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Rate my monotype Psychic


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I have made a psychic-centered team in Showdown a while ago. I win around half of the battles I make with it; can you help me to get it better (all IVs are perfect)?


ability: Magic Guard          Item: Life Orb

EVs: 252 S.ATT / 252 SPE / 4 HP

Timid nature


-Dazzling Gleam

-Shadow Ball

-Focus Blast



Ability: Blaze                 Item: Choice Specs

EVs: 252 SPE / 252 S.ATT / 4 HP

Modest nature


-Shadow Ball

-Fire Blast

-Grass Knot



ability: Steadfast        Item: Razor Claw

EVs: 252 SPE / 252 ATT / 4 HP

Jolly nature

-Psyko Cut

-Night Slash

-Leaf Blade

-Close Combat



ability: Trace           Item: Fairnium Z

EVs: 252 S.ATT / 252 SPE / 4 S.DEF

Timid nature



-Shadow Ball

-Focus Blast



ability: Contrary     Item: Choice Scarf

EVs: 150 ATT / 252 S.DEF / 110 SPE

Adamant nature


-Night Slash

-Psycho Cut

- (I forgot, sorry)



Ability: Clear Body   Item: Metagrossite

EVs:252 ATT / 252 SPE / 4 HP

Jolly Nature

-Meteor Mash

-Bullet Punch

-Zen Headbutt



I assure you that no one dark-type specialist has ever managed to defeat this team.

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Is the Choice Scarf on Malamar working for you? I've never tried it, but on paper (at least for me) kinda defeats the whole purpose of self-setup with Superpower-Contrary, since it'd be pretty easy to force Malamar to switch out, wasting those +1 atk and def.


Other than that, dunno how i feel about having 6 sweepers in the same team, 24 attaking moves. I mean, on their own they're solid movesets for each pokemon (looking at each of them on their own), but a whole team of glasscannons... =\

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23 hours ago, Maltor said:

Is the Choice Scarf on Malamar working for you? I've never tried it, but on paper (at least for me) kinda defeats the whole purpose of self-setup with Superpower-Contrary, since it'd be pretty easy to force Malamar to switch out, wasting those +1 atk and def.


Other than that, dunno how i feel about having 6 sweepers in the same team, 24 attaking moves. I mean, on their own they're solid movesets for each pokemon (looking at each of them on their own), but a whole team of glasscannons... =\

well, malamar is better with Trick room and topsy turvy (creates inverse field), but if you want to use scarf, contrary+ superpower causes a lot of damage for me

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46 minutes ago, Amine elhedhili said:

well, malamar is better with Trick room and topsy turvy (creates inverse field), but if you want to use scarf, contrary+ superpower causes a lot of damage for me


I know contrary+superpower does lots of dmg (i swept Ciel with just Malamar in my monodark run), but in competitive it'd be fairly easy to block a choiced superpower forcing a switch, throwing away all that setup.


I'd rather have any other item, and as a 4th move either Hypnosis (if nature+IV+EV for speed is good) or Trick Room.


That was my issue with his item choice for the Malamar, not with his moveset per se.

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17 hours ago, Maltor said:


I know contrary+superpower does lots of dmg (i swept Ciel with just Malamar in my monodark run), but in competitive it'd be fairly easy to block a choiced superpower forcing a switch, throwing away all that setup.


I'd rather have any other item, and as a 4th move either Hypnosis (if nature+IV+EV for speed is good) or Trick Room.


That was my issue with his item choice for the Malamar, not with his moveset per se.

i see, then Hypnosis would be good then you if you give him the nature+Iv+Ev, i think its worth it , unless you have a TR setter

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I have to question the purpose of having Focus Blast on Alakazam when you got Dazzling Gleam on it


Malamar, have you considered Aerial Ace for bug pokemon on it? (because bug offers 4x damage against Malamar and if you plan on outspeeding then a non miss flying type move may be of use)


Delphox maybe you could switch Psychic for Psyshock to target defence instead of sp def


as for overall, personally for a mono team although usually what could be considered a core element of any team is a Wall/Stall/Recovery mon which is to say a pokemon able to take hits and hopefully heal itself to recover hp, if you wanna keep the same mons then you could replace Moonblast or Shadow Ball on Gardevoir with Draining Kiss if you wanted some form of recovery while still attacking with Gardevoir IMO.


Anyhow that's just my thoughts

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2 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

I have to question the purpose of having Focus Blast on Alakazam when you got Dazzling Gleam on it

Focus Blast lets Zam also hit steel types, mainly special defencive Heatran. And Dazzling Gleam is also needed mainly for Mega-Sableye since it kinda walls everything outside of Garde

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