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Object sidequest?



In Coral ward- first building there is a girl who asks you questions about number of objects somewhere. 

Trees - 4

Satellites - 7

Peridot gym machines- ??? (Don't know what counts as a machine here, many things around)


Anybody solved this to help? 



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2 hours ago, HongaarseBeer97 said:

Well, you got the amount of satellites and trees wrong by the way. Unless they changed the quiz

I think the questions differ per point in the game. I only noticed that girl with her questions after the update, as I was already at the last gym, and returned. Not 100% sure, but I think she is there during the entire game, so it would make sense that she can give you different quesitons depending on where you are in the storyline

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1 hour ago, JoJoDeath said:

I think the questions differ per point in the game. I only noticed that girl with her questions after the update, as I was already at the last gym, and returned. Not 100% sure, but I think she is there during the entire game, so it would make sense that she can give you different quesitons depending on where you are in the storyline


Oh, that makes sense. I believe you could do the quiz twice (I'm pretty sure I did it twice), so maybe this is the first time she does it?

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