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Gift Pokemon w/ Egg Moves


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Heya. It's been a while since I've played Reborn, so I was hoping someone could answer this for me. I know that certain pokemon you get from events, such as Igglybuff, can possess egg moves when you get them. But are all event pokemon have a chance at getting them, or is it only a select few (and if so, is there a list of which ones, or a way to tell what may or may not come with egg moves?). Is it only the pokemon that are received as 'gifts', with a different OT, that may have egg moves?

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Not all event mons have egg moves, I guess. It depends on Ame because she is the one who inserts the moveset of the pokemon.


As for egg moves, you can obtain them by breeding pokemon and passing along moves. You can read more on breeding in bulbapedia or in the Team Showcase part of the Forums. I do believe Gen 6 mechanics are currently being practiced.

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14 hours ago, Mr. Divergent said:

As for egg moves, you can obtain them by breeding pokemon and passing along moves. You can read more on breeding in bulbapedia or in the Team Showcase part of the Forums. I do believe Gen 6 mechanics are currently being practiced.


Um, I know that, haha. I was just wondering if there was any way to know in advance which event/gift pokemon have egg moves and which do not. The pattern I noticed from what I've played so far (up to the third Gym) is that ones with different OTs have all had egg moves, but I'm not sure whether this is really a rule or if it's just arbitrary.

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