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More Community Togetherness


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I've been thinking and considering this for awhile now; where has the community togetherness gone and could we try to get it back?

Recently, over the past few months, Reborn has been growing from what used to be a very small, tight-knit community of about twenty-five people. Tops. They would talk on the chat, hang out into the wee hours of the night until just a couple remained, they would participate in the popular Reborn League and they would have good old fashioned general discussions on the forums, and they knew about each other. They talked endlessly and became more knowledgable about who each person was more than just pixels on a simulator or an avatar on a forum.

Now, Reborn has become quite a bit larger than before, and most people can agree. A daily average of nearly sixty people is no laughing matter in contrast to what the community used to be. With such numbers comes a divergance in what we used to know. We still have our connections sprinkled here and there, but they are very arbitrary to find, and now that we have new members, the awareness of everyone around us is becoming to wear thin. We don't know much about our new friends, and our new friends don't know much about or old, dusty skeletons of selves that have been in this community for nearly two, even three years (for the real skeleton veterans).

What I'm proposing is that we start doing more to raise this community awareness. We start to break out of our shells and get to know the new people and even let them know about us. We have the Trainer Journal that lets us relay what's going on in our lives, and we have our status updates and whatnot, but... suppose we go further?

Some ways we can do this is by coming together and actually doing something as a community that we can all benefit from and even learn a few things as a result! The reason I'm posting this is because I'd love if everyone pitched into giving ideas for us to really get together and do more.

However, I do have a few ideas.

  1. VLogs. I'm sure we've all heard of VLogs, which stands for 'video logs.' What we do in these is basically record ourselves answering questions that other members have asked us and would like to know. This can give us a sense of actually knowing who we talk to and battle. If we were to do this, why/not (dat pokemon) actually have sign ups for people to check in on and when someone's turn comes around, they actually get people to PM them questions that they can answer in a VLog? Of course, VLogs aren't limited to questions, but that's the foundation.
  2. Community editorial. We can start a community discussion weekly/daily on a certain topic having to do with something extremely general and ask for opinions of everyone and make an editorial out of it so everyone gets to know more of other's views on certain topics and the like.

That's all I have at the moment, but we can get this going with more suggestions as to what to do to raise our community's used-to-be-well-known feeling of being very tight-knit. Together, we will accomplish! c;

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Hey Ame,

We could pull a trick from Monkey Pro's book and do a "member of the year award show." but not of the year, of course. For those of you who don't know which is almost definitely all of you, what they do/did is a bit of a fun award show where you vote for a member who fits a high school-esque award.

For example:

mostly likely to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Most likely to get eaten first in a zombie apocalypse.

Most likely to say shit that ends up in the quotebook.


It's not only interesting to see what awards you'd rack up but it's an interesting way to learn more about other people around the server.

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I actually watched one of those shows last year and it does seem like fun c:

As for vlogs, well, we had a bunch of ask threads a little bit back and it seemed like everyone got sick of those after like the 10th one, so this would have to be done a little differently

I would love to contribute ideas but it's hard to do anything without my own working computer sdhflkfshfdsglds;jfhgs

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I genuinely appreciate (and I say this every time because it's true) posts that were well mapped out with positive progress in mind, so thank you for posting it c:

I think generally what's gone on is Reborn's gone through multiple influxes in a very short amount of time (circa January when a lot of our current members came, and then a more subtle yet very evident growth just recently) and we're seeing a similar effect between the two of them.

~January, a lot of people didn't put forth as much of an effort to make everyone feel welcome/get to know the new members for their own reasons (Nothing like that surge in member shad ever happened before-- a lot of people weren't sure how to react) which caused a visible divide. I think we've since overcome a lot of that through sheer time and interaction alone, which is great.

From what I understand, what you're suggesting is that we weave ourselves together through new means, which could really help to give members new and old a way to get to know us, and possibly decide that they'd like to stay/get to know the people involved better.

It sounds like a great idea, and I really like the idea of a community editorial-- Did you have something goal-oriented in mind, or something more like a recap of the weeks events?

There's no reason that we should ever stop trying to better ourselves as a community and make things here more fun for everyone involved.

I think that one discrepancy here might be that older members think of ~8 months to a year and back when they think of Reborn's "Tight-knit community" niche, but any semblance of that would be beyond heartwarming to bring back.

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It sounds like a great idea, and I really like the idea of a community editorial-- Did you have something goal-oriented in mind, or something more like a recap of the weeks events?

That's where I'm hung up on. Anything that can breed healthy, friendly discussion while also adding firm and true opinions on whatever topic we decide to touch on, whether it be something that's happened in the community or something even more general. Any ideas there?

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Well, I'm one of the few who didn't put up an "Ask" thread, so I'd be willing to do vlogs pretaining to it. As an owner I imagine people wanna ask me questions, maybe? Either way, I could do an, at least, weekly vlog about my life between battle and work and questions.

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I'm kinda one of those new members that just came out of the blue, so this definitely sounds like a good idea to me. Although I have no way to vlog since I don't have video BUT a community editorial sounds great and I'm on board with it.

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Hey Ame,

We could pull a trick from Monkey Pro's book and do a "member of the year award show." but not of the year, of course. For those of you who don't know which is almost definitely all of you, what they do/did is a bit of a fun award show where you vote for a member who fits a high school-esque award.

For example:

mostly likely to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Most likely to get eaten first in a zombie apocalypse.

Most likely to say shit that ends up in the quotebook.


It's not only interesting to see what awards you'd rack up but it's an interesting way to learn more about other people around the server.

Actually, communities usually do have an awards type thing at the end of the year. The staff makes up categories, then sometime near the end of the year, they are posted in individual threads asking for nominations of the best x of that year, etc. I'd love for this to be done. :3

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hey cloud

remember that editorial we had going?

yeah lets totally do that


What editorial thing? We had(ve) a lot of things going, budpalsquishything, so I don't know what you mean. qq

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We had that page going

where we'd do things

like write articles on food, music, movies, tv shows, games etc

and get people to help


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We had that page going

where we'd do things

like write articles on food, music, movies, tv shows, games etc

and get people to help


Oh, yeah, we can do that really well here, methinks. Just group all of one subject into one thing, of course. Good idea. 8D

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/double post bump thingy

I say we tackle a general topic and go with something that won't start a huge flame war or hit on touchy subjects like Drug/Alcohol Abuse. How about we do a reflection on a significant, historical event such as the Holocaust or something of the like? Or we could do something current, though we have a wide array of members from different countries, so doing something like US Politics just wouldn't work.


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/double post bump thingy

I say we tackle a general topic and go with something that won't start a huge flame war or hit on touchy subjects like Drug/Alcohol Abuse. How about we do a reflection on a significant, historical event such as the Holocaust or something of the like? Or we could do something current, though we have a wide array of members from different countries, so doing something like US Politics just wouldn't work.


I think we should do something lighter so it can be jokes and smiles instead of death and scandals ;~;

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I think we should do something lighter so it can be jokes and smiles instead of death and scandals ;~;

Yes, yes, of course, but what? I simply can't think of anything light-hearted that would also breed healthy, full discussion.

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Progression of the Pokemon series-- How newly introduced mechanics/ideas influenced the rest of the series in different ways and which had the most influence. For example, Headbutt was new and fun but didn't influence the rest of the series very much. There are other examples of things that DID, though, like the battle tower, which could arguably have led to the frontier, etc, which made things different for pokemon-- how? Well, it made people more aaare of their battling style and... etc etc, led to more competitive battling, etc.. these are the sort of discussions we could have. Surely we'd see a lot of things we hadn't thought of before since we'd all be working on it together, multiple individuals with different mindsets.

Speculative discussion typically leads to lots of different viewpoints and drawn out opinions. "Why do you think more and more people are rejecting the newer generations?" Is a hot topic.

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