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What does your handwriting look like?

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7 minutes ago, Felix- said:

my handwriting is an exact replica of times new roman

Really? Is that even possible?


2 minutes ago, HongaarseBeer97 said:

I'll upload a picture of my handwriting later today if I don't forget. Spoiler: It's awful, dreadful, disgracefully shitty

I'd be interested to see your handwriting.

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Disclaimer: my dad's a doctor. And a bureaucrat in government. Figure to yourself the double dose of inherited scrawling.




Actually my handwriting is decent enough to look at, if a bit thin, if I make a special effort, but even then it's not that good once you start looking at the trees instead of the wood. My usual notes, though, are beyond help.

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Well, mine's pretty ugly. And it probably didn't get any better during 2016, but well.. see for yourself!



I'm not proud of it. Oh, and I'm left-handed.

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I think this is like the best I can do..

Also don't mind the other language I'm too lazy to find notes that are in english or to write something down at the moment




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I learn content that I have handwritten better, and I prefer not to have a computer on during class. Most teachers in the school encourage handwriting notes as well. 


The other thing is that all of our examinations are handwritten, so the more practice at handwriting quickly the better. 

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I would love to upload a picture of my bad handwriting, but, unfortunately, I can't seem to get the size of the picture below 0.49MB.


@Tartar research has shown that writing down notes instead of typing them makes them easier to study/remember. For me personally, it depends on the subject. If I have lectures of subjects that focus a lot on theories and rules etc, I tend to use my laptop, because then I can document more information compared to writing it down. If I have a subject that requires a lot of calculations I use a pen to take notes because doing it on a laptop just takes too much time then

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Me thinks I failed at making the letters big enough halfway through.

I tend to just write in neat capital letters for stuff like addresses/filling out forms, though. Makes them more readable.


Viri's handwriting would be #goals, but it's such a different style that I'd have to teach myself to write like that, haha.

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3 hours ago, ZEL said:
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Viri's handwriting would be #goals, but it's such a different style that I'd have to teach myself to write like that, haha.






I never thought people would think my writing would be nice; heck, I'm the first to admit it's actually terrible!

It only looks okay at first glance because all the letters are parallel, but try deciphering and you'll see most are an indeterminate squiggle!

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1 minute ago, Ironbound said:

It only looks okay at first glance because all the letters are parallel, but try deciphering and you'll see most are an indeterminate squiggle!

Ok but the aesthetic is great

Plus, heck, if I could write like your example 2), then I wouldn't have to use my own made-up alphabet to stop people from reading along when I use my notebook in public. It'd be awesome!

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That's partly why I developed that kind of writing. It's not meant to be easily legible to others so they'd leave me alone back in school, instead of trying to borrow my notes and never return them or try to convince me to show them what I was writing during exams. 


Unfortunately my teachers were also unable or make out what I wrote in some instances. That's probably why I make at least a half-assed effort to make it legible, like in example 1.




5 hours ago, Tartar said:

Uhm... This is awkward. All my notes are written digitally. I didn't know people still wrote this by hand in this day and age... 


I pity you. There's all the world of difference between a mere tool and an instrument. It seems obvious what the pen is to you.

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2 minutes ago, Ironbound said:

That's partly why I developed that kind of writing. It's not meant to be easily legible to others so they'd leave me alone back in school, instead of trying to borrow my notes and never return them or try to convince me to show them what I was writing during exams.

Similar situation here, hue. I used to take my notebook to school with me to write down ideas for my writing etc, and occasionally just thoughts I had and wanted to preserve. People often tried to get a glance at it, and it bothered me because I used to be rather secretive about my writing. Still am to some extent. So I just started writing in the symbols for the language I've made up for one of my storyverses. Sorta developed a handwriting with those, too, so that's fun, too.


My biology teacher passionately hated my handwriting. The first time I wrote a test in her class she stopped me two pages in and demanded I rewrite everything to be more legible. No other teacher ever complained about it, but she seemed to have real trouble reading it.

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