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Trading between save files


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So, with trading and other online functionalities now a thing in reborn, I was wondering something: is it possible to trade your mons with yourself in between save files?  I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I think doing this would be a VERY cool way to have a makeshift pokemon bank available in reborn.  Plus, since it would be trading, and not banking, you could transfer items between files too!  So, IS it possible to do this with the new functionalities? 

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Yes, you are able to transfer pokemon between files if you want to. Just set up two online accounts for trading and open up two windows of the game and you can trade back and forth to yourself. I've only done it with two computers, but apparently it's possible with one if you rename your selected save files correctly when opening the two instances of the game. 

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2 hours ago, Slippery said:

So, with trading and other online functionalities now a thing in reborn, I was wondering something: is it possible to trade your mons with yourself in between save files?  I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I think doing this would be a VERY cool way to have a makeshift pokemon bank available in reborn.  Plus, since it would be trading, and not banking, you could transfer items between files too!  So, IS it possible to do this with the new functionalities? 

It is possible, yes.

Two possible ways (afaik):

1) You could use two online accounts. (http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25983-any-way-to-transfer-pokemon-between-save-files/)

2) You could use a mod (this one makes box 35 shared among all your savegames; save the game once the first time you use it, then changing box 35 in a savegame will change it in all savegames you load after that): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4XiRtkwr4blLXdlX29BU3ZZQ0E


Edited by Waynolt
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