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LF some mons 14/15 only need Vullaby!


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3 minutes ago, Arkiel said:

What would you like in return?

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atm i have 5 iv gastly, magikarp

i can breed a lot of 5iv mons if you don't mind wait a bit (flabebe, feebas, maril, vulpix, abra, budew, eevee, torchic, treecko, (maybe more i forgot to list xd feel free to ask i may have it)

and have some random shinys with not good iv can take a screenshoot

or i can breed other event mons not on the list (depending on the mon i may have a good iv one to breed)


wait me a bit and i can breed you a torchic ^^

Sure, i will be waiting for trade in a moment id Arkiel

I hope your new friends will help you on your quests :)


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@Animefan666 got the torchic will be waiting for trade, just in case ID Arkiel

@sailboat Thanks ^^

2 minutes ago, Sara1404 said:

I can trade you an exeggcute

What woul you like in return?


atm i have 5 iv gastly, magikarp, torchic

i can breed a lot of 5iv mons if you don't mind wait a bit (flabebe, feebas, maril, vulpix, abra, budew, eevee, treecko, (maybe more i forgot to list xd feel free to ask i may have it)

and have some random shinys with not good iv can take a screenshoot

or i can breed other event mons not on the list (depending on the mon i may have a good iv one to breed)


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4 hours ago, Arkiel said:

What would you like in return?

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atm i have 5 iv gastly, magikarp

i can breed a lot of 5iv mons if you don't mind wait a bit (flabebe, feebas, maril, vulpix, abra, budew, eevee, torchic, treecko, (maybe more i forgot to list xd feel free to ask i may have it)

and have some random shinys with not good iv can take a screenshoot

or i can breed other event mons not on the list (depending on the mon i may have a good iv one to breed)


wait me a bit and i can breed you a torchic ^^

Sure, i will be waiting for trade in a moment id Arkiel

I'll take a female ghastly!

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8 hours ago, CaBoobi said:

I'll take a female ghastly!

sure, are you on to trade?

7 hours ago, foznkr said:

i can give you vullaby

what do you want in return?


atm i have 5 iv gastly, magikarp, torchic, horsea, gothita

i can breed a lot of 5iv mons if you don't mind wait a bit (flabebe, feebas, maril, vulpix, abra, budew, eevee, treecko, (maybe more i forgot to list xd feel free to ask i may have it)

and have some random shinys with not good iv can take a screenshoot

or i can breed other event mons not on the list (depending on the mon i may have a good iv one to breed)


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1 hour ago, Arkiel said:

sure, are you on to trade?

what do you want in return?

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atm i have 5 iv gastly, magikarp, torchic, horsea, gothita

i can breed a lot of 5iv mons if you don't mind wait a bit (flabebe, feebas, maril, vulpix, abra, budew, eevee, treecko, (maybe more i forgot to list xd feel free to ask i may have it)

and have some random shinys with not good iv can take a screenshoot

or i can breed other event mons not on the list (depending on the mon i may have a good iv one to breed)


tomorrow between 8-2 i will be on let me know if that works

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