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This is a team I made a while ago and asked for some feedback from Batl. I was gonna use it when I came back but I almost forgot about this and I guess I'd just like more info.

Mienshao (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Fake Out

- Drain Punch

- Rock Slide

Regenerator easily compenates for life orb so I can Fake Out and Uturn for the smack and run or straight out offensiveness in a pinch with Rockslide. I put in drain punch for staying power but I'm not really sure how much it will actually help. Alternate move would definitely be high jump kick for much higher KO potential.

Forretress (F) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 40 HP / 116 Atk / 100 Def / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Rapid Spin

- Stealth Rock

- Light Screen

- Bulldoze

It's kind of against my nature to use a lot of support and build-up in my teams, but that's kind of why I made this team- to do something different. Considering the rest of my team and mienshao switching in and out, rapid spin is a must. Stealth rock is always pretty pro, light screen is just cuz set up on bulky wall seems good, and bulldoze so I can do some damage and reduce a foes speed if they thing to taunt-lock me into rapid spin.

Spiritomb (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Infiltrator

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Rest

- Dark Pulse

- Sunny Day

It's been a pain in the ass for my team before, so I thought I'd give it a test drive. Max Def + bold so all I really have to do/worry about is calm mind to bolster it's other def and swing for stab Dark Pulse. Sunny day to help out charizard, and mess with non-sunny day teams, but definitely mostly a safeguard against rain teams (Kingdra, >_<).

Charizard (M) @ Wise Glasses

Trait: Solar Power

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Hardy Nature

- Flamethrower

- Dragon Pulse

- Focus Blast

- SolarBeam

Probably as close to classic me as I've put on this team. Solar power for wrecking with sun. Hopefully light screen is up from Forretress to give it more lasting power, but it should serve me well in the sun. Alternate choices are scarf and life orb for extra oomph.

Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 148 HP / 64 Atk / 148 Def / 148 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Crunch

- Dragon Tail

- Earthquake

- Stone Edge

I really spread the EV's out, so this is definitely who I really need the most help with as far as EV spread. This is my primary anti-setup with dragontail (as well as working with foretress based SR if already out). Also pretty basic weather changer that helps itself out, cradily down below, and will help spiritomb whittle away at a foe's health.

Cradily (M) @ Big Root

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Stockpile

- Giga Drain

- Gastro Acid

- Sludge Bomb

Takes advantage of Ttar's sand and ready to eat up those OP rain teams' attacks, or just suck a regular water attack headed charizard's way. Boosted phys def to protect against all dem gen 5 physical attackers with Fighting moves. This is one pokemon where I definitely unsure about the move choice though. Stockpile and giga drain on this are trademark, but I can think of scenarios where gastro acid would be useful against foes. discharge + lightnightrod combo breaking, no more swift swim, perverse, chlorophyll, or skill link or (... does this still work against magic bounce?). Sludge bomb for them other plants that may try to switch in or those with herbivore with a chance of poison.

So, cradily, spiritomb, and forretress as my main tanks with Ttar playing both fields as attacker and semi-tank. Mienshao is my frail yet elusive healing glass boomerang along with Charizard make up my ready to kill core of attackers. Spiritomb and cradily are tanky and capable of really killing if allowed to set up.

Weaknesses are probably status hax teams and things doing stuff with substitutes.

Batl's suggestions.

First, I targeted those EVs on Forretress. Helpful hint; for defensive EVs, always go up to 248 HP first. It will in no doubt be more viable for helping you, unless it's one of those rare cases like Chansey where defense is too good to pass up. The reason is that HP helps out BOTH stats, and with similar potency. Also, it does this without splitting MORE EVs into two stats, and you can really specialize that special defense in this situation.

So, what I did was look at it in my teambuilder; you have 116 Attack EVs on Forretress. Now, this reaches 245 attack. I'm not sure whether or not that was planned. But if so, I found the most efficient way to look at it was getting an Adamant nature along with just 28 EVs getting you to 245. Since I figured 248 HP EVs, The rest went into special defense.

Now, for Forry, I suggest, Payback. Most Rapid Spinners worry more about Spinblocking, which is a term used to designate the ghost types that specifically exist to stop you from getting rid of hazards. A few teams carry them if they need hazards. Payback gets 200 power if it goes last, which is expected, and hits for super effective damage, which is in cases that aren't Sableye and Spiritomb. If you find that overall, Bulldoze works better for your team members, which is plausible because they are slow, then by all means keep it.

Mienshao, or Kojondo as the cool japanese names are. Mienshao should be running 4 defense or special defense, preferably which is weaker, not 4 HP. You'll get the same HP gain from regenerator and lose less from life orb and other detrimental things. Also, test Drain Punch. If it doesn't work, use HJK, like you said. The power is always worth it if you don't need to get hit.

Spiritomb I don't have much to say; except that weather move was an interesting choice. That move is usually used in styles of "suicide leads" most notably, or something that sets it up and faints in order for Charizard to get the max use out of it. So, knowing that Spiritomb has no weaknesses for Charizard to prey off of and that it usually won't die immediately, I find it interesting. If it just doesn't pan out, a "crotomb" works. This is Rest/Sleep Talk/Calm Mind/Dark Pulse. Also, you probably need/want Pressure. This is because of sleep talk and it's longevity. If they can't kill you in 4 Fire Blasts, they don't get 4 more to work with. It's nice right? :P. Guess I had a bit to say O_o. Also, 248 HP :P Get used to running odd HP numbers at the very least.

Only concern with Charizard is if Life orb/Choice Scarf is needed over Wiseglasses. I'm just concerned with it hetting hit first :P. But that's speculation for now. Only time will tell, because trends denote you finding faster Pokemon and tough Pokemon, and whatever tends to work will denote what is warrented.

Tyranitar looks to me like your main tank idea lol, and probably does need some revamping on EVs. The main problem is not knowing where to go with it. I can't really give you suggestions until you give me a direction :P.

Cradily...ooh. Well, the thing about Defense EVs versus HP...when you stockpile enough, the boosts don't matter that much. Like, the EV boosts. The HP ones will have more impact at that later stage. Also will effect both, like was written above. So, I suggest you switch that to 248 evs. Run 8 in defense. As far as Gastro Acid, the enemies need to stay in to feel the effects. If they switch, that was a wasted effort, minus the damage you did in it. So it's up to you. Another test clause. Otherwise, the set looks decent, minus the huge lack of recovery, since Giga Drain, although pseudo reliable, isn't going to be recovering massive amounts of HP. Just keep that in mind.

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Some quick critiques

-Mienshao, as you said, can have health loss compensated with Regenerator; it's also a Pokemon that switches in and out a lot. Thus Hi Jump Kick would probably be superior to Drain Punch for its power.

-Is there any specific reason for Bulldoze on Forretress? I mean, I know you said it's for the Speed reduction, but on a Pokemon that won't be outspeeding enemy Pokemon and really needs some extra oomph, I think Earthquake would suit it better. Or, as Batl said, Payback works as well.

-Charizard has a Hardy nature, may want to fix that. And I agree with Batl; Wise Glasses is too weak to provide a useful bonus, Choice Specs/Scarf/Life Orb would most likely be a better choice.

-Cradily I think my big gripe with this set is it just doesn't do anything. Any potential use of Gastro Acid is easily averted by switching, and both its moves are fairly weak considering there are numerous Pokemon that bear resistances and/or immunity to both types. Also, lacking any status remover, its vulnerable to Toxic, or even getting stalled out by a simple burn. I think Rest would be better for at least some stalling purpose, along with maybe Toxic.

-I agree that you should really opt to change Tyranitar's EV spread. I think if you're aiming for a balanced defensive set, you should pour more EVs into physical defense, as sand gives your special defense a boost. Also, say a random 8 Speed EVs or so to outspeed enemy Tyranitars without speed may be a good idea.

-Overall, the team has okay synergy except for the whole Sunny Day/Charizard conflicting with Tyranitar. But solid nontheless.

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Well that was the other reason I was probably gonna run a life orb charizard, to have that power even if no sun and part of the idea was to have a little something something for any mono-weather team without actually relying on any weather.

And yeah, I was also looking for some better moves for cradily and I couldn't remember the movesets that had been used against me. While I wanted something similar, I also wanted something small to be different about it to throw people off a bit.

While sleep talk is useful, I don't really trust it.

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Mienshao (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Fake Out

- Drain Punch

- Rock Slide

Regenerator easily compenates for life orb so I can Fake Out and Uturn for the smack and run or straight out offensiveness in a pinch with Rockslide. I put in drain punch for staying power but I'm not really sure how much it will actually help. Alternate move would definitely be high jump kick for much higher KO potential.

Trade Rock Slide for Stone Edge, and Drain Punch for Hi Jump Kick. You can pretty much 1HKO most of the metagame with Hi Jump Kick to those that don't resist and aren't physical walls.

Forretress (F) @ Lum Berry

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 40 HP / 116 Atk / 100 Def / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Rapid Spin

- Stealth Rock

- Light Screen

- Bulldoze

It's kind of against my nature to use a lot of support and build-up in my teams, but that's kind of why I made this team- to do something different. Considering the rest of my team and mienshao switching in and out, rapid spin is a must. Stealth rock is always pretty pro, light screen is just cuz set up on bulky wall seems good, and bulldoze so I can do some damage and reduce a foes speed if they thing to taunt-lock me into rapid spin.

I don't think this is a good set.. Rather go Rapid Spin/Stealth Rock/Spikes/Toxic Spikes or Gyro Ball. It looks like you just put filler moves in once you had Rapid Spin and Rocks. Oh and EV's should be 128 HP, 252 Def, and 128 Special Def.

Spiritomb (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Infiltrator

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Rest

- Dark Pulse

- Sunny Day

It's been a pain in the ass for my team before, so I thought I'd give it a test drive. Max Def + bold so all I really have to do/worry about is calm mind to bolster it's other def and swing for stab Dark Pulse. Sunny day to help out charizard, and mess with non-sunny day teams, but definitely mostly a safeguard against rain teams (Kingdra, >_<).

I definitely think Sunny Day isn't a good choice for this but that's just reference. I rather put Shadow Ball in, and take the 4 spd and put it into 4 special attack.

Charizard (M) @ Wise Glasses

Trait: Solar Power

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Hardy Nature

- Flamethrower

- Dragon Pulse

- Focus Blast

- SolarBeam

Probably as close to classic me as I've put on this team. Solar power for wrecking with sun. Hopefully light screen is up from Forretress to give it more lasting power, but it should serve me well in the sun. Alternate choices are scarf and life orb for extra oomph.

>Hardy Nature

All pokemon need a nature boost. You won't get any "wrecking" with this set with Dragon Pulse, sub with HP Ice for coverage. Wise Glasses is only boosting Focus Blast so I suggest Life Orb.

Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 148 HP / 64 Atk / 148 Def / 148 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Crunch

- Dragon Tail

- Earthquake

- Stone Edge

I really spread the EV's out, so this is definitely who I really need the most help with as far as EV spread. This is my primary anti-setup with dragontail (as well as working with foretress based SR if already out). Also pretty basic weather changer that helps itself out, cradily down below, and will help spiritomb whittle away at a foe's health.

Oi.. umm, Revenge Killer might work better then phazer. Try Pursuit over Dragon Tail and Fire Blast over Earthquake for coverage over Ferrothorns. Yeah having a spread out EV is pretty bad, since your pokemon can't dominate at any stat against the opponent. Maybe 128 HP/ 128 Att/ 252 Special Def. Nature is good giving a Special Wall form.

Cradily (M) @ Big Root

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Stockpile

- Giga Drain

- Gastro Acid

- Sludge Bomb

Takes advantage of Ttar's sand and ready to eat up those OP rain teams' attacks, or just suck a regular water attack headed charizard's way. Boosted phys def to protect against all dem gen 5 physical attackers with Fighting moves. This is one pokemon where I definitely unsure about the move choice though. Stockpile and giga drain on this are trademark, but I can think of scenarios where gastro acid would be useful against foes. discharge + lightnightrod combo breaking, no more swift swim, perverse, chlorophyll, or skill link or (... does this still work against magic bounce?). Sludge bomb for them other plants that may try to switch in or those with herbivore with a chance of poison.

I like the Tyranitar and Cradily synergy with sandstorm, but Big Root is pretty worthless so Lefties. No Gastro Acid you seem like you don't even battle, you're just putting filler moves in. Cradily has access to Recover one of the best moves out there able to heal half of your life back. Replace Sludge Bomb with either Confuse Ray or Toxic.

So, cradily, spiritomb, and forretress as my main tanks with Ttar playing both fields as attacker and semi-tank. Mienshao is my frail yet elusive healing glass boomerang along with Charizard make up my ready to kill core of attackers. Spiritomb and cradily are tanky and capable of really killing if allowed to set up.

Weaknesses are probably status hax teams and things doing stuff with substitutes.

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