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Reborian Mentions: Godot (Presented by Cat Chat Blogs)


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Cat Chat Blogs Presents:

Rebornian Mentions: Godot



Today’s Rebornian mention is a little different than those in past… today we tackle an Auth member! Everyone’s favorite Godot! If you don’t know him well, then I’ll be pleased to introduce you to him.



Godot repping his Zelda shirt for the Switch release


Godot’s part of the old guard; he’s been around a long time, and never has quite left. When he originally appeared on Reborn in January of 2011 – Seems like forever ago – he went by DominusWolf. He’s been known as Godot for four or five years now, but still has some presence as Domminus or DominusWolf; in fact, some people that knew him as Wolf still call him that.


He changed his name to Godot to avoid the massive influx of people going by wolf. At the time, he was using Godot from the Pheonix Wright games as his avatar, since he has just finished the third one, and people started to call him the Godot guy... and so the name stuck.




Originally, he joined Reborn because of Pokemon Online. They added gen V early, and he was eager to try them out. It was actually Maelstrom that got Godot involved with Reborn specifically however; he got Godot hooked with the old gym league we had: the one Reborn is based off of.


Of course, you can’t talk about Godot without talking about Mael. The two of them are roommates in New Mexico, and they’ve been friends for nearly a decade. They met in anime club in college, where they played Super Smash Bros, and well… watched Anime.


Mael was the best one there, and it’s now a goal of Godot’s to “kick his ass”.


Hasn’t been much luck on that front it seems.


Aside from competing with Mael, Godot’s a big gamer, and loves all sorts of games: Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, Fighting Games, RPG, FPS, Action Hack and Slash, JRPGS, Platformers, Adventure…




He says he could go on for days.


Aside from video games, Godot is an avid music lover, and we discussed it at length in out interview. Mainly he listens to Alternative, Punk, Ska, Electronica and Indie. He has some favorites in The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dropkick Murphys, Catch 22, Daft Punk and the Gorrilaz.


We spent some time talking about Imagine Dragons and Panic at the Disco, but we both agreed, Maroon 5 isn’t our favorite.


Now, Godot has spent around Reborn, so he has trouble choosing his favorites memories. He particularly enjoyed DJ’ing the summer and winter parties – which you should totally check out next time we have one.


He also has a horrible tendency to make puns. If you’ve spent time around him, you know he loves his sunglass- er… I’m supposed to call them punglasses.




He told me a few groan inducers:




Recently I have been playing this game called Nioh, it is an action game about Feudal Japane Reimagined with Yokai and monsters.

If you read the history behind the story and the monsters, it is....

Samurais quite well.





I went to the store to buy some balloons for a party.

They were stupidly expensive for some really dumb reason.

I asked the clerk why the prices were rising so high.

She said it had to do with Inflation in the economy.



Terrible I know. I can hear the groans from here.


Of course, over the years, he’s made some friends in Wash, Ice, Arkhi, and Viri, and enjoys talking games with Wash and Ice, music with Arkhi, and art with Viri.


And Mael, but we’ve already been over that. He devoted plenty of time to his “senpai”.


Now, Godot is also well known as a long time mod of the community. Well… I’ll let him explain why he enjoys being a mod:




Feels like this:




One of my biggest reasons for wanting to be auth originally is to have the power to protect the community and protect the community from trolls.  But Reborn has changed and clears throat evolved thoughout the years and now it is more of a different sense of responsibility.  To be a role model for the community and work as a mediator for general issues.  and a bit like a janitor.



Godot hasn't played much of the Reborn game. He got through five badges before his save file was lost, but even then, he enjoyed his fight with Shade, despite it being the most challenging part for him. Since losing his save though, he hasn't picked it back up


Moving forward, Godot hopes to revive the gaming general section, and get more people talking in it.


He’s been around for six years now… so here’s to six more!




So yes, I am the mystery fellow that will be helping out with CCB. I'm really excited to be doing this, and be bringing some great stuff to you guys. Be on the look out for more than just Rebornian Mentions coming soon; we've got some cool plans for CCB.

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Tempy, Godot's puns are a classic. Sure, they're old (and he repeats them a little because he's old too), but old is gold. 


Great to know Godot's ancient history; now do Mael next. My previous nomination for Commander also stands, btw.


Also Temp sucks, Kitty pls come back 


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I only just realised I had never seen a picture of Godot before... I had a completely different image in my head so it is nice to get corrected!


Godot is a great auth member so its great to get to learn a bit more about him :D

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7 hours ago, Nagisa_Hideyoshi said:

Godot-senpai featured in CCB! Should we go for Wendel next? Or Maybe Clarice, if she could talk...

Okay I most definitely want to know what kinda shit Temps has to say about me :^)

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This dirt on Godot will come in handy for future blackmailing purposes. Maroon 5 will be your downfall.


As curious as I am to see Tempest interview Tempest, I must still list who I'd like to see interviewed:

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