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The anxiety has only one end.


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In reference to the latest teaser: http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/dptg/index.html/



  • Across the main banner of the link it reads "departing from the southeast terminal illness at 13:76 am not even able to do this simple plan is even worse than i ever will belong to be with another failure"
  • The image is saved as "Dream like your life depends on it"
  • The main message reads "THE ANXIETY HAS ONLY ONE END" Anxiety's letters are mixed up.
  • The numbers 4 5 1 0 appear in the main message
  • Running horizontal under the main message reads "RUN"
  • Across the bottom row, the letters spell "GAME OVERLOAD"
  • Starting from the small T above "ONE" in the main message going down, it reads "THE CONDUCTOR IS" with X's in-between. We can assume X's are spaces.
  • Along the far left side going down it reads "ASX ASX ASX" or "AS AS AS" assuming the X's are spaces once again.
  • The teaser's URL has "dptg" in it. This can be seen horizontally across the lower center of the image.
  • ". X . X . X" can be seen going down along the left side.
  • There's an unusual number of X's around the image. There's also a few other seemingly random letters:
    • Above the large red X is a small S hiding in the glitch letters.
    • There's a second S hidden similarly above the "END" in the main message.
    • There are 2 S's below the large red X.
    • There is another S below "END."
    • There is one more S at the end of "dptg"
  • Some letters are red or pink
    • RED: X in "ANXIETY," C under "ONE," O and D in "OVERLOAD"
    • PINK: A top right corner, X under "THE," L in "OVERLOAD"


And probably some other stuff. What else do you see?

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Episode 17 will take us into the Tourmaline Desert, that is a premise that we may rather safely claim to be true. Also in the desert is the 1R253 Scrapyard. I was hoping to find any reference to that in the image itself or the file when opened as a .txt. However, I cannot find anything noteworthy beyond garbled text you'd find in text files of images.

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This might not even be Reborn related at all, the teaser was listed under "other games" tab. Ame has a whole section cut out just for dptg on her Patreon. My mistake here. Maybe.

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Seeing this mess makes me think "This is a teaser? What the fuck is Ame doing?" And really, that's it.

Also, when I saw this topic in my notifications as I woke up, I was not expecting to see something like that mess. I thought somebody was about to kill themselves. Thank God that was not the case.

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