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Was Mass Effect: Andromeda ruined by SJWs ?


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Still havent played ME:A, and i've been reading about it, complains beyond character design, but about themes and character dept as well.

Coupled with lead developer making racist (anti-white) statements. Apparently creating a developer team based on that ideology.


Has anyone played the game or has thoughts on the issue ? (spoiler free).




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Your question is inherently flawed, as it is an opinion unto itself. Anyone who answers this without matching the presented opinion has to disagree with the question itself, which will quickly devolve into nothing but argument. I highly suggest you revise your question to be less opinionated before someone else with opinions shows up

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I mean bioware has standards of its own for animation, so long as the writing and gameplay, which I've heard is vastly improved with more mobility and the opportunity to change your class, is as good as ever then the animation is irrelevant. Dragon Age Origins and the first two Mass effect games were as janky, if not more, and they hold up to 80% of releases to this day imo. So that issue is a superficial complaint. Even DA2 scoots by through sheer writing prowess, ME3 is up to the individual more than the rest, I think.


As for viewpoints, Bioware and its teams have always been progressive, right from the word go they were all for sexual freedom, having a diverse cast of genders, orientations and races, fantastical and closer to home. Hell, a good chunk of the humans in both series are white with characters like Isabella or Vivian ( i think that was her name at least, the Mages Circle Templar Mage you could recruit into your party) from DA2 and Inquisition being more of an exception than a standard, so I can't see any evidence of tampering at odds with what they've done before. I'm not sure if it was Bioware, there's a small chance it was Blizzard, but when one of their writers was under fire for being too PC her boss adamantly defended her. The company has decent writing integrity to me and a game should not be dismissed because of one prominent persons views.

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  On 3/26/2017 at 2:19 AM, KosherKitten said:

it is an opinion unto itself.



As i said, it isn't my opinion as i havent played it yet, im just asking in regard of the info i got on the game.


  On 3/26/2017 at 2:49 AM, Felix- said:

I mean bioware has standards of its own for animation, so long as the writing and gameplay, which I've heard is vastly improved with more mobility and the opportunity to change your class, is as good as ever then the animation is irrelevant. Dragon Age Origins and the first two Mass effect games were as janky, if not more, and they hold up to 80% of releases to this day imo. So that issue is a superficial complaint. Even DA2 scoots by through sheer writing prowess, ME3 is up to the individual more than the rest, I think.


As for viewpoints, Bioware and its teams have always been progressive, right from the word go they were all for sexual freedom, having a diverse cast of genders, orientations and races, fantastical and closer to home. Hell, a good chunk of the humans in both series are white with characters like Isabella or Vivian ( i think that was her name at least, the Mages Circle Templar Mage you could recruit into your party) from DA2 and Inquisition being more of an exception than a standard, so I can't see any evidence of tampering at odds with what they've done before. I'm not sure if it was Bioware, there's a small chance it was Blizzard, but when one of their writers was under fire for being too PC her boss adamantly defended her. The company has decent writing integrity to me and a game should not be dismissed because of one prominent persons views.


I think "regressive" is a more appropriate term, but regardless, this wasn't always the case, it started to become this way around the time DA2 came out or after, you can definitely see how some characters became uglier and personalities from existing characters changed to meet certain "standards".

This also came with less interesting (more superficial) personalities, (again, regarding MEA i've only seen this is a common complain, haven't played this last game), which is a direct decrease in quality.


I think MEA develop team was a new one, though im not sure of it.

The complaint is mostly that female characters were made uglier and male ones models, some kind of forced "multiculturalism" (to call it something) that the develop team just reflected the lead about white people, and characters were made less interesting in order to accommodate for the lead views.


Again, im just asking about the common complains and if anyone has played the game has noticed these things.

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I like the Dragon Age series and I've never really been impressed with the animations and such, but this Mass Defect game seems like a really bad mess.

Looks like they didn't bother polishing things when it came to animations and character faces. They look ugly and creepy.

I didn't play it and never will. Mass Effect isn't my cup of tea.

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I loved Mass Effect 2 and 3 (minus the ending, even after the DLC) the first one was too "unfocused" for me to really enjoy (the premise was very good but the execution not so much) i still finished it being the completionist i am (main story was ok the side missions not at all). I was excited for the new one (hoping in vain it would not follow the MMO route of Inquisition) but my hopes were shattered in an instant after the first reviews came out, if even big/"important" sites have some complaints then there's something really wrong with your game (usually they praise every triple A title by default). Andromeda has 4 major problems imo:

1) Bugs - so many of them, not a surprise nowadays and fixable with time and effort.

2) Animations - there's no way around it they're just bad, plain and simple, i don't know who worked on them (those people should be fired btw) but (like many people pointed out) even the ones from the first game looked more "alive". I don't know if this can be fixed in any reasonable amount of time.

3) Voice acting - from main characters to companions to major NPCs not even one managed to sound convincing in his/her role, a couple were ok (like your dad and the Salarian pilot) but that's just it, after the previous games i expected at least good acting from the central characters instead we got this mess of bland and forgettable voices. Disappointed, even more so because it can't be fixed without huge amounts of money and time and let's be honest it won't happen. 

4) Writing/plot - the main offender (for me) i watched only the first 3-4 hours mind you but even that was enough, where are my extreme reactions/options? No matter what you say the game continues on in the same general direction (just got painful flashbacks from the Fallout 4 dialogues). Where are my interesting companions? Where are the quirky and funny dialogues? Nowhere to be seen...it's just sad. As with the voice acting this can't be fixed.


In conclusion: 2 of the 4 problems can (and probably will) be fixed but the other 2 remain and will not let me enjoy the game so it's a pass for me, i don't know if SJWs are to blame for this ruin of a game, sounds more like the result of (very) bad decisions during development and not enough time to me but who knows?


...too bad i really wanted to go back to the Mass Effect universe.

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I don't really see what having ugly females has to do with good game design.


I mean a game can have cute girls in it but doesn't keep it from being a shit game.


The lead director being a douche is completely unrelated with the game being lackluster.


Last time I checked, political opinions have nothing to do with how well a game is made. People use it as an excuse to trash a game but I would prefer if they would trash the person being a jackass instead.


The game is the developers' child. You wouldn't go after a racist/sexist's son or daughter just because they're related.


Now was ME:A ruined by bad game design? Maybe. All I know is you got to play the game in order to critique it.

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I've played the game for about 2 hours.... it feels almost as buggy as a Bethesda Game Studios game. 3 completely awkward moments with characters doing weird things already.


The characters also feel like they're just reading lines and the dialogue is very cliche. Gameplay seems ok so far. 

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  On 3/26/2017 at 3:46 PM, 5hift said:

I don't really see what having ugly females has to do with good game design.



a bad game can have good graphics, but good graphics makes every game better.

  On 3/26/2017 at 3:46 PM, 5hift said:

Last time I checked, political opinions have nothing to do with how well a game is made. People use it as an excuse to trash a game but I would prefer if they would trash the person being a jackass instead.



His ideology has the tendency of putting underqualified people in relevant jobs, while also prioritizing the spread of his political ideas over making a quality game.



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a neo-nazi. on this forum. never thought i'd see the day.


(for those who don't know, associating "racist" and "anti-white" is real and literal neo-nazi retoric)


jfc, sure the game has bad animation, but it has nothing to do with your precious White Power.



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  On 3/27/2017 at 6:39 AM, iskelion said:


a bad game can have good graphics, but good graphics makes every game better.


His ideology has the tendency of putting underqualified people in relevant jobs, while also prioritizing the spread of his political ideas over making a quality game.




True, good graphics can improve a game but nobody really plays a game just for its graphics. From what I've heard, the gameplay of this new ME game is pretty great apart from some rather interesting bugs. The reason why people love Nintendo games isn't because of their groundbreaking god-tier graphics but mostly because of their cutesy charm and gameplay that is easily reached with simpler graphics.


Putting people in underqualified jobs isn't a race issue unless he is literally making a point of not hiring people from certain races which I'm sure isn't even possible with employment laws these days. People can easily file a lawsuit against that sort of thing if they are subject to it.


Guy honestly sounds like a crappy leader and shouldn't have been allowed to manage the development of a triple-A title with such high expectations.

  On 3/27/2017 at 4:06 PM, doombotmecha said:



a neo-nazi. on this forum. never thought i'd see the day.


(for those who don't know, associating "racist" and "anti-white" is real and literal neo-nazi retoric)


jfc, sure the game has bad animation, but it has nothing to do with your precious White Power.




Um, I thought being racist had nothing to do with what race they're discriminating against.


If somebody is being particularly nasty towards a group of people based on their ethnicity, then guess what, they're being racist regardless of which ethnicity.


No group of people is totally impervious to injustice. The fact that some people seem to think so makes things even worse.

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  On 3/27/2017 at 4:06 PM, doombotmecha said:



a neo-nazi. on this forum. never thought i'd see the day.


(for those who don't know, associating "racist" and "anti-white" is real and literal neo-nazi retoric)


jfc, sure the game has bad animation, but it has nothing to do with your precious White Power.






I said "racist (anti-white)" as a clarification, not "racist=anti-white" as if being anti-white is the only kind of racism.

Neo-nazi ? are you for real?, thats a complete disrespect for the people that were victim of the nazis (among them some of my family, mind you).


anti-black is racism

anti-white is racism

anti-(insert race) is racism


But i guess it's not racism when YOU do it.

You are just banalizing the word "nazi" and what they did.

But you know what, i kinda see it how it may not even be your fault, maybe you just weren't properly taught about WW2.


Anyways, ontipic, the complains i've heard, were about how that mindset made the dev leader make choices that affected negatively the game, such as making a dev team of underqualified people to meet his racial/ideological expectations, making dialogs as bland as they can get to make the game a huge "safe space", making female characters intentionally ugly while making males practically models, etc.
Or at least those are the most common complains i've read.

So that, according to his saying, the dev-leader sounds closer to what you would call "neo-nazi".

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Okay guys, this has significantly derailed from its original intention, and the entire premise of the thread was slightly questionable to begin with. Hence, I'm locking it for now. 

If the OP wants more information on why/ to appeal the decision to lock feel free to PM me. I'm happy to outline my reasoning further. 

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