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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Emmanuel tugged Betani right away, preventing her from taking another step. "Our mission was to locate the core of the nexus, wasn't it? We know nothing about the place. Any detour to our planned destination may end up being the right path. Fighting the Absol is an unnecessary risk."

"It knows more about the place than we do. Even if it's something as superstitious as 'sensing disasters,' it is better than us poking in the blind,"
 his eyes gradually set on Betani's, "so, we're going to check it out." He released the grip, "I can't blame you for wanting to brute-force your way through, though. It's how Radovan and I got this far into the cave, after all." 

Emmanuel gave a sly smile and then turned his attention back to the crack. Upon a second glance, blasting it wide open was probably unnecessary. He quietly followed the Sableye into the crack.

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Cathode was relieved she didn't have to stop Betani herself.  She was not good with that stuff. 

"Yes, b-besides, the Absol might let us pass peacefully if we sort out the problem in here.  It didn't look entirely hostile, and it guided us in the right direction.  A-also thank you for the revive." she said bowing her head slightly.  "And nice to meet you too, Unoppiae!"


She released Suzie, and used the revive oh her.  The big snake slowly darted her eyes open, and looked around.  She was taken aback by the sudden appearence of much more people than she remembered last time, but calmed down upon seeing they were familiar faces. She tensed up once more though when she saw the sablelye. It was Cathode's turn to calm her down this time.

"Don't worry, he is now one of us, she said showing her the Aether Ball for emphasis. He will probably not try anything funny from now on. Are you okay Suz?"

Suzie looked at Cathode with a combination of an embarassed and apologetic face while hanging her head.

"It's alright," she said while putting her hand on her side. "For what it's worth, you ended up opening the path, which helped us reach Emmanuel and Radovan just in time to help. Just try to not let your emotions put you in danger next time okay? I was worried back there."


"Can you Heal Pulse her to full, please, Clarence? I will need to return her afterwards in order to pass through the crack."



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“Ah, nothing really big happened on our side.” Kai shuffled around as she answered Cathode. “We were helping out an Exeggutor above ground and he helped us find a quicker path down here. On the way here, Betani and Uno had to resolve some stuff with a shard, but they both got out in one piece.”


She looked over at the crack that the rest of the group were following down. The height would probably pose a problem to Uno and possibly herself. She didn’t mind crouching while walking through, but it was probably best left to her shorter companions to lead the way. “Uno, if you don’t think you can squeeze through the crack, I can stay with you.” Kai put her hands to her hips, pride quite visible in herself. “Mama raised me to be pretty tall, nothing to be ashamed of.”

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Sena followed the group while checking the places in the room while Verna fly around doing the same thing as Sena does. since they can't communicate to one another... because of his own stupidity, Sena is also on high alert acting more carefull than before.


This would be a lot easier if we could communicate... but then again... he look at Taylor who seems to be able to listen perfectly. There is still one person who is capable on hearing something... but just one...  he sighs.


They found a small entrance, small enough for them to enter, except Terry, who is just too damn big for the small entrance. Terry tried to say something and since Sena is deaf, he can't hear anything. There have to be another way. We can't just leave Terry behind... even if he probably strong strong enough to wrestle a pokemon...


In the middle of his thinking, Taylor start pulling Sena and Kalva to the entrance. he can't hear his own voice but he knows what he ask. Taylor seems to convey something, telling them to escape right away, but that it. that's all he could understand. Sena doesn't want to leave Terry behind but seems Taylor insist everyone to leave right away, having no choice, Sena follow Taylor order.

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Radovan decided to do the reasonable thing and slowly sneak up behind Cathode  just after 'little' Suzie was brought back to the land of the living, and he stood somewhere to her left before he leaned in to tap her right shoulder; after she inevitably managed to locate him (Perhaps after a tiny bit of spinning around) he then coughed and put on his most sincere and police smile before he just as politely moved his open hand towards her before he decided to gently say "My Aetherball please". His smile widened just a tiny bit more before he continued by saying "I don't think that you would be needing the Sableye's help anymore".

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Radovan gingerly took the Aetherball from Cathode's hand before he wordlessly turned to face his Sableye and gave it a thumbs up....just before he carefully returned it back where it belonged with a push of a button. He then twirled just a tiny bit to turn to face Cathode once more while his open hands moved to point at the hole that some of the others have already entered, and with a teasing smirk visible on his face he said "Ladies first".

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*+ Uno, Betani, Zeta, Clarence & Sableye*


The crew makes their way through the crevice as Betani looks at Emmanuel, stopping in her tracks. "Do I have to remind you I'm still your superior?" She grits the words through clenched teeth. However, she does stay put, hands crossed and foot tapping. She seems to ponder something momentarily before letting out a frustrated growl and walking after the crew and into the crevice.


Uno looks at Kai and smiles. "I would appreciate your stay. Thank you." She says before looking down. A moment passes before she speaks again. "My mother never raised me to be tall. She raised me to be her doll." She says quietly.




The ones that have gone with the Sableye walk out into a smaller chamber. What's shocking, however, is that the chamber is chock full of collapsed Sableye. The Sableye leading them there stops in the middle of the chamber. Behind it, sticking from the groun, shines a shard...



It looks at the party, then down. Then at the collapsed Sableye. You notice that the crystals in this chamber have a lot less shine to them. It's like the shard is sucking the energy out of them...and the Sableye.

In the other side of the chamber, there's a pile of shineless crystals and some knocked out Pokemon. Several empty Carbink shells litter the floor as well, collapsed Sableye next to them.

The Sableye who's led you there reaches for the Shard but its arm twitches in pain when approaching it...

This must've been a Sableye nest, long long ago. The Sableye were drained by the Shard, there's no other conclusion. And that's why they had to scavenge even for other Pokemon to consume in order to stay alive. If you could remove the Shard, you could probably save them. And...Absol must've sent you here for a reason. This Shard may be pivotal later.


Betani walks through the crevice and into the chamber. "Move!" She yells at you and walks over to the Shard. She reaches out to grab it but pulls her hand back with a yelp of pain. "What the-" She screams, then starts glaring at the Sableye. "Where did you lead us, you little-" She yells, but Zeta grabs her hand from behind.


"Neither you nor Lumi ever told me about this...I could've helped...this...this is no different than a Star Piece. You need to only wish upon it. Truly wish upon. Do not wish it gone...wish life from it. That's enough." She says as she shines a smile at the Sableye.

The Sableye's gem eyes sparkle. You need to wish as well. Wish for the Shard to turn on and reveal its true purpose. For it is still slumbering.







You leave Terry behind and proceed into the next room. The light. The light is even more blinding here. But a sole ray of light breaks apart the glow of the crystals, coming from a spring above. It falls upon a tree-like structure in the middle of the room. It is...a petrified tree. Behind it, as if in the grasp of its craggy two branches, float two separate Shards, broken and melded together.

The water in this wide chamber flows upwards, originating from what appears to be a petrified tree in the middle of the chamber. There's none of it on the actual floor. The tree secretes it all. The water flows to the spring above, welling up and flowing into this world.



[Tree of Life]

Music: A World's Core


Immense pressure falls upon you. You cannot..you cannot withstand the Tree's energy. It seems to instantly drain you of any semblance of life and energy, while simultaneously forcing you to stay in your senses. Your body is torn between Life and Death, as the two Shards are as well.

What can you do now? Walking towards the tree feels like such a chore. Leaving it behind feels wrong. You can...you can save this world, right? Break the bindings of Life and Death from it and return the rightful balance...

The two Shards are sleeping. The Core they form is unnatural. The two must be complete. Worse yet...one of the Shards is larger than the other. It may have been a full core that merged with the other Shard and broke off. Regardless, the larger Shard might come to consume the smaller eventually. You get a feeling though...were that to happen, this world would vanish within a crystalline shell. Nothing would breathe anymore. Nothing would be anymore.

The world will die if you don't do something.


Your hearing seems to have returned under the influence of the Tree. Moreover, its energy seems to restore your body to its peak condition. You are aware, however, that the condition of your body is not at its peak. it's the toxins in the air, released by the Tree, released into the water as well.


You'll die as well if you don't do something.


Will you...




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Radovan stared at the fallen Sableye that were all so...uncomfortably close to where he was standing as Zeta talked about one of them having to earnestly make a wish to the crystal shard to make it start producing life and spreading it around instead of taking it from the Pokemon (and possibly people) around it or something, and after a few moments had passed and everyone had finally finished talking, he shrugged his shoulders and decided to walk as close as humanly possible to the shard to investigate it, presumably by attempting to poke it with his finger to see if that did absolutely anything of any interest. After doing so he shrugged his shoulders and turned to face Zeta for just a few moments, before he turned back and curiously decided to say "I wish life from the shard? How is that supposed to work anyway?".

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Emmanuel did, in fact, realize that he had been a tad bit too aggressive for his own good, and he didn't really keep Betani's pride in mind. It wouldn't be good for him to make enemies so quickly, so he decided to keep his yap shut for awhile, as he thought about ways to make up to Betani later.

Maybe a scoop of ice cream or two?

The horrific sight of the chamber brought Emmanuel out of his train of thought. He would've instinctively contaminated the shard in his bag, but Zeta's confident, yet outlandish words suggested another option. Solosis quickly voiced her objection to Emmanuel, and it was quite understandable, too.

The only place he knew where wishes could come true... Was not here. It was in #07.

Yet, between performing a quick ritual and risking his A-Comm, he could afford the former to fail more easily. Logic had dictated that he should at least try to follow Zeta's instructions first, and so he would.

He gave Betani another look and then closed his eyes, wishing for life to spring from the shard, like a fountain of cream-white energy splashing carelessly throughout the chamber. At least, that was how he imagined it.

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Cathode had returned a fully healed-up Suzie,  entered the crack, and then released her back out.

She had witnessed the spectacle that unfolded before her, and had heard Zeta's approach on the matter.  


Cathode was a practical person who didn't believe in something so trifling as faith and wishes  being able to cause miracles.  But then again, Zeta had spent her entire live in such a world, where so many supernatural things already were facts. That shard might even contain psychic energy for all they knew, and be able to react to the stirrings of other people's minds. This approach was scientific enough for her to actually not think of this whole endeavor as pointless.

She still wanted to be covered from various angles on this though.  If the shard needed life then...  

"Clarence, if all the shard needs is a burst of life, maybe you could try Heal Pulsing it and see what happens?  In the meanwhile i will try the wishing method."

She tried to familiarise the shard in her mind,  make a mental connection between her and it. And then wished, no, willed for "life", while various scenes that traditionally interpret the concept of life, coursed through her mind.

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“Hehe, my mum says the same to me sometimes.” Despite the rather serious tones behind the woman’s voice, Kai seemed to be unfazed by her words.


Kai waved towards the others as they moved to investigate the crevice. “Good luck you guys! Try not to let the crevice collapse and trap you inside.” Kai jumped back from the crevice, spinning herself to face the northern corridor. She took out her A-Comm, checking on the map of the underground complex to check the last locations of the rest of the group, still unaccounted for. She sent a note of her plans to the other A-Comms in the area to make sure they knew where to find her.  “C’mon, let’s go find our other friends!” The girl jumped forward, making her way through Corridor 14, 2, then 5 to see the others. “Gonna be a long walk, so I don’t suppose ya got any funny family stories about Betani to share?”

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*+ Uno*



"Oh!" Uno places a hand on her lips when Kai mentioned her mother calling her that something as well. She seemed distressed when she spoke up again. "H-how do you deal with her telling you that?" She asked in genuine curiosity and good will. "Is-is it ok for us to leave, though?" She quivered when Kai started to move to leave. However, she wouldn't stay behind on her own, so she followed after Kai, feet slapping the water's surface.


It would take the girls a while to get to their destination and once they arrived, they found themselves in what appeared to be a craggy downhill climb towards what appeared to be a hole in the depths. They couldn't discern much more because the only lightsource was Lampy's lanterns. The climb down wouldn't be easy. The sides of the chamber were littered with broken off crystals, leaving sharp grips to use as a way down and a bright light shone from below. Kai could maybe make it, but Uno...



"U-uhm...Kai...I don't think I can climb down there..."






*+ Betani, Zeta, Clarence & Sableye*


As Clarence nods to Cathode and raises his little arms, releasing the soft and warm pulse at the Shard, the energy suddenly dissipates, absorbed by the Shard. However, Clarence falls too.


[Clarence seems exhausted. Nothing happened with the Shard.]


Radovan poking the Shard only causes severe pain to shoot through his finger and a dull pain to throb in his hand and forearm. He would feel the warmth being pulled from his finger, circulation stopping at a halfway point to the joint connecting the finger to the hand. The feeling and numbness and pain and circulation all subside/return to normal, when he pulls the finger back.


As Emmanuel envisions the Shard oozing life, Zeta walks up to him and holds her hands together, closing her eyes as well. She focuses on the Shard. Betani looks at the two and frowns. The Sableye joins them, though. Radovan's simple sentence is of help as well.

"All the Star Pieces respond to the will of beings born of them. Father told me about this." Zeta whispers.

"The Sableye's will was strong as well, but they lost hope for their home...I've never lost my home. I can't imagine what it would feel like...that's why, that's why they probably didn't leave. There's so much more to experience outside this world. I learned that. But they never knew it...I'm sorry, Lumi...I never realized..." A tear falls to the ground and the Shard starts glowing a pink radiance, carried by the wills of the few people present who were willing. Water starts spilling from it. But it's different from the water in the mines. This water is cold instead of warm. It puts the body on edge, making it pump blood harder and faster. It wakes you up. And it wakes the Sableye up. One by one, they raise to their feet. Clarence does the same. And the Shard.


The Sableye that lead you here cackles softly, picking the Shard up. It carries it to Emmanuel and offers it as a gift.



[Emmanuel received Pixie Shard]


[Absol's Pressure wanes...it must've moved]

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“That’s not normal? Mother loves calling me her cute doll.” The girl seemed unfazed by Uno's comment as she headed towards the destination before stopping in front of the dangerous cliff.


“Hmm...” Kai leaned over the edge, balancing herself well enough to peer down into the deep hole. “Hey, why don’t you hold onto my back?” The girl took a deep breath as she turned away from Uno. “I can carry you easily. Then I can take us both down into it.”

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Emmanuel was stunned for a second, with the wish actually coming true. With a slight hint of hesitation, he accepted the Pixie Shard from the Sableye.

He looked at the shard, and then back to Betani. And then, he simply passed the shard to her. It would have to do for now, as an apology of some sorts.

He then knelt down to collect the cold water, approximately 150 mL of it.

"I think that was it. Let's go, to the surface," he stood up and said. "The Absol would be content with the conclusion." Should the team not object, he would make his way out of the chamber and to the staircase the Absol was blocking.

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"Surrender is illogical.  Retreat is pointless.  This corruptive influence must be neutralized for the good of everyone who lives in this nexus," Taylor decides, "No one else ends up like that Wailord.  Will you stand with me, my friends?"  Kenshiro and Jet voice agreement in their own way.

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Emmanuel took a look at the map. It seemed that Kalva and co. completely disappeared from the map after arriving in the Wailord corridor. Something was blocking their signal at the end of the corridor.

Luckily, as they took care of the Pixie Shard, Kai had already taken off with Uno to the same corridor. "A moment, please," Emmanuel sent a video chat request to Kai. Should the request go through, he would immediately boot the conversation with "What's down there?"

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Frederick agreed to Cathode's suggestion and followed her and the boy Emmanuel in an effort to reunite with the other cadets. He was quite lost and disoriented in his thoughts mainly because of the shards they had encountered in their journey. When he thought of those shards and their bizarre names, he felt that these shards were simply broken pieces of rock which seemed to be more extraordinary than the rest. 

Yet these shards seemed to be much more. They seemed to give off life to an area, yet at the same time, they drained it away as if taking in what they had lost. It seemed to be the major reason why the life in the cave was sustained and they seemed to be directly related with the balance of life and death. He was curious. Quite curious. He wanted to know more about these shards, yet he felt that even his companions had limited information on these things. He felt that these shards were not merely meant to be shards. He felt that there was more to it, but sadly, he knew little. He decided to keep this memory in his mind. If there came an opportunity to ask about these, surely he would take an effort to ask... and maybe obtain some samples.

For now, he was focused on returning safely with his companions. He glanced to an annoying someone's direction, "Greetings, Radovan. You seem to be quiet?" Maybe if he talked more to this individual, he would learn to tolerate him. Who knows?


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“Oh.” Kai noticed her A-Comm rumbling in her pouch right after asking Uno to get on her back. “Lemme take this.” The girl walked over next to Uno before answering, making sure they were both in the video before answering.


“Hey, Emm! Nothing much going on over here. Me and Uno were just heading out to see the other Cadets when we got blocked by this hole.” Kai turned her camera over towards the crag, making sure Emm could see it. “You should probably take the other way if you want to get there. I can probably carry Uno on my back and take her down, so no worries over here.”


“What about you guys? Find anything cool in there?”

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Emmanuel showed the sight of the hole to the others, before replying to Kai. "We just saved a Sableye nest from a seemingly corrupted shard. I think that was what the Absol wanted us to do."


"Anyway, I guess that the others are likely to be down the hole. Maybe that's where the Wailord is? It sure is taking them awhile, though. Something else must have happened. We'll catch up to you in a few minutes. See you then," Emmanuel ended the video chat.

"Come on, let's go. We can't leave them behind," he reaffirmed Cathode's suggestion, and began to lead the way to Kai's position.

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Radovan had spent quite a bit of time by massaging his fingers and gently poking one of the fallen Carbink with his right foot to see if their best wishes actually did something more useful than making the shard marginally shinier. He inevitably let out a sigh of disappointment when it failed to respond to his gentle prodding at all, as it seemed that you simply couldn't wish a long dead corpse back to life...

It took an unfortunately short amount of time for him to realize that the fallen Carbink had some really neat looking crystals, and he would have crawled back inside to pry one off if Red~ hadn't chosen to step up and greet him, this caused him to quickly twirl to face the man before he replied by saying "That usually means that I don't really think that there is anything worth saying right now".

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Frederick did not quite expect Radovan's response. He had expected the boy's almost instantaneous glance as if he had anticipated being interacted to, but he had not quite thought of Radovan as the type of person who only spoke when he felt a need to. He had thought of Radovan as more of the type to speak whenever he could get an opportunity, even if what he said was insensitive or nonsensical. He kept the thought to himself though. Frederick spoke, "It feels as if it has been ages since we last held a conversation. What has your group been up to?" He asked with a composed expression.

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Radovan simply shrugged and took his Woobat and Sableye out of their Aetherballs before he gestured in their general direction. "Nothing much, we just caught a few Pokemon, explored most of this place's expansive tunnel system, broke down some crystal walls, got some metal figures back from a rather naughty Sableye, and generally did our jobs properly". He then shrugged before he swiftly put his Pokemon back where they belonged. "So what were your group doing on the surface anyway?".

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