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Which Pokemon Reborn character you think is closest to your personality


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Lin, because she's not afraid to go after her dreams and fight for what she believes in. She empowers those under her, so they can take action and develop their leadership skills without someone constantly supervising them, she also takes corrective measures and scold them when they screw up though, so they don't grow used to being mediocre in their ways. Boldness, leadership, accountability, determination.. She's such an inspiration to everyone in reborn. 


Maybe a little bit of Noel too.

Edited by Aloha
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11 hours ago, Tartar said:

How would you describe the relationship between yourself and Amethyst, the character in Reborn? Is she an author avatar, alter ego or perhaps just another character with no relation to yourself?

she's my Mistake.


10 hours ago, FairFamily said:

 Are you really that passive? Letting people die in your organisation while knowing you have the power to change things?

i hear doing nothing is a strong suit of mine. ^^

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3 hours ago, mde2001 said:

I'm way too boring to be like anyone in Reborn. I guess I'd have to go with Adrienn probably. 

Whoa whoa whoa... The words "boring" and "Adrien" should not be used in the same sentence. You could've picked Hardy at the very least or Noel, perhaps even Vero if you wanted someone boring/conventional. Someone with the title "Visionary" shouldn't be considered boring. (Oh, and happy Birthsday, may you have a great day) 

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8 hours ago, Tartar said:

Whoa whoa whoa... The words "boring" and "Adrien" should not be used in the same sentence. You could've picked Hardy at the very least or Noel, perhaps even Vero if you wanted someone boring/conventional. Someone with the title "Visionary" shouldn't be considered boring. (Oh, and happy Birthsday, may you have a great day) 

Oh I wasn't calling Adrienn boring. I don't think xe's a boring character, but I do think in terms of personality I'm more similar to xyr than anyone else in the game. However I'm not that similar to anyone really. Also thanks!

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Probably Victoria. I'm a pretty empathetic person and hardworking but I'm also someone who doesn't compromise their morals easily and take a pretty aggressive stance against those who actively do wrong, something I'm sure some of you have noticed in regards to my ranting in regards to certain topics lol. I also have a habit of putting others' needs above my when even if it means hindering myself in the process. I can say I'm quite self- disciplined too and never succumbed to drugs or crime or  anything like that. I suppose that makes me a boring goody-goody to some people much in the same way  some players feel about Victoria but I'm fine with that. Coincidentally fighting is also my favorite type.


Though if I were to compare to my worst qualities, I guess Noel would come closer. I'm pretty quiet and am a bit of a loner(never been in a  relationship and never really wanted to be), also I'm a bit difficult to joke with since I tend to respond to things literally a lot. It's actually kind of difficult for me to keep a conversation going with people unless they talk a lot. I'm definitely  a better listener than speaker. I suppose I also use logic more than emotion when making decisions, which is a bit more Noel like.


Victoria + a little Noel would probably be the best comparison.

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This is an interesting topic. Hmm..., If I had to choose who's personality I mimic, it probably be a mix of Charlotte, Titania, Shelly, and Radomus.

Charlotte for being snark at times and desire around fire, pyro.

Titania for putting up a front to help those I care about.

Shelly for being quiet, shy and naive.

Radomus for my eccentric ways.

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Bennett. I am a mostly lonely teen who can be very obsessive, he is like a dark mirror of myself. Favorite character by far 


Noel for being the sane man in a club of weirdos. 


Also, Victoria. She is best girl for a reason.


And El in a strange way , i would have him but he is so cool after all. 

Edited by KazuyaProta
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