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Ask the next person a Yes/No question

Daniel Blackworth

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As an accountant and a student of financial management, I strongly advocate that the underpinnings of the taxation system, at least direct and personal taxes (like Income and Property taxes, or whatever equivalent in specific countries) be taught to everyone in high school. The importance of financial awareness and education cannot be stressed enough. 

[Solves half our problems as well if people in general are not clueless about finance]




7 hours ago, Jinan B said:

(Also dogs are evil and make me sneeze)


Another person who has sealed their fate. 


Do you rely on or believe in luck, chance, etc?

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If I were to be perfectly honest, I would say I do believe in luck or chance. I believe in it because of the concept of probability wherein there is a percentage of something happening and at times, this is uncontrollable as it will flow irregardless of an action. I try my best to anchor myself on actions that will yield me the great probability of success and benefit, and at times, I get what I want due to luck.


Are you in a romantic relationship right now?

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1 hour ago, Ironbound said:

Do I look like I'd be in a romantic relationship, ever?

Plus points for making your response both the answer and the next question. and the answer to that is YES


To answer Jinan's question, I wouldn't want to restart my life if I had the opportunity. I value my experiences that I've had with my friends, family, and peers, and I wouldn't give that up for anything even if it meant that restarting would give me a much better life than I have now. I choose to value what I have right now and make use of it, rather than look for what is not mine and be desperate about it. Live life to the fullest!


Do you wish to relive certain memories in your life?

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Yes, but only the nice ones. However, reliving certain memories might make me feel sad because it might make me miss living those memories. I'm quite certain that will happen since I can be sentimental. 


Are you fascinated/interested by the dark web/the deep web?

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Yes. I'm intrested to know more about it, an old friend told me that it has any info or any games/pics you're looking for,and much more, i still want to know its Very truth


do you know anything about the dark web?

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I like to think I do, but I probably know very little about it. Although it does fascinate me a lot, I will never use it. I just like reading about all the stuff that happens on there. Not necessarily because I find it nice or funny, but simply intriguing. It can also show the very grim nature of mankind, and reading about that fascinates me too. Like I said, I don't approve/relate to that behaviour but it intrigues me for some reason. Probably for the same reason I find it interesting to read about ancient torture methods. Not because I like it, but because it shows how awful/wretched mankind was, and sometimes still is. It just baffles me.


Beware, there's a difference between the dark and the deep web. The deep web is used if you want more Internet privacy or if you want to search for things that won't show up in search engines. These things aren't necessarily illegal. The dark web is mostly used for gun and drug trafficking. It is also used for things like Redrums (Google it if you want to read about what that means). That part of the dark web is the most fucked-up part, in my opinion. You don't want to go there.


The more I re-read my sentences, the scarier I sound to myself :o 

(I realise how dark this all makes me sound...)


A lighter subject then: do you workout often?

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if you consider running all over wendys(where i work) doing everything at once, lifting all frozen food boxes around then yes i do. if not then all i really got is a pull up bar (im up to 7 now) so no not really


would you accept a plea from another dimension/parallel world/alternate reality for your help? (like in pokemon mystery dungeon)

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7 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Are you fascinated/interested by the dark web/the deep web?

@HongaarseBeer You seem to misunderstand the difference between deep web and dark web


The dark web is really just parts of the internet not accessible through normal means, but require authorization either through special software like Tor, or by being connected to a Peer to Peer network to access.

The deep web is literally any part of the internet which can't be accessed normally but, but requires access through a database. So in short, anything that's protected by a password and whatnot... So we are literally on the deep web at this exact moment, since we're logged into Reborn through our accounts. Very exciting


I don't have a particular desire to leave my current plane of existence to assist people I don't know on matters that aren't related to me. 

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is probably a bad example. In Blue Rescue Team, your life in the Pokémon world is pretty miserable, you're hunted, reviled, people try to kill you... And once you save them and their world from destruction they don't even reward your with anything but depend you continue to do fetch quests for them... I'll stay where I am, thank you very much. 



If you find someone has made a mistake on the internet, do you tend to correct them?

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20 minutes ago, Tartar said:

You seem to misunderstand the difference between deep web and dark web


The dark web is really just parts of the internet not accessible through normal means, but require authorization either through special software like Tor, or by being connected to a Peer to Peer network to access.

The deep web is literally any part of the internet which can't be accessed normally but, but requires access through a database. So in short, anything that's protected by a password and whatnot... So we are literally on the deep web at this exact moment, since we're logged into Reborn through our accounts. Very exciting



Oh dear, I got that wrong. I really thought people also accessed the deep web via Tor. Didn't know you would venture the deep web so quickly. Anyway, thanks for correcting me!

This leads to your question. I don't usually tend to correct people on the internet. What decides if I do is the size of the mistake. If it's just a grammar mistake, I don't pay attention to it. If it's something like the situation regarding dark/deep web (if it's something I do know enough about...), I would. I believe that could kind of help the person making the mistake, like you helped me.


In real life, however, I do have the tendency to correct people rather quickly. When they make grammar mistakes in their speech, I usually correct them because it hurts to hear a language being butchered by native speakers.


Do you think languages are being threatened by slang (I think this applies to any language)? By this I mean the implementation of slang into an everyday language, causing grammar errors in both speech and writing

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No, probably not. 

All languages chance and evolve over time as local communities invent their our dialects and words. This is normal and healthy for languages. 


Between Cerulean (left)  and Azure (right), you prefer azure?


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Ah, colourblindness, my old enemy...


I'm partially colourblind, having trouble distinguishing between blues, purples and magentas, as well as between some neon hues of maroon and dark olive. So these two might not look the same to me as they would to another.


I'd prefer cerulean simply because it's lighter and less intense a blue than azure. Intense colours have their place, like on the petals of a brilliant flower or the wings of a butterfly, but the quieter, more subtle shades are more pleasing to the eye in general. Sky-blue is one of the most serene and understated of the lot, and has its own simple elegance.


Do you prefer to dress in quiet colours? Or do you go with very bright or very dark ones? [Not technically a yes/no but whatever]

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I guess I prefer quiet colours if our definitions of quiet colours are similar. I like wearing grey, black, and navy blue. For the summer I do have several white things, but still mostly one of those three colours.


If you were given the chance, would you go to space? (let's assume you've had all the training etc.)

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As in whether I'd want to be an astronaut as a profession? No. 

If we're talking about going into space as a tourist like close to what Space X is planning in the near future, or if something more sophisticated were to be developed. I wouldn't pass up the chance. 


Uhm... A question, these are getting harder to make... Do you agree with this sentiment?

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I agree with you. Every now and then an interesting question comes to mind, so I make sure to ask it. Otherwise, I just try to think of a basic, more plain question.


Like this one right now:

Are you afraid of spiders?

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I don't know what that means. 

If you're referring to my height, that depends. I'm higher than the world average, which is quite short all things considered, and taller than people in my ethnic group typically, but lower than the average gargantuan heights of people in Scandinavia. 



Is it true that one can get any response they want from another person by phrasing the question correctly?

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7 hours ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

Are you long?

First of all, before answering the current question, I'd like to say that this question seems so weird. I have a guess on what this is supposed to mean, but just to be sure, what did you mean by this Amine? Lol


Now, to answer Tartar's question, I'm going to give an absolute yes. You can setup a question in a way that your wanted response would be given.


An example of this would be:

○ If you like a person and want hum/her to say they like you

- Do you like me? (Incorrect)

This question will more or less guarantee that person to say no. Even if that person likes you, most would be shy to admit it since it's an abrupt question while others will instantly say no.

- Do you dislike me? (Correct)

Majority would be forced to say no in this regard even if it implies that they 'like' you.


Have you fainted/passed out before? If so, what happened leading to it?


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2 hours ago, Monsieur Divergent said:

First of all, before answering the current question, I'd like to say that this question seems so weird. I have a guess on what this is supposed to mean, but just to be sure, what did you mean by this Amine? Lol


Now, to answer Tartar's question, I'm going to give an absolute yes. You can setup a question in a way that your wanted response would be given.


An example of this would be:

○ If you like a person and want hum/her to say they like you

- Do you like me? (Incorrect)

This question will more or less guarantee that person to say no. Even if that person likes you, most would be shy to admit it since it's an abrupt question while others will instantly say no.

- Do you dislike me? (Correct)

Majority would be forced to say no in this regard even if it implies that they 'like' you.


Have you fainted/passed out before? If so, what happened leading to it?


i meant your Hight, i mean are you tall? xD


To answer your question i did faint once when i took alot of pills when i trie to Suicide

How old are you? :>

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@Tartar Er.... the question was 'How old are you?' I know it's not a yes/no question, but you already answered that earlier lol. Just wanted to say it, so don't mind XD


Yes. I'd like it. These kinds of things are enjoyable for me.


Next question is, do you find time to reflect on your previous actions?


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So sorry ididnt notice it wasnt a yesn question, i typed it to fast and i didnt read it :/


did i watch a movie yesterday? (dont answer unless you know )

EDIT: @Monsieur Divergent yes i do, it depends, e.g: if i bothered someone with too much memes/jokes/puns i think aout it later and depending on the person i might apologize

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I KNOW THIS!!! You watched a movie yesterday lol; you told me that was the reason you were staying up soooo late. :D Btw, you forgot to answer the question -_- (I like this emoticon already haha)


Next question will be, have you ever fallen in love with somebody, confessed, and went out in a relationship with that person?


(Also, I'm actually really happy that this thread is now at Page 12. Thanks for participating, guys :) )



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