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Looking for Battle Master Thread


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This is a topic where people who are interested into battling in Reborn can post their time zones and availability to make finding battles easier.
Just make a post here and you will be added to the list. Also feel free to post here if you are currently waiting for battle request.


Please post your info using this formatting:


Online username:
Rules/Field effect:


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Maybe add a box about your experience - just for a short description, for example, if you are total begginer and never played outside of reborn, or your team is all perfected and EV-trained with natures, or just some of your soldiers might be well-trained, but not necessarily. We can even come up with categories (i.e. begginer, casual, experienced), but I think short descript would work better. I guess more serious players use different platforms, but who knows.

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Online username: Bafabon
Timezone: UTC-03:00
Availability: Sundays and certain Saturdays
Rules/Field effect: I am very diverse on battles, so there are not many rules, but I prefer singles battles with a full team (6vs6) and no field effect/ramdom field effect, specially because I prefer to generate the field effects that will benefit my fighting style ;)

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Online username: Arkiel

Timezone and Availability: really random on here, i can be on at 6am or at 6pm xd so just pm me

Rules/Field effect: no field or random field, also i can use a perfect iv/ev trained mons or my ingame pokes that are ev trained as well but have random ivs

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  On 3/3/2017 at 9:51 PM, Tartar said:

Is the point of this thread to replace people creating independent threads looking for battles, or merely meant to be an alternative? 




Correct to both. With this thread, we won't have people spamming topics daily just for a single battle when they can just post in here. 

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Online username: Zetsumei
Timezone: GMT +8
Availability: Wednesday to Sunday. About 6 PM to 12 AM
Rules: 3x3 or 6x6 is fine by me, feel free to bring any mons you want and if you want to battle, just PM me and I'll respond when I'm online.

Field effect if you challenge me: Chess Board.


// @Njab just wanna let you know that I updated this//

Edited by Zetsumei
Updates~ One more to go~
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Online username: ubi
Timezone: GMT +8
Availability: randomly online, but usually 8pm - 12am
Rules/Field effect: FFA

not really good, but always hungry for one. just hit me when you want to have a decent friendly/practice battle

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Online Username: Avria

Timezone: EST

Availability: Usually from 5pm - 10 pm on weekdays. Weekends are pretty random.

Rules/Field Effect: Prefer 6x6 and no field effect, but I'm willing to try new things.

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Online username: Seki108

Timezone: -6

Availability:  Because of limited classes and inconsistent sleep schedule, my times aren't set in stone.  Usually can find some time to battle between 5pm and 1am.  If you see me online and want to battle, just PM me to see if I can, even outside those times.  I do have a bad habit of AFK'ing, so might take a bit to respond, at times.

Rules/Field effect/:  --6 v 6;  ;  --I usually like for no field, but will be ok with trying one if you ask;  


Notes:     --I'm ok with using unreleased mons as long as you mention it beforehand;                                                                     

                --I can use either in-game or IV bred team (will default to IV bred)

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Online username: DeeEmZee
Timezone: gmt+8
Availability: if you see me online here chances are i'm available just send me a pm to confirm. Otherwise mostly weekends .
Rules/Field effect:


--random field is preferred but no field is fine.

--I will use iv bred team unless you specifically ask otherwise in which case i'll just use my adventuring team.

--no unrealeased mons (unless magikarp/ghastly line or other mons that got axed) but i'm fine with mons previously available.

Edited by sailboat
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  • 2 weeks later...

Online Username: Peanuts

Timezone: EST

Availability: Most nights after 10, and I check the forums fairly often. Just PM an hour or so ahead of time so I can check and confirm.

Rules/Field Effect: I don't really care, but I prefer no field.

 - Typically use an EV trained and IV bred team. I don't really have any other good pokemon as alternatives.

 - No Blaziken please. But that's about it.

 - Sleep clause: only one pokemon on either side asleep at one time, I ran into issues with this before. It's kinda hard to battle when all 6 pokemon are asleep.

 - All my teams are bred and EV trained, but I'm still very much a novice with pokemon battles

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Online username: hungrynarwhal
Timezone: UTC-05:00
Availability: Depends, PM is probably the best way to battle me
Rules/Field effect: I'm up for anything but I usually go 6v6 on none/random field

I have 2 full teams of ev/iv bred pokemon, but I wouldn't call myself skilled at using them, nor are they the best available in terms of base stats

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Online username: Akzaar

Timezone: UTC +1

Avaibility: not a fixed time, if I'm lurking the forum probably I'm up for a match, PM me.

Rules/field effect: 6/6 with no/random fields is ok but I'm open to experiment other styles.


I'm a beginner trying to improve, I like changing teams frequently to try different playstyles. I'm getting my hands on EV training and breeding so that's what I'll use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Online username: Wynaut?
Timezone: GMT -4
Availability: sporadically online, p.m to schedule time
Rules/Field effect

I'll play with a random field or without one.

Smogon OU clauses and tiering please. (Note my team is comprised of RU/UU mons only)

I've been playing competitively for a while, so I think all give you a good fight.

Nothing that can't be obtained in game please.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Online username: S.paul

Timezone: GMT +5:30

Availability: Random. If you see me on the forums just message me. I may battle you if I am free enough for a few.

Rules/field effect: I usually like to play with field effects but Would also play without it or random field....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 3/2/2017 at 1:01 PM, Njab said:

Este é um tópico onde as pessoas que estão interessadas em lutar em Reborn podem postar seus fusos horários e disponibilidade para encontrar batalhas mais fácil.
Basta fazer um post aqui e você será adicionado à lista. Sinta-se livre para postar aqui está você aguardando o pedido de batalha.


Por favor, publique suas informações usando esta formatação:


Nome de Usuário on-line:
Horário Fuso:
Regras / Efeito de campo:


Lista atual:

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Nome de usuario on-line:absolk192

Fuso horario:GMT-03:00 horario padrao de brasilia.

Disponibilidade:depois de 11:30

Regras:luta individual 6vs6


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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently undefeated battler looking for good games. If you beat me I'll give you one of my shinies.


Online username: SimplyStats
Timezone: EST
Availability: Varied, reach me on discord (SimplyStats in Reborn Discord Channel)
Rules/Field effect: No Field Effects, standard clauses/bans. No unreleased mons or moves.

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Online username : Surya

Time zone : UTC+5:30

Availability : I'll be available ...when u r ...(expt if I have some works ....or if I'm out) ....

Roles/effects.... Anything will be ok...just don't cheat ðŸ˜‚😂 :P

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