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Daniel Blackworth

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no i do not. i view it much the same way as heights. right now i am approx. 1300 ft above sea level but i am not in constant fear. i fear the impact, not the distance. as for death i fear how long and painful it will be, not being dead.



did you have an ebullient Easter?

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nope never have been, i got my salt shotgun, demon killing knife, the assistance of an angle, portable torch. all in the trunk of my car with demon trap on the inside to keep it all safe


have you ever engaged in a quid pro quo that was not game related? 

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ha a quid pro quo is a fair exchange of assets or services; a favor given in return for something of equal value. example: helping with siblings homework and they do your chores


as for your Q i must say yes. i want to pet a penguin.


do you agree with a compurgation justice system? (why?)

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Seeing as I'm an accountant and a student of financial law, quid pro quos, in practice and in theory, are kinda my job.


Also, hell no. For the simple reason that the world isn't candy-coated, and manipulation is a thing. Compurgation might work in a society where there is no threat, coercion, false witnessing, out-of-court intimidation and all manner of other ways to bend and break people and the law, but as laws must be based on the presumption of zero faith in civic mentality, and with every safeguard against expected malpractice or manipulation, compurgation (which means, acquitting a person on account of having a certain number of witnesses swear to his innocence) is as naive as it seems. It belongs to an outdated period when a person's word was worth more than the written record or evidential fact. It may be somewhat useful as a character reference (and even there you can manipulate what people say about you), but you can't base justice off if just what people say.


Do you think that people ought to be treated as innocent until proven guilty?



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well since i major in criminal justice i will take this one. yes, for if we did not that any vexation that someone feels they could sue you for something ridiculous (eg. assault, battery, theft ect.) and you would have to prove that you are innocent or get sent to jail or prison (depending on charge) this would also result in an enormous increase of inmates flooding jails and prisons all because some claimed you did something and they could not prove they did not do it.


lets take thees q's a different route



because i will be and it will be the first one i have ever been to and i will be there all 3 days


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Lol most certaintly not, I live in the wrong continent. I wish tho


Next Q: Do you often get fustrated because you can't get to the places where all the cool things happen that you really want to go to?

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No, there's always plenty to do no matter where you are. And the opposite is also true: one can live in the busiest places and still do absolutely nothing. It's your choice what you make of your time, and where one is doesn't matter to me.


Do you like attending parties with a large number of people?

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That very much depends on the people I'm with. If I like all the people there, then sure. If it's just a bunch of strangers with whom I have little to nothing in common with, in all likelihood I won't have too much fun. 


Do you use something special as a bookmark rather than whatever scrap of paper you can find when reading books?  (If so, what do you use?)

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No, and it's not really something I'd want to do either even I found writing enjoyable and had the skills to write well. It's simply a too uncertain a career path that with no guaranteed future prospects.


Would you rather betray others, than have others betray you?

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Sometimes action movies can be good, though I typically don't enjoy movies that are only about action. But things like Fullmetal Alchemist, Madoka Magica and Fate/Zero are among my favourite animes. 

But it all depends on the story of the movie. I like the first Matrix movie due to it having a good story and inventive action scenes. But heavily disliked the 2nd and 3rd due to their worse storylines, despite their great action scenes. 


If it were possible with the flick of a button to erase every single currently available and all future cat video/gif/picture on the internet from the internet, would it have a positive impact on society as a whole? (Why?)

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Yes, because dogs are infinitely superior. The removal of cat videos and gifs would mean their replacement with doggy ones, and that would only ever be a positive impact on society. More dogs means kinder humans and less crimes.


Praise puppies


Do you have a dog or plan to? If not, whence did thou spawn from, ye creation of Satan!? why not?

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1 hour ago, Ironbound said:


Do you have a dog or plan to? If not, whence did thou spawn from, ye creation of Satan!? why not?

I know this isn't the current question, but I'm gonna say that dogs suck aren't that better than cats. I prefer cats because they're much better and they're simply adorable.


So, to answer Cool Girl's question, Yes, I do have an intention to venture into Game Making in the near future, not as my main career, but as a hobby. I'll try to delve into this once I get to University because I'm still prioritizing my basic education as of late.


Do you love extreme activities such as sky diving, bungee jumping, trekking, and the like?

Edited by Monsieur Divergent
Forgot to add a question XD
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No, I like a placid life.

[Though I don't consider a decent hike or trek in nature to be an 'extreme activity'; but then again, anything can be taken to an extreme if one wants to.]


10 hours ago, Monsieur Divergent said:

I'm gonna say that dogs suck aren't that better than cats. I prefer cats because they're much better and they're simply adorable.


Do I have any reason to continue taking an interest in the opinions of someone who is of such incurably unsound mind as to prefer cats to dogs? If you imagine so, pray tell, what could such reason possibly be?


For those unused to my brand of humour, this my idea of a joke. Don't take me too seriously.

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Lol. Serious humor works as well :)

I like cats because of their cute appearance and their cute actions, I suppose. I'm also kinda prejudiced since I had some rather uninteresting incidents with dogs in the past, and since then, I've grown to dislike them.


Do you play competitive pokemon?

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I specialize in DPPt, or Gen4 metagame across tiers, but I'm also generally aware of what's going on in other generations. I had participated in Smogon tours and laddered in the past, though I enjoy building teams and strategies more than actual battling itself. 


And you didn't actually answer me, but eh, I'm not much concerned anyway :P


Do you enjoy competition in general? 


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I play various online games, competitive board games and even sports. But I play those because I enjoy the activity itself, and socialising with others, not because I have an inherent desire to win and compete with others. No, I  play games to have fun, not to compete, as I see those two as complete antonyms. 



Do you consider yourself frugal in the use of money?

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Yes and no. I can very easily decry the purchases of people around me when it comes to things that are expensive individually (Eg. I refused to chip in on my brother's coffee machine that he bought and am thus am not currently permitted to use it despite us sharing a flat because a coffee machine is a completely unneccessary purchase), but I'm horrible at spending on a day to day basis when it comes to low priced goods like food and shit like that, where I'll spend just a bit too much just a bit too often and end up fucked.


Would you say that you enjoy most/all genres of music? Motivate your answer for 3 marks


(Also dogs are evil and make me sneeze)

Edited by Jinan B
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No, my tastes in music are very niche and specific. Despite any and all effort to diversify I haven't found much enjoyment outside of classical piano pieces (mostly new age stuff), select video game soundtracks, anime song covers , and English Vocaloid song covers. 

So no, I don't enjoy many genres of music. 



Do you believe it to be important to be able to enjoy a great variety of things?


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Not necessarily. One can find joy in a great variety of things and someone else might find joy in very few things. Joy is joy, so whatever works for a person is best. However, it might be easier to enjoy something for someone who generally enjoys a great variety of things. This person will most likely be bored less quickly or be more interested. If I think about it, I'd say it's not a bad thing to take joy out of few things, but it's certainly beneficial to take joy out of many things.


Seeing as you like classical music @Tartar , do you know this piece of music? Wait for me - Luca D'Alberto I'm in love with this one!


And a general question: Do you think it students should be taught the basics of the tax system of the country they live in, as it's a struggle for a lot of people, even adults? (not sure if something like this has already been asked before, sorry if it has been)

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