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Problem with Blake


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any suggestions with Blake, please? My team:

Noivern lvl 71 - air slash, flamethrower, dragon pulse, dark pulse
Swampert lvl 74 - rock slide, earthquake, brick break, surf
Magcargo lvl 72 - flamethrower, ancientpower, earth power, strength
Emolga lvl 71 - nuzzle, electro ball, acrobatics, volt switch
Skuntank lvl 72 - dark pulse, rock smash, toxic, flamethrower
Swoobat lvl 71 - endeavor, air slash, assurance, psychic

I'm trying to beat this guy since Monday, and my best run got me to 3 of his Pokemon killed, have no idea what to do. I know I have 3 flying ones and it makes it harder, but even my non-flying ones are terribly beaten in 1-2 turns despite of being few levels higher.

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I remember having troubles myself... Well what i did against him was brought droughtpix (yes fresh from the clown) removed the hailstorm and weakened his attacks. it got ohko'd but my pyroar and manectric (both have fire moves) swept his team.

Edited by sailboat
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With your current team You should probably start praying: the 3 flying types seem Pretty useless in this case, and magcargo has a terrible weakness to water and is also very slow. I don't recall having all that trouble in beating him, so probably with a Little adjustment to your team you'll bè fine as well. I Remember sweeping through his team in my second run basically with only my powered klinklang. Scrafty can also help a lot as It has nice bulk and powers up through moxie. But anyway, just train a poke that Can sweep through his team (steel/fighting) while the others Will give coverage. Last but not least, analyse blake's Pokémon stats: jynx for example has a TERRIBLE Defense, so any phisical Attack would probably OHKO It; same with weavile (though It hits hard First) etc. Good luck!

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yeah, you miiight want to drop one of those flying types (specifically noivern, that double weakness gives you little chance at getting in more than one hit). your fire moves are probably not working bc of the field effect snowy mountain, so try seeing if you can get rid of that by melting it with heat wave or something. once it's a regular mountain, the fire debuff is removed and rock types (which are super effective against ice btw) get a huge boost. your swampert and magcargo would rlly get their time to shine then. out of your flying types, emolga seems most useful; it can outspeed & get a type advantage over walrein, as well as nuzzling your enemies into paralysis. skuntank could probably get out a toxic on whatever emolga doesn't paralyze. the other two...idk. swoobat isn't too powerful, and noivern is...yeah. do you have a rotation you can get pokemon out of? you might want to grab a steel type if you can too.


good luck! may the rng be in your favor next time you face that icehole.

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Hey, thanks to all of you! As you said, I changed a bit my team, with Swoobat and Noivern replaced by Vanillish and Machamp (didn't have any rock Pokemon and couldn't find anything nearby), and it worked at my second try. I sent Swampert and Emolga at first, Emolga OHKO'd Jynx with Acrobatics, and Swampert took out Rotom in two turns with Brick Break. When Emolga fainted, I chose Machamp and it beat next three Blake's Pokemon, while Swampert (and later Vanillish when it fainted) took the attention and damage. The last one left was Froslass, so I replaced Machamp with Skuntank and OHKO'd it with dark attack. Finally I see Blake beaten, so thanks once again! :D

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