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Channeling Chatspeak Changes


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Hey dudes!



We've got a couple of changes coming to Reborn. Let's start with the more vital alteration to our Community Guidelines. Rule 2, concerning the use of chatspeak (you know the way Terra talks? That's chatspeak), has been removed and Rule 8, permitting just the use of English in public settings, has replaced the now-removed Rule 2. Warnings will no longer be issued for use of chatspeak on the Reborn Forums, Showdown Server, or Discord Server.


The mention of our Showdown Server leads into the second change, which regards the new policy for Song of the Day. Since the removal of rupees with the December site update, SotD policy has changed and we've established a simple system. SotD suggestions may be PM'd to @Arkhi on the forums or Discord server (username Arkhidon#2860), and your song and name will be added to the SotD queue. Users' names will also be added to another queue to track who has suggested a song in the past seven days to prevent multiple songs being suggested from a single user each week. This allows anyone on the forums or server to nab SotD quickly. Over time, we'd like to hear user input to fine-tune this system.



That's all for now. Take care, Reborn!

Edited by Arkhi
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I'm glad to hear the chatspeak is removed. People can feel more freely to write how they feel.

As much I don't like chatspeak, having a rule of it was pretty strictly. And luckly I can understand most of people here using it.

So pretty good news and good choices =)

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I always understood the rule as being a prevention against people using chatspeak excessively to the point where it becomes difficult to understand, but it can be pretty difficult to draw a line sometimes, so I'm happy to see the rule removed.

(Alternatively I could gush a bit about language and how cool it is that different uses of chatspeak vs non-chatspeak contribute to the tone and meaning of a sentence, and how sometimes replacing one with the other completely alters the way people process a message, but I'll restrain myself.)


The new SotD method sounds amusing, certainly more fun and easier than it was to have to gather all them rupees for one.

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On 2/19/2017 at 0:23 PM, Arkhi said:

SotD may be determined with a CC 1v1 tournament. This allows anyone on the server to nab SotD quickly and finally gives some love to our server friends (we see you!). Over time, we'd like to hear user input to fine-tune this system.


This sounds like an awful system. Is there a set-time this takes place regularly? This alone would cut out large section of the community based on geography and daily activity. There's a bunch of other problems with this, like who is the one or ones who will host this and keep track? Is there a minimum number of people required for this tournament or will it devolve into the same two people battling it out at the same time everyday? When is the song start/end time? There's no information in this post whatsoever. This is as poorly explained and executed as forum exp. You still have to answer for that too, btw.


On 2/19/2017 at 3:13 PM, Shing said:

People can feel more freely to write how they feel.

Use fewer letters, express more? Methinks not.


u iz bae vs You complete me, babe.


It doesn't bother me too too much that you guys took out this rule. Chatspeak and leet are still gonna look stupid in my eyes and I will be silently judging you. But it still bothers me. Fuck literacy, am I right guys? So no, not happy about it, but I don't care enough to argue to bring it back.

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39 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

This sounds like an awful system. Is there a set-time this takes place regularly? This alone would cut out large section of the community based on geography and daily activity. There's a bunch of other problems with this, like who is the one or ones who will host this and keep track? Is there a minimum number of people required for this tournament or will it devolve into the same two people battling it out at the same time everyday? When is the song start/end time? There's no information in this post whatsoever.

SotD system then was using a suggestion that was emplaced at a time when it was not our top priority, and we have since booted that sucker out.


The New Song of the Day system is private message-based. Please message @Arkhi with song suggestions. More details have been added to the now-edited OP.



39 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

This is as poorly explained and executed as forum exp. You still have to answer for that too, btw.

That's our next system in the works. We want to instate an EXP system that we can stick to. We're looking at the requirements for ace and seeing what may need changing. Also on our to-do list is ways to actively grant EXP for community activity. Ideally, we can hammer out a system and announcement in several weeks.

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  • Support Squad
5 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Fuck literacy, am I right guys? 

when the point of language is to communicate, sure, take literacy to bed and rock its brains out. So long as we get what ur sayin' u cn type wh@vr the fk u like.

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