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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Radovan continued to smile warmly at miss Jenny as his left hand naturally moved to brush and stroke Emma's hair when the young boy tugged at his arm as his right hand adjusted his collar a bit, "Well miss Jenny, I was actually a bit afraid to ask yesterday as I assumed that I had correctly inferred what your age was successfully from your youthful appearance and demeanor, but as it seems increasingly unlikely for you to be no older than 20 I just have to ask...how old are you miss Jenny?." After he has heard her answer he would finally let himself be tugged away by Emma, but not before he made a parting remark or offered the young woman his A-COMM number...or both.

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Kalva finished feeding Quina the golden liquid and replied,

"yes i think the other cadets have it"

He carefully put Quina in his hoodie, who fell back to sleep right away.

So it was Betani...I'm sure that she won't put the woman in danger, at the very least not from dying. But why would she take the woman away from the medbay?

He couldn't risk running anywhere far away from the medbay, in case Quina's condition turned for the worse. But neither could he just let someone in medical danger be taken away so freely.

Oh! Wasn't the woman with Emmanuel? Surely he will help!

He took out his A-Comm and messaged Emmanuel,

"betani just took away blue haired woman from medbay

blue haired woman still in danger of dying"

He didn't know much, so it was hard to message a meaningful phrase. But at least Emmanuel would now know.


Kalva got up, and returned the towel to where it was. He then approached Terry, holding his hand tightly in genuine thanks. Then he let go, turning to pursue Betani.

As he walked towards where Betani would have went, he got up the A-Comm and messaged Terry.

"thank you terry

you are a good person"

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Sena decide to leave. No matter how curious he is with the woman's identity, food come first... food always come first. He might be able to see her again on another circumstances, "thank for the autograph, I'll be sure to keep my mouth shut on our meeting." he wave his hand as he leave.


"let's see... what should I eat for now." He think loudly. after this maybe I should go to the medical bay checking on that mysterious woman and Terry.

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Cathode facepalmed. "Gee see, it's working on you, that's why they do it!  But it is not genuine, they just exaggerate on their compliments.  I guess in this case it helped make Jenny feel better but i still find it lame."


Upon hearing Emm, Cathode's mood took a turn for the worse as she answered "right... the vice president.. not to keen on that."  Regardless, she made a move to go towards the exit.   "It was a pleasure Ms. Jenny! We will surely come again!"   

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*+Jenny, Zeta*


"Oh well, maybe you're not that much younger than meeee...but let's not talk about that anymore. I'm 19. Youngest among my sisters, that's me." She gestures as if saluting with a shy awkward smile on her face. Looking at Cathode, she nods barely noticeably. "T-thank you." She stutters.


[Jenny's Bond grew to ☆☆]

-new info unlocked-


"So has any boy talked like that to you, Cathode?" Zeta asks eagerly as the crew starts moving through the HQ again, leaving Jenny to clean the ice cream stand. They move to the elevator and proceed down towards the Cadet base at the bottom of the building.


[The scene has shifted]




*+Mason, Zeta*



"I've been expecting you. Don't keep me waiting for too long. I've already had to shoo away someone like you today."


Music: Vice-Prez's Clutches

The man greets you at the very entrance as soon as you exit the elevator. He seems mildly annoyed, so something had probably happened earlier that ticked him off. It smelled a bit like manure around here actually.


Mason looks you over. "There's only three of you." He says. "Not that it matters. I just need a report from someone who knows how to report. The data has already been collected from your A-Comms so we've confirmed your elimination of the threat of #08's core. However, protocol dictates you still report personally. As chief of security and acting head of the Cadets, I cannot just ignore the protocol. So tell me, what did you see."










Music: No need to play tough


"B-but can't you just grab it over your A-Comm?" Terry pleads for the Mechamon, but Kalva had already gone over to typing something over to the other Cadets, so Terry sighed and kept quiet, sitting down on the floor cross-legged and cross-armed, but with a slight blush above his moustache. He seemed to be glancing down at Kalva every once in a while to check whether the boy was done typing.


As Kalva gets up and thanks him, Terry's expression is that of surprise. "S-sure, you just keep good care of your Ralts for a few days now. She should be ok." He says as he pushes himself to his two feet. "Errr, and I'll be counting on you to show me the Mechamon some other day then..." He adds, scratching the back of his head.


[Terry's Bond grew to ☆☆]

-Grounded unlocked-


[The scene has shifted for Kalva]






Music: Chase (???)


Kalva starts running through the halls. However, he can't be fully sure where the mysterious envoy has gone as the halls spread out.


If he wanted to, he could ask a random passerby Space Aether Employee for directions?


[Ask for directions?]










"Ohoho, have I just been shot down by a kid?" The woman, placing a hand over her mouth, gives a short laugh to escort Sena out of the elevator. "Well I have a feeling we'll be in touch, so it doesn't matter. Come see me at my concerts if you want~ I'll give you free pass for not letting anyone know I was here. Bye now ~<3"


[The scene has shifted for Sena]






The elevator closes behind Sena and he's left alone at the cafeteria. Or so he'd think, but as he enters, he sees Rob sitting there having lunch, facing away from him. Sena can't make out the man's face but from behind it certainly looks soft and plushy like their mechanic.


[Get lunch and approach Rob?]


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"i promise"

Kalva tried to run in the general direction of where Betani had went, but soon realized that with so many possible paths outside the medbay, there was little to no chance he was going to pick the right one.

If only Quina was at full strength, she would have been able to track Betani down...she's too weak right now.

He ran a little awkwardly to minimise shaking the hoodie up and down. Quina had fallen back to sleep, and without her gripping unto the hoodie she might fall out if he wasn't careful.

He approached one of the Aether employees as they passed by, typing up a message on his A-Comm and showing the screen to him.

"hooded woman with blue haired woman pass by

do you know where they went"

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"After discovering a pitfall that reaches down into the nexus' underground, we went down there and discovered several things. First, water flows beneath the nexus, and wild Pokemon exist as well, such as Oddish and Woobat.


Second, much like the surface, the underground is crystalized. The crystals seemed to contain energy of some form, deducted by the unnatural release of light upon their destruction.


Third, we noticed a Wailord trapped underground as well, likely not native to the nexus, considering the lack of space.

Fourth, we discovered a shard that drains life around it, after being alerted by a wild Absol. We, through Zeta's help, were able to reverse its effects. We took the shard to the core, only to find it dragged out of Betani's A-Comm and merging with the cores.

And fifth, the nexus has two cores, mounted on what appeared to be the Tree of Life Zeta mentioned before. The tree itself has two aspects, one that drains life around it, akin to the effects of the shard, and one that heals wounds, akin to the effects of the nexus' water. The two cores of the nexus seemed to be based around the two aspects, judging by their moves and behaviors.


In the end, we managed to pacify the tree, and by extension, the two cores, through our combined efforts."

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On 5/2/2018 at 6:07 AM, Bfroger6 said:



*+Jenny, Zeta*


"Oh well, maybe you're not that much younger than meeee...but let's not talk about that anymore. I'm 19. Youngest among my sisters, that's me." She gestures as if saluting with a shy awkward smile on her face. Looking at Cathode, she nods barely noticeably. "T-thank you." She stutters.


[Jenny's Bond grew to ☆☆]

-new info unlocked-


"So has any boy talked like that to you, Cathode?" Zeta asks eagerly as the crew starts moving through the HQ again, leaving Jenny to clean the ice cream stand. They move to the elevator and proceed down towards the Cadet base at the bottom of the building.


[The scene has shifted]




*+Mason, Zeta*



"I've been expecting you. Don't keep me waiting for too long. I've already had to shoo away someone like you today."


Music: Vice-Prez's Clutches

The man greets you at the very entrance as soon as you exit the elevator. He seems mildly annoyed, so something had probably happened earlier that ticked him off. It smelled a bit like manure around here actually.


Mason looks you over. "There's only three of you." He says. "Not that it matters. I just need a report from someone who knows how to report. The data has already been collected from your A-Comms so we've confirmed your elimination of the threat of #08's core. However, protocol dictates you still report personally. As chief of security and acting head of the Cadets, I cannot just ignore the protocol. So tell me, what did you see."

Radovan personally could not believe that he was one of the three cadets who first made it to the scheduled debriefing, and he quietly bemoaned the fact that none of the other cadets were tall enough for him to be able to hide behind; as he would have taken the opportunity to send the missing persons a short message that would have simply asked them, "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?", or girl in the case of the conspicuously missing Shelly and uhh...who was the other missing girl called again? Ai or something? Whatever.


"Sadly we are unable to provide any more information about the trapped Wailord at this time, as I think that every cadet who went off to deal with that issue are conspicuously absent it seems, but overall I'd say that everything seemed to work out alright. Although in the end I do think that we made a bit of a whoopsie daisy when we accidentally caused what was probably an avatar of death itself to form by knocking out the Pixie core, but at least it went down pretty quickly."

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To Zeta's question, Cathode had visibly taken on a redder hue and had answered with "U--umm no, nono nothing like that happened to me, all the boys were trying to make fun of me I'm sure of it! I have seen those same jerks doing it on other girls though, it was so disgusting! The poor girls didn't know what they were getting into!" 


As soon as they had entered Mason's office, she tensed up internally but tried to not show it, as she maintained an as natural posture as possible. Hearing Emm's report made her want to suddenly disappear, since she figures she wouldn't be able to add anything relevant on top of that, and she wanted to show to the big bully that she could pull her weight. She figures she could at least add one observation that Emm left out: 
"Um.. we also noticed that the water in those caverns  had healing properties,  able to restore a pokemon's vitality even completely if it was applied for enough time. Maybe it could be researched for medicinal purposes..."

she said timidly.

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Time to get some lunch. As he walks to the cafeteria trying to find some food to eat. He look around the cafeteria trying to find some spot for him to eat. As he continue to search the cafeteria he saw Rob... or someone Sena assume to be him.


Rob huh? Or maybe not, but hmmmm If it’s him, would he be able to give me some clue about the the the “land” and the “sea”? Or the situation with the higher ups... no... I think I should refrain on asking him until I’m sure.


Sena then order his lunch and try calling “Rob”.

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*+Mason, Zeta*



Mason pulled out his own A-Comm and started typing on it absentmindedly as Emmanuel spoke. It was clear he was less than interested in what the boy had to say. When he speaks, it's in an bemused tone.


"The unusual Pokemon you saw were due to the merging of the Nexus. You should've realized as much. The energy was type energy. It's not unusual for a good conductor such as the entirety of Nexus 08 to be brimming with it, released from the Cores. Elementary. About the Wailord...we'll be confiscating the egg. You might get it later, or not." He raises his eyebrows at Emmanuel, averting his eyes from the A-Comm to look at Emm for the first time since the start of the report. "An Absol, you say. That's quite interesting. You say it led you? The only interesting piece of information. Was it predicting a catastrophe? Of course, any manner of precognition is merely speculative, even if it's a special ability of a Pokemon's, but perhaps it was sensing some impending disaster indeed. The question is whether it's limited to #08 or applies to the entirety of Anti-Space."


He looks at Radovan and Cathode, his eyes stopping at Zeta momentarily, unreadable. "The readings suggest the cores were unstable as they merged. You presumably caused a surge of Dark energy when you destroyed the half of the Core that kept it balanced with Fairy type energy. You were probably lucky to have beaten it down immediately. And you, miss, we are well aware of the water's properties, but we will need to see how the stabilization of the two Cores will affect its properties. Presumably, if they remain healing, it will be utilized as medicine. For now it's considered a dangerous compound as larger quantities were seen to lead to petrification in subjects." He ends, putting down his A-Comm. "You've provided me with uninteresting data we were already privy to over your A-Comms' readings. But regardless, it had to be done. We will analyze your data and reference it to the other Cadets on scene. Miss Tri will be interrogated as well. You may go home now if you wish. Find your friends and go. You've done well. For beginners."


"Except you, miss Granazia. You may have had your fun times in the wilderness but you still have the engineering to attend to. Let's not forget the benevolence I'd shown you. I could've just thrown you out when you failed to attend the graduation ceremony."


[Cathode must, from now on, attend Engineering. Information will be listed in Discord at #Mission_Status. On days when it's listed as a Quest or Mission, she will be able to meet some of the NPCs there, interact with them, progress the sidestories or progress the story itself. Today it's merely a fluff tool to allow for the revelation of her assignments to the rest of the crew, so no events will be triggered there. Enjoy.]


[Also if anyone wants to ask Mason anything, he seems to be wanting to leave as soon as possible...so shoot?]









The Aether Employee scratches the back of their head. "Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I saw some hooded people but they're from security. They were transporting someone on a medical bed. They went that way but they seemed in a hurry."


Were Kalva to follow the path, he'd run into Ray. And by run into, literally run into. "Yowza-" She exclaims. "You had me nearly spilling my coffee." She says, holding the cup up above Kalva's head so he wouldn't bump into it more. She was hardly taller than Kalva though and she had an earplug in one of her ears. Would it be a good idea to ask her for directions? Or ask another random Aether Employee?


[Will Kalva ask Ray or some rando?]

Ray/random Aether Employee









The man doesn't react at first. After a couple moments though, he sighs and continues eating. "I ain't Rob, go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." His voice conveys such pure annoyance that it's nearly melodic. If it ain't Rob then who?

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Kalva nodded in thanks, though it was hard to tell as he barely took the time to run in the general direction, along the glassy white corridors until he ran headfirst into Ray. He was about to apologize and pass on by in the rush when he took a second to recognize who he had bumped into.

Kalva's concerned and apologetic face broke into a relieved smile at the familiar face. Ray was one of the Operators (or manager, at least? He had seen her in the hologram at least), so surely she would know where they went!

"sorry i need to find someone

have you seen Betani pass by with a hospital bed"

He messaged her, then felt Quina stirring on the hoodie behind him. She must be waking back up, but still very weak.

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Emmanuel nodded. What Mason had added were merely details, ones that he didn't have to include in his report. He figured, and simply waited for Radovan and Cathode to take their leave. "I'll catch up to you guys later," he added.

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With everything that had transpired, Cathode had forgotten that part of the deal. But really, even if Mason thought it would have been a punishment, she couldn't help but feel excited over the idea of gaining more experience in a field she genuinely liked. 

"O-oh right, sir, is there a specific time when i should attend it?  Also I'm new here so h-how do i get to the lab from here?"

She also heard Emm not long afterwards, to whom she replied with  "See ya, take care!"

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"I have a question, what will happen to the woman we encountered during the mission? The one who apparently wanted to cure her illness using the tree of life? I don't know if she was a cadet and I was sort of curious about her eventual fate."

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  • 2 weeks later...



*+Mason, Zeta*



"The HQ are separated into segments. The open laboratory is above the guest area near city level. To enter, you can use your authorization as a Cadet." Mason answers Cathode. "And you, Radovan. Don't worry, the woman will be taken care of. You needn't know what exactly is happening to her, though, nor can I give you persmission to."







*+Ray, Betani*


Ray scratched her head at the message. "OH, you must be Kalva. Nice to meet you in person~" She says absentmindedly, but with a big and earnest smile on her face. "Betani, you say? I've not actually seen her pass by..."


Ray starts pondering something. However, Kalva might be inclined to assume that she had been too busy with her A-Comm and coffee to pay attention to the outside world. Perhaps asking her wasn't the wisest idea...

In the meantime, Kalva notices that the other Employees that were around scattered about doing their businesses. There was no one left who he could ask for directions...


"Oh, but I can track her. I dunno if I should though....nyeh, it'll be fine~" The young woman snorts as she begins typing on her A-Comm. After a minute or two of anticipation, she raises her head and furrowed brow. "Ha, found her! No one can hide from me! And lesse, she's.....uh, she's...are ya gonna be mad if I tell you she's exiting the HQ building right about now? Eheh, sorry, you must've missed her." Ray shrugs.


[Kalva failed to catch Betani]









"Wait, shit, I forgot. I totally am Rob. How ya doin', young lil' guy, I'm just here on my break between working on super important laboratory stuff~" The man turns to Sena with a smile. He joins his hands together into a hospitable clasp, but it's apparent he's lying.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"Vice President, I was at the Abravator Society. The Abravators were distraught by the sudden announcement of a new 'Legend.' They said that the HQ hadn't warned them, and that the HQ seemed to want to deliver the announcement early." Emmanuel raised an eyebrow.

"... It's an emergency, isn't it? Could you reveal more on the HQ's end, Vice President? The Abravators' cryptic words alone would only slow our progress."

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"U-understood,  thank you sir,"  Cathode hastily answer before starting to head towards the given destination,  but just as she was about to exit the room, she heard Emmanuel's inquiry.  She halted near the door without thinking much of it, and was waiting for Mason's answer.

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*+Mason, Zeta*



Mason looks down at Emmanuel as he asks the question. His face remains expressionless as he continues, only a brow's furrow signaling his mild annoyance that he was gonna be kept there for a while longer. "What basic understanding, you merely jump to conclusions. The Abravator operates outside of Space Aether's jurisdiction, so when they say HQ they don't mean our HQ."

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"... Then that's all," Emmanuel sighed, "I'll figure out the rest."


He strode away from the vice president, slightly frustrated. Though, he still got something out of the reply; he had to look into the Abravator Society.


Eventually, he caught up to the others. He thought about telling the others about what the Abravators had said, but that wouldn't really contribute much. Though, it wouldn't hurt to declare that they were nearly clueless. "Which came first, the Pidgey or the egg? The land or the sea? A woman thrown into the two. But who is she?" He said, mimicking the Abravators' tone. "... So yeah, the Abravators wanted us to find a woman. It's as cryptic as it sounds."

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Cathode, disappointed that nothing came of her wait, waited for Emm to join her near the door,  and after hearing out his mumblings,  she asked him  "What are those Abravators anyway? Sounds like  Abra Elevators"

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"Or they could have made all of that up just to get you out of their hair for the foreseeable future, I mean you did just drop into their base without any advanced warning after all," Radovan said just before he left the room and headed back to the house they would be living in for the foreseeable future.

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And with that, the Cadets departed to their home. Many new questions brewed in their minds as they anticipated the Abravators' words.

The weight of the frail woman, Uno, weighed down upon them all as they contemplated what would come to pass regarding her fate.


Cathode was introduced to the engineering facilities at the HQ. She was given a round through all the sections and machinery and met all the employees there. All of them were nice, so the Vice Prez's punishment was hardly even punishment at all. She was sent home shortly after.




[Chapter #02 End]



Nexus #04 main street

Music: Paradise



"And that's when I saw 'er. Well, only her silhuette. The lass was dancing in moonlight, through the streets. Yes, it was eerie as you'd expect from a ghost. They say she's a demon who eats people. She wanted to take a bite out of me too, but I-"

The man continues the story. He says how he beat the ghost woman down and ran with his life, but you can guess it ain't the truth, so you smile awkwardly and try to walk away slowly. Still, from what you've heard, there've been rumors about this ghost lass circulating around the tropical Nexus lately. You don't really have much thought to spare to this thought, however, as your summer hats rustle in the breeze. Yes, you're on vacation here. In fact, you have been invited to come visit her at her home.


Who, you might ask, invited you? Well...



Several Days Ago


'1 new message from Unoppiae Tri'


[End of Flashback]



All of you are excited to see Uno again. It's nearly been two weeks since you last saw her and none of you knew what'd happened to her after she was taken away by Betani, nor did you get in contact with Betani either, so you were worried sick. Glad that's over. Uno gave you directions to her home. It seems to be by the beach, so you hurry on.


Zeta is extremely ecstating as she runs around the streets of the city and towards the sandy beaches. "It's hot for my feet, haha-!" She giggles, running around you and rolling in the sand like some hyperactive cat.


The last two weeks were quite uneventful. Zeta slowly acclimated to living with you all and she even had the Space Aether give Murki back to her. Meggi could stay at your backyard, but couldn't go anywhere else much outside of her new Aether Ball. All in all, it was all good. On the other side, #08's flora and fauna have started blooming again. The Pokemon and the plants have slowly but surely started reclaiming the ecosystem. Soon, however, once the whole crystal forest decrystalises, you know Space Aether will try to build a colony there too. You've secured that chance for a new world, after all.


Anyways, you make your way towards the beachside, following Uno's directions around the edge of the isle. As you approached the address, you couldn't believe your eyes. Zeta's jaw dropped as she pointed at it with a huge smile. Seeing a house-no a mansion slowly come into view over a green hill, you're quite awestruck. Was that the home? No one mentioned that. How rich were the girls and why was Betani living in Space Aether housing anyways with such a house!?


[You each have a post to make before arriving at the mansion and ringing the bell.]

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