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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Cathode could see them as nothing more than toys, despite Terry's serious tone, but she could figure that they would  be of great sentimental value to him so he can think that way.   She deposited them back in,  and typed

"Do not worry Mr. Terry, they are perfectly safe. I'm going to find the others in case they are in trouble, but I hope not!"


"Come on girls and Clarence! Lets go!"

She quickly trotted towards the hole, and passed through to the other side.  What was in front of her was a sight to behold.  A giant tree of sorts that appeared to be more than simply 'alive',  and her friends scattered around appearing to be battling... that same tree? 


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Kalva was stunned by the immense pressure of the Tree. It felt as if he was getting torn from his very bones, and at the same time he was kept together by the same immense power. He couldn't breath, and yet air rushed forcibly into his lungs, forcing him alive. He staggered from the barrage of polar senses, his stomach churning. He only came to his senses when his weight suddenly seemed to double, knocking him off his feet and plunging his head into the shallow water. Pain burned through his throat and lungs, ripping him out of his daze and forcing him to comprehend. Kalva lifted his heavy head out of the water, coughing and sputtering. Everything hurt, and he was already exhausted from Wailord's battle. But his friends and Pokemon were fighting for him-! He simply could not afford to sit out. He leaned on a nearby crystal and nodded to Sena's quest. Verna's would not be able to fight effectively under the effect of the Tree's Gravity, while Quina's Teleport allowed her to be independent of gravity. Kalva grabbed Quina's Pokeball, readying himself for battle.


He was about to send her out, when he felt a change in the rainfall direction. Strong wind. He didn't know what it was; but seeing as Taylor was using a defensive move, he sensed danger. He was to join the battle; but not yet. Kalva took shelter behind the crystal he was leaning on, gesturing at Sena to do the same.


Through the rain, Kalva also noticed Cathode entering the battlefield. Kalva waved to her and pointed to the hole to the chamber where Terry was trapped in and mouthed Terry's name. If Cathode came from another entrance into the chamber, then surely she would be able to get help and free Terry!


Kalva turned his attention back to the battle, his eyes searching the chamber for clues. There must be something that he could use to help in the battle. Sheer power would not win them the victory; there must be something that could turn the tides.

[Kalva looks around in the battlefield for something to help in the battle]

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*+ Uno*



*+Uno, Clarence, Shelly, Betani Zeta*




Broughton rushed the Tree but Kai and her were both being careless. As the crab approached, readying her fist, the winds around the Tree flared fiercely, cutting through even the droplets of water pouring down.


Broughton's Rock Smash (110)

no crit

/Tree of Life takes 90 damage/

/Tree of Life's Def fell/


Tree of Life's Action: Razor Wind (120 Power)

//Jet successfully protects himself//

Broughton crit: 55,5 no crit

Lampy crit: 93,3 no crit


The winds easily blew Broughton back and she struck the accumulating layer of water forcefully, her weight amplified by the heightened gravity.


/Broughton takes 90 damage/

[Broughton has fainted]


Unable to bear the direct impact of the attack, Broughton is easily taken down in one fell blow.

The Tree looms above the girl and the crustacean, giving off a maleficent violet hue.


/Lampy takes 100 damage/


Lampy is struck hard as well. The wind blowing him and sweeping Uno off her feet. She and her Pokemon both yelp in pain. Lampy looks seriously beat up.

And to top it all off, the energy draining effect persists...


[8th Aspect takes effect]

Lampy and Jet feel their energy dwindling away...

/Lampy takes 17 dmg, Jet takes 7 dmg/

/Tree of Life restores 12 HP/


Uno gets back on her feet after a moment of deliberation. Lampy jumps down from her arms and looks up at her with determination in his eyes. His lanters flicker several times. Their determination and wish to acquire the Tree's power is mutual.


"Lampy, it's lowered its guard. L-let's go with Electro Ball!"


Lampy nods and starts gathering electrical energy, firing it from the ground at the Tree in the distance.


Lampy's Action: Electro Ball (245 Power) at the Tree of Life

crit: 0,7 A CRITICAL HIT!


Something aside from electricity provides the charge for Lampy's attack. It's the will to assist Uno. And, as it strikes the Tree of Life, all the energy is released at once, forming a bright explosion which envelops it completely. Stone grinding against stone can be heard from the light.


/Tree of Life takes 322 damage/


As the light dissipates, electrical discharge still in the air, the Tree's branches are cracking. However, the Core is still intact. Apparently, it had moved to protect its most vital segment.



Turn Order: Uno (Lampy) -> Taylor (Jet) -> Kai (Ante) -> Tree of Life


Lampy (♂), Lv: 15

HP (41/175): ####################

Atk: 43

Def: 43

SpA: 58

SpD: 64

Spe: 84

Nature: Jolly (+Spe/-SpA)

Ability: Illuminate (lol)

EP: /

Moves: Electro Ball (110 power on Crabrawlers), Water Gun (80 power), Thunder Wave, Supersonic




Tree of Life (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0

Nature: -

Status: Gravity (3/5), Def (-1)

Ability: 8th Aspect

Moves: Gravity, Razor Wind (120), ---




[The Rain continues to fall]


Jet (58/72)

Broughton (0/99)




What Kai and Kalva find by observing the environment is nothing of note. The water seems to be accumulating on the floor. A light emanates from a hole above and they notice someone climbing down from there.

The crystals in the large chamber resonate the same violet hue the Tree does.


[Cathode, Clarence & Shelly enter the scene]


Cathode's body is pulled down by the weight pressing down as she approaches the Tree. The shift is gravity is intense and momentary, forcing her to succumb and thumble to her knees.


[Betani, Emm, Zeta and Radovan enter the scene]


The climb downwards is difficult although surprisingly the rock formations and crystals are relatively dry, providing ample grip for the descent. The group make their way down just in time to see the flash of electricity by Lampy's attack strike what appears to be a giant tree in the middle of the chamber.

They descend to the bottom of the chamber where the battle is in wake and Betani runs up, flinching as the Gravity grips her body as well.


"Gggh, is that the Core!?" She pulls her A-Comm out. "It's-it's formed of two Shards. Broken up...but that would mean..." Suddenly, Betani's eyes flicker as her A-Comm breaks apart in her hands. She lets out a confused and scared yelp, falling backwards. What's left of the machine is the Pixie Shard the group picked up earlier...




The Pixie Shard flies directly towards the Core, defying the Gravity, as if pulled by a magnetic force.

It slams into the Core and light fills the chamber.


[8th Aspect has shifted]


The struggle between life and death pressing down upon everyone in the chamber suddenly disappears, and what's left behind is a soothing warmth emanating from somewhere deep within their bodies.



[Gravity stops]

[The Rain stops]

 [Tree of Life's pattern changed...]


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Radovan reacted to the presence of the tree and Betani's A-Comm shattering into its constituent parts by doing exactly what any gentleman would do in that situation; by only acknowledging the presence of the clear and present danger up ahead with a half hearted "Well that is inconvenient...," and him rushing forward to catch Betani before she falls on the wet and rocky ground with a hopefully reassuring "Are you all right Miss Betani". He then spends the next few moments by carefully helping her get back up without touching any of her inappropriate bits while he stared at the pixie shard as it flew towards the tree and somehow managed to dispel the crushing gravity and the inexplicable rain.

After those few moments had passed and Betani had presumably already did that faffing about with slapping or thanking him for helping her get back on her own two feet, he would take out the aetherball that contained his strongest Pokemon, and he would let his Sableye out to play as he told it to "Attack the Tree with a Shadow Sneak if it makes a move against us!".

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Cathode had immediately felt the overwhelming gravity and as she was in that helpless kneeling position, she figured that it would be best to not bring out Suzie yet without assessing the situation.  It was not much later that a pink shard, not unlike the blue shard that Terry had,  got absorbed by the tree, Making it undergo a radical change.  It good that the pressuring feeling from earlier got replaced with a comfortable warmth.  She figured  it was good to release Suzie now.

"Suz, I'm not sure what's going on here, but better be prepared just in case.  Curse up while i try to figure things out."

She approached closer to the others and asked no one in particular,

"G-guys? what is happening here? Wh-hat is the deal with this weird tree?"

[Suzie used Curse]


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“Broughton!” Kai ran towards the landing of the Crabrawler, trying to get back on its feet before collapsing onto the ground. She picked her off the ground before her friend could accidentally bob her mouth into the water, holding her in her arms before reaching for her Aether Ball.  “Rest easy, friend. I’m real sorry about that.” She recalled the creature back into her ball before grabbing another from her waist. She quickly threw out her last Pokémon to defend the rest of the group.


The girl watched the whole episode of the green-haired girl’s A-Comm exploding in her hand, having enough pattern recognition to realize she or Uno might know more about what’s going on. “Hey Betani, Uno! What’s going on here, exactly?” Since she barely had time to stop and wonder what was going on, she commanded Anté to perform their next move.


“C’mon, Anté! We can do this easily!” Roused by the Cadet’s cheers, the Shinx jumped up and gave a spin, filled with the strength to attack the tree with all his might. The girl’s eyes locked onto the shard flying upward towards the other. “Try that thing. Take it down!” After landing, the feline creature dashed towards the tree,  trying to get a hold to run up and get to a height close enough to reach the Shard to ram right into it. “If you can’t hit it, redirect towards the tree.” If he couldn't get a good hold to run up and get a height to hit the shard, Anté'd try to hit the Tree instead.


Anté Action:  Activate Level 1 Attacker Skill on Anté, Attack Tree of Life with Tackle (90 Power)

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Kalva straightened up as the gravity released its pressure on him, and wiped out the water from his brow. His throat and eyes still burned, but he felt a strange soothing resonance from deep within. 

The Shard had merged with the Core...is the Pixie Shard?

With the pressure off him, Kalva had a chance to look around the chamber and spotted a fainted Crabrawler and Kai returning them. Kalva bit his lip in worry. The Crabrawler must have been hit by the Tree's wind attack. As long as they were in the Aetherball, at least their injuries won't get worse and he had seen worse than unconsciousness before, Kalva could never shake off anxiety when he saw an injured Pokemon. No; he had more pressing concerns to think about.

Kalva sent out Quina, still wary of the Tree. It didn't seem to be emitting the same hostility like earlier, but nonetheless, it had lashed out at them earlier. 

Kalva couldn't spot anything of note to gain advantage in their battle, but perhaps he could see clearer at the core now that the rain had cleared out.

[Kalva takes a look at the newly merged Core]

Quina looked at the Tree, and back at Kalva, who looked rather ragged and tired. A little ways of battle must have transpired when she was in the Ball. She tilts her head quizzically. Were they attacking a tree? It didn't look particularly hostile, though it certainly did look like it was some sort of core. Nonetheless, she braced for a battle.

[Quina joins the battle]

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*+Uno, Clarence, Shelly, Betani Zeta*




Jet is unable to sense anything from the Tree. However, the two Shards that make up the Core of the Nexus both exhude a powerful aura, each of their own. Quina is able to sense it as well.


Almost like a cry for help, frozen in a static moment within the energy that flows through #08.


Ante, running up towards the Tree, finds himself unsure of which Shard to target...instead the feline rams into the Tree.


Ante's Tackle (90 Power)

crit: 92,2 no crit

/Tree of Life takes 80 damage/


A moment passes when nothing happens. Betani looks over her shoulder at Radovan before pushing him away and standing up on her own. She dusts her skirt off before looking at the Tree angrily. "Aaaaaaaagh, now I can't do anything about it! And I can't reach Nee..." She looks over at Kai. "What's going on is that this Nexus is functioning on an irregular Core. It seems to be two Cores merged together. The merging must've occured a long time ago. Shards of both of the Cores are probably strewn across the Nexus. And now we've brought one of them over to its Core. It's like magnets. It got sucked in. I can't know the exact principles on the energies within the two Cores so I can't explain much further." Uno looks over at Kai as well. "Karla, everyone, there's no use hiding my motives from you. I'm here to heal my body. That is all I know." She nods with determination in her eyes before focusing on the Tree again.


"It's coming-"


The Pixie Core begins glowing a radiant spectrum of color. Iridescent lights flash around it as energy is being gathered...


Pixie Core's Action: ???


Meanwhile, the Dread Core focuses on Ante.


Dread Core's Action: Block on Ante

/Ante can no longer retreat/


The Tree of Life's petrified roots starts crackling as they dig deeper into the soil.


Tree of Life's Action: Ingrain


[Ingrain takes effect]

/Tree of Life recovers 39 HP/


[8th Aspect - Life overpowers Death]

Lampy, Jet, Ante and Quina feel a warmth emanating from within...

/Lampy recovers 17 HP, Jet recovers 7 HP, Ante recovers 0 HP, Quina recovers 0 HP/

/Pixie Core loses 48 HP/


[8th Aspect has shifted]

The lung razing weight and cold once again press upon everyone present.


"I-I...we should attack the grey one-!" Uno yelps and Lampy nods in response.


Lampy's Action: Electro Ball on Dread Core (245 Power)

crit: 8,6 no crit

/Dread Core takes 215 damage/


[8th Aspect has shifted]

The warmth from within.


However, in response, you can see the cracking Dread Core retreating behind the Tree. Its petrified branches coil around it, protecting it from any further attacks.



Turn Order: Uno (Lampy) -> Taylor (Jet) -> Kai (Ante) -> Kalva (Quina) -> Tree of Life


Lampy (♂), Lv: 15

HP (58/175): ####################

Atk: 43

Def: 43

SpA: 58

SpD: 64

Spe: 84

Nature: Jolly (+Spe/-SpA)

Ability: Illuminate (lol)

EP: /

Moves: Electro Ball (245 Power on the Tree and the Cores), Water Gun (80 power), Thunder Wave, Supersonic




Tree of Life (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0

Nature: -

Status: Def (-1)

Ability: 8th Aspect

Moves: Razor Wind (120), Ingrain, ---


Pixie Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0

Nature: -

Status: -

Ability: 8th Aspect - Life

Moves: ???, ---


Dread Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0

Nature: -

Status: -

Ability: 8th Aspect - Death

Moves: Block, ---




Jet (65/72)

Ante (95/95) - Atk (+1), Block

Quina (68/68)



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"We need to defeat the dark core!" Taylor shouts, perhaps unnecessarily, as it seems like most of the group has figured that out already.  "Jet, try to use Confusion to telekinetically expose or attack the dark core!  If it has the dark type immunity or you can't target it, we'll have to try something else."

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The energy gathering around the Pixie Core caught the girl’s attention. “Anté, try disrupting it with an attack!” The Shinx tried to lift himself off the ground before dashing towards the tree once more, aiming to hit the Pixie Core flying overhead.


While the Shinx was preoccupied with ramming right into the tree, Kai turned back over to the two sisters. “Database empty on that idiom. I dunno what that means, Uno. Betani, isn’t there an easier way to get this thing calmed down?” She looked over towards the little girl that actually lived on this Nexus for an answer. “Zeta, do you know anything?”


Anté Action: Attack Pixie Core with Tackle (90 Power)

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*+Zeta, Uno, Betani*


Zeta shakes her head. "It's already calmed down. I think it's about balance-! You helped fix the balance already."


"You know, she's right. We've gotta defeat the Cores now to calm them down. Of course they don't teach you that in prep-school because emergences are rare events, but this is how it's done."


Uno nods. "Karla. The Tree will heal me when we defeat it. It will be used to heal many who ail. We have to do it."

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It seems like the only way to resolve this situation is to now defeat the cores in battle and expend the Core's energies. It's like ... it's like Wailord, isn't it?

Kalva felt a pang of guilt from the memory.

We're helping them, right?


Quina drew breath as she felt the aura resonating throughout the chamber. Fear? Despair? Pain? It was similar to Wailord's cries; a signal emanating from the cores themselves. She couldn't quite grasp the nature of the aura, it was quite alien to many others. But one fact remained clear - the very being of this Nexus was alive, alive and crying for help. She must put an end to this.

As the Dread Core seemed as if it had switched into a defensive stance, she turned to the charging Pixie Core, and added her psychic attack on top of Ante's, aiming to disrupt its charging phase before it could discharge it.

[Quina attacks Pixie Core with Confusion (104 Power)]


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*+Uno, Clarence, Shelly, Betani Zeta*




Jet tries to attack the Dread Core with his Confusion but the branches of the Tree are protecting it from harm.


Jet's Confusion (95 Power)

crit: 48,2 no crit

/Tree of Life takes 65 damage/


The petrified branches start showing cracks that run across the whole tree.


Meanwhile, Ante and Quina focus on the charging Pixie Core. Ante slams into it right up before Quina releases her Confusion attack. Psychic energy gathers around the Core, colliding with it.


Ante's Tackle (90 Power)

crit: 87,7 no crit

/Pixie Core takes 70 damage/


Quina's Confusion (95 power)

cirt: 31,9 no crit

/Pixie Core takes 65 damage/


However, the bright lights around the Pixie Core only gather further. The energy around it becomes palpable to everyone around the battle as it courses through the very being of the Nexus. Ground starts shaking as the water turns iridescent, showering the chamber in bright lights.


Pixie Core's Geomancy

/Pixie Core's, Dread Core's and Tree of Life's SpA, SpD and Spe sharly rise-!/


Dread Core's Action: Oblivion Wing (160 power)

crit: 14,4 no crit

It's not very effective-!

/Lampy takes 65 damage/

/Lampy is KO'd/

/Dread Core recovers 43 HP/


Responding prompty, the Tree's Branches release the Dread Core from the safety of their embrace. The Dread Core, shining brightly as the Pixie Core, flies up as shadowy wings start gathering in the form of energy around them. Closing in an instant, the dark wings converge upon the unsuspecting Lampy, turning blood crimson. Uno screams in pain as the blast catches her as well. For a moment, everything is bright. As it settles, you can see Uno and Lampy laying unconcious on the ground. Lampy appears badly injured. However, Uno only appears to have passed out.


"Damnit, Uno-" Betani grinds her teeth, but in the end, it's Zeta who steps forward. In fact, she runs to stand between Uno and the Tree.

"G-guys, your Pokemon can gain power by being near me- I-I don't have Murky with me right now but I'll support you all the same-!" Along with her, however, arrives Clarence. Noticing the Clefairy, Zeta smiles joyfully. "Mr. Clarence, you'll fight with me? Then all right-! Let's go!"


[Zeta has joined the battle. Zeta's Awakening is in place. Everyone's Hidden Abilities have become active.]

/Jet's Telepathy/

/Ante's Guts/

/Quina's Telepathy/


Tree of Life's Action: Razor Wind

/A whirlwind is whipping up around the Tree of Life.../


[8th Aspect has shifted]

The lung razing weight and cold once again press upon everyone present.

/Jet loses 7 HP, Ante loses 9 HP, Quina loses 6 HP, Clarence loses 15 HP/

/Dread Core recovers 18 HP/


[Ingrain takes effect]

/Tree of Life recovers 39 HP/



Music: Core Struggles

Turn Order: Uno (Lampy) -> Taylor (Jet) -> Kai (Ante) -> Kalva (Quina) ->  Zeta (Clarence) -> Tree of Life


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (135/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Tree of Life (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: Def (-1); SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect

Moves: Razor Wind (160), Ingrain, ---


Pixie Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Life

Moves: Geomancy, ---


Dread Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Death

Moves: Oblivion Wing (160), Block, ---




Jet (58/72)

Ante (86/95) - Atk (+1), Block

Quina (62/68)



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Seeing that the situation escalated very dangerously and she still had no space to do anything about it, Cathode figured she might as well start strong, should another teammate gets out of commission.

"Keep cursing up Suzie, we need to be prepared for everything"

[Suzie used another Curse]

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Emmanuel could do nothing but watch in the sidelines, as any further interruption would risk friendly fire, and overall, make a mess of things. He quietly observed the battle, with the sentences thrown around leaving marks in the back of his head. He decided to organize everything in his head.

The tree was imbalanced and hostile before we brought the shard here.

The tree is now balanced, but still hostile... The shard balanced it.

Defeat the cores to pacify them.

Defeat the tree, and... it would heal everyone?

He realized that this made even less sense than before, so he decided to brush the train of thought aside and just put some more faith in the people who actually seem to understand how the whole thing works.

He noticed Cathode trying to ready Suzie for combat, and wondered why he wasn't doing the same. There wasn't really any reason not to, so he decided to power up Nicaea with the opportunity as well.

Action: Nicaea uses Growth.

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Kalva sprang to action as soon as he saw two figures being engulfed by the demonic wings. Kalva didn't recognise the new, skeleton-looking woman, but he knew that he needed to help. When the black aura dissipated, Kalva looked at Quina, and Quina nodded. Quina could fight on her own, and Kalva was needed elsewhere.

He scrambled under the pressure that had returned in the chamber, but he managed to reach her. She seemed fine, but the pokemon who was fighting for her was badly injured. Having no healing supplies, Kalva could only think of one thing - returning the Chinchou will not heal them, but at least their conditions won't worsen. Kalva quickly searched the skeleton looking woman for the Chinchou's Aetherball, aiming to return the Chinchou to safety.

[Kalva searches Uno for Lampy's Aetherball - if he succeeds, Kalva returns Lampy]

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Taylor considers his options, and decides on a gamble.  "Jet!  Use Bide!"  Then, he uses his class ability to raise Jet's defense.  With a little luck, this will allow Jet to survive long enough to unleash energy.

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“Anté, one more time on the Tree!” Shinx ran across the field, trying to take another shot at the tree while he was still standing. After hitting the tree with a tackle, he ran back towards his Cadet, trusting them to have a plan.


Anté Action: Attack Tree of Life with Tackle (90 Power)

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Quina breathed out slowly. She could still feel the shards' call for help, but over that, she felt a powerful aura that enveloped all the cores. It must be the pixie core that had gathered up the aura, some sort of powerful boosting move that she had never seen before. This was bad - especially with such a power difference in the first place, she saw no easy way that they could defeat the Tree, not without something more than just their raw strength.

Her red eyes darted back and forth between the cores and the tree, looking for a weakness. Tch, no. If there was something, Kalva would have spotted it and told her.

She splashed around in the waist high water, forcing her head to work...water? The water that had previously had restorative properties; maybe she could put this to defensive use. Quickly as she can, she moved next to the Biding medicham and mustered up a Confusion on the water, attempting to build a watery dome around them. She might not be able to survive an incoming Razor Wind with consciousness, but with luck, maybe the medicham could strike back.

Focusing entirely on maintaining the dome, she braced for impact.

[Quina uses Confusion on the water, creating a water dome around Quina and Jet, aiming to lessen the impact of the Razor Wind]

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*+Uno, Clarence, Shelly, Betani Zeta*




Jet starts gathering energy.

Bide (1/2)


Ante's Tackle (90 Power)

crit: 23,8 no crit

/Tree of Life takes 70 damage/


Ante rushes the Tree at Karla's command, dealing considerable damage. Further cracks start appearing on the Tree's trunk where Ante's bashed it.


Meanwhile, Quina forms a dome of water around herself and Jet.


Zeta nods. "Clarence, let's go! Try Singing!"


Clarence nods and focuses on the Pixie Core. Taking a deep breath, the Fairy Pokemon starts singing, as horribly as ever, to the Core, no matter how dumb that sounded.


Clarence's Action: Sing on Pixie Core

sleep: 96,8 no sleep


There seems to be no reaction from the Pixie Core. Zeta gasps. "Oh no, it didn't work!"


The Pixie Core focuses on Quina and Jet.

Pixie Core's Action: Aurora Beam (145 Power) on the dome around Quina and Jet


The Pixie Core fires an iridescent beam in Quina's direction. The cold beam reflects from the water, temporarily blinding the Ralts, and freezing her and Jet into a relatively thick ice dome. They can't see outside and the outside cannot see them. She would not be able to break it with her current psychic powers. Jet is still biding, immovable. Ante would not be able to break the dome either.


/Quina and Jet have been trapped/


The Dread Core charges its attack once again, focusing on Quina and Jet as well. As the two of them have been trapped inside the ice dome, the attack hits them both.


Dread Core's Action: Oblivion Wing (160) on Quina and Jet


/Quina takes 140 - 25% = 105 damage/

It's super effective on Jet-!

/Jet takes way too much damage than he can handle even with Friend Guard.../

/The Dread Core recovers 90 HP/


The dark wings turn crimson, smashing into the dome and the two Pokemon with ease. Both Quina and Jet are sent flying, and as they tumble down, neither can move.

/Quina and Jet are out of comission/


[Kalva is no longer in rotation]

-who will take his place-


The whirlwind around the Tree of Life turns into a tempest. Razing winds slice the air, directed at the party.


Tree of Life's Razor Wind on Clarence and Ante (160 power)

crit on Clarence: 22,2 no crit

crit on Ante: 16,7 no crit


/Clarence takes 100 damage/

/Ante takes 140 - 25% = 105 damage/


The winds blow so strong they nearly sweep Zeta off her feet. She holds her hands in front of herself to brace for the cuts, but Clarence stands in front of her and jumps, breaking the wind with his own body.

Ante is sent flying, unable to continue the battle.


[Karla is no longer in rotation]

-who will take her place-


With Kalva and Karla out of Pokemon, the two have exited combat. Someone needs to switch in in their stead.

[Note: whoever switches in can make their move as normal]


[8th Aspect - Death]

/Clarence loses 15 HP/

/Dread Core recovers 7 HP/


[Ingrain takes effect]

/Tree of Life recovers 39 HP/


Kalva does, however, find an Aether Ball in Uno's robes and calls Lampy back safely.



Music: Core Struggles

Turn Order: Taylor (Jet) -> Kai (Ante) -> Kalva (Quina) -> Zeta (Clarence) ->Tree of Life


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (20/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Tree of Life (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: Def (-1); SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect

Moves: Razor Wind (120), Ingrain, ---


Pixie Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Life

Moves: Geomancy, Aurora Beam (145), ---


Dread Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Death

Moves: Oblivion Wing (160), Block, ---




[Will Taylor use another Pokemon?]



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The battle took a turn for the worse. But, the readings convinced him not to send Nicaea in - not yet. She'd need more power, in order to overpower the Aurora Beam coming from the pink core, the Oblivion Wing coming from the gray core, and the Razor Winds coming from the tree itself.

Action: Nicaea uses Growth.

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For a brief moment Radovan turned around to look at the others who have yet to fight to try and find out how they were holding up, and his eyes briefly rested on Nicaea's form as it...started to flash exactly the way it did before it spat out that massive glob of acid that made the crystal walls they faced just brittle enough to shatter into a million pieces with nothing but the careful application of force Radovan's own Pokemon...and some help from Emma's other Pokemon. Which is why it didn't take a genius to figure out exactly why Radovan decided to quickly pick his Sableye up, and yelled out the words "EMMA YOUR PLAN IS BRILLIANT!"; before he literally threw his Sableye into the fray and shouted out the eight words that he hoped would help the cadets turn the tide. "SABLEYE USE DETECT TO AVOID EVERY SINGLE ATTACK!".


Sableye has detect, and it is using it, and as this is the first turn the move is used in it has a 100% chance of succeeding unless they have Feint or a Z-Move or something.

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"Guh.  Not productive.  New strategy needed.  Kenshiro, prepare yourself," Taylor orders, returning Jet to his Aether Ball and sending the Morelull out.  "The black core has a flying move.  You will likely not withstand a hit from it, but this thing must be stopped.  Use Flash to reduce its accuracy.  If it misses even once with that move, we will have a significant advantage."

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"You idiots-!" She screams at the team members who've lost. "You cannot order your Pokemon just like that. A good Cadet analyses the situation and works together with the rest of their team! You guys are losing because three mindless rocks have better teamwork than you!"


"Don't you care if someone gets hurt!?"







*+Uno, Clarence, Shelly, Betani Zeta*




Nicaea charges up.

/Nicaea's Atk and SpA go up/


Sableye uses Detect.


As Taylor sends Kenshiro out, he commands it to use Flash on the Dread Core.

A bright burst of lights emanates through the chamber, focused on the Core. It is covered in the blinding light, yet something peculiar happens. It seems the attack's effect spread over to the Pixie Core and the Tree of Life as well.

/Dread Core's, Pixie Core's and Tree of Life's Acc falls/


Zeta turns to the others. "G-guys. I think we can plan a team attack for next turn as Miss Betani says. I'll have Clarence play the bait. He agrees to this idea. When the Cores target him now, you all attack the Tree and break it-!" Clarence nods as well and starts running at the Tree. As he does so, he starts...err...well, it sounds the same as when he's trying to sing, but this time the screaming seems to focus into bursts of energy which collide upon the enemies. Unable to respond in time after the Flash, the enemies are struck.


Clarence's Action: Disarming Voice (90 Power) on all enemies

Tree of Life crit: 4,5 A critical hit-!

Pixie Core crit: 72,4 no crit

Dread Core crit: 64,1 no crit, It's super effective-!

/Tree of Life takes 90 damage/

/Pixie Core takes 30 damage/

/Dread Core takes 60 damage/


And the dice has been rolled. The Cores focus on Clarence, all turning towards him as he continues running towards them.


Pixie Core's Action: Aurora Beam (145 Power) on the water in front of Clarence

miss: 74,8 no miss


The Pixie Core fires a beam of radiant light upon the water around Clarence, moving in a circular fashion around him in order to freeze his escape routes. Meanwhile, the Dread Core casts its wings once more.


Dread Core's Action: Oblivion Wing (160) on Clarence

miss: 48,6 no miss


Seeing as Clarence has been trapped, he has nowhere to run when the wings collide upon him. He is struck down easily.

/Dread Core restores 15 HP/


"Guys, now! They won't be able to guess you're coming and fire their attacks to target you in time-!"


Tree of Life whips up a whirlwind...


[8th Aspect - Death]

/Nicaea loses 9 HP, Kenshiro 8 and Sableye 11/

/Dread Core recovers 14 HP/


[Ingrain takes effect]

/Tree of Life recovers 39 HP/



Music: Core Struggles

Turn Order: Radovan (Sableye) -> Emm (Nicaea) -> Taylor (Kenshiro) ->Tree of Life


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (0/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Tree of Life (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: Def (-1); SpA, SpD, Spe (+2); Acc (75%)

Ability: 8th Aspect

Moves: Razor Wind (120), Ingrain, ---


Pixie Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2); Acc (75%)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Life

Moves: Geomancy, Aurora Beam (145), ---


Dread Core (), Lv: 26

HP (???/???): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -

SPA: -

SPD: -

SPE: 0 -> 0

Nature: -

Status: SpA, SpD, Spe (+2); Acc (75%)

Ability: 8th Aspect - Death

Moves: Oblivion Wing (160), Block, ---




Nicaea 85/94 Atk, SpA (+2)

Kenshiro 78/86

Sableye 99/110

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