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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Radovan quietly notes how terribly well the battle was going, and he quickly points at a location that he perceived to be one of the tree's weakpoints before he yells out the words "SABLEYE! USE FEINT ATTACK ON THE TREE OF LIFE!", in the hopes that his Sableye would either make a big enough fitting distraction to buy the rest some more times, or actually manages to land a hit and hopefully destroy whatever this thing was supposed to be.


Action: Sableye uses Feint Attack on the Tree of Life.
Radovan Action: Use Attacker Special Power to boost Sableye's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage.

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"Ready!" Emmanuel shouted, getting into position. He grabbed Nicaea and held her head against the pink core. "Nicaea, fire away!" He then pressed her tongue as if he's pulling a trigger.

A barrage of acid was thrown at the Pixie Core right away, threatening to melt it down!


Action: Emmanuel uses Technician Lv. 1 Special Skill to move first! Nicaea uses Acid (140 Power) (280 if effective) on the Pixie Core!

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"You got it!"  she replies to Taylor.

"Suzie! Brace yourself! This tree launches some strong attacks! And while you're at it, hit it hard with rock tomb!"

Suzie let's out a determined roar, and slithers into the battlefield, already causing huge chunks of stone fall on the tree with added force on top of the gravity. That's gotta hurt! She then prepares herself emotionally and physically for the incoming attack.

"Good! Now cover your Oddish comrade!"

The Onix goes and stands between Nicaea and the tree, shielding them from the incoming razor wind.


[Defender lv.1 activates] Special Defense +1

[Suzie used Rock Tomb]


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Quina's mouth opened in shock as she flew across the chamber. Her own defensive manoeuvre had been used against her and Jet; outplayed by the cores.

She pinwheeled through the air, and she saw Kalva's distraught and helpless face, his green hair floundering as he ran towards her.

So...I'm not strong enough...to protect you...

Quina landed in a heap in the water, impact cushioned by the liquid but she had taken too much damage. Her focus slipped out, Kalva's approaching form somehow getting more and more distant.

I'm sorry.

She thought, before consciousness completely slipped out of her grasp.


Kalva held Quina's unconscious body, mortified at what had just transpired.

No, no, no!

His fingers fumbled for Quina's Aetherball, eyes and mind blind with a torrent of guilt and horror and shock.

Quina! No, no - Quina, I, I'm so - Quina...!

He barely managed to return Quina, but Kalva's breathing collapsed into a cascade of hiccups and ragged breaths, voices howling over each other in his head.

Within a whirlwind of inner screams, a memory forced its way into Kalva's mind, obscured by the screams at first, but getting clearer and clear...


"Kalva! You can't just run away like that! Not from a battle!"

"I can't - I can't let them hurt Quina!" He signed desperately, his fingers barely forming coherent letters.

Kalva had returned Quina from battle prematurely, as soon as she had been damaged a flying rock. Now, he had run into the chamber next door, holding Quina's Aetherball tightly within his arms. Kalva heard Gina's footsteps grow louder and louder.

Kalva avoided her, instead looking away like a pouting child. He flinched slightly as Gina approached him and inched away. She stopped in front of him, and Kalva could see her shoes still tracking mud from the battleground.

"Kalva, I, you..." Gina's great shoulders lifted up, and dropped down again in a heavy sigh. After a moment, her tone had changed - it was still Gina's firm tone, but her frustration's edge in her voice had subsided into something gentler.

"Kalva, listen to me - look at me."

Kalva glimpsed at Gina, who had now crouched down to his position. Reluctantly, Kalva's eyes slowly made its way to Gina. Her own eyes looked at him steadily, stern and piercing. Her gaze was too intense for Kalva, who looked down at his own feet again.

"Kalva, I know. I understand. I understand if you want to run away - and you can. You don't have to be strong, and you don't have to be brave. Nothing can ever stop you from hiding away from everything."

Kalva looked back up at her steely gaze, surprised by her words.

Gina continued, "But...but if you ever change your mind; if you ever want to so desperately protect something,"  Gina looked at Quina's Aetherball, still tightly in Kalva's hands. "Then know this.

You can only return through facing yourself." She emphasised her words by pointing to Kalva's heart.

Then she stood back up."Well then, come to the dinner hall when you're dressed back into Cadet uniform, Kalva, and don't forget to return the Aetherball to the Administrator."

Then she left Kalva there, who sat for a long time in the light of the battleground.


Kalva gritted his teeth, voices subsiding into a single whimper. He had since hardly participated in any battles. Any sign of defeat, and he returned Quina right away, away from harm and hurt. Never again, he had vowed. 

It hurts...

Tears, yet again. For the second time today, rivulettes of tears danced across his face and down into the water. He had failed to save Wailord. Now, he had failed to stop harm from reaching Quina - he had lost.

If losing means it hurts this much, I'll...I'll...

Kalva rocked back and forth on his feet. His breathing slowed down and gained form.

...but I'll do it. I'll do it. I-I think I know what you mean now, Gina...I think I am starting to know...

He looked at Quina's Aetherball, unchanged from that moment. But everything else had changed. He too, had to change.

He took a deep breath, still shaking but much steadier. His eyes remained gentle, but something fundamental had shifted...

I'll get stronger. There's someone I need to protect.

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Distracted by Clarence's attack, the enemies fail to record Emm and Nicaea running up towards the Pixie Core. Emmanuel captures the jist of the moment, taking advantage of the situation to deliver a decisive blow to the Pixie Core.


Nicaea's Acid

/Pixie Core has fainted/


The Acid attack corrodes the Pixie Core and it loses all shine, falling to the ground. The feeling of death starts overcoming all of the present Cadets. Outside in the world, the crystallized tree begin cracking as the Dread Core forms a ghastly form around itself. As it forms, the Tree of Life crumbles.



Before the Cadets stands an unknown monstrosity, reminiscent of the desing they saw at the Abravators'.


The ??? is the Dread Core, one side of the 8th Aspect and the one you chose. Its aura...it is pure death. If not stopped soon, the-


Sableye's Feint Attack

crit: 79,8

It's not very effective.

/??? takes 70 damage/


Suzie's Rock Tomb

miss: 92,3 no miss

crit: 76,0 no crit

It's super effective-!

/??? takes too much damage/


The monster disappears in a pile of rocks, dust and black smoke. The Dread Core falls to the ground as well, with it dispersing the feeling of Death.


Music: Core Ciphers




Everyone not KO'd earns 100 Exp.

Everyone KO'd earns 50 Exp.

Everyone earns another 100 Exp for fighting an Aspect.

Everyone earns 50 EP.

Everyone earns 1 SP.


In fact, it feels like a weight has been lifted from the entire world, and not just you. Zeta smiles with relief as she hurries to Clarence's side. Betani appears indifferent though slightly blushing. Perchance out of surprise? Regardless, Uno is still unconcious. Seems like she never did reach the Tree in the end. You'll have to check with her if she considers you've solved her request in the end...


[Quest Failed? - Escort Uno to the Tree of Life]

[Mission Solved - Defeat the Tree of Life]

Everyone earns 100 Exp.

Everyone earns 50 EP.

Everyone earns the potential of N-Power: Fairy and N-Power: Dark.


Take a breather, you all. And don't forget to call for help.

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On 2/26/2018 at 2:19 PM, DemICE said:

"You got it!"  she replies to Taylor.

"Suzie! Brace yourself! This tree launches some strong attacks! And while you're at it, hit it hard with rock tomb!"

Suzie let's out a determined roar, and slithers into the battlefield, already causing huge chunks of stone fall on the tree with added force on top of the gravity. That's gotta hurt! She then prepares herself emotionally and physically for the incoming attack.

"Good! Now cover your Oddish comrade!"

The Onix goes and stands between Nicaea and the tree, shielding them from the incoming razor wind.


[Defender lv.1 activates] Special Defense +1

[Suzie used Rock Tomb]


Radovan immediately gave his Sableye its well deserved rest by putting it inside of its Aetherball when the smoke started to clear and it seemed as if the battle had finally ended.. He slowly but surely started to march towards Cathode's direction with a purposeful look on his face. As he crept ever closer to her he took out his A-Comm with one hand and played a rather easily recognizable sound of a gong ringing repeatedly just as he arrived and raised one of her hands up to the sky as he practically proclaimed the words "And the winner is....Cathode Granazia!."

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Kalva stared at the rising figure, the feeling of death and dread filling Kalva. But he stood his ground, his lips quivering and clutching unto Quina's Aetherball tightly.

He was afraid, but he had decided to become strong - he mustn't run away...!

Kalva squinted, bracing himself for the same attack that he had seen hit Lampy.

Instead, he heard a crumbling sound and a big black fog as the monster was felled to Suzie's and Sableye's combined attack.

D-did we win?

Kalva straightened up, and watched the core fall down onto the floor. They had won, or at least made the cores dormant again.

Quina - we won, we did it.

Though he now wasn't quite sure what winning meant. And he seemed to have forgotten something crucial - ah!

He put away Quina's Aetherball and splashed his way to Uno, whom Kalva had put leaning against a crystal wall, before he had to return Quina.

He knelt down and, after some thought, Kalva lifted her up by her legs and torso. She was lighter than he thought - was she sick? She did look terribly thin... though Uno was quite tall and Kalva had barely any vision as he carried her over to Suzie.

Kalva then stood in front of her, looking at her politely and asking permission by holding up Uno slightly. 

Suzie, may I rest Uno against you?

He wasn't sure if Suzie would understand, but he had no hands free to text up a message. 

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Emmanuel, with Nicaea in his embrace, walked over to the now-lifeless shards and picked them up. It was quite a gamble. And, honestly, he was expecting to be scolded by Betani anytime now. He figured that Radovan and Cathode had the tree taken care of, and they did. It was just, going for the extra mile for some extra Exp.

He considered the possibility of the shards busting out of the A-Comm again, so he decided to keep it within his pockets. He used it instead to test if there was signal.

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He then proceeded to contact HQ.

"This is Emmanuel. We've just found and neutralized the Core. Well, Cores, plural; there were two. I have here in my possession two shards. Aside from several Pokemon casualties, Uno is also knocked unconscious, so we'd appreciate it if you could send the drill to the forest clearing located here... " He highlighted the location of the well. "... to pick us up." He then turned to Betani and asked, "Would you like to add anything?"

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Cathode watched with mixed feelings of relief, yet a degree of sadness, as their threat crumbled before her eyes.  

"W-we did it..."   Suzie let out a triumphant roar, facing upwards.  "Pfffft- poser."  Said the girl, with a half-hearted smirk.


As she was ready to go to her partner, she suddenly heard a sort of gong-ringing sound and before she registered it, also felt her hand being grabbed, and get lifted in the air.  Her head jolted in that direction, only to see the Radovan buy, with a hyperactive expression,  shouting something incoherent to her at that moment because her social shock had already begun to overtake all her senses.  Some small part of her mind was telling her to not react the way she was going to, that it was okay, but it was overwhelmed by the rest of her that could not help but go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" , forcibly yanking her hand out of the grip, and jumping  like two meters backwards, then tripping, and falling ungracefully on her butt. This alerted Suzie, who scurried over to the situation,  and after putting two and two together,  lowered her face till it was inches away from Radovan, glaring and growling angrily at him. 

Cathode, who was recovering from the initial shock hear heartrate gradually returning to a normal rythm, was quick to calm down the overprotective snake: "It's okay Suzie, *huff puff* it's okay, it is my fault that i overreacted. I shouldn't have done that, he just wanted to celebrate our victory. "  She clumsily stood up. "I-Im sorry Radovan, I j-just need some more time to adjust...".  However Suzie took a couple of seconds more, to make a point to him that he better be careful to not shock her like that again, however well a rock snake unable to speak humantongue could.


Just as she was going to attend to her trainer, she noticed that boy who she had once allowed on her head,  carrying an unknown unconscious human,  and looking at her intently, but not speaking. She cocked her head to the side. What was his deal?  Was he offering that human to her as food? Too bad, she only liked ores and minerals.  Maybe he was asking for help?  She decided to test that possibility, by lowering her head to the ground, and extending the tip o her tail to Kalva, as if gesturing him to place the unknown human on the small (comparatively)  boulder serving as her rear end. She would then lift and place it on top of her head.

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5 minutes ago, DemICE said:

Cathode watched with mixed feelings of relief, yet a degree of sadness, as their threat crumbled before her eyes.  

"W-we did it..."   Suzie let out a triumphant roar, facing upwards.  "Pfffft- poser."  Said the girl, with a half-hearted smirk.


As she was ready to go to her partner, she suddenly heard a sort of gong-ringing sound and before she registered it, also felt her hand being grabbed, and get lifted in the air.  Her head jolted in that direction, only to see the Radovan buy, with a hyperactive expression,  shouting something incoherent to her at that moment because her social shock had already begun to overtake all her senses.  Some small part of her mind was telling her to not react the way she was going to, that it was okay, but it was overwhelmed by the rest of her that could not help but go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" , forcibly yanking her hand out of the grip, and jumping  like two meters backwards, then tripping, and falling ungracefully on her butt. This alerted Suzie, who scurried over to the situation,  and after putting two and two together,  lowered her face till it was inches away from Radovan, glaring and growling angrily at him. 

Cathode, who was recovering from the initial shock hear heartrate gradually returning to a normal rythm, was quick to calm down the overprotective snake: "It's okay Suzie, *huff puff* it's okay, it is my fault that i overreacted. I shouldn't have done that, he just wanted to celebrate our victory. "  She clumsily stood up. "I-Im sorry Radovan, I j-just need some more time to adjust...".  However Suzie took a couple of seconds more, to make a point to him that he better be careful to not shock her like that again, however well a rock snake unable to speak humantongue could.


Just as she was going to attend to her trainer, she noticed that boy who she had once allowed on her head,  carrying an unknown unconscious human,  and looking at her intently, but not speaking. She cocked her head to the side. What was his deal?  Was he offering that human to her as food? Too bad, she only liked ores and minerals.  Maybe he was asking for help?  She decided to test that possibility, by lowering her head to the ground, and extending the tip o her tail to Kalva, as if gesturing him to place Uno on the small (comparatively)  boulder serving as her rear end. She would then lift and place her on top of her head.

Radovan tried his best to stifle a chuckle as he saw how Cathode and her Pokemon reacted to his ultimately well intentioned actions. Although in that last sentence a particular emphasis should be placed on the word tried, as he honestly couldn't stop himself from letting out a hearty laugh no matter how hard he tried. He moved his hand to try and pet Suzie before he said "Oh no you don't have to apologize Cathode. I mean it was pretty funny, since it was basically something you can't really find outside of a very a well practiced slapstick routine, and the fact that you managed to jump away so quickly reassures me a bit, since it obviously means that you probably wasn't injured in the fight, or at least not in a way that impairs your movement.". He then turned slightly to glance at the special needs kid as he brought an unconscious person over to Cathode's Onix, and he extended his right index finger as he moved said hand to point at her before he loudly asked. "Who was this person called again? I don't think I have had the chance to ask for her name before she you know, fainted on the job."

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Sena was quite pleased with the Pixie Plate got defeated, as it means that even if he sent out Verna later, as it carry both of her weakness. But that doesn't mean he could lower his guard. The dread core feels the presence of death made it much stronger, turn itself into monstrosity.


crap! this situation is really not good, if this keep up! as he ready himself for the worse clenching Verna's aether ball tightly.


and then... it got two shotted... Sena's face went blank, as he try to process everything, before finally.


"not that I'm complaining, but that's pretty anticlimatic... anyway nice one everyone! sorry I can't help much." he sighes, before he could ask about the woman, he saw Kalva already trying to help Uno, Kalva could probably help her so Sena decide to left him with Uno. Sena then decide to try investigate the place, sending out Verna to help his carefully investigate the place.

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#00 HQ


Music: Lounging About


"A-ah, sorry I'm late everyone-!" Ray practically busted the door to the communications room down. People were already assembled hours ago...but it was nothing new, truly. Ray was known to be late every once in a while. Said once in a while being every day..


She gave everyone an apologetic smile before taking a seat at one of the monitors. Plugging her A-Comm and putting the headphones on, she was ready to work.


"Lady Ray, we've received a distress call from #08. They mention cores so it might be important, but it's a kid on the line...sooo..." The nameless Employee makes an awkward face. Ray looks at him with a frown and he redirects the call to her. Satisfied, she nods and focuses on the screen. If it was a kid...then was it those kids?


"Yelllo, come in, this is HQ. We've received your signal. What do you mean by casualties? And who's Uno?" She took a moment, locking onto the signal. The ID was indeed from one of the kids. And blimey, the entire Nexus #08 was suddenly readable-! How did all the interference disappear so quickly? "Oh, Emmanuel, right? You're with the newest batch of Cadets. A-are you saying you guys came in contact with the #08 core!? W-what? How? Are you all safe?"




Betani interjects, grabbing Emmanuel's A-Comm and pulling it closer to her face. "Hey Ray this is Betani. You should really sent a dispatch crew to our coordinates. We have injured people and we can't get out all like that. You can read our location now if there's signal, no?"


"Y-yes-!" The little Ray holgram speaks up flusterdly. "Already done-! Hey Betani I can't read your A-Comm's signal though. What happened?"


"It got broken. Core Problems, you know."


"Ah...w-wait no I don't know! Like, this is the first contact with a Core since I got my job so...er, yeah I have no idea what you mean! It's also the first contact since you got your job. Ugh,,,alright we'll arrange for a replacement ASAP! And you guys just sit tight, help is on the way. We'll hear your report once you're safe."

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"Alright, thank you ma'am," Emmanuel hung up. "We should get to the surface first, then. I suggest that we climb up through the way we came here," he pointed to the rugged walls of the well. "I'll be going on ahead."

Emmanuel then climbed back up to the surface.

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Kalva saw Suzie's gesture and after a moment, understood what Suzie meant. She might fall off without any way to buckle her down, but Kalva trusted Suzie to be able to balance Uno.

Kalva gently placed Uno down on Suzie's tail, making sure again that she wasn't hurt in any way that demanded immediate attention.

Kalva nodded as Emmanuel made his way to the surface, watching him climb up the well's walls. Emmanuel had called help, and Kalva hoped that they came swiftly to well, somehow process the aftermath of the battle.

Then he turned and made his way to someone else who needed help - Terry. As he approached the crack, he intentionally made loud splashing noises to notify Terry that he was coming, and then squeezed through the crack back into the chamber where Terry was held captive.

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Radovan gently tapped on Cathode's shoulder and pointed at Emmanuel as he started to climb up the walls and head towards the surface before he made a cup over his mouth and yelled out. "You should stop before you hurt yourself Emma! The surface is waaaay too far away for you to try and free climb your way out of here!...and I can't promise that I would be able to give you a soft landing if-I mean when you fall!."

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In response to Radovan's question, Cathode said "..I don't know her well, she said she's called Unopiae or something. She's pretty tall, isn't she? Also it seems Suzie does not need my help in figuring out things with Kalva. She lifts me up to her head exactly the same way." And indeed, fter Uno was placed on the rear boulder, the serpent steadily lifted her up her head, then rotated the boulder in a way so that the unknown and unnessecarily tall human's feet would touch the rocky surface of her skull, and then, still rotating, moved the boulder backwards, so that gradually more and more of her body was gently placed down all the way to the head.  "We have gone through tons of precision training to allow her actions to be delicate so that she doesn't cause any unintentional damages. She was veeeery rough back in the day."

Her musings were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder,  which made her notice where Radovan was pointing:  Emmanuel supposedly trying to scale what seemed to her eyes a too tall and steep rocky wall.  She couldn't help shouting in panic.

"Wh-whaaa-- E-Emm please come back down! That is too dangerous!  You can't possibly climb all thaaat!"

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Emmanuel took off his shoes and put them away in his A-Comm. "You should put more faith in me sometimes! We made it down from there, and we can make it back up too!" He shouted back with a playful smile. He then dried his right feet with his coat, before clinging onto a rock formation. While his feet were wet, they were also wrinkled, and the rocks weren't wet. He figured that his grip was fairly ample - It's not like he's never climbed anything. He traced the path he took to get down and made his way back up.

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*+ Aether Employeees*


As soon as Emmanuel climbs up, he is greeted by a group of Employees mowing the now glowless trees down with the drill to make a direct path over from the main road to the Wishing Well. They'd help Emmanuel get out of the Well before asking him about how the situation down there was. They had ropes and rescue groups ready to pull everyone up as needed-!





*+ Terry*


Terry nonschalantly waves at Kalva. "My hearing's back. There was a lot of noise out there so I hope ya guys're all right."

A noticeable change had occured within the room. The powerful, blinding glow was all but gone, putting Terry under a heavy blanket of darkness. However, he had his A-Comm and used it as a flashlight.


"Step to the side of the crack, please. I reckon it'd be safe to attempt to break it now." He says and waits for Kalva to get back the way he came from. "The signal's back on too, eh? Then lemme just..."

A few moments, some crunching and splashing, and an exhasperated roar later, and the wall with the crack bursts into a cloud of dust and sparkles.


"There there." Terry pats the head of an gigantic iron snake, which lazily lays down on the ground next to him, not minding the overall wetness of the floor and the chamber. It's a Steelix.

And it closes its eyes with a deep breath.


"Thanks buddy." Terry pats it again and returns it to its Aether Ball. "So what did you guys have to fight against? Don't tell me you managed to beat the core."

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After Terry asked his question Radovan turned to stare directly at the shattered remains of the tree of life lying behind him. He couldn't help but smirk and let out a little laugh as he turned to look back at Terry, and he put on a pair of sunglasses just before he said. "Something like that, you honestly wouldn't believe what the core turned into when it absorbed the dread shard, or how quickly it fell to one well placed Rock Tomb performed by Cathode's Onix." He then pointed at the ropes the rescue group had lowered down and said "But I am pretty sure that our mission report can wait until we are not stuck in some stuffy old well."

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He was relieved that Terry was safe - he, he wasn't sure if he could take another loss if something had happened to Terry. 

Kalva covered his face with his arms as the Steelix punched through the wall, destroyed crystals scattering into the chamber past him.

Wow - that's powerful. Is it because the Cores lost their energy? The crystals did seem to have stored latent power.

Now that the interference with the communications were gone, Kalva decided to try out the messenger function on the A-Comm. After briefly getting lost on the menu, he found the function and wrote the message, sending it to Terry.

Briefly, the words spelt incorrectly flashed before the messenger auto-corrected. Kalva mentally noted words he spelt wrong for later, and sent the message.

"We fought a tree with dual cores, Pixie and Dread. We managed to defeat them and restore them to their dormant state. We also have a member of our team hit by a move of some kind, and we- we- some of our teams were knocked out but for now we're safe and help has arrived."

Kalva nudged some of the fragments of crystals around in the shallow water, head drooping a little. It was their first time encountering Cores, but measuring the reactions of Terry, it sounded like it was quite the feat they had accomplished.

He glanced at the pile of rock and dust where the Tree once was. Instead of triumph, he felt forlorn and lost. A burning desire for strength and a lesson learnt - but for him, he had undeniably lost. His empty hoodie never felt so heavy.

Come on, I'll have to get used to it. I will lose even more times from here on out, and I can't be sad every time I lose! And I can't become stronger if I am sad all the time!

With a sudden burst of vigor Kalva suddenly straightened up, stretched a couple times and jumped a little, forcibly pumping himself back up.

Alright! Smiles go for miles! We won't lose next time! We will train until we become the very best there is!


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Emmanuel gladly accepted the hand and got to the surface. He took his shoes out of his A-Comm again and put them back on. He noticed how the others were already mowing down the trees, and he could only infer that those things were only so durable due to the tree's energy.

That did raise another question - Would that mean the greenery would return soon? That'd mean a new colony...

He finally answered. "The others down there are okay. They still need the ropes though. Oh, and an Onix will be climbing up from here in a bit, carrying the only person unconscious down there, so watch out for that."

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