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Ask the next person a Yes/No question

Daniel Blackworth

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yes all the time. as my bard teacher once told me "answering yourself just shows you have potential as a bard to tell stories about how you did something, but if you ever ask yourself to repeat yourself.... go find a cleric"



if you were a fighter and had been defeating every enemy is sight until finally the final boss shows up and the wizard who has done nothing the entire fight then decides to blow him to smithereens in one shot. would you be angry?

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Depends on the outcome. If he gets the fame, glory, and all that stuff...ITS GO TIME. Though this is typically an outcome that happens in trollish video games and funny mangas.


If you could be an animal of your choosing for one day, would you do it? (Add what you would turn into for good measure.)

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probably a golden eagle , it's a majestic animal common is France and be able to fly can be a good thing.



If you can have the opportunity to meed a famous person , who will you met ?  ( maybe my english teacher she's good with me )

Edited by Zarc
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On 18/05/2017 at 8:52 AM, HongaarseBeer said:

I don't play bideo games, but I do play video games. Sorry, that was mean.


Would you like to live abroad?

Lol no that was fine^^

i'd like to meet your english teacher Zarc^^


Do you easily get jealous?

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i have never been jealous in my life (that i can remember) 



if you were in a video game that if you died you died i real life but all the gold you get could be converted into any currency you use would you play it?

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Depends on where it's coming from and in what circumstances, but generally, if it is constructive, and if the views of the critique are substantive, then yes, I'm certainly open to hear it out. If it genuinely comes to light that the specified criticism brings up objectively superior or noteworthy points for consideration, I don't hesitate to adopt them even if they differ significantly from my original thought processes; but as a rule, once I've made up my mind and satisfied myself that all anticipated contingencies and consequences are as predicted or within tolerable ranges of acceptability, unsolicited criticism goes in through one ear and out the other. One can't, after all, bother oneself too much about what other people say.


Are you more at ease in a large crowd than by yourself or in small groups? If so, do you like being the centre of attention in such large company, or just one among the many?

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this might come as a surprise but i am an introvert. so i prefer small groups. but being an introvert doesn't make me hate crowds(if that was the case i made a terrible decision to be a bard), it just means that i need alone time sometimes. when i am i a crowd i like to be in the center of attention dazzling them with my music, songs, poetry, and storys.



would you like to live in a world that has magic?

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1 hour ago, Jace Stormkirk said:

would you like to live in a world that has magic?

Implying we the internet, cellphones, airplanes aren't already magic.

If the question is whether I'd like to live in the world of magic from Harry Potter, or in the world of muggles, I'd say the world of the muggles is way better than the world of magic.

Magic is merely a means to an end, a tool to improve your own life. But due to technological progress, the magic that is shown in things like Harry Potter and Little Witch Academia has grown obsolete and mostly useless.


So no, I wouldn't give up my current life in exchange for living in a world of magic.



Between living as a commoner in a world of Steampunk or a world of Magictech, would you prefer the former? (Why?)




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actually i have no preference here do to the fact that i am just a regular commoner. i would have the same access to any gear that anyone else would have, so there is not any difference



i am a fruit, remove first letter i am a crime, the first and last i am a type of music, the first two i am an animal, what am i?  was this a difficult riddle?

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No, easy as pie. The answer is obviously a penguin.



Would you rather suddenly be the smartest person on Earth, than the dumbest person? (Note that your intelligence stays the same, it's merely the rest of the world that changes)

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Not really sure if this is the best answer but no cuz if visitors keep lying it'll create problems and the natives will have to take action which might lead to war



Do you rather be a butterfly or a queen bee? was that difficult to decide? (why?)



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That's not strictly a yes/no question, but definitely a queen bee, in the literal as well as figurative sense.


A butterfly is a flitter; it has no ambition, no organisation, no commitment and no strength. It is weak, vacillating, dictated by whim and passion, and can't stick to any one path. It is a short-lived faery with no responsibility and consequently with no significance. It may be pretty to look at for a fleeting moment, but one doesn't take it seriously. Whereas a queen bee is a central power. It is the foundation of the colony, the vital force that commands and sustains the entire hive. It is consistent, committed and long-lived; it has a personality, a strength and above all, a vital responsibility. It may not match the butterfly in vibrance or beauty, but it is potent and does not need any advertising.


To me, this choice was not a difficult one to make. I do not accept a life devoid of self-respect. A butterfly commands no respect. 


Do you prioritize being liked over being respected? Or, put another way, would you rather be liked and not really respected, or be willing to be disliked, but nevertheless respected? In both cases, you may assume that we are talking about public perceptions, and not about how one views oneself.

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ooh, i really liked @Ironbound's answer, his ability to analyse anything into details impresses me, he can really convince you


i'd rather be respected than be liked, i mean most starts and famous people are liked but not necessary respected, i dont really care if i'm disliked as long as i'm respected


is a horse bigger than a dog?

Edited by Another Retired Shipper
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not in my world... long story (will tell it if you ask though!)




if you were told by someone that they wanted to punch you in the mouth, with there lips, softly, because they liked you. would you respond positively to this?

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On 28/05/2017 at 2:17 AM, Jace Stormkirk said:

not in my world... long story (will tell it if you ask though!)

tell me xD my Pm box is open, or you can tell me here 


now to answer viri, yes i am of a romantic disposition, i used to have a Gf until she stabbed me in my back, i mean she had another Boy friend

i hope thats a good answer


Are you easily annoyed?

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Very rarely. I tend to get away from reality when that happens by playing video games. Though some games increases the annoying rather than decreases it (Pokemon Showdown).


Have you ever reached the top 500 on the Showdown leaderboard/ladder?

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When I played competitive seriously, in my heyday (during DPPt OU, and in XY OU) I usually hit top 20 fairly regularly on PS Main. I was a better teambuilder than active battler, though; my teams usually have a little bizarre, underrated or unusual elements in them. 


Do you enjoy competition?

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if its fair yeah i do, i like doing my best against others its a good experience


do you like team building? also didnt know you also made a thread for bazzy, sorry


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Not really, no. I am pretty lazy when it comes to team building for synergy and the meta. That is probably why I like to do random battles on Showdown. Let the system do all the work lol


Have you ever been in the top 100 rank in any Pokemon Showdown category? (If so, which one?)

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I guess I already replied to this one? it's the same as one only a few posts ago. The answer is yes, I used to be a serious competitive teambuilder and battler in my heyday of DPPt OU, and again in XY OU and UU. I usually hung around above top 50 in XY OU, and on accasion made it to top 20s during the laddering peaks, after the aegislash ban and during the sand phases.


If, as a bystander or free agent, you are faced with a choice of evils, would you elect to participate and aim for the lesser harm? Or would you refuse to intervene, wishing to avoid becoming part of the chain that is responsible for the consequence, whatever it is? For reference, assume this question to be similar to the Trolley Conundrum, in a way. Also assume an impartial and ubiased situation where you as the principal influence of events have no prior knowledge or vested interest in cause or in either consequence.

Simply put, would you step up and think it your duty to cause an evil to avert a bigger evil? Or would you refuse to participate, and let the original (and greater) evil occur?

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Isn't that just another way of saying that it's a classical trolley problem with the trolleys replaced any other arbitrary action? It's also a less elegant version, considering many of the factors involved are intangible, like how many people are involved, and how large of a commitment I'd have to make to avert the greater evil, and how much of the greater evil I would avert. It also doesn't state that I am the only one capable of taking this action.


These would all influence my decision, say I'd have to spend 5 years of my life averting this evil, to save 1 person from dying and as a result get thrown in jail. At that point I wouldn't do it since I could support other causes to make an equivalent impact and I wouldn't have to stain my hands with evil. For me to do this action it would have to have a sizeable impact and the amount of effort I'd have to exert be minimal. Say that we were instead talking about saving a million people, when talking about such a huge intangible amount of people, there's pretty few action I wouldn't take at that point. We talked about this earlier in the thread, and you even actively opposed my notion that the individual had an obligation to  sacrifice their life for the greater good, saying the individual has no obligation to do so for the sake of a world the world sacrifice them, even in the name of the greater good. At this point we differ quite heavily, were the good I would do to be sufficiently large in this scenario, I would do commit to taking the action.


Now where the arbitrary line between committing to action and inaction lies, I don't know. When killing 1 person to save 10 people in a Trolley dilemma I would pull the switch, but were we talking about killing 1 person to save 2, at that point I wouldn't do anything.



Say you had an incredible talent to be a politician and inspire people. You could do great good if you pursued such a career path, but you heavily disliked anything related to the profession and wanted to be a painter, despite not being a good one. Would you still chose to become a politician because you could do more good that way?

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