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Mr. Bear's Modest Monster Exchange


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TEMPORARY NOTICE: Due to the game losing its appeal after having used Wonder Trade, I've decided to start a new game. I did keep my old save file and will trade the critters from the list below the moment I get them during my new playthrough, but it'll take a while until I can breed again.


While I keep reading that no Pokémon is going to be mutually exclusive with others in the long run, the temporary exclusivity makes me want to scratch that collector's itch via trading. Also, not every critter that's mutually exclusive with at least one other can be acquired later on yet. That was reason enough for me to open up a trading thread where I show what I have (as in can breed for you) and am looking for.


As I play through the game, this list will grow as I encounter more mutually exclusive Pokémon, if there actually are any. I don't know since this is my first playthrough!

I'm also trying to find all event Pokémon and catch all the wild ones available. If you are interested in one of those that I could already have, just make me an offer. For that purpose, I'll keep the current state of my playthrough at the bottom of this post; I count the proper gym battles, not the badges.


I can't promise much in the way of egg moves (yet), but breeding a specific gender is easy enough. Natures may be more tricky since I don't have a decent stock for nature breeding yet. However, what I'll definitely leave up to chance is shininess; I won't breed shinies for you.

In return, offer me whatever you want, even if it's just the regular old Pidgey or Rattata. Right now, I own everything from the list, but should it expand again, I'd be happy about anything I don't own yet. Otherwise, I appreciate 6IV Pokémon I don't have yet as 6IV and the usual rare items. If you request something specific (like 6IV, which still takes some time even for the turquoise ones), I might ask you for one of the latter three.


Since I'm doing this for the fun and mutual benefit of it, my reaction time depends on my real life situation, but I'll try to check and trade frequently. On a related note, so you have an idea when it's likely for me to be around, my time zone is UTC +1.

But now, finally, the list:



Color code

owned, can breed 5-6 IV with relative ease

owned, can breed

owned, not yet ready to breed

not owned



Bulbasaur, Charmander, Chespin, Chikorita, Chimchar, Cyndaquil, Fennekin, Froakie, Mudkip, Oshawott, Piplup, Snivy, Squirtle, Tepig, Torchic, Totodile, Treecko, Turtwig


Before First Gym

Pachirisu <-> Zigzagoon

Wingull <-> Panpour


Before Second Gym

Ducklett <-> Drowzee

Cacnea <-> Seel


Before Third Gym (Mystery Egg)

Axew, Azurill, Cottonee, Drilbur, Elekid, Frillish, Larvesta, Pawniard, Phantump, Rhyhorn, Shroomish, Sneasel, StarlyStaryu, Tentacool, Togepi, Vullaby, Vulpix


Before Fourth Gym

PonytaCarvanha <-> BuizelHoundour


Before Fifth Gym

Lunatone <-> Solrock


Playthrough State: just starting out.

Edited by Aironfaar
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13 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

Looks like a very interesting shop! Best wishes to you and your gameplay!


I can offer you a HP Grass (x in Def) Male Hasty Elekid for a Ponyta (any, it's pretty much a giveaway) :D



Also, that offer sounds great - I've already started breeding the Ponyta. :)

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There's no need to breed the Ponyta, I'm giving Elekid away xD


I bred too much and since I got a lot of good spares, someone like you probably would like to keep one of those ^^


#EDIT: I hope you enjoy him ^^

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6 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

There's no need to breed the Ponyta, I'm giving Elekid away xD


I bred too much and since I got a lot of good spares, someone like you probably would like to keep one of those ^^


Oh, I just bred one so I don't have to trade away my original, hehe. Breeding's done, it's hatched, even got three 31 IVs. I'll start waiting for a trade request right after posting this, the online name's Aironfaar.


EDIT: Thank you for the trade! :D

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I can offer you a Treecko with Dragon Breath, Magical Leaf, Leaf Storm and Razor Wind, you can trade me a bulbasaur for that don't worry my pokemons are guaranteed to have 5x31 IV's you can check my store for more pokemon that is available to trade, you mind find something that might catch your interest.

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12 hours ago, Ven Enfield said:

I can offer you a Treecko with Dragon Breath, Magical Leaf, Leaf Storm and Razor Wind, you can trade me a bulbasaur for that don't worry my pokemons are guaranteed to have 5x31 IV's you can check my store for more pokemon that is available to trade, you mind find something that might catch your interest.

That sounds awesome! I'll start breeding as soon as I'm free.

EDIT: Breeding's done, the little fella has 5 perfect IVs. Send me a private message when you're available for the trade, I'll respond asap.


12 hours ago, Animefan666 said:

Could I get a 5IV Axew? I can trade a Cyndaquil for it.

Sure! I even still have two 5IV shinies (one with Mold Breaker) and a couple of 6IV (no Mold Breaker) boxed from breeding my own 6IV yesterday. Just tell me which one you want and send me a private message when you can trade. :)

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1 hour ago, moon bot said:



Sorry about the delay, I received a phone call I awaited when I wanted to start breeding. BUT! A 5IV shiny Speed Boost Torchic with Flame Burst egg move is now waiting for you to be picked up. :) I'll start waiting for a trade request right after sending this post. Online name's Aironfaar.


EDIT: Thank you for the trade! :D

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Just now, Aironfaar said:

Sorry about the delay, I received a phone call I awaited when I wanted to start breeding. BUT! A 5IV shiny Speed Boost Torchic with Flame Burst egg move is now waiting for you to be picked up. :) I'll start waiting for a trade request right after sending this post. Online name's Aironfaar.


No problem at all~


And thanks, I kind of feel bad for giving you a Piplup with bad IVs. 

I can get you some other ones that you don't have yet later~

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Just now, moon bot said:


No problem at all~


And thanks, I kind of feel bad for giving you a Piplup with bad IVs. 

I can get you some other ones that you don't have yet later~

No need to feel bad, hehe. I'm always happy about more Pokémon, especially the ones from the list above that I don't have yet - like the Piplup I got from you. Breeding decent IVs into them is easy enough, after all. :)

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1 minute ago, ITnKU said:

I have a tepig but IVs not good... would it be too much to ask for an Axew?

That's absolutely not too much to ask. :) You can even choose one of those I currently have boxed: 5IV Shiny either with Mold Breaker or Unnerve or a 6IV with Rivalry or Unnerve.

I also have a load of 5IV non-shinies, so if you'd prefer that, that's possible too. Just tell me what you'd like to have and we can trade right away.

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14 minutes ago, seki108 said:

I have a 5IV Squirtle or a 5IV Trevant (automatically evolved when received).  I will trade both for the 6IV Axew you have (and just include an uneeded mon for the second).

Sounds great! Which 6IV Axew would you prefer, one with Rivalry or one with Unnerve? If you're aiming for Mold Breaker, I think Rivalry is only one Ability Capsule away from that, so that might be better.


23 minutes ago, moon bot said:


sent you a pm

Thanks for the trade! :D

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10 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

Sounds great! Which 6IV Axew would you prefer, one with Rivalry or one with Unnerve? If you're aiming for Mold Breaker, I think Rivalry is only one Ability Capsule away from that, so that might be better.


I'l take the Rivalry one, then.  Are you free to trade now, or after you trade with Itnku?


Also, if you give me a minute, I can breed a Houndour.  Can I get a staryu from you for it?  I can wait till late for it, but I just wanted to make the offer.

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15 minutes ago, ITnKU said:

can you do the trade now? just throw in something random for the chespin

Eep! Sorry, I overlooked your response earlier on. While I just traded away what I thought was my only Shiny 5IV Mold Breaker Axew, I actually found one I deposited hastily in a different box, so...yes, you can, and right now! Waiting for your request now, my online name is Aironfaar.

EDIT: Weird, it said the user exited the trade or something. Must have bugged. I'll start waiting for the request again.

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