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What does your handwriting look like?

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20 hours ago, HongaarseBeer97 said:

@Tartar research has shown that writing down notes instead of typing them makes them easier to study/remember. For me personally, it depends on the subject. If I have lectures of subjects that focus a lot on theories and rules etc, I tend to use my laptop, because then I can document more information compared to writing it down. If I have a subject that requires a lot of calculations I use a pen to take notes because doing it on a laptop just takes too much time then


May I recommend getting a Microsoft Surface, since it combines keyboard and pen. That way you can use the keyboard to take notes, and the pen to draw things. It's very handy. 


And it doesn't surprise me that people remember more when taking notes by hand. It's slower and therefore engages you more as you have to focus more on taking notes. But at the same time. But without having anything to back this up, I think that if you wrote notes for 90 minutes by hand, or took notes digitally for 60 minutes, and having gone through the same amount of material, and then used 30 minutes to memorise your notes, you'd be able to learn and remember more stuff. 


15 hours ago, Ironbound said:

I pity you. There's all the world of difference between a mere tool and an instrument. It seems obvious what the pen is to you.

Viri, you have to realise that when you have to take around >100k words in notes per semester, it's highly impractical to do so by hand, as keeping track of all the notes gets increasingly difficult. At that point writing things digitally is the only option, as it allows me to write notes faster, easily search through them for keywords, and doesn't cost me a small fortune in notebooks. In addition I can easily use the notes as a basis for the creation of flashcards which is my preferred form of learning. 


So no, I don't have a special affinity for pens outside of their artistic value, as a beautifully crafted pen is truly a magnificent things to behold. 



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