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Chasing the Future: Hunter Plays Fire Emblem Awakening (Interest Check)


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18 hours ago, Sheep said:


Yeah Frederick and Cordelia have a good support conversation chain, it's a bit of fun and feels natural. That's a good idea with Frederick, I've never tried it myself, how's his exp gain nowadays? And yeah you're right about Cordelia, she appears for all intents and purposes to be the best unit in the game as she doesn't need babying, and she has fantastic bases, growths, and join time. Personally I prefer her as a Mercenary/Hero to a Pegasus/Falcon Knight but she works really well in either. There is however one unit that joins that is stronger than Cordelia, though it's not immediately apparent (hence my earlier statement about Cordelia appearing to be the best) and that is Panne. If you give Panne your first Second Seal and reclass her directly to Wyvern Rider you've just created a wrecking ball that'll go on a path of destruction through the rest of the game.

Seriously what even is 105% HP, 75% Str, 65% Skl, 70% Spd, 50% Def?


A little better.


Frederick actually pulls off the Cavalier look better than Sully or Stahl. The generic Cav is much more metallic, and the blue/red (depending on if the unit is on your army or the opposing army) is more of an accent to the armor than the main color. Stahl's green and Sully's red cover most of the armor, making it look much more bland and highlighting the wide open toilet bowl rim lookin' neck area more than it needs to be highlighted. (Generic Cavs look fine! If only Sully and Stahl wore helmets.)


I kinda need Cordelia as a Peg for now - because I'm not using Sumia and I don't get Cherche until the Valm arc.


I could reclass Panne though. I don't like the beast class in this game at all. Rest of you guys think that should happen?


18 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

I think planning marriages based on stats and growths really goes against the whole point of support convos and in game relationship pairing...


18 hours ago, Mr. Divergent said:

I think so too. I usually prefer pairing characters who suit each other. 


I don't have all of my marriages planned, and not all that I do are for min-maxing child units. I just wanted good versions of kids I -know- I'll be using.


Chrom-Robin for example was two fold. It's technically ME marrying whoever I want, and if I were to do that, I would end up marrying Cherche -or- Lucina -or- Severa. However, aside from getting a pretty broken Lucina (hopefully), I chose to marry Chrom for story implications. Having Lucina threaten to kill you when you are her mother makes Chrom and Robin's relationship make the most sense, and it ups than ante for her.


Gregor-Cherche may give a good Gerome, but I am using THAT pairing because I think Gregor -SHOULD- marry Cherche out of all the women. That includes Nowi, who many people ship with him due to story shoe-in garbage.


Vaike-Sully is simply because I think I want a good Kjelle because I like armor knights, and the female ones are much more tolerable in appearance in this game than males (sorry, Kellam.)


Gaius-Tharja is simply because I want a good Noire because Virion is garbage - but also because Gauis goes pretty well with most people he comes up with nicknames for. "Sunshine" for her is just outright hilarious.


It will be interesting to see who best suits someone like Maribelle, Sumia if Chrom is not the one she ends up with, Lon'qu because he's allergic to chicks, Panne because Panne doesn't trust anybody, or Olivia because Chrom is taken.




Remember, I'm playing through it twice as well. Next time, I won't min-max at all. I just am trying to get a feel for the game semi-blind!!!




Unrelated: If you like "randomized" Fire Emblem - I highly think you guys should check out Ghast Station's randomized Conquest playthrough. Funny things like Elise being the Crown Princess, Odin being Camilla, Ike being Odin, and Marth losing every shred of dignity and becoming Peri are absolutely worth getting a few giggles and guffaws over. Also, the classes for each of the characters themselves are randomized, so you get things like Oni Savage Leo. (BRAINS -AND- BRAWNS BOI.)


Seriously. Go watch it. It's deliciously funny.

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55 minutes ago, Wheat said:

I kinda need Cordelia as a Peg for now - because I'm not using Sumia and I don't get Cherche until the Valm arc.


I get that, she makes a great Peg Knight anyway but I usually run Sumia for a flier and have recently discovered the greatness that is Wyvern Rider Panne. I didn't ever use Panne 'cause like you I didn't like the Taguel class, but by using her as a Wyvern Rider her character really grew on me at the same time. Seriously that is one badass women.


58 minutes ago, Wheat said:

It will be interesting to see who best suits someone like Maribelle, Sumia if Chrom is not the one she ends up with, Lon'qu because he's allergic to chicks, Panne because Panne doesn't trust anybody, or Olivia because Chrom is taken.


My favourite Maribelle pairing is Maribelle and Chrom 'cause out of all the non Robin choices he has, I think she'd make the best queen for the country. Also childhood friends and all that. Obviously that's not available here, but I thought I'd say it anyway. If you're looking for a good support conversation for Panne, Panne and Virion is fantastic. That one really surprised me, but considering certain parallels in their backstories it perhaps shouldn't have.


1 hour ago, Wheat said:

Unrelated: If you like "randomized" Fire Emblem - I highly think you guys should check out Ghast Station's randomized Conquest playthrough. Funny things like Elise being the Crown Princess, Odin being Camilla, Ike being Odin, and Marth losing every shred of dignity and becoming Peri are absolutely worth getting a few giggles and guffaws over. Also, the classes for each of the characters themselves are randomized, so you get things like Oni Savage Leo. (BRAINS -AND- BRAWNS BOI.)


Seriously. Go watch it. It's deliciously funny.


Yeah I've been light watching that, stuff is hilarious.

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Panne and Virion eh? Hmm.






How I thought celebrating the defeat of Gangrel would go down.


Hunter: Finally! We avenged your sister, Chrom!

Chrom: What should we do now....

Hunter:....Uh...I dunno..........We could sleep together... Maybe go for a mixed bath....seeing as we've already seen all of each other anyway.... LOOK MAN, WE GOTTA HAVE LUCINA GET BORN SOMEHOW.

Chrom: Okay...as long as you're not throwing anything at me this time.


How it -actually- went down....


Hunter: Finally!-

Chrom: Hunter, I love you-

Raimi (the border guard of Regna Ferox): UM. KHAN FLAVIA REQUESTS YOUR ASSISTANCE.

Chrom: We just fought a war...but screw it, let's fight another one!

Hunter: But...

Chrom: Don't worry, we'll have conveniently had Lucina first. Just...we'll probably need to wet nurse her.....remind me of that when I try to make you stay in Ylisstol with an infant.


.....So, after killing Gangrel (YES. LEVIN SWORD GRANDMASTER LETS GET IT.) - we set off for Port Ferox (the Feroxi have the best maps in this game.) and then for friggen Plegia for assistance against Wallmart the Superstore. Then, Plegia actually GIVES us warships and ample coffers - and HENRY - while throwing in some Risen just because Aversa is a total shill. THEN. THEN LUCINA JOINS YOU.


I gotta say. I don't think the Emmeryn death was all that moving scene-wise. All I saw was Chrom and Lissa break into tears expectedly and Emmeryn being a selfless and terrible self-preserver expectedly. It's the chapter afterwards, where Mustafa's Plegian army has an identity crisis and "Don't Speak Her Name!" is playing in the background - where there was actually a care given about Em's death. I think that and the showdown with Lucina in Ferox tie for best chapters of the first arc.


The whole "YOU, player, are Grima" bit is pretty funny if you are a female. The Heirophant - and Grima herself - have a horrifyingly distorted female voice that is quite similar to the Robin voice you picked. It's more effective at putting me on edge than I thought it would be.




Jesus, I should stop doing them Dragon Herbs.




Donnel.... has already capped Luck, Skill, and one of his combat skills (it's probably Defense.) - I had him second seal into Mercenary after getting him to level 15 as a villager and picking up Underdog. This broke the game. "Yeehaw", suckers. To make this even more impressive - Donny still hasn't picked up Patience - the level 10 Mercenary skill - yet.


Second Seals are OP, bruh.




So, I haven't recruited Morgan or Severa yet, but I have them available now. I want to get a few more pairs to S and be a little more sure of which skills they inherit before getting any experience before doing their paralogues - but that didn't stop me from checking them out.


Exalted Princess: Lucina


Lucina starts off with 19 base speed from +Speed Robin, and at 12 base defense, she's probably still okay. What makes this certain however, is the combination of Chrom's royal present for his daughter - Aether - along with the Parallel Falchion's ability to serve as an infinite self-heal. Offensively, her present from me is Ignis, a skill that I think halves magic/strength and moves it to the other offensive skill. This means that Lucina probably makes for an incredible Tactician. As a Lord, her 5 base magic isn't going to add much at the start, but she's only a point behind her father - who is currently a level 5 -GREAT- Lord. Ceiling seems pretty high for the future of House Ylisse.


Time Lord: Morgan


Morgan - if I recall - has an insane base speed of 17. From Chrom, he picks up Rightful King instead of Aether, which works the same way Hoshidan Unity works in Fates. This means Ignis will proc fairly often and that I might want Morgan to find some other skills, like Sol or something, to also get RK support. To be honest, I probably -will- do Morgan's paralogue right now because I can't think of any skills I want him to inherit instead of Ignis - which would take him a bit to learn due to it being a level 5 promote skill. Because Morgan can use tomes -and- swords, I might reclass him to Dark Knight. I like me some Dark Knights. This is probably the closest thing to Leo I'll get in Awakening. With Defense being my bane, Morgan might not be as tanky in that class however.


(I guess this means Chrom's royal skill differs on which gender his children are. I assume Cynthia and Kjelle also pick up Aether, while Inigo would pick up Rightful King. That's pretty neat. It's also pretty neat that Chrom has NEITHER of those skills at the moment and is still passing them down. Way to be a team player, Chrom.)


Cutting Wit: Severa


Seriously......pig tails go REALLY. REALLY. REALLY well. With resting bitch face. I understand Mangs. I understand you, Ikaru. This chick is FIOOOOOOONE-


She gets a much better (in my opinion) hair color from Frederick, along with currently Outdoor Fighter - giving her extra damage in open terrain. This is a good skill - but it's also the level 10 unpromoted Cav skill because Frederick hasn't learned any new tricks yet. I think I may want him to go back into GK and pick up Luna instead, while having Severa do just fine in Cavalier for Outdoor Fighter.


From her mom, she currently gets Relief. I feel like I should hold off until Cordelia gets a sexier skill for a non-peg Severa, but if she's destined to go Cav, maybe Relief isn't bad.




"The Thief, in the Night"


Gaius!Tharja - A


This is a support that FEELS right. It's hilarious, and it genuinely seems like both characters have SOME adoration for each other, even if Tharja isn't going to say so.



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Here I shall upgrade my favorite villains in this game by adding Walhart, as well as explaining Aversa.


Walhart is a pretty one note character, but he gets on the board for being a pretty neat option for Morgan's father through the DLC I'm not getting. He passes down "Conquest" as a skill - which allows Morgan to ignore bonus damage by Beastbane, beast killers, wyrmslayers, and anything that takes down armored units. Essentially, you can be reckless with Morgan as a cavalry unit with that skill - and I like being a little reckless.


Aversa is one of my favorites because as a mother to Morgan she passes down Shadowgift, which allows non-dark mages to use dark magic tomes - such as Nosferatu (WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY BUSTED IN THIS GAME, OMG...Fire Emblem: The Tharjaning...or Henrying....goodness gracious.) - meaning I can have a Fem Morgan use Nosferatu as a DARK KNIGHT LIKE SHE SHOULD BE ABLE TO, DAMN IT INTELLIGENT SYSTEM-


Aversa is also the token "intimidating female" enemy - which is an archetype I feel feminists attack too often as "women who are bad girls stereotype all of womankind as bad girls" at times. As someone who has always been slightly intimidated by women growing up, it's comforting to have women written that way for me - because it's a "default level of strength". It's more impactful than having strong female protagonists in a sense too, because it doesn't come off as "forced" equality due to being intimidated by females being a natural state. Aversa's cruelty and nastiness is FAR from the norm, making that claim above pretty moot and giving her a signature character. I've yet to really know about her - but having intrigue in the first place isn't a bad thing.



Two-Faced Archer: Noire


Father: Gaius


My goal with Noire as a unit was to establish her as an Archer class first and foremost, even though her magical mother made a compelling case for a reclass all by herself. This made Gaius pretty good (thank you sheep) before even picking the game up. However, the supports between these two are top-notch. Both characters are morally grey characters - so much so that when recruiting both of them they are both red units at first and you need to get Chrom in range - and both of them are unafraid to discuss their nefariousness out in the open. The support chain is also funny due to Gaius' chill hipsterish persona and Tharja's general deadpan attitude combined. 's good.


Also Noire is the female Robin Hood everyone wanted. Orange hair works.


back to unit analysis - I had Gaius pass down Lethality to Noire, and I had her pick up Vengeance from Tharja only because Anathema or Hex doesn't seem appropriate for an archer. Vengeance procs pretty often redundantly because Noire is a player-phase unit and often kills her target -or- is unable to be attacked by her target on enemy phase do to them being blocked by an obstacle - but it's better after promoting to Bow Knight - where she can engage in swordplay -and- attack foes in the open with better chance of being able to survive. Lethality just makes her a funnier unit to use and fits her Talisman-mode quite well. :)




Next pairing:




Hey! A pairing that fits both parents from a support sense -and- Brady's character traits. Dunno how he'll turn out, but Aptitude is at least good to have!

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