,"

She summoned the Sableye from the ball. The prankster was lied down, still sleeping. Of course. 


She looked at his sleeping form, a gentle smile on her face. At the end of the day, she couldn't hate a pokemon. But that changed nothing.

She smirked at Clarence. 

"You will probably enjoy this. How about we give him a shocking wake up and start the rehabilitation class of 'you won't be a jerk anymore'?


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*+ Zeta and Clarence*



Zeta turns to Radovan, smiling as they walked down corridor 20, holding Cathode's hand. "Yeah, Cathode and I were busy dealing with Lumi's friends." Clarence walks over to Sableye, raising his armpit. The Sableye promptly shaken its head awake and blinks at everyone around it. Zeta looks at it and frowns. "But Cathode, you know...this isn't the Sableye we battled earlier." She says, looking up at Cathode's face. The Sableye scratches its head and shrugs, giving a rumbling cackle. "Lumi's always had two friends."


Regardless, a chamber soon comes into the crew's vision. Within it stands a single Pokemon, staring at the party intently with red eyes.



Music: Something Wrong

"O-oh-" Zeta stands still, looking at the Pokemon. Behind it, you see a set of rocks you could climb and a night sky's glow shining from a hole above them. However, the Absol stands in your way. There's no way to know what it wants. It's clear enough, however, that it's not berserk.


[What will you do?]


[The map has been updated]

Red dot is Cathode/Emm and Rad


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"W-whaaat? They were not the sa-"

Cathode's surprised outburst was interrupted by the appearence of their new host. An Absol with questionable intents.


"H-hello there.."

Why would an absole which was apparently not immediately hostile would stand in the way of what was obviously an exit out of this set of caverns?  Absol was known as the disaster pokemon, appearing as a warning of a potential disaster. That would mean....

"...There is something pretty dangerous behind that passage... right?"

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Radovan gingerly steps forward to try and get just a tiny bit closer to the Absol, after he doing that he would lean slightly to the left to try and glance at the climbable rocks for a few moments before he sighed out loud. He then turned to look at the Absol and said "Alright so we need to get out of here and you are in our way...is there anything we can do for you to get you out of our way?".

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*



Music: Something Wrong

The Absol looks at Cathode and shakes its head. It then lowers its head downwards as if pointing at something beneath the Crystal Mines. It continues staring intently at the party until Radovan interrupts it by stepping closer. The hairs on the Pokemon's back suddenly stand on end. It starts growling at Radovan. It doesn't seem to be willing to let the party through under any circumstances. Its eyes however, continuously drift over to glance at Zeta every once in a while. Every time Absol did so, its eyes gleam barely visibly. Sableye notices this and stands in front of the young girl.


"Sableye..." Zeta responds, looking down at the Pokemon protecting her. It was Lumi's friend and Zeta was Lumi's friend as well. As much as the Sableye could play pranks on people for the fun of it, Zeta was still someone to be protected. Besides, those who perished in this world had a fate much worse than death waiting for them.


[Absol seems more aggressive now...]

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"R-Radovan, i think approaching more won't be a good idea. "

She puts her hand on Zeta's shoulder and gently, without force, pushes it backwards, as if urging her to take some steps back, and places herself in front of her.
"Ok we get it.  No passing" -At least not without a battling it out- "and... we mean no harm"  she said,  recalling the sableye. she would release it again on the first sign of an unavoidable fight. 

"Whatever you are warning us about is somewhere... below us? " She points to the ground. 

"That passage leads to a lower level and we better not go there?"

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"I've got no clue," Shelly muttered in response to Uno's confused awakening statement. "Next time, you need to be aboslutely certain before you go around touching stuff. I mean, while you were knocked out of whatever, stuff started shrinking. We could have all been hurt. So next time, you need to be completely certain, and maybe ask someone before going and pulling on random things."

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"That can't be. The passage clearly leads to the surface. What you want to tell us is... that there's something that we need to take care of first below us, and that if we don't do that and go to the surface right away, it would spell disaster for us," Emmanuel deducted.

"You may inform us of disaster... But do you know how to prevent it?" He pressed the Absol. "I guess the answer's pretty clear. We'll help you out," he smiled.

"The path down is likely to be at the end of the corridors to the west, seeing that it's the only remaining unexplored area on the map. Shall we go?"

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*



Music: Something Wrong

Zeta takes a step back at Cathode's request. As she does so, the Absol's head snaps towards the two girls, glaring at them. Cathode can't tell whether there's any malice in that unnerving stare, but it sends chills down her spine nonetheless. She feels as though the Pokemon could so easily tear through her body if it decided it wanted to go after Zeta. 

The Absol, however, seems taken aback by Emmanuel's proposal. It turns towards the young boy and nods. It stares down the corridor the party came from, apparently waiting for them to go that way. It probably wasn't going to move until they were all back in corridor 20. With Radovan around it wanted to make sure none of the kids would attempt to trick it.






*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


"I apologize deeply...I'll restrain myself from now on..." Uno whispers silently, shifting into a sitting position. She then pushes herself up to her feet and dusts her dress off. She smiles at Lampy who comes jumping into her arms.

"Let's move forward, then. Nothing to see here anymore." Betani's voice is harsh as always. She starts walking towards the chamber's exit at Corridor 12.


[Which path will you take? Corridor 2, 13 or 14?]

Green dot is Group 1


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Radovan shrugs before he turns away from the Absol and starts to walk towards the general direction of the modestly sized room that led towards three different corridors. He quietly hoped that the Absol would lead them down the 19th Corridor simply because he liked the way it looked.

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"Was an honest mistake, don't worry, Uno!" The girl gave the woman a response as she passed by her, making her way over towards the exit. Before walking into the crossroads, she grabbed onto the nearby corner. She peered over, unable to make out anything in the path in the short glance she gave. Despite this, she gave her own recommendation. “Let’s try going this way!” She pointed down the southern corridor (#14), waiting for the others to go along with her unless decided otherwise.

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Cathode accompanied the others back. She then told to Emm,

"Nice deduction skills back there, tehee~  at least one of us got it right."

She then slumped,

"Though it does feel weird, willingly walking towards a disaster."

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*


The Absol nods and urges the group towards the corridors. It follows the group to Corridor 19 before nodding in its direction and retreating back down Corridor 20 to continue barring the way through.

The group follows Corridor 19 up to a right turn.






*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


The group goes down Corridor 14. In the corners of his eyes, Frederick can notice some shifting shadows, but the effect is disregardable and attributable to the natural lighting of the cave. Soon, they come to meet Cathode, Emmanuel, Radovan and Zeta.


[The two groups have merged!]



Zeta runs up to Kai, smiling. "Kai, it's you guys!" She laughs.

In the small chamber they find themselves in, though, the Cadets notice a small indent between two crystals in the South-Western corner. Checking it out, they are met with a surprising sight..



A cackle is heard from behind the group. As they turn, they find the other Sableye leering at them. It doesn't seem to want them to enter the hole. However, its demeanor is more frightened and panicked than outright aggressive. It stares at the group intently...

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Kai caught the little girl as she ran up to her, patting her head after putting her into a hug. She grabbed one of the girl's hands before spinning around, hoping Zeta could follow her spinning well. A fun gesture, if the girl made sure not to fall. “It’s great to see you all again! Anything happen on your end?” Kai looked over towards the other Cadets after a single revolution, wondering what they had been up to while she was spending time helping a random tree Pokémon.


Kai looked over towards the Sableye in the corner, not giving it much thought as she kept both of her hands on Zeta's. “Are they one of your friends? They seem friendly.”  

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Frederick notices some suspicion movements in the corner of his peripheral view, but they seem so faint that it is difficult for him to even attribute it to something eerie. He disregards it as simply the cave and its differing lighting playing a trick on his eyes. Needless to say, Frederick was not paying too much keen attention to the exchange his companions had before. He was quite full with trying to check the properties of the cave to be able to participate in their conversation; even then, he was not sure how he would react to their notions.


Frederick was eager to see the others again... except for Radovan though. He glanced at the other cadets and asked, "Greetings. What did you find out in your exploration?" He wonders if he was sounding stiff, but he was not quite used to small conversation... well not yet, but he hopes that he will improve later on. 


He finds himself moving his attention to the Sableye or the bunch of Sableye in the indent close to them. He hears Kai asking Zeta if they were her friends and remarking how they looked friendly, but he begged to differ. They look suspicious to say in the very least, or even hostile and aggressive if you really pushed it. He would prefer to steer clear from them, but he chooses to stay silent and wait for the response of his companions. Perhaps they had another perspective to offer.

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Radovan decided to ignore the rest of the group for a few moments as he focused his attentions entirely on the Sableye that had just made its presence known, he stared at it for a good long while to try and find out what it wanted from the rest of the group...until he realized that it was probably staring at the group to try and find out what they wanted from it. He then shrugged his shoulders and plopped down the crystal he had picked up earlier in front of him before he said "What do you want from us? And why do you look scared?".

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"Well, either disaster finds us or we find it first," Emmanuel jokingly replied to Cathode. The other group came to view, and he quickly waved at them. "Hi guys! We have good news and bad news. The good news is that we've found the way up; it's in the chamber in the bottom-right corner of the map. The bad news is that we have to help an Absol out to gain passage. That is, we have to find the roots of the disaster it's sensing."

"Speaking of which, it pointed us to this direction. Seeing that all the other paths have been explored, this corner has to be the place... "
 Emmanuel's attention gradually shifted to the Sableye. He sighed, and then said "we appreciate your concern, but we also have no choice. Sorry."


"Then... This seems to be it. To prevent ourselves from getting trapped after entering, let's blast the hole wide open first. What do you think, everyone?" He asked.

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Kalva's brow creased with worry. Kalva was stubborn and unreasonable at times; but now, he was emotionally exhausted. He could conceive no ideas on how to pull Terry out with their own strength. With Wailord, they had their partners to trust and accomplish such feats. This time there was no possible way to break Terry out. Kalva returned quickly to Terry, and if possible, squeezed Terry's hands as a gesture of promise. They'd get help and return. Then swiftly, he returned Quina, squeezed through the gap, into the light.


Quina didn't even shift while Kalva ran around the chamber. She knew. That Shard was a time-bomb they didn't know the countdown to, and it could unravel in an instant at any moment - endangering everyone in the vicinity. Terry was trapped inside the crystal chamber with it; with no bearing on where they were, they didn't even know when help will come either. It wasn't just them leaving to get help - they most likely had to leave altogether. A burning pit inside her, she made no movement to convey this idea to Kalva. If he realized this, then there would be nothing in the world that would convince Kalva to leave Terry's side. She closed her eyes and prayed for Kalva to never know as he returned her.

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Cathode was happy to meet the other guys.  She was still worried about the disaster thing though. And Suzie was still out cold. 

"How did your exploration go, guys?"

She turned to Betani and Uno

"Mrs Betani, and . uhmm e-excuse me, what's your name, miss?  Would you happen to have any spare Revive? Suzie is fainted and it seems we are about to break into a probably d-dangerous area."


After the apparence of the Sableye and seeing it being frightened,  Cathode contemplated on whether it would be a good idea to release the sableye they had caught from the pokeball.   They had captured what would potentially be its friend.  On the other hand, she remembered that he was overprotective of Zeta, so he  might think twice before doing anything that would endanger her.    Weighing the two options she, walked behind the crowed and decided to release the little prankster. 


"Hey there, we may have had our differences, but we both want to keep Zeta safe. So try to keep your friend over there from causing any unnecessary trouble, will ya?" She told him.

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*+ Uno, Betani, Zeta & Clarence*



Zeta laughed as Kai hugged her and started spinning her around. It was kinda difficult for her to keep up with Kai's vigorous spinning that she nearly tripped a couple times. A beaming smile still shone on her face as she stood in front of Kai and let her keep her hands on her.

"Mhm, it's one of Lumi's friends so it's also our friend, I think..? He seems to be worried..."


Betani turns to Cathode and shrugs. "I'll give you a Revive. It's my last one, though. The rest should be with Terrence. If you need more, contact him." She says as she throws a Revive in Cathode's direction.

[Cathode received a Revive!]

"My name IS Betani, though. I don't like the 'mrs' though. I'm not married. Refer to me as Miss."


"Uh, Betani...I thought she was talking to me." Uno cuts in, raising her hand.

"What!?" Betani's face reddens a bit and her eyes dart from left to right. "O-oh, I see...that actually makes sense."


Uno nods and smiles at Cathode. Even her smile seems frail. "My name is Unoppiae. I got involved with your friends to help me find the Tree of Life. Pleased to meet you."


She then turns to the rest of the group and the Sableye. "And you guys just let a Pokemon prevent you from passing through? Why didn't you just fight it and beat the Absol? Don't tell me you believe in that 'disaster' nonsense???" Betani shakes her head. "If you wanna waste time, be my guests. I'm gonna go check this Absol out." If not stopped, Betani starts walking towards the direction Emmanuel explained. Uno seems to not be sure what to do for now, so she just stands there.



The threatened Sableye looks at Radovan. Then at Emmanuel. Its body twitches at what Emmanuel says. However...when Cathode releases the other Sableye, the two glance at each other in a seeming greeting. They cackle for a few moments before the wild Sableye retreats into the crack. Radovan's Sableye looks at the Cadets and gestures with an arm to follow before walking into the crack.

The opening between the crystals seems large enough to comfortably pass through. Blowing up the path probably wasn't necessary. The only one who'd have any trouble passing through is Uno because of her weakness and height. Everyone else could pass normally.

Anyways someone should probably stay with Uno.

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