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What is your Favorite Video-Game?


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Video games, those time-sucking vampires which has brought together this whole community of people.

And considering how many different genres and types of games there are, and the widely different times and ways people on here got into gaming, it shouldn't come as a surprise that most people on here probably have different games that have impacted them the most, and have become their favorites. 


As someone who doesn't have one single video game which I believe to have impacted me in such a way that I define it as inherently better than any other game I've played, I'd love to hear which games people on here perceive to their favorite, and how it came to be the their favorite. 

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If were talking non-Pokemon related then Call of Duty Blacks Ops 2 and even later on Black Ops 3 The reason being that I speant tons of hours into that game and actually made some solid friendships because of it so yea If I had to choose a game it would be these two

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Just now, Inactivity said:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I don't know what I should say about this game, because there's so many good things. So I'll just say nothing. (Excuse my laziness.)

I would judge but seeing that its Fire Emblem I see no reason to do so. And your right if we started to list all the good things in Fire Emblem we would be here all day

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Mine has to be The Witcher 3. It was the first pc game I played (I used to play on my ps3) on my own pc and I fell in love the moment I started playing. And of course, as the story progressed, I fell more and more in love. When I finished the (main) story, I even felt a bit (I may even say incredibly) sad and empty...


It also convinced me to start reading the books and I also enjoy those a lot. It makes me understand the game more too.

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I love the fact that people chose their favorites based on so widely different criteria, some do it based on the communities they joined and people they met in the game, some based on how much it impacted them emotionally while others solely look at how much fun and entertainment they got from the game. 



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I'd have to call my favorite video game ever as Sonic Adventure 1. Just so many amazing nostalgic memories of it, all the way back when I bought it (And Worms 3D, another game I fondly look back on) so many years ago...

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No one has one favorite game... why do you guys do this to me?  Every time people ask me that I am like UUUUUUG I HAVE TO PICK ONE!?! JUST ONE?!?

(why do you guys hate me?)



Bordlerlands 2

Devil May Cry 3

Final Fantasy 7

God of War Series (favorite is 2)

Golden Sun and Lost Age

Legend of Zelda Series (favorite being Majora's Mask)

Infamous Series (favorite is 2)

Kingdom Hearts Series (favorite is Birth by Sleep)

Marvel vs. Capcom 1-3

Megaman 2, X, and Battle Network Series.

Metroid 3, 4, and Prime Trilogy (Prime 1 is probably my fav)

Odin Sphere


Persona 3 and 4

Ratchet and Clank Series (my favorite is Crack in Time)

Resident Evil 4

Super Smash Bros

Tekken 5

The World Ends With You


I also really enjoy most Naughty Dog games. So Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, and the Last of Us.


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8 hours ago, Godot said:

No one has one favorite game... why do you guys do this to me?  Every time people ask me that I am like UUUUUUG I HAVE TO PICK ONE!?! JUST ONE?!?

(why do you guys hate me?)


I think that if every game you play is amazing and your favorite, I think the issue is that your standards of "great" are too low and should be raised. 

You even said it yourself, among the series you enjoy, there are some stand-out games better than others. 


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1 hour ago, Tartar said:

 I think the issue is that your standards of "great" are too low and should be raised.


I feel like you really haven't played many games if you can really single out just one game. There's a lot of greatness out there...


Story, campaign, multiplayer, gameplay mechanics, replayability, coop, competitive, music... There's so  many aspects to look at and so much to choose from and for different and/or a combination of reasons. Many games standout.


If I were to make as presumptuous a statement as you did, I would say that you've played only a handful of games.

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3 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:


I feel like you really haven't played many games if you can really single out just one game. There's a lot of greatness out there...


Not really. I've played hundreds of games over the years and choosing one doesn't mean it's greater then the rest. It just means it made the most impact.

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16 minutes ago, Animefan666 said:


Not really. I've played hundreds of games over the years and choosing one doesn't mean it's greater then the rest. It just means it made the most impact.


most impact doesn't necessarily mean the best though. And that's the topic of the thread. Some people have cited impact as their reasoning. That doesn't apply to everyone.


pokemon and reborn could probably be argued as having the most impact on me, considering the longstanding I have with this place and the people that have come and gone. Doesn't mean I think either are the greatest.


I have lots of game music. Would the game I have the most music from be considered the best? What about the one with the most cumulative plays?

What about the games I've played the longest? How many hours I've sunk into halo or destiny compared to pokemon or single player adventure games that have a definite end?


there is so much depth to go through. This connoisseur doesn't take the idea as lightly as others.



11 minutes ago, Mr. Divergent said:

There's always this one game that you really love either to the point of replaying it or being able to remember the most little details of it.

That's actually a lot of games.

I replayed Super Godzilla recently. I still knew the paths to take, the strategies to use, the attacks to avoid using against certain bosses.

I still know by heart the password for the last area in Spider-Man and Venom: Separation anxiety.

I still remember lots of my first playthrough of earthbound, and how I named the characters after irl friends.

How many times did I run through that halo 2 campaign?

Destiny strikes and raids run like clockwork now.

I even re-watched a specific story segment in Soul Sacrifice the other day because that bit has so much build up to that rush of feels at the end and my vita is awol.

I would probably name the Tiny Tina dlc in borderlands 2 as the best dlc ever, at first, but then I'd have to argue with myself over the Taken King expansion in Destiny.

How often do I replay Dancing All Night, or theaterhythm, or rock band for the music?

I could go on and on.

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1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:


I feel like you really haven't played many games if you can really single out just one game. There's a lot of greatness out there...


Story, campaign, multiplayer, gameplay mechanics, replayability, coop, competitive, music... There's so  many aspects to look at and so much to choose from and for different and/or a combination of reasons. Many games standout.


If I were to make as presumptuous a statement as you did, I would say that you've played only a handful of games.


I think it's more about my standards for what I consider to be a favorite being too high. I've watched around 200 animes, and consider 2 to be all time favorites. I've read +500 books and likewise consider only 3 to by all time favorites. I've read +40 mangas and only consider 1 to be truly great. 


And after having played the majority of the Final Fantasy series, all of Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, Valkyria Chronicles, Pokémon, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton series, Xenoblade, several LoZ games, Persona/Shin Megami Tensei, and Tales of games. And the majority of NES, SNES, GBA, PS2 classics + most other worthwhile Nintendo games. In additional to playing hundreds of hours of online games such as League of Legends, Starcraft, World of Warcraft and ton of other obscure things from my collection of 300'ish Steam games. 


Out of all the game series mentioned in this thread, I've completed all but 6 currently mentioned (mostly the PS3 games mentioned by Godot)

So I'll let you decide whether I haven't played very many games.


If we were to talk about standout games which I consider good, and found to be enjoyable to play through, I can mention dozens. But not something I consider favorites. Since my definition of a favorite is something that has impacted me, my way of thinking in a major way. 

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