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Question about EV training


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So I'm still really new to the concept of ev training and I just had a quick question. What exacty does a EV do? I know it increases a certain stat but lets say I have a level 1 pokemon with 252 attack EV because of common candies, when I level it back up to 100 will it still have the same attack it once did? Or does EVs add attack when they leveling up so using common candies erase the attack a pokemon gets from a attack EV? Sorry if its a dumb question its just im still really new to the whole competitive thing.

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The way it works is that for every 4 EVs you have invested in a certain stat, it equals a 1 point stat increase at level 100.  This is scaled through the levels, so at level 50 8 EVs equals 1 point, and at level 1 16 EVs equals a stat point.  Using common or rare candies doesn't affect any EV training you've done, so don't worry about using them.

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58 minutes ago, hungrynarwhal said:

The way it works is that for every 4 EVs you have invested in a certain stat, it equals a 1 point stat increase at level 100.  This is scaled through the levels, so at level 50 8 EVs equals 1 point, and at level 1 16 EVs equals a stat point.  Using common or rare candies doesn't affect any EV training you've done, so don't worry about using them.

thank you!

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