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(@HongaarseBeer97 The AMV was created using the CGI (?) opening animations of three games from the Super Robot Wars series.  Technically, it can also count as anime, since most of the series are crossover games between different mecha anime (though definitely not in the same style.  There are also a few games that contain only original characters.  The clips came from the openings of SRW Alpha 2, MX, and Alpha 3.  The series is turned based strategy; comparable to Fire Emblem, just not with a perma-death system.)


Definite 9.5 out of 10.  Even the website alone shows the amount of creativity and work that went into this project.  Admittedly, I only found one video (on the main page), which lagged when I played it.  I'm just docking half a point for that, since it is most likely me not putting in enough effort to find it (and not looking on the attached social media pages before I type this).  Hopefully, this will turn out to be spectacular, and I will remember to check back up on it.


Without any context (most likely), how do you rate this anime scene:





Edit: Finally on to the second page!

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6/10 --> mainly because it's just not my type of game and also because I feel like the trailer already spoils the game (but I'm probably wrong on this).

I really liked the intro, so somewhere until 1:20, and then it all went loose/escalated. I preferred it when all was still beautiful, so it made me kind of sad :(


Now, this little girl. Thoughts on this video? (I can't put the video on here in one go, I simply don't know how to do it, so there's a link)

Cute, just cute

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(I certainly didn't forget that I was going to answer this when I got back yesterday.  Certainly not.  I wan't sidetracked a bit)


10/10  She is the future ambassador between humanity and robot kind!  In all seriousness, this was heart-warmingly adorable the first time I saw it and is still adorable now.  The sincerity of children is just pure.


I swear I will try to make this the last mecha related post:



The opening (or two) of the A.C.E. series, a crossover mecha game series that's pretty much Super Robot Wars re-imagined as a 3rd person shooter (?? not entirely sure) instead of turn based strategy.  Also, with the mechs actually proportioned correctly, both in-game and the openings.  Definitely closer to the source material, at least design wise.






Edit:  @HongaarseBeer  They are each openings to video games, both from the A.C.E. (Another Century Episode) series.  The first one was for the 4th game (A.C.E. R) while the second was for the 3rd game (A.C.E. 3).   As crossover games, the mechs are from a variety of series (some predating transformers) although the games have their own animation style.  Here is an example of the cutscene animations and actual gameplay:




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I think it looks cool and energetic. It reminds me of transformers, but it's way more agile and energetic. Is this just the opening to an episode or is it an episode on its own? I couldn't figure that out.


I hope you'll enjoy a 360 (can't find the 'degree' button) video. I think it's quite a cool music video. 

Ps: if the quality doesn't automatically increase, you should do it manually. Otherwise, it'll just look like potatoes... Also, 10 points for whoever guesses what the man in the whatever it is that isn't the chorus sings


@seki108 thanks for the explanation :) 




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