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Marvel: Agents of Shield


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I dunno how many of you watch the show... perhaps none of you, but I saw that there wasn't a topic for it, and it's my favorite show right now.

I just watched the latest episode:



Holy fucking shit are they going down the rabbit hole. I love it. Twisting everything so Hydra took over is gonna be a cool new world... of course... Ward is back, and who the hell is Fitz with? Is Daisy still an inhuman... or even called Daisy for that matter?


Also a question I have if you're all caught up:



So... when they first discovered the LMDs... was Daisy in the picture? I honestly can't remember. Who walked in when it said 4 LMDs detected? Does that mean the Daisy in the framework actually is an LMD or what, or was it Fitz that was walking in with them? 


If you aren't all caught up, that's fine. But you should. It just gets better.

And if you haven't watched it, or stopped watching it, and you like the whole Marvel universe, I highly encourage you to start watching it again... season one can be slow at the start, but it really does pick up: Season 4 has been awesome.

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