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Ask the next person a Yes/No question

Daniel Blackworth

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No. It's proven that giving money to charity is a much better way to help the homeless and needy, as organisations can spend the money more wisely and thus help more people. So no matter how much better it feels to give money to a person directly, and see their gratitude in person, it's a false sense of happiness, since had one given that same money to a charity, you could have potentially doubled or tripled the value and benefit the money would grant to those in need. 

After careful consideration, this is what my conscience has to lead me to be the correct answer, though it doesn't hurt less when passing by someone in need since you genuinely do want to help them. So I try to refuse politely, and say a few kind words of encouragement, as I find the way most people ignore people who beg for money completely to be quite inhuman.

(Do note, that I mostly see beggars in during my commute in trains, where they ask for donations directly which is why this is my modus operandi)


2 hours ago, Jace Stormkirk said:

finally is the one i need to answer above 

no because MATHEMATICALLY if this is always the case (3 doors you choose 1 and another one opens then you get asked if you want to change) all doors start out with with 1/3 chance of being the one so most likely you chose the wrong one then a different door is opened changing it to you original door having a  lower % because if you remember it was probably wrong to begin with (i do not know how to show what the %s are)


I'll post a basic mathematical solution,  which should convince you once and for all. There are more advanced solutions, and if during simulations it's been beyond a doubt proven that it is always correct to change doors.

In case you pick door 1, this is the combination of all possible scenarios. As you can see, you always win 2/3 of the time if you change the door. 




Do you enjoy solving puzzles?

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On 5/10/2017 at 4:49 PM, Tartar said:

I'll post a basic mathematical solution,  which should convince you once and for all. There are more advanced solutions, and if during simulations it's been beyond a doubt proven that it is always correct to change doors.

i do believe i agreed with you cause you question started with "would you be surprised" but thanks for the chart showing why for i could not show it!


since my last question was skipped i shall ask it again.


if you had to die by fire or ice would you choose ice? 

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19 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

This, once again, isn't a yes/no question


It was a yaes or no yaes question-> yes or no yes? however not to ruin the fun i shall not break the ruls again


yes i'd rather die by ice, cuz my life is Cold

do you what a Zorse is?

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I'm sorry, you're probably a nice guy, but I can't commit to something that serious without having ever spoken to the person in question... 


Has the quality of questions and answers on this thread gotten worse? 

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Yes, but I think that's mostly due to the fact that we run out of original questions


I'll try to think of something original.


Would you prefer a job that you love but pays below average (for your country's standards) over a job that you fairly dislike but that pays you twice the average yearly income?

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On 5/11/2017 at 3:34 AM, Another Retired Shipper said:

ooh, sorry @Monsieur Divergent i deserve a Hard punishment for my Sin


Yaes or no yaes?

Choose: Burned at the stake or stoned to death? Hahaha just kidding :D


Well, this is a fairly hard choice for me, but if I had to choose, I'd rather have the one with double the income even if I disliked the job. At least, I can get luxury and comfort with the money I get and I wouldn't have to struggle with life as it is. I guess I'm someone who is willing to sacrifice a dream job for a practical job if it meant that I could provide better for myself and for my family.

If you had to choose between (1) breaking up with the one you love for the sake of achieving your dream career in somewhere far away and (2) sacrificing your dream job for the sake of being together with her, would you choose option 1?

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Welp, this is probably a controversial opinion, but humans can be compatible with a many different people, and new social relationships can always be established, while opportunities regarding your career are often once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. 

So yes, I wouldn't hesitate to put a significant other over pursuing my dream job. 


Do you think neuroanatomy is interesting? 



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@Tartar Before I answer the question, I agree that there may be opportunities to establish new social relationships, but every person is unique and just like careers, they only come once in your life. What if this person is the one who understands you completely? You might not find another person who'd love you as much if you let that person go. So, I guess if I were to answer my question, I would pick my lover if I felt that she was 'the one'.


I'm not quite interested in neuroanatomy, nor am I interested in anatomy or science in general, to be honest. I prefer topics related to literature and geography, and history to a minor extent.


Another choice-based question, you are dating a girl whom you love and loves you back very much, but you meet your ex whom you loved even more in contrast to the one you're dating now and she still loves you as well, you have two options: (1) Forget your ex and go with life with your current girlfriend, but you might not be fully happy, (2) Break up with your current gf and make up with your ex even if it meant that you'd probably be hated by your friends, the question now is, would you pick Option 1?

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I'll have to ask you where these questions are coming from at some point...


I'd stay in my current relationship. No point in breaking off a perfectly functioning relationship to try and pursue someone else, at the cost of being hated your friends and not being certain things would work out even if you got back together with an old flame (there must have been a reason you broke up in the first place). 



Do you think it is important to have a significant other to be happy in life?


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@Tartar I got the idea from the manga Boku no Iru Machi, a manga I recently finished; it's really good (I'll be choosing it for Status of the Day, so the story stuff will just be shown there)


Yes. I used to think that it would be nice to be happy alone, but after reading a lot of manga (most had romance either major or minor) and different kinds of books, I got convinced that it is important to have a person to whom you can share your problems and concerns, a person whom you'd spend your happiness and sadness with. It's always nice to have someone who'd try to understand you and love you for the rest of your life, so I've decided to aim for 'the one' in later years.


Next question will obviously be choice based, you're asked by someone to pretend to be her girlfriend for the day just to appear/show off to her friend who's been telling her to have a boyfriend, but you have a girlfriend and there is a risk of you getting seen by her and she might misunderstand the situation. Two options: (1) accept the friend's request and (2) decline the friend's request. Would you pick option 1?

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43 minutes ago, Monsieur Divergent said:

you're asked by someone to pretend to be her girlfriend for the day

I must assume you don't intend for the question to sound like I'd have to wear drag while pretending to be this person's SO. 


These types of situations wouldn't really happen in real life though. You'd just tell your real SO the situation, and that while you'd pretend to go out with this person for a day, you wouldn't do anything to violate their trust. And thus, it really isn't a problem. 

Naturally though, on a moral principle, I'd tell the person in question that it's wrong to deceive people. But if I valued the friendship and the person in question, I'd definitely help them, as I don't actually see a downside. 



Do you feel that romantic manga/animes (and their equivalents in the US) portrayl of relationships has a negative impact on society as a whole as it gives people false expectations of what it means to be in a relationship?


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Geez, asking 3 questions. while not answering the question you were given is a huge infringement on the rules... But I'll indulge you since I'm in a nice mood

37 minutes ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

GUYS!! those weren't Yes/no questions :3 


Those were definitely yes and no questions as they can be answered both a yes or a no. 


42 minutes ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

you broke  the rules and my heart with them..

Since you were capable of writing we did definitely not break your heart, as you would otherwise be quite dead. 


44 minutes ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

should i open the window?

Considering you live in Tunisia and it's 23 degrees outside, that's probably a bad idea as you would let all the cold air out from your home. Or if you don't have air-conditioning, opening the window is probably a good idea. 


I'll repost my previous question:

Do you feel that romantic manga/animes (and their equivalents in the US) portrayl of relationships has a negative impact on society as a whole as it gives people false expectations of what it means to be in a relationship?


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2 minutes ago, Tartar said:

Geez, asking 3 questions. while not answering the question you were given is a huge infringement on the rules... But I'll indulge you since I'm in a nice mood

Those were definitely yes and no questions as they can be answered both a yes or a no. 


Since you were capable of writing we did definitely not break your heart, as you would otherwise be quite dead. 


Considering you live in Tunisia and it's 23 degrees outside, that's probably a bad idea as you would let all the cold air out from your home. Or if you don't have air-conditioning, opening the window is probably a good idea. 


I'll repost my previous question:

Do you feel that romantic manga/animes (and their equivalents in the US) portrayl of relationships has a negative impact on society as a whole as it gives people false expectations of what it means to be in a relationship?


i was referring to the choice based questions xD

To answer your question: i tihnk it depends on the manga/anime, some of them give a really false idea of how a relashion ship should be, but most of them show the true aspect of a relation ship base

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Before I answer the question, let me state that Amine is guilty for a lot of crimes. :)

4 hours ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

GUYS!! those weren't Yes/no questions :3 you broke  the rules and my heart with them..


@Zarc a Zorse is a hybrid of zebra+ horse 


should i open the window?

First crime: Not answering the question

3 hours ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

i was referring to the choice based questions xD

To answer your question: i tihnk it depends on the manga/anime, some of them give a really false idea of how a relashion ship should be, but most of them show the true aspect of a relation ship base

Second crime: Making a false accusation (the choice based questions were answerable by yes/no; I did ask 'Would you pick Option x?'


Third crime: Not placing a question


For breaking the rules, you must make a really long essay on tax. Jokes :)


Setting that aside, I think Link would win because I don't know who Cloud is and even if I did know Cloud, Link would still win since he did survive a lot of adventures to rescue Zelda.


Do you think it is better to rest than to overwork yourself?

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Your question is written as if implying anyone dislikes paying taxes?

Taxes are important, and despite living in the country with the highest tax rate in the world (currently 55%, it used to be above 60%), I don't mind paying it as I know the benefits I get in return far outstrip that which I pay. My whole society is built on said taxes: the roads use, the hospitals I visit, the crime-free streets I walk. All are a byproduct of the welfare state built by the high taxes. Once one realises this, I don't see how anyone could dislike paying taxes.

Naturally were I to live in a country with a high degree of corruption, and taxes were being improperly managed, in that case, I'd be more reluctant to pay my taxes.



Would you rather have a long life, lived in happiness but obscurity. Or a short but glorious life where you live forever on in the memories of others?


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I would pick a short life and be remembered forever since you're basically Immortal in a way.


Now for the question! If you can haram of 5 fictional characters, who would they be? And they can be from any type of fiction or gender but only from one character from different worlds.  

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1 hour ago, Frozenwolf94 said:

If you can haram of 5 fictional characters, who would they be? And they can be from any type of fiction or gender but only from one character from different worlds.  

I must assume you mean which, whether I'd want a harem of 5 fictional character, and which 5 characters I'd want to be in it, were I in an anime.


But since I don't really want a harem, I'll just mention 5 fictional characters I'd like to drink tea with. So in no particular order:

Beatrice from Umineko: When They Cry. Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club. Rika from Higurashi: When They Cry. Edmond Dantes from Gankutsuou (The Count of Monte Cristo) and Holo, from Spice and Wolf.



Now as to my question. Were you to be given the option to go to a tea party with 5 fictional characters of your choice, would you go? (And who would be there when you arrived?)


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yes!!! now the second part IS  a difficult question so let me think.... ok i will choose one person from 5 different series to narrow it down


1 Drizzt Do'Urden from the legend of Drizzt saga

2 Tassalhoff Burrfoot from Dragonlance

3 Robin from Fire Emblem

4 Patrick Bowers form the Bower's files

5 the Flash from DC Comics


if you were invited to a trip with 5 random fictional characters (that you know about), would you go? why?

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If i was given that option i'd go with Akko, Diana, Amanda, Lotte and Chariot, which are all from the anime Little Witch Academia i'd be glad to go on a trip with them, because i love Harems lol


Do you read manga?

Edited by Another Retired Shipper
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