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how is that possible


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I got shiny starter, then I go to fight the guy on the right of the main hall and walk into grass where I see shiny spinarak. Then I go to save zigzagoon from the thug bullying him and he is shiny. WTF its the only 3 pokemon I got since the beginning of the game and they are all shiny. Has it ever happen to someone else?




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Chances are, this hasn't happened to anyone else, or, if it has, only to a few other people.

Now for how it's possible:

Realize that everything has a chance. When you're flipping a coin, it's a 1/2 chance for it to land heads. Now, if you want it to land heads 3 times in a row, that's 1/2 times 1/2 times 1/2, or a 1/8 chance. 

So, it's entirely possible for this to happen to anyone here, as there is always a chance for a shiny. It'd just be much less likely because the odds of a shiny are obviously much lower than 1/2. 


Edit: the shiny chance in Reborn is somewhere around 700/6500, so the chance of this happening is 700/6500 times itself times itself, or .00124ish. Therefore, the chances of this happening to you are in the ballpark of 0.12%.

Edited by Dypatome
Yes you didn't ask for the chance, but math is fun.
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