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As a conservative that agrees with Republicans on most issues, I now have enough experience being an American citizen under President Trump and those even more rightward than I to call him/them out on a few things. I also want to take this time to address both sides of the country and encourage one another in times such as these.


President Trump has no idea what it's like to unify anything other than businesses and assets. And I'm not even sure he knows enough about that to coherently explain that sort of thing.


He has no regard for America's diverse beginnings nor does his have a place in his aspirations for a diverse future.


His biggest "wins" have been handing the previous administration "F"s in merely burning political actions away - save for his Supreme Court nominee.


..and he has no interest in seeking or revealing truth whatsoever.


As for the Alt-Right movement, they are dying quickly and THANK. GOODNESS. The healing process wasn't supposed to involve calling people "snowflakes", complaining about "participation trophies", and demonizing people because they are different from us.




Conservatism isn't about going backwards. It's about tradition only when it has a practical reason for being defended. It's about preparing for the worst - so that others can dream and hope for the best along with us. I am deeply sorry - on behalf of those of us on the right that do have some dignity, for possibly being a beacon of darkness to you all before.




To those of you like me, on the right.


It's okay to oppose the President. It's okay to have a three body government that checks the other branches and is also held in check by them. It's okay to talk to liberals. It's okay to disagree, and it's okay to have genuine conversations with one another. Don't use the worst of us as an excuse to hide from the political arena. and by GOD. Do not settle. Your friends on the left only have stall tactics and the hope in a nationwide movement of resistance to buoy them against their opposing majority. Joining them - when you feel it's right and just - is an absolutely encouraged action from me.


To those of you on the left.


If you want to protest - that's fine. All I ask is that you continue to do so as you have for the most part. Passionately. Fairly. and most impressively... Consistently. Give rise to your ailments. Let us hear of the wrongs committed against you. Hope should never die.


I also hope, that when you are done voicing all of those things, that you're willing to have an open mind. That you are willing to put up with questions and possible misunderstanding. That you are willing to learn that disagreement is absolutely fine and can indeed be overcome. If you do, you'll have this conservative's axe more often than you might think.




There have been a variety of factors in my life that have caused me to question everything. I've had a personal falling out with church members over church business because of a tendency to be "too" conservative. I've been consistently challenged by the logical and personal appeals of college to understand what I believe and why I believe it. My favorite adage comes from Greg Gutfeld, a Fox News host who is more of a libertarian thinker than a strict conservative. When asked "why are you a conservative" - his response is this


"so you can be a liberal."


Hopefully, we go back to the time where we as conservatives encourage liberal dreaming and action through our ability to avoid disaster, instead of being the cause of it due to a growing partisanship that threatens our Republic.

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You'd think the tipping point would be a Fox news caster admitting that what Trump is doing and saying is insane, but he still has a lot of supporters. And there are still conservatives who love the ACA and hate Obamacare without realizing that they're the same thing, all because of blind partisanship.


I hope other conservatives get your message, but I really don't think there are many other conservatives at a place like this.


skip to about 4:05 for the part about GOP members voicing their discontent in their hometowns. ngl, his humor is really stupid this episode though



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I know I like to post of a lot politically charged videos instead of writing out long arguments and debates of my own, but that's because when it comes to a lot of important points and arguments, they generally say what I probably would have said but in a more comedic and or poignant way.


So, as you are calling on everyone to be patriotic and work together to make sure things go right, are too many republicans acting in party interests instead of the country's interests?

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